Mullistava ufopaljastaus 23.09.2012

vihdoinkin vastaus

Roswellissa ei tippunutkaan säähavaintopallo tai siellä ei tehty ilmavoimien laskuvarjokokeita, jotka salattiin ja on salattu jopa paremmin kuin ydinohjelma.
Nyt saimme vihdoinkin todellisen selityksen..

Salaisuuden verhoa raotettiin ihan tosissaan, kun vanhat asiantuntijat kertoivat ufotietonsa julkisesti.
Las Vegasissa kuultiin viikonloppuna neljän eläkkeellä olevan Yhdysvaltojen armeijan ja ilmavoimien everstin sekä Britannian puolustusministeriön entisen tutkijan luento aiheesta "Sotilaallinen UFO: salaisuudet julki".

Arvostettuun Smithsonian instituuttiin sidoksissa olevassa atomipommikokeille omistetussa museossa pidettävän luennon tarkkaa sisältöä ei etukäteen paljastettu.

Tutkijoiden odotettiin kuitenkin kertovan yleisölle avoimella luennolla vuosikymmenien ajan salatut tiedot selittämättömistä ilmiöistä, eli tunnistamattomista lentävistä objekteista.

Ainakin yksi puhujista oli antanut ymmärtää aikovansa paljastaa hätkähdyttäviä ufoihin liittyviä tietoja, jotka eivät ole aiemmin ole nähneet päivänvaloa.

- Uskon, että minulla on ilmiöön vastaus, jota kukaan ei ole ennen tullut ajatelleeksi, sanoi eläkkeellä oleva ilmavoimien eversti William Coleman.

Coleman toimi Yhdysvaltain ilmavoimien Project Blue Book johdossa vuosina 1961-1963.

Kyseinen projekti oli ilmavoimien ufotutkimusten sarja 1952-1969.

..ja nyt tuo paljastus vihdoinkin saatiin. Roswelliin ei pudonnut säähavaintopallo tai laskuvarjonukkeja, vaan Roswellissa leijatettiin suuria alumiinipinnoitettuja leijoja, joista yksi putosi maahan. Koska nämä leijalennätykset olivat salainen sotilaallinen operaatio, niiden jäljet haluttiin puhdistaa täydellisesti, onhan leijakokeet sentään paljon varjeltavampi salaisuus kuin USA:n ydinohjelma ja muut aseohjelmat. Niitä on salattu tähän päivään asti.
Näin vihdoinkin saimme totuuden Roswellin tapahtumista ja voimme jättää spekulaatiot maan ulkoisista UFO:ista.
Leijalennätyksiin liittyvät raportit ja todistajakuvaukset jaetaan myös medialle.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • ei enää spekulaatioi

      NO pitihän tuo arvata, että tapaukselle on luonnollinen selitys.

    • nn,mm

      Ja missäs näin suuri salaisuus on kerrottu, vai vetäisitkö omasta päästäsi vain?

      Ja mikä oli se salaisuus, mikä ei vielä tähän päivään mennessä ollut nähnyt päivänvaloa? Sehän oli tietysti se, että tämä metsän keijutarhasta karanneen menninkäisen näköinen Coleman on tuottamassa tv-sarjaa aiheesta.

      Joten julkisuustemppuja vain. Tosin aika ontuvia.

      • lue paremmin

        No se salaisuus olivat nuo alumiinikalvoleijakokeet joita USA:n armeija teki Roswellissa. Roswellin ufohan oli kolmionmallinen, eli leija.
        Tiedotustilaisuus asiasta mainitaan varmasti tv-uutisissa.

      • hdwz
        lue paremmin kirjoitti:

        No se salaisuus olivat nuo alumiinikalvoleijakokeet joita USA:n armeija teki Roswellissa. Roswellin ufohan oli kolmionmallinen, eli leija.
        Tiedotustilaisuus asiasta mainitaan varmasti tv-uutisissa.

        Eipä tässä yhteydessä löydy viitettä tuollaiseen uutiseen. Sitä tosin on esitetty joskus aikaisemmin kylläkin mutta ein muista saatikka ei ole viitettä lisättäväksi.
        Eli pelkkää ufohörhöilyä omasta päästäsi tuokin, kun et osaa linkkiä laittaa asiaan.

    • kusetustakokopaska

      Ja siitä leijastako nähtiin kannettavan humanoideja ??? Ja miten silloin voitiin julkistaa tietoa salaisita ilmapallo kokeista jotka vakoilisivat venäjän kokeita? eikö tämä leija juttu olisi ollut silloinkin parempi huijaus asialle, kuin että venäjä sai tiedon heihin kohdistuneesta vakoilusta........ Ja mitä ufoihin ja humanoideihin tulee niin ei kaikki tieto ja kokemukset voi MITENKÄÄN olla kusetusta. Jo 1% riittää todisteeksi maan ulkopuolisesta elämäästä

      • %ja%

        Jaa, missä sitä yhtäkään prosenttia tai edes promillea voisi todentaa?
        Vastaus on: ei missään.

    • salailevat paskat

      Eikös se Marsin mönkijä kuvannut eilenkin ufon Marsin taivaalla? Ja tämä tunnistamaton lentävä esine ei voi olla mikään muu kuin toisen sivilisaation lentoalus koska Marsin taivaallahan ei mitään lentele!! Ja roska kameran linssissä teoria pelkkää humpuukia koska seuraavassa kuvassa ei tätä """roskaa"""" ollut

      • silakkakastike

        Toinen sivilisaatio? Tarkoitat kai kiinalaisia?
        Vai tarkoitatko enkeleitä, jeesuksia ja muita lentäviä otuksia? Jotkuthan perimätiedon mukaan kävelivät vedenkin päällä ainakin matalassa rantavedessä, niin että ei hameenhelmat kastuneet.

        Eipä ole vielä ihmeitä tapahtunut maailmassa tähän päivään mennessä. Huomisestahan ei kukaan pysty sanomaan yhtään mitään.

    • Äääähhh

      Äääääh! Sinulla on ufo housussasi!

    • kusetustakokopaska

      Missäs todistat ettei sitä 1% ole esim. Olemassa?? Taidat kuulua just niihin ketkä elää sillä tiedolla mitä "kaikennäkevät ja tietävät" hallitukset meille tuputtaa? Parempi mahdollisuus siinä on että edes se 1 prosentti olisi totta kuin että ei.

    • Pro Mille

      Oletko paljonkin kouluja käynyt?
      Yksinkertaista rahvasta on aina helppo vedättää. Eivät he edes ymmärrä prosenteista mitään.

    • Mitä järkeä on lennättää alumiifoliosta tehtyjä leijoja? Itselle ei tule mieleen kuin jonkin sortin tutkien testaaminen, mutta luulisi siihenkin olevan paljon parempiakin menetelmiä. Mahdettiinko siellä kertoa mitä niillä leijoilla yritettiin tehdä?

    • raamattu..pff

      Hellloooou! Mites todistatte raamatun todeksi? Jospa se olikin sen aikaisten katukauppiaiden kirjakerhossa kirjoitettua PUPPUA.. Ja raamatussahan viitataan taivaalta laskeutiviin aluksiin ja olentoihin, miksi helkutissa ne olisivat ENKELEITÄ?!?! jos 1 sivilisaatio on jo olemassa eli me, niin miksi raamatussa viitattaisiin ENKELEIHIN?!?! eikö todennäköisempää jos kerran uskotte siihen humpuuki kirjaan että silloiset oliot taivaalta olisivat toisesta sivilisaatiosta?.. Sitä en vaan ymmärrä että jos siihen kirjaan uskoo ja enkeleihin ja saatanaan xD niin miksi ihmeessä pitää olla noin skeptimistinen ufoja ja humanoideja kohtaan?

    • silakkakastike

      Niinpä. Yksi uskoo ufoihin ja toinen enkeleihin. Samaa humpuukia kaikkia. Mikä se on se ufouskovaisten raamattu/koraani tms. mihin teikäläisten usko pohjautuu?

    • ufot.came.not.J

      Se voisi esim. Perustua siihen että mitä ihmeellisimpiä aluksia ja ilmiöitä kuvataan ja nähdään päivittäin taivaalla ja esim. Siihen että sadat miljoonat ihmiset ovat kertoneet tulleensa "siepatuksi" ja täten nähneet jo humanoideja.. En ole valitettavasti vielä yhtään enkeliä valorenkula pään päällä tai saatanaa leijailemassa ja laskeutumassa maan pinnalle niinkuin raamatussa kuvaillaan.

      • Knowing

        Enkelin ja Jeesuksen valokehä pään yllä ei taida liittyä Raamatun tekstiin, siellä enkelit kuvataan miehinä ja ilman siipiä. Jeesuksenkin sädekehä taitaa Raamatussa olla pelkkä kirkkaus joka loisti Jeesuksen ympärillä.
        Olivatko enkelit ja muut henkiolennot itse asiassa korkean tason humanoideja eli UFO-muukalaisia jotka tutkivat meitä. Tieto (Knowing) Nicholas Cage) (2009) kertoo ilmestyskirjan ja maailmanlopun tapahtumat korkeamman vieraan sivilisaation kera, ja eikö periaatteessa vierailijat ja enkelit voi periaatteessa olla sama kun tieto, teknologia ja tiede ovat tarpeeksi korkeat.

      • älä höpötä

        Sadat miljoonat ovat kertoneet...? Ihanko totta? Missä?

        Jos kuvataan päivittäin, niin miksi ei ole vieläkään pitävää näyttöä asiasta?

      • ------
        Knowing kirjoitti:

        Enkelin ja Jeesuksen valokehä pään yllä ei taida liittyä Raamatun tekstiin, siellä enkelit kuvataan miehinä ja ilman siipiä. Jeesuksenkin sädekehä taitaa Raamatussa olla pelkkä kirkkaus joka loisti Jeesuksen ympärillä.
        Olivatko enkelit ja muut henkiolennot itse asiassa korkean tason humanoideja eli UFO-muukalaisia jotka tutkivat meitä. Tieto (Knowing) Nicholas Cage) (2009) kertoo ilmestyskirjan ja maailmanlopun tapahtumat korkeamman vieraan sivilisaation kera, ja eikö periaatteessa vierailijat ja enkelit voi periaatteessa olla sama kun tieto, teknologia ja tiede ovat tarpeeksi korkeat.

