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  1. Mutta biologinen kasvukäyrähän noudattaa S-käyrää. Korkokaava voi johdattaa harhaan.

    Mutta pahin ongelmanne onkin se tuonne loppuun lisäämäni pieni tutkimus, joka näyttäisi osoittavan tuon listanne oljenkorsien varaan tehdyksi. Doverin tappion jälkeen hätäisesti kasvatettu listaa ja sitten tyritty ? Esimerkiksi pari suomalaista nimeä on kahteen kertaan jne.

    Yhtä hyvin olisivat ne harrastelija-insinöörit voineet tehdä listan, jossa he väittävät tekevänsä sydänleikkaukset taitavammin kuin ammattikirurgit.. Joku voi uskoa,minä en :D

    terv. sydänleikattu.
  2. Nettituttu amerikkalainen insinööri/ohjelmoija Rich Hammett, mormoni, joka on ollut Kajjaanissakin töissä harjoittelijana, tutki siitä listalta puolisatunnaisesti abouttirallaa tusinan nimeä ja huomasi että useat nimet ovatkin ilmeisesti:

    - opiskelijoita
    - toisella alalla kuin väittävät (esim. insinööri kun väittävät biokemia tms)
    - eikä yhtään relevantteja julkaistuja papereita ko. alueelta

    Taitaa olla vettä kestämätön harrastelijoiden "paperilista" se..

    terv. MrKAT
    :From: rich hammett - view profile
    :Date: Sat, Jun 24 2006 1:13 am

    Minun olisi pitänyt tietää, olisi pitänyt tietää,
    olisi pitänyt tietää KUKA SINÄ OLET, nmp:

    > Op Thu, 22 Jun 2006 21:57:18 +0000, schreef rich hammett:
    >> I've tracked down a dozen or so of the signers and NONE of them has been
    >> what they try to appear on that list.
    > That could be interesting. Please tell us much more if you find the time.

    I chose a dozen or so at pseudo-random, that is, at places or in subjects
    that I found interesting. I kept no records, unfortunately. The only one
    who was exactly as claimed was the guy in Pennsylvania, I think, a Nobel
    laureate who is somewhat of a kook these days?

    I looked at several at universities in Georgia. Nearly all were STUDENTS
    at their stated university at the time of signing, and I don't think I found
    any relevant publications from any of them.

    Several were in slightly different fields than listed, something like
    being in Chemical Engineering instead of the claimed biochemistry (although
    again, I don't remember if that was an actual example).

    I'll keep notes if I have time to do that again. A couple:

    Robert L. Waters, Jr.: I don't see what his relevance is to begin
    with. He's listed on the statement as a "lecturer" in the college
    of computing at GaTech. At GaTech's website, it appropriately
    enough lists him as an instructor. There's somebody of the same
    name who seems to be a physiology researcher in Atlanta, which,
    if it's the same guy, would seem to be a slightly better qualification
    than computer class teacher. No dishonesty here, just no relevance.

    John Bordelon: He is listed as a PhD, Electrical Engineering, from
    GaTech. Of course, that's where he was a student, as well. Here's
    a blurb from the 1999 engineering news about him, showing the
    relevance of his study to the DI statement: "Student News
    After 11 years of pursuit, John H. Bordelon, senior research engineer in the
    Georgia Tech Research Institute, graduated with a doctorate in electrical
    engineering at the age of 57. He received his degree at commencement
    exercises on June 12. Dr. Bordelon's thesis is entitled 'A Large-signal Model
    for the RF Power MOSFET,' his advisor was David R. Hertling." He seems to
    have retired in 2001, and to be a part-time teacher in the ECE dept
    at Tech. All very admirable and inspiring, especially to me
    personally, but not very relevant to the DI statement.

    John F Zino: Listed as PhD, Nuclear engineering, GaTech. Once again, the
    degree is irrelevant to the DI statement, and he was not on faculty or
    staff at GaTech, but a student. He now seems to be employed by GE in
    their nuclear reactor division.

    Paul Hausgen: Listed as PhD, Mechanical Eng., GaTech. Again, the degree
    is irrelevant, and again, GaTech is where he was a student. He did some
    interesting work on energy conversion technology. He currently does
    photovoltaic research at the Air Force Research Lab.

