Stargaten SG-1?


missä kaudessa ja jaksossa Daniel Jackson kuoli?




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
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      Jackson kuolee aika monta kertaa tv-sarjassa. Ohessa copy-pastettu otos Wikipediasta (

      Season One
      Presumed dead with the rest of the people of Abydos from the nuke left behind by O'Neil in the Stargate motion picture (In "Children of the Gods").
      Presumed dead by the brainwashed rest of SG-1 in "Fire and Water".
      Killed by Apophis and resurrected by the Nox in "The Nox".
      Supposes his other self to be dead in an alternate universe in "There But For the Grace of God" although in fairness, everyone dies in this episode except Daniel.

      Season Two
      Hit by a staff blast and apparently mortally wounded, remains behind on Apophis' doomed ship to use the sarcophagus and escapes via Stargate before the ship is destroyed in "The Serpent's Lair". Presumed dead by the rest of SG-1.
      Briefly died of old age while in the body of Ma'chello, an ancient enemy of the Goa'uld, in "Holiday".

      Season Three
      In the opening of "Rules of Engagement" he appears to die along with the rest of SG-1, but is only temporarily stunned.
      Carter shoots an alien resembling Daniel Jackson, the alien later dies. "Foothold".
      SG-1 searches for Jackson while he follows them around in a non-corporeal state, suspecting that he has died and is a ghost in "Crystal Skull".

      Season Four
      Suffers cardiac arrest after becoming addicted to a Goa'uld narcotic device. "The Light"
      Is shot and killed with gate-defense lasers along with the rest of SG-1 in the alternate future of "2010".
      Has 'his' head shot off by a staff weapon in "Double Jeopardy", revealing that the SG-1 the episode had followed to that point is not the original, but rather the android SG-1.

      Season Five
      Dies of radiation poisoning after psychically asking O'Neill to make the doctors and Jacob Carter stop trying to save him in "Meridian", thus Ascending to a higher plane until season seven.

      Season Eight
      Killed by Teal'c in a virtual reality system from P7J-989 during "Avatar", as he had previously been a Goa'uld spy inside the virtual reality. If he did not gain the trust of Teal'c inside the game, they would both eventually die.
      Killed by RepliCarter at the very end of "Reckoning" and is seen at midway point between Ascension and mortality before finally being brought back to life in "Threads".
      A Goa'uld-possessed alternate timeline version of Daniel is shot by Teal'c in "Moebius". The timeline is restored by the end of the episode and Daniel is alive with all of SG-1. (In another timeline in the same episode, all of SG-1 are killed except Daniel when attempting a revolution in the past; that timeline's Daniel apparently lives out his life in ancient Egypt, along with the alternate SG-1 whose Daniel was infected by a Goa'uld, and would have eventually died as well.)

      Season Ten
      In the opening episode it is revealed that the Korolev (the ship that Daniel was on) was the Daedalus-class ship that had been destroyed in the season 9 finale. As Daniel hadn't been able to evacuate via Asgard beaming technology or by F-302, he had been presumed dead. Later on, the SG-1 team discovers that the ring transporter was used by Daniel to escape to an Ori ship, moments before the destruction of the Korolev.

    • JOku

      Se mitä tarkoitat on 5. tuotantokauden toiseksi viimeinen eli 21. jakso nimeltä Meridian.

      Suomen tv:ssä mtv3:lla on esitetty vain 5 kautta Stargate SG-1:stä.

      Daniel tulee takaisin 7.kaudella ja siitä se jatkuu taas. Amerkoissa esitetään jo sarjan 10.kautta!

      Mulla on itsellä dvd:nä kaudet 1-2, 4-7 sekä 8.kaudesta 8 jaksoa. Tarttis ostaa loputkin. Mutta sellaista!


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