        >>Olivatko enkelit ja muut henkiolennot itse asiassa korkean tason humanoideja eli UFO-muukalaisia jotka tutkivat meitä. Tieto (Knowing) Nicholas Cage) (2009) kertoo ilmestyskirjan ja maailmanlopun tapahtumat korkeamman vieraan sivilisaation kera, ja eikö periaatteessa vierailijat ja enkelit voi periaatteessa olla sama kun tieto, teknologia ja tiede ovat tarpeeksi korkeat>>

        Enkelit eivät ole ihan sama asia kuin vieralijat, sillä on olemassa Taivaallinen Hallinto, joka vaikuttaa kehittyvien - ja kehittyneempienkin - sivilisaatioiden taustalla valvoen ja ohjaten. He tuntevat jokaisen ihmisenkin paremmin
        kuin tämä itse. He tuntevat myös maailmat, joissa toimivat, erittäin hyvin.

        Henkimaailma ei koostu humanoideista, vaan eriasteisista Valo-olennoista ja esimerkiksi Enkelit ovat jo melko korkeasti kehttyneitä valon olentoja, mutta heidänkin keskuudessaan on aste-eroja kehityksessä ja laajat Hierarkiat (mitä korkeammin kehittyneestä valon olennosta on kyse niin sitä lähempänä se on alkuperäistä korkeinta tietoisuutta ja korkeinta valoenergiaa - ja alkulähdettä,
        jota kutsutaan myös nimellä Korkein Luoja).

        Jotkut ihmiset haluaisivat ehkä mitätöidä jopa kaiken uskonnollisuuden ja hengellisyyden, mutta kyllä tosiasia ja varma totuus on se, että näkymätön henkimaailma ja Taivaan Hierarkiat ovat todellisia. Korkeasti kehttyneissä sivilisaatioissa nämä asiat ymmärretään hyvin ja tuollaiset sivlisaatiot - jos
        ne edustavat Valoa - tekevät usein kiinteää yhteistyötä Taivaan kanssa.

      • Pilvee,pilvessä.....
        älä höpötä kirjoitti:

        Sadat miljoonat ovat kertoneet...? Ihanko totta? Missä?

        Jos kuvataan päivittäin, niin miksi ei ole vieläkään pitävää näyttöä asiasta?

        Kyllähän myös tuo tunnettu nimimerkki ------ jaksaa näistä asioista vääntää fuulaa vuodesta toiseen

        Mutta ikinä koskaan milloinkaan satavarmoja todisteita ei tuoda esille,vaan aina ollaan jalat ja pää pilvissä silloin,kun se arkiminä tietyistä syistä unohtuu.

        Ja se arkiminä on joillain sitten huomattavasti maallisempi joka ei omaakaan mitään korkeampaa värähtelytasoakaan..,ei ainakaan julkisesti.

      • Knowing
        ------ kirjoitti:

        >>Olivatko enkelit ja muut henkiolennot itse asiassa korkean tason humanoideja eli UFO-muukalaisia jotka tutkivat meitä. Tieto (Knowing) Nicholas Cage) (2009) kertoo ilmestyskirjan ja maailmanlopun tapahtumat korkeamman vieraan sivilisaation kera, ja eikö periaatteessa vierailijat ja enkelit voi periaatteessa olla sama kun tieto, teknologia ja tiede ovat tarpeeksi korkeat>>

        Enkelit eivät ole ihan sama asia kuin vieralijat, sillä on olemassa Taivaallinen Hallinto, joka vaikuttaa kehittyvien - ja kehittyneempienkin - sivilisaatioiden taustalla valvoen ja ohjaten. He tuntevat jokaisen ihmisenkin paremmin
        kuin tämä itse. He tuntevat myös maailmat, joissa toimivat, erittäin hyvin.

        Henkimaailma ei koostu humanoideista, vaan eriasteisista Valo-olennoista ja esimerkiksi Enkelit ovat jo melko korkeasti kehttyneitä valon olentoja, mutta heidänkin keskuudessaan on aste-eroja kehityksessä ja laajat Hierarkiat (mitä korkeammin kehittyneestä valon olennosta on kyse niin sitä lähempänä se on alkuperäistä korkeinta tietoisuutta ja korkeinta valoenergiaa - ja alkulähdettä,
        jota kutsutaan myös nimellä Korkein Luoja).

        Jotkut ihmiset haluaisivat ehkä mitätöidä jopa kaiken uskonnollisuuden ja hengellisyyden, mutta kyllä tosiasia ja varma totuus on se, että näkymätön henkimaailma ja Taivaan Hierarkiat ovat todellisia. Korkeasti kehttyneissä sivilisaatioissa nämä asiat ymmärretään hyvin ja tuollaiset sivlisaatiot - jos
        ne edustavat Valoa - tekevät usein kiinteää yhteistyötä Taivaan kanssa.

        Korkean tason humanoideilla tarkoitin oikein korkean tason tiedettä ja teknologiaa, jota itse Herra ohjaa.

    • Ed L.

      Voitko laittaa linkin?

    • nkljlkj

      Ei se mikään leija ollut, vaan jättiläismäinen foliopipo.

    • njanjat

      Jostain tuntemattomasta syystä koko kokouksesta ei ole julkaistu halaistua sanaa ulkopuolisille. YK:n yleiskokous sensijaan kutsuttiin koolle...

      • Helluntai humanoidi

        Uskonnolliset ryhmittymät kilpailevat siitä kuka saa kunnian esitellä 21.12.2012 ensimmäisenä avaruuden ulkopuolisen asujaimiston.Tämä kilpailu tilanne antaisi etulyönti aseman tälle uskonnollis ryhmittymälle,Suomessa helluntalaiset ovat viime aikoina nähneet ufoja lähes päivittäin. Ovat omasta mielestään etulyönti asemassa,kunhan ei vaan tulisi karvasta pettymystä.

    • Joo-o
    • Kauan elää uskomukset ja hulluudet maailmassa!

    • yykyrämykkä

      Aika usein näistä todisteista jää uupumaan se kuvamateriaali?

    • todistajalistaus 1.

      Barney Barnett story. Accounts of an alien recovery at Roswell first publicly emerged in "The Roswell Incident", by Charles Berlitz and William Moore, published in 1980. An incident recounted by soil engineer Barney Barnett to various people was mentioned, where Barnett said that he and a team of archaeologists stumbled across a flying saucer crash with four aliens on the Plains of San Augustin, near Socorro, New Mexico in July 1947. The military arrived almost simultaneously and led them away.[30]

      Dr. Charles Bertrand Schultz, a vertebrate paleontologist from the University of Nebraska. Schultz told a similar crash story, but closer to Roswell. Schultz said he had been in Roswell at the time, and while driving out north of town along Highway 285, had seen a military cordon blocking access west of the highway. Later he met with archeologist Dr. William Curry Holden of Texas Tech, who told him he and his archeological team had been at a crash site north of Roswell and west of the highway and had come across a strange craft with alien bodies. They contacted the military, which took them away when they arrived.[31]

      Retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Arthur E. Exon, a former commanding officer at Wright-Patterson AFB, has been identified as the highest-ranking military figure to suggest that an alien spacecraft and bodies could have been recovered at Roswell in 1947. He cautioned that though his information was second-hand, it came from men directly involved whom he knew personally and trusted. Exon said he was told about anomalous debris analysis at Wright-Patterson. "A couple of guys thought it might be Russian, but the overall consensus was that the pieces were from space. ...Roswell was the recovery of a craft from space." He said he was also told about bodies being recovered from a nearby related crash site. He flew over the area a few months later and saw at least two impact regions. He said the whole matter was covered up at the highest levels of government.[32]

      Chester Lytle, an engineer who designed and manufactured the implosion detonator for the first A-bomb and subsequently held top-secret clearances with the Atomic Energy Commission and other government agencies, related in 1998 that former Roswell base commander Gen. William Blanchard, a personal friend, told him in 1953 that Roswell was the crash of an alien spacecraft and four humanoid bodies had been recovered. From another high Air Force source, Lytle said he learned some of the bodies had gone originally to Muroc Army Air Field, but all eventually wound up at Wright-Patterson AFB in a highly secure facility. Lytle related he also learned some details about the autopsies carried out on the bodies.[33]

      Retired Air Force Lt. Colonel Raymond Madson was the Project Officer for the Air Force's "crash test dummy" program from 1956 to 1960 at Holloman Air Force Base. The program was used by the Air Force to debunk stories of Roswell alien bodies in their 1997 "Case Closed" report, citing Madson as a key witness. However, Madson, in a recent interview, says the crash dummy explanation was nonsense, part of a coverup, and his personal views on the Roswell case were completely misrepresented by the Air Force. Madson instead believes that an extraterrestrial crash actually happened and that the alien bodies were stored for a period of time at Wright-Patterson AFB. This was based on his service in the early 1950s at Wright-Patterson and speaking to "others who would have been positioned to know" that there was a "very secure facility" at the base where the recovered bodies were stored. His wife was also employed at the base in the early 1950s in the medical laboratory. Madson said she was told by coworkers about child-sized beings "from another world" who had crashed to Earth sometime prior to her employment and brought to the base to be studied.[34]

      June Crain was employed at Wright-Patterson from 1942 to 1952 with a top-secret clearance. In a 1997 interview with Jim Clarkson, shortly before her death, she spoke of learning from coworkers about the 1947 Roswell alien spacecraft crash and two later New Mexico alien spacecraft crashes from 1948 and 1951 or 1952 and recovery of bodies taken to Wright-Patterson. The bodies were taken to the Aeromedical Lab for study. She also said she personally handled an extremely strong thin metal material with memory properties similar to that described by a number of Roswell witnesses and described to her as being from one of the recent crashes.

      • Todistajalistaus 2.