    Nolan Hertel, ME Professor at GaTech. He is an actual professor,
    in the medical effects of radiation in the mechanical engineering department.
    I guess his work has "medical" in the title.

    Dewey Hodges, Aerospace Eng Professor at GaTech. Again, he's an actual
    professor, concentrating in Mechanical dynamical systems. His GaTech
    webpage also includes several Bible study presentations, under the
    impressive name (on EVERY PAGE) of "Dewey H Hodges, PhD". So not
    only is his PhD an authority factor in engineering (at which he is
    quite good), it is also authoritative in evolution and in theology.
    GaTech gives good degrees. He has a fascinating bio up at that
    same website:

    James P Russum, PhD Chem Eng, GaTech. Well, he just graduated last year.
    This is by far the most relevant (not saying much), he did his thesis
    research on polymerization in emulsions. Great student.

    Rodney Ice, Principle Research Scientist, Nuke Eng, GaTech. this is a
    strange one...I found him at GaTech using a web google to an old page,
    but he's not listed anywhere at the department any more. He seems
    to have been a radiomedicine engineering researcher and adjunct

    J Meridith: Assoc Prof chem Eng J Carson Meredith, GaTech. Another
    one that is nearly applicable, this one in advanced polymer
    combinatorics. He works in the building next to mine.

    Russell Peak, Senior Researcher, Engineering Information
    Systems, GaTech. Well, this one was a bitch to track down.
    It's actually in the mechanical engineering dept, and it's
    only a side job for him. He works at the manufacturing
    research center, in the following areas, you can judge
    the applicability to the DI statement:"X-analysis integration (XAI) -
    the integration of engineering analysis with design and other disciplines.
    Engineering applications of artificial intelligence and information
    technology, with a focus on electronic packaging and structural analysis."
    Another smart guy, but his degree and professorship do not confer
    any "authority" in this field.

    Dan Tedder, Assoc Prof, Chem Eng, GaTech. He's in waste management systems. He
    is also on the faculty at "Leadership U," which is a plot by right-wing
    christians to spread some lies and extract money from suckers at the
    same time. Anti-evolution to their core. I think that gives him
    more authority than his waste management research, but I can't
    be sure.

    These aren't all the same as I looked up last time. Particularly,
    there was one listed in my department (Biomedical Engineering,
    GaTech) who is no longer listed. One last one who is listed,
    Eugene Ashby, has raised a ruckus on campus recently with his

    I'm curious that I can no longer find the one in my department...some
    may recall that was a real issue when I was choosing schools!

    I'm currently studying also in the Neuroscience group at Emory,
    and one of the signers is a graduate. He is listed on the DI
    statement as "PhD Neurobiology, Emory University," so I was surprised
    to see that he actually graduated in 1991, which I think was long
    before this statement was signed, and since 1991 has been a professor
    of biology (studying dinosaurs and dinosaur tracks??) at Huntington University,
    a conservative christian school in Indiana. He claims to be working on
    a "manuscript" in cognitive neuroscience. I can't find any evidence that
    he has done any research in neuroscience in the 15 years since he
    left Emory. Emory does have a fantastic neurobiology program. The
    articles he touts in his bio were published during grad school. That's
    a cool university gig that doesn't require any publications for 15 years!
    Nearly all of his work seems to be in intelligent design, these days. I'd
    love to hear him teaching, for example, the comparitive embryology class
    his department (2 professors large) offers.

    Ah, well, enough time wasted on a Friday afternoon. As I said
    before, those aren't the same ones I had looked up last year.
    The biggest problem I see above is that they are mostly PhD
    students, and nearly all in unrelated fields.

  3. Kun ope löytää kaksi kovin samankaltaista ainekirjoitusta, varsinkin jos muistuttaa netistä löytyvää, niin eikö mitä suurin samankaltaisuus ole todiste varkaiden evoluutiosta ?

    Miksi yhdessä paikka ei todista mitään mutta toisessa todistaa kaiken ? Pyhä kirjako siihen on nostettu havainnoinnin ja päättelyn DDR-muuriksi ?