

Onko kellään kokemuksia aurinkomatkojen hotellista Grand hotel & apartments oasis?
Tai aurinkomatkojen matkoista yleensä?




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • sea_boy

      Moi. I can tell you some information for this hotels, what did you ask... Sorry that I don't write you soumi kieli but I can't write. but understand when you write,,, I live in Sunny Beach and I know all the hotels almost :))) Ok.. Grand Hotel- This Hotel is new and on the beach If you are lucky you can get room on the said where you can watch the beach from the balkoni.. It's aound 100metar from the centar and all the bars and disko.. Grand hotel have a little suimming pool .. The rooms are good enough big and with good air-condition.. About Oasis apartaments- The hotel is 100m from the beach Also very new hotel whit bigger swimming pool then Grand Hotel One bad things is That afternoon around 16:00 come shadow on swimming pool because the hotel is high.. Around 200m from the center very near to Sunny Beach hospital and police.. Just other side to the street.. Near also to AquaPark, about 10 min by walk.. Bouth Hotels are good but if I have to decide maybe I will take Grand hotel because is top on the beach and maybe you can get room what you can watch all the beach is just amaizin.. Hope that this information help/.. If you have question ask.. I will answer... Moi moi...

      • ^^liisa

        kiitos! onko mitä tietoa hotelli iskarista? jompi kumpi olisi tänä kesänä kohteena.

      • sea_boy
        ^^liisa kirjoitti:

        kiitos! onko mitä tietoa hotelli iskarista? jompi kumpi olisi tänä kesänä kohteena.

        Moi. :) Hotel Iskar is one from the older hotel in Sunny Beach, this don't mean bad! Swimming pool is very big , and with water- slide, If you come with children they can enjoy much! The hotel Iskar is very near to disko Lazur, that's tradition Night club in Sunny Beach just 5min by walk.. Around The hotels is much restoraunt,and Biggies Casino in Sunny Beach is Call Hrisantema... If you like to play casino:)) also is not far from the buss station, maybe 15min. walk.. Little far from the centar maybe 15-20min by walk.. But is only 10-20metar from the beach.. I don't know , are look hotel what will be nice for children or family or You just look hotel what is near to the bars and disko , and party places? Hope this info was good for you , if you have question ask me...

    • jonnnnny

      Onko tietoa minkälainen hotelli Bellevue olisi ? :)

    • M_irella

      Minkälainen hotelli on Excelsior? Tietääkö kukaan? Sinne olis tiistaina lähtö:)

    • Juu-uuu

      tai hotelli Balkan ?=)

    • Peetun omistaja

      Onko tietoa SunFamily Rose Villagesta?

    • +sunshine+

      Tai hotelli Diamondista?

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