        CIC agent Lewis Rickett said he accompanied Sheridan Cavitt to the ranch, witnessed high security and a large military debris recovery, handled strange metal debris, and saw a gouge in the ground. In September 1947, Rickett said he and Cavitt assisted astronomer Dr. Lincoln La Paz try to determine the speed and trajectory of the device that crashed on the Brazel ranch. “According to Rickett, La Paz formed the opinion that [the object] was a probe from another planet.” Rickett said they found a touchdown point five miles (8 km) from the debris field where the sand had crystallized, possibly from the heat.[36] Shortly before he died, it is also claimed he confirmed that the object’s shape was long, thin with a 'bat-like' wing."[37]

        Colonel Edwin Easley, Roswell base Provost Marshal in charge of the Military Police. When asked what happened, he said he had sworn a security oath and couldn’t talk about it. However, when asked if the extraterrestrials theories was the right path to follow, Easley replied, “Let’s put it this way. That’s not the wrong path.” Easley also admitted they held rancher Mack Brazel at the base under armed guard for several days.[38] It is also claimed that Easley’s doctor, Harold Granik, and a granddaughter, reported that Easley spoke about the “creatures” at Roswell on his deathbed.[39]

        Lydia Sleppy was a Teletype operator working at an Albuquerque radio station in 1947. She said they received a telephone call from John McBoyle of KSWS Radio in Roswell. In her affidavit she recalled McBoyle saying, "There's been one of those flying saucer things crash down here north of Roswell." He'd met Brazel in a coffee shop. Brazel said he'd discovered the object and "had towed it underneath a shelter on his property. Brazel offered to take McBoyle to the ranch to see the object. McBoyle described it as a 'big crumpled dishpan.'" She added the FBI then interrupted the teletype as she tried to send it and ordered that they cease transmission. She said her boss, Karl Lambertz, spoke to McBoyle the next day. "He told Mr. Lambertz the military had isolated the area where the saucer was found and was keeping the press out. He saw planes come in from Wright Field, Ohio, to take the thing away." [40] The station owner, Merle Tucker, confirmed hearing the story at the time. In an interview shortly before his death, McBoyle confirmed seeing an object that looked like “a crushed dishpan,” about 25–30 feet long, impacted in a slope.[41]

        Bill Brazel Jr. reported that his father towed a large object off the field and stored it in a livestock shed. Marcel in one early interview likewise recounted Brazel showing them the largest piece he had found, about 10 feet (3 m) in diameter, which he had dragged from the field.[42]

        Frank Joyce, Roswell radio KGFL news announcer, said he spoke to Brazel when he first reported the incident to Sheriff Wilcox. In earlier interviews, Joyce wouldn't discuss the details of what Brazel told him, saying only that he didn't believe the story, but suggested he report the incident to the base. After Brazel gave his press interview, he called Joyce again and said, "We haven't got the story right." Brazel went to the radio station and told Joyce a balloon story. Joyce responded, "Look, this is completely different than what you told me on the phone the other day about the little green men. Joyce said Brazel responded to the effect, "No they weren't green. Our lives will never be the same again." [43] However, he initially was quoted by Roswell researcher William Moore as saying that he had this conversation with his dying boss Walt Whitmore Sr. Joyce later objected that he had been misquoted; the conversation was with Brazel. Moore was provided corrections by Joyce and changed the attribution to Brazel.[44] In more recent interviews, as first reported by Tom Carey and Don Schmitt in 1998, Joyce has explained this cryptic conversation by saying Brazel first mentioned small, nonhuman beings when he first spoke to him. Initially Brazel was highly stressed over the large quantities of debris that needed to be cleaned up. "Who's gonna clean all that shit up?" Then Joyce said Brazel really began "losing it," talking about the "horrible stench" from the dead "little people" he had found at another location. Joyce suggested maybe he had found monkeys from a military experiment. "They're not monkeys, and they're not human!" Joyce then went on to explain that his "little green men comment [referred] back to our original phone conversation."

      • Todistajalistaus 3.
        Todistajalistaus 2. kirjoitti:

        CIC agent Lewis Rickett said he accompanied Sheridan Cavitt to the ranch, witnessed high security and a large military debris recovery, handled strange metal debris, and saw a gouge in the ground. In September 1947, Rickett said he and Cavitt assisted astronomer Dr. Lincoln La Paz try to determine the speed and trajectory of the device that crashed on the Brazel ranch. “According to Rickett, La Paz formed the opinion that [the object] was a probe from another planet.” Rickett said they found a touchdown point five miles (8 km) from the debris field where the sand had crystallized, possibly from the heat.[36] Shortly before he died, it is also claimed he confirmed that the object’s shape was long, thin with a 'bat-like' wing."[37]

        Colonel Edwin Easley, Roswell base Provost Marshal in charge of the Military Police. When asked what happened, he said he had sworn a security oath and couldn’t talk about it. However, when asked if the extraterrestrials theories was the right path to follow, Easley replied, “Let’s put it this way. That’s not the wrong path.” Easley also admitted they held rancher Mack Brazel at the base under armed guard for several days.[38] It is also claimed that Easley’s doctor, Harold Granik, and a granddaughter, reported that Easley spoke about the “creatures” at Roswell on his deathbed.[39]

        Lydia Sleppy was a Teletype operator working at an Albuquerque radio station in 1947. She said they received a telephone call from John McBoyle of KSWS Radio in Roswell. In her affidavit she recalled McBoyle saying, "There's been one of those flying saucer things crash down here north of Roswell." He'd met Brazel in a coffee shop. Brazel said he'd discovered the object and "had towed it underneath a shelter on his property. Brazel offered to take McBoyle to the ranch to see the object. McBoyle described it as a 'big crumpled dishpan.'" She added the FBI then interrupted the teletype as she tried to send it and ordered that they cease transmission. She said her boss, Karl Lambertz, spoke to McBoyle the next day. "He told Mr. Lambertz the military had isolated the area where the saucer was found and was keeping the press out. He saw planes come in from Wright Field, Ohio, to take the thing away." [40] The station owner, Merle Tucker, confirmed hearing the story at the time. In an interview shortly before his death, McBoyle confirmed seeing an object that looked like “a crushed dishpan,” about 25–30 feet long, impacted in a slope.[41]

        Bill Brazel Jr. reported that his father towed a large object off the field and stored it in a livestock shed. Marcel in one early interview likewise recounted Brazel showing them the largest piece he had found, about 10 feet (3 m) in diameter, which he had dragged from the field.[42]

        Frank Joyce, Roswell radio KGFL news announcer, said he spoke to Brazel when he first reported the incident to Sheriff Wilcox. In earlier interviews, Joyce wouldn't discuss the details of what Brazel told him, saying only that he didn't believe the story, but suggested he report the incident to the base. After Brazel gave his press interview, he called Joyce again and said, "We haven't got the story right." Brazel went to the radio station and told Joyce a balloon story. Joyce responded, "Look, this is completely different than what you told me on the phone the other day about the little green men. Joyce said Brazel responded to the effect, "No they weren't green. Our lives will never be the same again." [43] However, he initially was quoted by Roswell researcher William Moore as saying that he had this conversation with his dying boss Walt Whitmore Sr. Joyce later objected that he had been misquoted; the conversation was with Brazel. Moore was provided corrections by Joyce and changed the attribution to Brazel.[44] In more recent interviews, as first reported by Tom Carey and Don Schmitt in 1998, Joyce has explained this cryptic conversation by saying Brazel first mentioned small, nonhuman beings when he first spoke to him. Initially Brazel was highly stressed over the large quantities of debris that needed to be cleaned up. "Who's gonna clean all that shit up?" Then Joyce said Brazel really began "losing it," talking about the "horrible stench" from the dead "little people" he had found at another location. Joyce suggested maybe he had found monkeys from a military experiment. "They're not monkeys, and they're not human!" Joyce then went on to explain that his "little green men comment [referred] back to our original phone conversation."

        According to Brazel’s neighbor Loretta Proctor, her 7-year old son Timothy or "Dee" was with Brazel when he first discovered the debris field. But he was also with Brazel when he discovered something else at another site 2-1/2 miles to the east that left him deeply traumatized for the rest of his life. He never told her exactly what he saw there but did take her to the location in 1994 saying, "Here is where Mack found something else." Dee Proctor would also duck all attempts at interview and died in 2006. However, other rancher children are believed to have visited the site, including Sydney "Jack" Wright, who said that two sons of rancher Thomas Edington and one of rancher Truman Pierce’s daughters got to "the other location." Wright in 1998 would state, "There were bodies, small bodies with big heads and eyes. And Mack was there too. We couldn’t get away from there fast enough." [46]

        Private First Class Ed Sain was an MP in the 390th Air Service Squadron. On the evening of July 7, he and Cpl. Raymond Van Why were told to report to the ambulance pool outside the base hospital and boarded a military ambulance. It was driven north of town and then west into the desert. When they got there at night somewhere in the desert, there were a few tents and a number of floodlights. They were told to guard the entrance to the site from a tent set up for that purpose and to “Shoot anyone that tries to get in.” They were returned to the base at daybreak. His son Steven said his father was still reluctant to talk about it, being under a security oath and fearing for his life. According to Steven Sain, his father told both him and his brother that his job was to "guard the bodies at the crash site," which he said "were kept in one of the other tents until being transported to the base." He also thought his father had seen the craft, because he said "it was the strangest thing he had ever seen in his life." Raymond Van Why’s wife, Leola, said her husband first talked about it in 1954 when he got out of the service. He told her that he had been a guard at a crash site "out in the desert" where a spaceship had crashed. "My husband told me that it was a UFO that had crashed, that it was a round disc. ..he was out there and saw it!" [47]

        Sgt. LeRoy Wallace was another MP in the 390th Air Service Squadron. According to his widow, he was called away one evening to go to a crash site outside of Corona "to help load the bodies." When he returned home the next morning, the first thing she noticed was the horrible stench on his clothes, which she burned. The horrible smell lingered on his body for another two weeks despite repeated bathing.[48]

      • Todistajalistaus 4.
        Todistajalistaus 3. kirjoitti:

        According to Brazel’s neighbor Loretta Proctor, her 7-year old son Timothy or "Dee" was with Brazel when he first discovered the debris field. But he was also with Brazel when he discovered something else at another site 2-1/2 miles to the east that left him deeply traumatized for the rest of his life. He never told her exactly what he saw there but did take her to the location in 1994 saying, "Here is where Mack found something else." Dee Proctor would also duck all attempts at interview and died in 2006. However, other rancher children are believed to have visited the site, including Sydney "Jack" Wright, who said that two sons of rancher Thomas Edington and one of rancher Truman Pierce’s daughters got to "the other location." Wright in 1998 would state, "There were bodies, small bodies with big heads and eyes. And Mack was there too. We couldn’t get away from there fast enough." [46]

        Private First Class Ed Sain was an MP in the 390th Air Service Squadron. On the evening of July 7, he and Cpl. Raymond Van Why were told to report to the ambulance pool outside the base hospital and boarded a military ambulance. It was driven north of town and then west into the desert. When they got there at night somewhere in the desert, there were a few tents and a number of floodlights. They were told to guard the entrance to the site from a tent set up for that purpose and to “Shoot anyone that tries to get in.” They were returned to the base at daybreak. His son Steven said his father was still reluctant to talk about it, being under a security oath and fearing for his life. According to Steven Sain, his father told both him and his brother that his job was to "guard the bodies at the crash site," which he said "were kept in one of the other tents until being transported to the base." He also thought his father had seen the craft, because he said "it was the strangest thing he had ever seen in his life." Raymond Van Why’s wife, Leola, said her husband first talked about it in 1954 when he got out of the service. He told her that he had been a guard at a crash site "out in the desert" where a spaceship had crashed. "My husband told me that it was a UFO that had crashed, that it was a round disc. ..he was out there and saw it!" [47]

        Sgt. LeRoy Wallace was another MP in the 390th Air Service Squadron. According to his widow, he was called away one evening to go to a crash site outside of Corona "to help load the bodies." When he returned home the next morning, the first thing she noticed was the horrible stench on his clothes, which she burned. The horrible smell lingered on his body for another two weeks despite repeated bathing.[48]

        Beverly Bean, daughter of Sgt. Melvin Brown, said her father also helped guard the crash site where alien bodies were recovered. She claimed her father told her he saw two or three alien bodies packed in ice as they drove back to the base in a truck. "He said they were smaller than a normal man--about four feet--and had much larger heads than us, with slanted eyes, and that the bodies looked yellowish, a bit Asian-looking." That night, he stood guard outside a hangar where either debris or bodies awaited shipment to Texas.[49]

        Sgt. Homer G. Rowlette, Jr. was with the 603rd Air Engineering Squadron at Roswell. According to his son Larry and daughter Carlene Green, he told them about the "crash of a flying saucer" on his deathbed in March 1988. Larry Rowlette said his father was part of the cleanup detail sent to the impact site north of Roswell. There were also two other sites near Corona, N.M. He had handled the "memory material" which he described as "thin foil that kept its shape." He saw the actual ship that was "somewhat circular." Finally, he said he had seen "three little people. They had large heads and at least one was alive." Carlene Green said her father, still lucid, told her, "I was at Roswell when they recovered the spaceship in 1947. I was involved. I saw it. It’s all true." [50]

        Private First Class Rolland Menagh was another MP in the 390th Air Service Squadron. He later became a security specialist for the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. According to sons Michael and Rolland Jr., their father first spoke about his involvement in the 1960s. Rolland Jr. recalled, "He was an MP who guarded the UFO crash site north of Roswell. He saw the ship, which he described as being round or egg-shaped and seamless." Rolland Jr. didn’t remember his father talking about bodies, but Michael recalled he mentioned three bodies. He added, "He said the spaceship was loaded onto an 18-wheeler with a tarp covering it and then driven right through the center of town down to the air base. My father said he accompanied it in a Jeep all the way from the crash site to the hangar where it was deposited." [51]

        A number of other witnesses have been found to a flatbed, 18-wheeler truck with an oval or egg-shaped tarped object being driven through the center of Roswell toward the base on the afternoon of July 8, accompanied by an escort of armed MPs in Jeeps, some with machine guns. One, Richard Talbert, said he saw what was under the tarp when it momentarily lifted up. It was "silver, oval-shaped... approximately 4 to 5 feet (1.5 m) wide by about 12 feet (4 m) long and 5 to 7 feet (2.1 m) high. It had a dome on it, but it was damaged because it was cut off at one end." Other eyewitnesses were Paul McFerrin, Bob Rich and Jobie MacPherson. At the base, Sgt. Earl Fulford said he saw the truck and covered object, about the size and shape of a Volkswagen Beetle, being driven to Hangar 84 around 4:00 p.m. by a close friend of his.[52]

      • Todistajalistaus 6.
        Todistajalistaus 4. kirjoitti:

        Beverly Bean, daughter of Sgt. Melvin Brown, said her father also helped guard the crash site where alien bodies were recovered. She claimed her father told her he saw two or three alien bodies packed in ice as they drove back to the base in a truck. "He said they were smaller than a normal man--about four feet--and had much larger heads than us, with slanted eyes, and that the bodies looked yellowish, a bit Asian-looking." That night, he stood guard outside a hangar where either debris or bodies awaited shipment to Texas.[49]

        Sgt. Homer G. Rowlette, Jr. was with the 603rd Air Engineering Squadron at Roswell. According to his son Larry and daughter Carlene Green, he told them about the "crash of a flying saucer" on his deathbed in March 1988. Larry Rowlette said his father was part of the cleanup detail sent to the impact site north of Roswell. There were also two other sites near Corona, N.M. He had handled the "memory material" which he described as "thin foil that kept its shape." He saw the actual ship that was "somewhat circular." Finally, he said he had seen "three little people. They had large heads and at least one was alive." Carlene Green said her father, still lucid, told her, "I was at Roswell when they recovered the spaceship in 1947. I was involved. I saw it. It’s all true." [50]

        Private First Class Rolland Menagh was another MP in the 390th Air Service Squadron. He later became a security specialist for the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. According to sons Michael and Rolland Jr., their father first spoke about his involvement in the 1960s. Rolland Jr. recalled, "He was an MP who guarded the UFO crash site north of Roswell. He saw the ship, which he described as being round or egg-shaped and seamless." Rolland Jr. didn’t remember his father talking about bodies, but Michael recalled he mentioned three bodies. He added, "He said the spaceship was loaded onto an 18-wheeler with a tarp covering it and then driven right through the center of town down to the air base. My father said he accompanied it in a Jeep all the way from the crash site to the hangar where it was deposited." [51]

        A number of other witnesses have been found to a flatbed, 18-wheeler truck with an oval or egg-shaped tarped object being driven through the center of Roswell toward the base on the afternoon of July 8, accompanied by an escort of armed MPs in Jeeps, some with machine guns. One, Richard Talbert, said he saw what was under the tarp when it momentarily lifted up. It was "silver, oval-shaped... approximately 4 to 5 feet (1.5 m) wide by about 12 feet (4 m) long and 5 to 7 feet (2.1 m) high. It had a dome on it, but it was damaged because it was cut off at one end." Other eyewitnesses were Paul McFerrin, Bob Rich and Jobie MacPherson. At the base, Sgt. Earl Fulford said he saw the truck and covered object, about the size and shape of a Volkswagen Beetle, being driven to Hangar 84 around 4:00 p.m. by a close friend of his.[52]

        Frankie Rowe, was the daughter of Roswell fireman Dan Dwyer. Her father told the family of being on a run outside of Roswell to what they thought was a plane crash. "He said it was a crash of something that was not from the earth. ...the crash left a lot of pieces of small material around, and two small bodies and one person walking around. He said it was from another planet...they were very small, and the one that was walking around was about the size of a ten-year-old child, and it didn't have any had very small ears and rather large dark eyes. They had on a one-piece suit that covered the whole body." [53] Afterwards she claimed the military threatened to kill the whole family if they talked. (See accounts of threats below)

        In recent interviews with Tony Bragalia and Kevin Randle, the last surviving Roswell fireman (with only the surname of "Smith" given) stated that the fire department knew of the crash and were warned by an intimidating colonel from the base not to go out to the site, that "everything was being handled by the military." It was the base fire department that was heavily involved, giving rise to confusion. Nevertheless, several town firemen did go out to the site on their own volition, including Dan Dwyer, but not in an official capacity. The fireman added that the colonel told them that an "unknown object from someplace else" had crashed in the desert outside Roswell. The fireman referred to the object as a "UFO" or an "unidentified--a flying saucer," clarifying they were told that it was a craft not from Earth, the military didn't know where it was from and were greatly concerned. They were never to talk about it again. The sheriff's department and the city manager were also involved in covering it up.[54]

        Barbara Dugger, granddaughter of Sheriff George Wilcox, said her grandmother, Inez Wilcox once told her what happened: “there was a spacecraft--a flying saucer--that crashed outside Roswell.” After Brazel reported the incident to the Sheriff, he had gone out to the site in the evening. "There was a big burned area, and he saw debris. He also saw four 'space beings.' One of the little men was moving. Their heads were large. They wore suits like silk." The military threatened the entire family with death if he ever talked about it.[55]

        Miriam Bush was the secretary of the hospital administrator Lt. Col. Harold Warne. According to siblings Jean and George, she came home after work in a highly stressed state. She claimed that Warne took her to an examination room and she saw several small childlike bodies. One was moving. Their skin was greyish to brown in tone and they were covered in something like white linens. Their heads and eyes were large. The next day she came home and said nobody was to ever talk about it. The family thought she had received heavy-handed threats.[56]

      • Todistajalistaus 7.
        Todistajalistaus 6. kirjoitti:

        Frankie Rowe, was the daughter of Roswell fireman Dan Dwyer. Her father told the family of being on a run outside of Roswell to what they thought was a plane crash. "He said it was a crash of something that was not from the earth. ...the crash left a lot of pieces of small material around, and two small bodies and one person walking around. He said it was from another planet...they were very small, and the one that was walking around was about the size of a ten-year-old child, and it didn't have any had very small ears and rather large dark eyes. They had on a one-piece suit that covered the whole body." [53] Afterwards she claimed the military threatened to kill the whole family if they talked. (See accounts of threats below)

        In recent interviews with Tony Bragalia and Kevin Randle, the last surviving Roswell fireman (with only the surname of "Smith" given) stated that the fire department knew of the crash and were warned by an intimidating colonel from the base not to go out to the site, that "everything was being handled by the military." It was the base fire department that was heavily involved, giving rise to confusion. Nevertheless, several town firemen did go out to the site on their own volition, including Dan Dwyer, but not in an official capacity. The fireman added that the colonel told them that an "unknown object from someplace else" had crashed in the desert outside Roswell. The fireman referred to the object as a "UFO" or an "unidentified--a flying saucer," clarifying they were told that it was a craft not from Earth, the military didn't know where it was from and were greatly concerned. They were never to talk about it again. The sheriff's department and the city manager were also involved in covering it up.[54]

        Barbara Dugger, granddaughter of Sheriff George Wilcox, said her grandmother, Inez Wilcox once told her what happened: “there was a spacecraft--a flying saucer--that crashed outside Roswell.” After Brazel reported the incident to the Sheriff, he had gone out to the site in the evening. "There was a big burned area, and he saw debris. He also saw four 'space beings.' One of the little men was moving. Their heads were large. They wore suits like silk." The military threatened the entire family with death if he ever talked about it.[55]

        Miriam Bush was the secretary of the hospital administrator Lt. Col. Harold Warne. According to siblings Jean and George, she came home after work in a highly stressed state. She claimed that Warne took her to an examination room and she saw several small childlike bodies. One was moving. Their skin was greyish to brown in tone and they were covered in something like white linens. Their heads and eyes were large. The next day she came home and said nobody was to ever talk about it. The family thought she had received heavy-handed threats.[56]

        Mortician Glenn Dennis said the Roswell base called him asking for small caskets for three corpses that had been recovered. Soon after, after transporting an injured airman to the base hospital, Dennis said he saw strange metallic objects in an ambulance, ran into a worried nurse friend inside the hospital who warned him to leave, and was then threatened by an officer, who had him thrown out. The next day, he went to the base to meet the nurse. She described an alien autopsy and drew pictures for Dennis of alien corpses she had seen. "She said the head was disproportionately large for the body… There were three bodies; two were very mangled and dismembered, as if destroyed by predators; one was fairly intact. They were three-and-a-half to four feet tall." They had four long fingers. They had to move the operation to an aircraft hangar because of the horrible stench.[57]

        S/Sgt. Milton Sprouse, a B-29 crew chief, said a medic friend who worked in the hospital emergency room, told him of seeing "humanoid" bodies and that autopsies had been hurriedly carried out on two of them by two doctors and two nurses. The bodies were taken out to a heavily guarded hangar. The next day, the medic was transferred and they never found out his fate. The doctors and nurses were also immediately transferred, and their fate was also unknown. A few years later, Glenn Dennis told him about a call from the base for child-size caskets. Five members of his crew were part of the massive clean-up of the Foster Ranch and told him of debris that was "out of this world," including metal foil with memory properties.[58]

        Ruben, Pete, and Mary Anaya, related Ruben receiving a call from the base from New Mexico Lt. Governor Joseph Montoya, a personal friend, to pick him up outside a base hangar. (Ruben worked at the base.) Bringing him to their home, Montoya was pale and frightened. He related how a platter-shaped object had crashed. In a hangar, he saw pieces of crash debris and two (or four) non-human “little men,” one barely alive, being worked on by doctors. They were short, white, bald and skinny with big eyes and four long fingers. They wore a tight-fitting suit. Montoya warned them not to talk about it or somebody in the government would get them.[59] In another interview, Ruben Anaya said he spoke to a nurse outside the hangar who told him of the bodies "not of this world." He got a distant glimpse of two small bodies in the hangar covered with a sheet, one moving. Pete Anaya also said he spoke to a nurse outside the hangar, who he knew. She warned him not to go in the hangar. He never saw her again.[60]

      • Todistajalistaus 8.
        Todistajalistaus 7. kirjoitti:

        Mortician Glenn Dennis said the Roswell base called him asking for small caskets for three corpses that had been recovered. Soon after, after transporting an injured airman to the base hospital, Dennis said he saw strange metallic objects in an ambulance, ran into a worried nurse friend inside the hospital who warned him to leave, and was then threatened by an officer, who had him thrown out. The next day, he went to the base to meet the nurse. She described an alien autopsy and drew pictures for Dennis of alien corpses she had seen. "She said the head was disproportionately large for the body… There were three bodies; two were very mangled and dismembered, as if destroyed by predators; one was fairly intact. They were three-and-a-half to four feet tall." They had four long fingers. They had to move the operation to an aircraft hangar because of the horrible stench.[57]

        S/Sgt. Milton Sprouse, a B-29 crew chief, said a medic friend who worked in the hospital emergency room, told him of seeing "humanoid" bodies and that autopsies had been hurriedly carried out on two of them by two doctors and two nurses. The bodies were taken out to a heavily guarded hangar. The next day, the medic was transferred and they never found out his fate. The doctors and nurses were also immediately transferred, and their fate was also unknown. A few years later, Glenn Dennis told him about a call from the base for child-size caskets. Five members of his crew were part of the massive clean-up of the Foster Ranch and told him of debris that was "out of this world," including metal foil with memory properties.[58]

        Ruben, Pete, and Mary Anaya, related Ruben receiving a call from the base from New Mexico Lt. Governor Joseph Montoya, a personal friend, to pick him up outside a base hangar. (Ruben worked at the base.) Bringing him to their home, Montoya was pale and frightened. He related how a platter-shaped object had crashed. In a hangar, he saw pieces of crash debris and two (or four) non-human “little men,” one barely alive, being worked on by doctors. They were short, white, bald and skinny with big eyes and four long fingers. They wore a tight-fitting suit. Montoya warned them not to talk about it or somebody in the government would get them.[59] In another interview, Ruben Anaya said he spoke to a nurse outside the hangar who told him of the bodies "not of this world." He got a distant glimpse of two small bodies in the hangar covered with a sheet, one moving. Pete Anaya also said he spoke to a nurse outside the hangar, who he knew. She warned him not to go in the hangar. He never saw her again.[60]

        Pvt. Francis Cassidy was an MP in the 1395th Military Police Company at Roswell. According to his wife Sarah Mounce, her husband told her during his final days in 1976 to guarding Hangar P-3 and seeing the bodies inside. Cpl. Robert J. Lida was another MP in the 1395th. His wife Wanda Lida said her husband also told her in the final months of his life in 1995 about guarding the bodies inside the same hangar. He observed wreckage inside the hangar and a number of “small bodies” being prepared for shipment elsewhere.[61]

        Captain Oliver "Pappy" Henderson, a pilot at Roswell in 1947, told various family members and friends that he flew alien wreckage and had seen alien corpses. His wife, Sappho, said in an affidavit: "He pointed out [a 1980/81 newspaper article on Roswell] to me and said, 'I want you to read this article, because it's a true story. I'm the pilot who flew the wreckage of the UFO to Dayton, Ohio. I guess now that they're putting it in the paper, I can tell you about this. I wanted to tell you for years.' Pappy Henderson never discussed his work because of his security clearance. He described the beings as small with large heads for their size. He said the material from their suits were made of was different than anything he had ever seen. He said they looked strange. I believe he mentioned that the bodies had been packed in dry ice to preserve them." His daughter Mary Groode in an affidavit similarly wrote, "He told me that he saw the crashed craft and the alien bodies described in the article, and that he had flown the wreckage to Ohio. He described the alien beings as small and pale, with slanted eyes and large heads. He said they were humanoid-looking, but different from us. I think he said there were three bodies." Vere McCarthy said Henderson told his old WWII flight crew about seeing the alien bodies at a reunion in 1982. Henderson said "...something to the effect that they were badly deteriorated from exposure and gnawed at by predators." [62]

        Lt. Robert Shirkey, assistant operations officer, (see above) said there were other flights, another to Fort Worth, and a B-29 flight directly to Wright Field piloted by Henderson. He also said that he later learned that: “a Sergeant and some airmen went to the crash site and swept up everything, including bodies. The bodies were laid out in Hangar 84. Henderson's flight contained all that material. All of those involved--the Sergeant of the Guards, all of the crewmen, and myself--were shipped out to different bases within two weeks.

      • Todistajalistaus 9.
        Todistajalistaus 8. kirjoitti:

        Pvt. Francis Cassidy was an MP in the 1395th Military Police Company at Roswell. According to his wife Sarah Mounce, her husband told her during his final days in 1976 to guarding Hangar P-3 and seeing the bodies inside. Cpl. Robert J. Lida was another MP in the 1395th. His wife Wanda Lida said her husband also told her in the final months of his life in 1995 about guarding the bodies inside the same hangar. He observed wreckage inside the hangar and a number of “small bodies” being prepared for shipment elsewhere.[61]

        Captain Oliver "Pappy" Henderson, a pilot at Roswell in 1947, told various family members and friends that he flew alien wreckage and had seen alien corpses. His wife, Sappho, said in an affidavit: "He pointed out [a 1980/81 newspaper article on Roswell] to me and said, 'I want you to read this article, because it's a true story. I'm the pilot who flew the wreckage of the UFO to Dayton, Ohio. I guess now that they're putting it in the paper, I can tell you about this. I wanted to tell you for years.' Pappy Henderson never discussed his work because of his security clearance. He described the beings as small with large heads for their size. He said the material from their suits were made of was different than anything he had ever seen. He said they looked strange. I believe he mentioned that the bodies had been packed in dry ice to preserve them." His daughter Mary Groode in an affidavit similarly wrote, "He told me that he saw the crashed craft and the alien bodies described in the article, and that he had flown the wreckage to Ohio. He described the alien beings as small and pale, with slanted eyes and large heads. He said they were humanoid-looking, but different from us. I think he said there were three bodies." Vere McCarthy said Henderson told his old WWII flight crew about seeing the alien bodies at a reunion in 1982. Henderson said "...something to the effect that they were badly deteriorated from exposure and gnawed at by predators." [62]

        Lt. Robert Shirkey, assistant operations officer, (see above) said there were other flights, another to Fort Worth, and a B-29 flight directly to Wright Field piloted by Henderson. He also said that he later learned that: “a Sergeant and some airmen went to the crash site and swept up everything, including bodies. The bodies were laid out in Hangar 84. Henderson's flight contained all that material. All of those involved--the Sergeant of the Guards, all of the crewmen, and myself--were shipped out to different bases within two weeks.

        Blanche Wahnee, daughter of Capt. Meyers Wahnee, said her father told the family that the Roswell Incident was true in the last year of his life. A pilot during WWII, in 1947 he was a top-tier security officer. He was flown from Fort Simmons in Colorado to Roswell to oversee the transport of a “Top Secret item” from Roswell to Fort Worth on a special B-29 flight. The item was a single, large, wooden crate that Wahnee was to accompany as a security guard in the bomb bay, which he said contained the alien bodies recovered near Roswell. He also said there were three sites.[64] Three crew members on a special B-29 flight from Roswell to Fort Worth on July 9, Sgt. Robert Slusher, PFC Lloyd Thompson, and S/Sgt. Arthur Osepchook, also spoke of the unusual crate flight with security detail in the bomb bay, that was met in Fort Worth by a mortician.[65]

        According to four sons of Lt. Col. Marion M. Magruder, their father told them on his deathbed of being shown crash wreckage and a live alien at Wright Field, Ohio, in mid or late July 1947. He had been attending Air War College at Maxwell Field, Montgomery, Alabama, composed solely of the best high-ranking officers in the various services, including generals. They were flown up to Wright Field to get their opinion on a matter of utmost urgency and importance. There the surprised officers were told about the recovery to Wright Field of an extraterrestrial spaceship that had crashed just two weeks previously near Roswell. Wreckage was brought out for them to examine. Then they were taken to another room and shown a surviving alien. According to the description from Mike Magruder, his father said the “creature” was under 5 feet (1.5 m) tall, “human-like” but with longer arms, larger eyes, and an oversized, hairless head. It had a slit for a mouth and two holes but no appendages for a nose and ears. There was no question that it “came from another planet.” [66]

        Steven Lovekin, who served in the White House Army Signal Corp between 1959 and 1961 (handling encrypted and classified White House communications), said he and others received UFO briefings at the Pentagon. According to Lovekin, they were shown a metal beam covered with hieroglyphs and a piece of foil-like debris. They were told it had come from a "New Mexico crash in 1947 of an extraterrestrial craft." Further, "...they did discuss the fact that there were bodies, extraterrestrial bodies... there were either 3 or 5... One was alive, partially alive, at the time that this happened." Lovekin added he heard Pres. Eisenhower talking and worrying about how control was slipping out of government hands and being assumed by corporations tasked with studying the situation.

      • Uhkailut osa 1.
        Todistajalistaus 9. kirjoitti:

        Blanche Wahnee, daughter of Capt. Meyers Wahnee, said her father told the family that the Roswell Incident was true in the last year of his life. A pilot during WWII, in 1947 he was a top-tier security officer. He was flown from Fort Simmons in Colorado to Roswell to oversee the transport of a “Top Secret item” from Roswell to Fort Worth on a special B-29 flight. The item was a single, large, wooden crate that Wahnee was to accompany as a security guard in the bomb bay, which he said contained the alien bodies recovered near Roswell. He also said there were three sites.[64] Three crew members on a special B-29 flight from Roswell to Fort Worth on July 9, Sgt. Robert Slusher, PFC Lloyd Thompson, and S/Sgt. Arthur Osepchook, also spoke of the unusual crate flight with security detail in the bomb bay, that was met in Fort Worth by a mortician.[65]

        According to four sons of Lt. Col. Marion M. Magruder, their father told them on his deathbed of being shown crash wreckage and a live alien at Wright Field, Ohio, in mid or late July 1947. He had been attending Air War College at Maxwell Field, Montgomery, Alabama, composed solely of the best high-ranking officers in the various services, including generals. They were flown up to Wright Field to get their opinion on a matter of utmost urgency and importance. There the surprised officers were told about the recovery to Wright Field of an extraterrestrial spaceship that had crashed just two weeks previously near Roswell. Wreckage was brought out for them to examine. Then they were taken to another room and shown a surviving alien. According to the description from Mike Magruder, his father said the “creature” was under 5 feet (1.5 m) tall, “human-like” but with longer arms, larger eyes, and an oversized, hairless head. It had a slit for a mouth and two holes but no appendages for a nose and ears. There was no question that it “came from another planet.” [66]

        Steven Lovekin, who served in the White House Army Signal Corp between 1959 and 1961 (handling encrypted and classified White House communications), said he and others received UFO briefings at the Pentagon. According to Lovekin, they were shown a metal beam covered with hieroglyphs and a piece of foil-like debris. They were told it had come from a "New Mexico crash in 1947 of an extraterrestrial craft." Further, "...they did discuss the fact that there were bodies, extraterrestrial bodies... there were either 3 or 5... One was alive, partially alive, at the time that this happened." Lovekin added he heard Pres. Eisenhower talking and worrying about how control was slipping out of government hands and being assumed by corporations tasked with studying the situation.

        Accounts of intimidation

        Several people claimed, or knew people who claimed, that they were threatened by military or government personnel into keeping silent about what they saw or knew. In some cases, these threats including death threats.

        Mortician Glenn Dennis said he received a death threat at the base hospital from a redheaded captain, who warned him if he talked “somebody will be picking your bones out of the sand.” The following day, Sheriff Wilcox talked to his father, a personal friend, and said, “…tell your son that he doesn’t know anything and hasn’t seen anything at the base. They want you and your wife’s name, and they want your and your children’s addresses.” His father told him about the conversation with the Sheriff, so Dennis related the events of the previous day to him. Dennis also claimed that the nurse who confided in him about alien corpses subsequently was shipped off base and attempts to contact her via mail resulted in letters returned with "deceased" marked on the envelopes.[68]

        Frankie Rowe, claims her father was a firefighter who on a fire run outside of town encountered a wrecked craft and alien bodies. Later, after seeing a state trooper with a piece of dull gray metallic foil from the downed craft that “would unfold itself”, she and her family were threatened into silence by military personnel who visited her house. She said they told them: "They could take us out in the desert, and no one would ever find us again." In her affidavit she wrote, “I was told that if I ever talked about it, I could be taken out into the desert never to return, or that my mother and father would be taken to ‘Orchard Park’, a former POW camp.” [69] Rowe's older sister Helen Cahill said her parents told her a similar story.[70]

        Barbara Dugger, granddaughter of Sheriff George Wilcox, said her grandmother, Inez Wilcox, told her the Sheriff had gone to the ranch and seen four alien bodies. "My grandmother said 'Don't tell anybody. When the incident happened, the military police came to the jail house and told George and I that if we ever told anything about the incident, not only would we be killed, but our entire family would be killed.'" [71] Others said that Inez Wilcox told them similar stories.[72][73]

        The Anaya family (see above) told the story of picking up Lt. Governor Joseph Montoya at the base, and a shaken Montoya relating the story of a crashed craft and seeing alien bodies in a hangar. Montoya then warned them, and in future visits, not to talk about it because somebody in the government might come after them. They said they also received a warning from Sheriff George Wilcox and N.M. Senator Dennis Chavez.

      • Uhkailut osa 2.
        Uhkailut osa 1. kirjoitti:

        Accounts of intimidation

        Several people claimed, or knew people who claimed, that they were threatened by military or government personnel into keeping silent about what they saw or knew. In some cases, these threats including death threats.

        Mortician Glenn Dennis said he received a death threat at the base hospital from a redheaded captain, who warned him if he talked “somebody will be picking your bones out of the sand.” The following day, Sheriff Wilcox talked to his father, a personal friend, and said, “…tell your son that he doesn’t know anything and hasn’t seen anything at the base. They want you and your wife’s name, and they want your and your children’s addresses.” His father told him about the conversation with the Sheriff, so Dennis related the events of the previous day to him. Dennis also claimed that the nurse who confided in him about alien corpses subsequently was shipped off base and attempts to contact her via mail resulted in letters returned with "deceased" marked on the envelopes.[68]

        Frankie Rowe, claims her father was a firefighter who on a fire run outside of town encountered a wrecked craft and alien bodies. Later, after seeing a state trooper with a piece of dull gray metallic foil from the downed craft that “would unfold itself”, she and her family were threatened into silence by military personnel who visited her house. She said they told them: "They could take us out in the desert, and no one would ever find us again." In her affidavit she wrote, “I was told that if I ever talked about it, I could be taken out into the desert never to return, or that my mother and father would be taken to ‘Orchard Park’, a former POW camp.” [69] Rowe's older sister Helen Cahill said her parents told her a similar story.[70]

        Barbara Dugger, granddaughter of Sheriff George Wilcox, said her grandmother, Inez Wilcox, told her the Sheriff had gone to the ranch and seen four alien bodies. "My grandmother said 'Don't tell anybody. When the incident happened, the military police came to the jail house and told George and I that if we ever told anything about the incident, not only would we be killed, but our entire family would be killed.'" [71] Others said that Inez Wilcox told them similar stories.[72][73]

        The Anaya family (see above) told the story of picking up Lt. Governor Joseph Montoya at the base, and a shaken Montoya relating the story of a crashed craft and seeing alien bodies in a hangar. Montoya then warned them, and in future visits, not to talk about it because somebody in the government might come after them. They said they also received a warning from Sheriff George Wilcox and N.M. Senator Dennis Chavez.

        George "Jud" Roberts was manager of radio station KGFL in Roswell. He signed an affidavit where he claimed to have been threatened if he ran an interview his station had done with Brazel. "I got a call from someone in Washington, D.C. It may have been someone in the office of [New Mexico Senators] Clinton Anderson or Dennis Chavez. This person said, 'We understand that you have some information, and we want to assure you that if you release it, it's very possible that your station's license will be in jeopardy, so we suggest that you not to do it.' The person indicated that we might lose our license in as quickly as three days. I made the decision not to release the story." [74]

        Walt Whitmore Jr., son of the KGFL station owner, also recalled how his father had hidden Brazel at their home and done a recorded interview. Whitmore Sr. was unable to get the story through on the Mutual wire and instead began broadcasting a preliminary release locally over KGFL. At this point, a long distance phone call came to the station from a man named Slowie, saying he was with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in Washington. Slowie informed Whitmore that the story involved national security and that if he valued his station license he should cease transmitting it and forget about it. Immediately afterwards, another call from Washington came from Senator Dennis Chavez, who suggested he had better do what Slowie advised.[75]

        Frank Joyce, news announcer and disc jockey at KGFL, said he spoke to Brazel by telephone when he first came to town and Brazel described finding nonhuman bodies. (see above) Later, Joyce received the base press release announcing the recovery of a “flying disk” and put it on the United Press teletype. When the first UP bulletins came in on the station teletype, Joyce said the phones went crazy. He received an irate call from a Colonel Johnson at the Pentagon, demanding to know who had told him to issue the press release. Joyce said he was a civilian and couldn’t be ordered around like that, to which the colonel responded, “I’ll show you what I can do to you.” Joyce said he decided to collect and hide the press release copy and the various teletypes so he could later prove to his boss Whitmore that he hadn’t made anything up. Later, somebody came through the station, found some of the hidden material, and removed it. However, some of the original teletypes were not found, and Joyce still has them. Jud Dixon, of United Press in Santa Fe, New Mexico, said the same thing happened in his office.[76] However, Karl Pflock said Dixon told him he had no memory at all about the Roswell incident, much less any confiscation.[77]

      • Uhkailut osa 3.
        Uhkailut osa 2. kirjoitti:

        George "Jud" Roberts was manager of radio station KGFL in Roswell. He signed an affidavit where he claimed to have been threatened if he ran an interview his station had done with Brazel. "I got a call from someone in Washington, D.C. It may have been someone in the office of [New Mexico Senators] Clinton Anderson or Dennis Chavez. This person said, 'We understand that you have some information, and we want to assure you that if you release it, it's very possible that your station's license will be in jeopardy, so we suggest that you not to do it.' The person indicated that we might lose our license in as quickly as three days. I made the decision not to release the story." [74]

        Walt Whitmore Jr., son of the KGFL station owner, also recalled how his father had hidden Brazel at their home and done a recorded interview. Whitmore Sr. was unable to get the story through on the Mutual wire and instead began broadcasting a preliminary release locally over KGFL. At this point, a long distance phone call came to the station from a man named Slowie, saying he was with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in Washington. Slowie informed Whitmore that the story involved national security and that if he valued his station license he should cease transmitting it and forget about it. Immediately afterwards, another call from Washington came from Senator Dennis Chavez, who suggested he had better do what Slowie advised.[75]

        Frank Joyce, news announcer and disc jockey at KGFL, said he spoke to Brazel by telephone when he first came to town and Brazel described finding nonhuman bodies. (see above) Later, Joyce received the base press release announcing the recovery of a “flying disk” and put it on the United Press teletype. When the first UP bulletins came in on the station teletype, Joyce said the phones went crazy. He received an irate call from a Colonel Johnson at the Pentagon, demanding to know who had told him to issue the press release. Joyce said he was a civilian and couldn’t be ordered around like that, to which the colonel responded, “I’ll show you what I can do to you.” Joyce said he decided to collect and hide the press release copy and the various teletypes so he could later prove to his boss Whitmore that he hadn’t made anything up. Later, somebody came through the station, found some of the hidden material, and removed it. However, some of the original teletypes were not found, and Joyce still has them. Jud Dixon, of United Press in Santa Fe, New Mexico, said the same thing happened in his office.[76] However, Karl Pflock said Dixon told him he had no memory at all about the Roswell incident, much less any confiscation.[77]

        Mac Brazel was seen escorted by military personnel and spent some time in military custody, where he said he was intimidated into not talking about what he saw, according to several witnesses. For example, base provost marshal Lt. Col. Edwin Easley admitted to researcher Kevin Randle that they held Brazel at the base for several days.[78] Frank Joyce said the story Brazel told him after the news conference Brazel appeared at was different than the original story he had told Joyce when Brazel first reported to Sheriff Wilcox. “I remember him changing the story. …I told him, what you’re saying is not what you were saying the other night. [He admitted] that he had been told to come in or else. …He told me what they were going to do to us. …He was really scared. …[Brazel said] ‘You’re not going to tell them anything, are you?’” Joyce promised he wouldn’t. Brazel said he had to tell the new story or “it would go hard on him.” [79] Brazel's son Bill and various neighbors said Brazel also complained bitterly about his treatment by the military afterwards.

      • Loppuyhteenveto:
        Uhkailut osa 3. kirjoitti:

        Mac Brazel was seen escorted by military personnel and spent some time in military custody, where he said he was intimidated into not talking about what he saw, according to several witnesses. For example, base provost marshal Lt. Col. Edwin Easley admitted to researcher Kevin Randle that they held Brazel at the base for several days.[78] Frank Joyce said the story Brazel told him after the news conference Brazel appeared at was different than the original story he had told Joyce when Brazel first reported to Sheriff Wilcox. “I remember him changing the story. …I told him, what you’re saying is not what you were saying the other night. [He admitted] that he had been told to come in or else. …He told me what they were going to do to us. …He was really scared. …[Brazel said] ‘You’re not going to tell them anything, are you?’” Joyce promised he wouldn’t. Brazel said he had to tell the new story or “it would go hard on him.” [79] Brazel's son Bill and various neighbors said Brazel also complained bitterly about his treatment by the military afterwards.

        [Gen.] McMullen said:
        "Actually, it was a cover story, the balloon part of it... Somebody cooked up the idea as a cover story ...we'll use this weather balloon. ...We were told this is the story that is to be given to the press, and that is it, and anything else, forget it. …McMullen told me, ‘You are not to discuss this… this is more than top secret… it’s beyond that. It’s within my priority as deputy to George Kenney, and he in turn responsible to the President, this is the highest priority you can exhibit. And you will say nothing.’”[86]

        Brigadier General Arthur Exon, former commanding officer at Wright-Patterson AFB, stated, "I know that at the time the sightings happened, it was to General Ramey ... and he, along with the people at Roswell, decided to change the story while they got their act together and got the information into the Pentagon and into the president." Also, he said, "all these guys at the top of government" (such as Air Force Chief of Staff Carl Spaatz and Secretary of the Air Force Stuart Symington) ...They were the ones who knew the most about Roswell, New Mexico. They were involved in what to do about the residue from that." [87]

        Moon-walker and Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell has made various public statements about the reality of Roswell: "Make no mistake, Roswell happened. I've seen secret files which show the government knew about it — but decided not to tell the public. I wasn't convinced about the existence of aliens until I started talking to the military old-timers who were there at the time of Roswell. The more government documentation on aliens I was told about, the more convinced I became." [88] Mitchell has also spoken about bodies: "A few insiders know the truth . . . and are studying the bodies that have been discovered." Mitchell added that a cabal of insiders stopped briefing Presidents after Kennedy.

      • Case is alive!
        Loppuyhteenveto: kirjoitti:

        [Gen.] McMullen said:
        "Actually, it was a cover story, the balloon part of it... Somebody cooked up the idea as a cover story ...we'll use this weather balloon. ...We were told this is the story that is to be given to the press, and that is it, and anything else, forget it. …McMullen told me, ‘You are not to discuss this… this is more than top secret… it’s beyond that. It’s within my priority as deputy to George Kenney, and he in turn responsible to the President, this is the highest priority you can exhibit. And you will say nothing.’”[86]

        Brigadier General Arthur Exon, former commanding officer at Wright-Patterson AFB, stated, "I know that at the time the sightings happened, it was to General Ramey ... and he, along with the people at Roswell, decided to change the story while they got their act together and got the information into the Pentagon and into the president." Also, he said, "all these guys at the top of government" (such as Air Force Chief of Staff Carl Spaatz and Secretary of the Air Force Stuart Symington) ...They were the ones who knew the most about Roswell, New Mexico. They were involved in what to do about the residue from that." [87]

        Moon-walker and Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell has made various public statements about the reality of Roswell: "Make no mistake, Roswell happened. I've seen secret files which show the government knew about it — but decided not to tell the public. I wasn't convinced about the existence of aliens until I started talking to the military old-timers who were there at the time of Roswell. The more government documentation on aliens I was told about, the more convinced I became." [88] Mitchell has also spoken about bodies: "A few insiders know the truth . . . and are studying the bodies that have been discovered." Mitchell added that a cabal of insiders stopped briefing Presidents after Kennedy.

        Siinäpäs sitten melekoonen joukko kertomassa jostakin muusta kuin alumiinifolioleijasta.
        Alumiinifolioleijaan ei tarvita ihan tuollaista poppoota väittämään toista ja mikä tärkeintä niin alumiinifolioleijassa ei tarvita kuljettajaa tai kuljettajia sinne kyytiin.

        Näiden kertomusten valossa uskaltaisin väittä että kyseessä oli hitonmoinen alumiinifolioleija.

      • Loppuyhteenveto: kirjoitti:

        [Gen.] McMullen said:
        "Actually, it was a cover story, the balloon part of it... Somebody cooked up the idea as a cover story ...we'll use this weather balloon. ...We were told this is the story that is to be given to the press, and that is it, and anything else, forget it. …McMullen told me, ‘You are not to discuss this… this is more than top secret… it’s beyond that. It’s within my priority as deputy to George Kenney, and he in turn responsible to the President, this is the highest priority you can exhibit. And you will say nothing.’”[86]

        Brigadier General Arthur Exon, former commanding officer at Wright-Patterson AFB, stated, "I know that at the time the sightings happened, it was to General Ramey ... and he, along with the people at Roswell, decided to change the story while they got their act together and got the information into the Pentagon and into the president." Also, he said, "all these guys at the top of government" (such as Air Force Chief of Staff Carl Spaatz and Secretary of the Air Force Stuart Symington) ...They were the ones who knew the most about Roswell, New Mexico. They were involved in what to do about the residue from that." [87]

        Moon-walker and Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell has made various public statements about the reality of Roswell: "Make no mistake, Roswell happened. I've seen secret files which show the government knew about it — but decided not to tell the public. I wasn't convinced about the existence of aliens until I started talking to the military old-timers who were there at the time of Roswell. The more government documentation on aliens I was told about, the more convinced I became." [88] Mitchell has also spoken about bodies: "A few insiders know the truth . . . and are studying the bodies that have been discovered." Mitchell added that a cabal of insiders stopped briefing Presidents after Kennedy.

        Hölmöä kopsata koko teksti, riittäisi että laittaa linkin. Ja säännöt kieltää koko juttujen kopioimisen tänne.

      • Hehhek.
        kekek-kekek kirjoitti:

        Hölmöä kopsata koko teksti, riittäisi että laittaa linkin. Ja säännöt kieltää koko juttujen kopioimisen tänne.

        Joku vaan haluaa tehdä itsestään erittäin tärkeän henkilön ja antaa sellaisen vaikutelman,että hänellä on sellaista "salaista tietoa" mitä muilla ei ole.

      • kekek-kekek
        Hehhek. kirjoitti:

        Joku vaan haluaa tehdä itsestään erittäin tärkeän henkilön ja antaa sellaisen vaikutelman,että hänellä on sellaista "salaista tietoa" mitä muilla ei ole.

        "Salainen tieto" löytyy kyllä googlella, mutta on kyllä ärsyttävää ettei osata linkkejä laittaa. Tässäkin tapauksessa olisi riittänyt pelkkä linkki ja lyhyt kuvaus.

    • kertoisitko?

      Jos vuosi olisi 1947 sotien jälkeen ja saisit seuraavanlaisen uhkauksen niin menisitkö välittömästi lehdistön juttusille ja kertoisit koko tarinasi?

      "Mortician Glenn Dennis said he received a death threat at the base hospital from a redheaded captain, who warned him if he talked “somebody will be picking your bones out of the sand.” The following day, Sheriff Wilcox talked to his father, a personal friend, and said, “…tell your son that he doesn’t know anything and hasn’t seen anything at the base. They want you and your wife’s name, and they want your and your children’s addresses.” His father told him about the conversation with the Sheriff, so Dennis related the events of the previous day to him. Dennis also claimed that the nurse who confided in him about alien corpses subsequently was shipped off base and attempts to contact her via mail resulted in letters returned with "deceased" marked on the envelopes"

    • lier lier?
    • suosittelen!

      aikamoinen maratoni oli luin koko ketjun ja tsekkasin tuon haudankaivajan haastattelunkin. tuosta ei saa leijaa edes ilmastointiteipillä.

    • vanhanen.

      tää on hei liian pelottavaa tekstiä skepoille luettavaksi ja liian pitkää. kaiken lisäksi se on kirjotettu heille oudolla kielellä ja aiheeseen perehtyminen vie enemmän aikaa kuin stereotypisten vastausten töksäyttely joka on heille maan tapa.

      • A-a.

        Ei ollenkaan pelottavaa tekstiä vaan yhtä naurettavaa kuin ennenkin riippumatta siitä vaikka se olisi kirjoitettu kiinan tai venäjän kielellä.

        Kaikenlainen salaliitto ynnä muu hörhöily asian suhteen alkoi lähinnä vasta vuonna 1981,34 vuotta Roswellin "tapauksen" jälkeen,kun Charles Berlitz ja William L.Moore julkaisivat kirjansa "Roswellin lentävän lautasen arvoitus".

        Kirjan julkaisun jälkeen spelulointi asian ympärillä vasta alkoikin ja vähän joka puolelta tuli takautuvasti esille myös kaikenlaisia "todistajia".

        1990-luvulla töllöttimestä tuli kaikenlaisia dokkareita tapauksen suhteen ja niissäkin "silminnäkijöiden ja todistajien" tarinat olivat sekavia ja täysin ristiriitaisia keskenään.

        Nykyisenä internet sekä tietysti myös juutuupin (sen totuuden torven) aikana koko
        homma on paisunut kuin lumipallo.

        Ja kun asian ympärillä on jo 31:en vuoden ajan levitetty kaikenlaista fuulaa niin lienee itsestään selvää se,että se uppoaa herkkäuskoisimpiin sekä tietysti myös
        salaliittojen ystäviin.Ja varsinkin silloin,kun kritiikki voidaan kohdistaa tuonne rapakon taakse.

        Kun tätä "Roswellin tapausta" on tullut seurailtua jo yli 30 vuoden ajan niin senkin perusteella voi sanoa sen,ettei siihen liity mitään ufoa tai muuta vastaavaa.

      • Helppoa nykyään
        A-a. kirjoitti:

        Ei ollenkaan pelottavaa tekstiä vaan yhtä naurettavaa kuin ennenkin riippumatta siitä vaikka se olisi kirjoitettu kiinan tai venäjän kielellä.

        Kaikenlainen salaliitto ynnä muu hörhöily asian suhteen alkoi lähinnä vasta vuonna 1981,34 vuotta Roswellin "tapauksen" jälkeen,kun Charles Berlitz ja William L.Moore julkaisivat kirjansa "Roswellin lentävän lautasen arvoitus".

        Kirjan julkaisun jälkeen spelulointi asian ympärillä vasta alkoikin ja vähän joka puolelta tuli takautuvasti esille myös kaikenlaisia "todistajia".

        1990-luvulla töllöttimestä tuli kaikenlaisia dokkareita tapauksen suhteen ja niissäkin "silminnäkijöiden ja todistajien" tarinat olivat sekavia ja täysin ristiriitaisia keskenään.

        Nykyisenä internet sekä tietysti myös juutuupin (sen totuuden torven) aikana koko
        homma on paisunut kuin lumipallo.

        Ja kun asian ympärillä on jo 31:en vuoden ajan levitetty kaikenlaista fuulaa niin lienee itsestään selvää se,että se uppoaa herkkäuskoisimpiin sekä tietysti myös
        salaliittojen ystäviin.Ja varsinkin silloin,kun kritiikki voidaan kohdistaa tuonne rapakon taakse.

        Kun tätä "Roswellin tapausta" on tullut seurailtua jo yli 30 vuoden ajan niin senkin perusteella voi sanoa sen,ettei siihen liity mitään ufoa tai muuta vastaavaa.

        Kuulostat varsin herkkäuskoiselta kaverilta kun olet seurannut Roswellin tapaustakin peräti kolmekymmentävuotta.
        Ettet vaan nyt olisi vähän hörhö? Nykyään kun riittää että googlaa tapauksen ja lukee yksityiskohdat. Tosin aukottomimmat kuvaukset on englanniksi.

        Aihe tuntuu kiinnostavan siis kovasti muttet ole saanut silti kokonaiskuvaa aikaiseksi. Ehkä siksi että olet lukenut vain sen skeptisen puolen ennakkoasenteesi vuoksi.

        On luonnollista että median ja havaintovälineiden tehostumisen aikakautena keskustelu kaikista ilmiöistä myös tehostuu. Pitäisikö ihmisten istua tuppisuuna ja pitää havaintonsa omana tietonaan?
        Jos Roswell esimerkiksi olisi Suomalaisessa käräjäoikeudessa niin silminnäkijöistä ja muista todistajista koottu joukko päihittäisi kieltäjät luvuin 200-1 ja oikeus tulisi päätökseen: Sinne putosi lentävä lautanen miehistöineen.

        Ei sen ajan ihmiset keksi omasta päästään tuollaisia juttuja eikä monet virkamiehet jälkikäteenkin. Se olisi melko noloakin ja kun katsoo haastatteluja niin näkee että kyseessä on normaalit tervejärkiset maajussit sun muut eikä mitään pilviveikkoja.

    • Kysymys 1.

      Huomaa ettei asiallisiin ketjuihin tule enää kommentteja lainkaan vaan kommentteja tulee vain silloin kun epäasiallisuuksia kommentoidaan...
      Saarnamiehen pojat ovat täällä enää keskenään heittämässä lokaa ja kysymys kuuluukin: -Mihis ajattelitte seuraavaksi mennä häiriköimään kun tämä palsta on kuollut?

    • Mix?

      Tämä hommahan saataisiin kerralla selväksi siten,että ne koti-ja ulkomaiset kontaktikallet sekä kanavakeijot ottaisivat asian hoitaakseen.

      Mutta miksi tällaiset hemmot eivät ole saaneet avaruusveljiltään-ja siskoiltaan saati hengellisiltä hierarkioilta saaneet asiasta tyhjentävää selvitystä vaikka tällaisia hemmoja on,varsinkin länsimaissa,enemmän kuin riittävästi.

      Eli se lopullinen ratkaisu näissä suhteissa olisi äärettömän simppeli mikäli tällaiset hemmot alkaisivat saamaan asiasta vaikkapa kanavointeja vai mitä?

      Miksi näin ei ole käynyt?

      Totuus asiassahan on kuitenkin,että kontaktihenkilöiden sekä kanavoijien "avaruusystävät-ja muut ystävät" ovat pelkkää mielikuvituksen tuotetta.

      • life is life

        MIX? -Six että mikään ei tapahdu sen takia että joku haluaa kaiken tiedon heti mulle nyt. Se ei tule muuta kuin ajan kanssa.
        Jo parinsadan vuoden päästä meille naureskellaan kuinka idiootteja juntteja ja tietämättömiä pellejä olimme.
        Se vaatii aikaa... tuo kehitys. Eikä se koskaa lopu niin kauan kuin on elämää.

    • mielikuvitus kyllä!

      On monia muitakin asioita jotka ovat vielä toistaiseksi mielikuvituksen tuotetta kuten mielikuvituksen tuotetta oli 150 vuotta sitten lentäminen ja televisio. Mikroprosessorista puhumattakaan.
      Tekniikan kehittyessä me löydämme elämää muualta jos ei meihin ennen sitä oteta kunnon kontaktia.
      (enkä puhu kanavointikontakteista)

    • älä katzo
    • niinsevaan menee

      Niinipiru tulloo ja silloon anusnakit napsahtaa.

    • kakkamään

      mistä noita anusnakkeja saa ostaa? maistuvatko paskalle?

    • kiitooos

      Ihan koto Suolesta saa juu ja kassan kautta kotiin.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. En voi jutella kanssasi

      tietenkään, mutta täällä voin sanoa sinulle, että se sinun hiljaisuutesi ja herkkyytesi eivät ole heikkoutta. Ne ovat ih
    2. Trump ja Vance murskasivat ja nolasivat Zelenskyn tiedotusvälineiden edessä Valkoisessa talossa.

      Jopa oli uskomaton tilaisuus Valkoisessa talossa. Zelensky jäi täydelliseksi lehdellä soittelijaksi suhteessa Trumpiin j
      Maailman menoa
    3. Kokoomus haluaa hoitaa flussat yksityisellä, jotta säästettäisiin rahaa ja aikaa

      Mies hakeutui Terveystalo Kamppiin flunssaoireiden takia helmikuisena sunnuntai-iltana. Diagnoosiksi kirjattiin influens
      Maailman menoa
    4. Mikä on kaivattusi ärsyttävin piirre?

      Mun kaivattu on erittäin vastahakoinen puhumaan itsestä. Kääntää puheenaiheen aina muuhun kun hänestä tulee puhetta.
    5. Koska olet rakastellut

      Kaivattusi kanssa viimeksi?
    6. Anteeksi Pekka -vedätys

      Apuna Ry:n somessa levinnyt Anteeksi Pakka -kampanja saa aina vaan kummallisempia piirteitä. ”Mä pyydän anteeksi. Mä
      Maailman menoa
    7. Miten saisin

      Sinut omakseni?
    8. Rakkaus ei iloitse vääryydestä vaan iloitsee yhdessä TOTUUDEN kanssa.

      Tajuatteko, että jotkut ihmiset pitävät siitä, kun toiset kaatuvat? He nauttivat siitä, kun toiset mokaavat tai käyttävä
      Idän uskonnot
    9. Kumpi tästä

      Teidän tilanteesta teki vaikeaa? Sivusta
    10. Kaikkia ei voi miellyttää

      Eikä ole tarviskaan. Hyvää huomenta ja mukavaa perjantaita. 😊❄️⚜️✌🏼❤️