Atheist Met Angels
- kokija
Oh, angels are nice beings. And English is the language of many angels. The holy language :)
- Olen minä
You create your own experience here on the Earth and on the other side. You are the creator of your life and you do that with your consciousness, your thoughts, your beliefs, your emotions and finally with actions too when you have a body. In the other side we are free from our body and our consciousness is connected more what is, to the love we are and to the love what is and has always been and to the knowledge what is our purpose here on Earth. There is nothing to be afraid of. When we are free from fears, we will create heaven in Earth and we will create loving experiences also in the other side.
There is no judgement, there is only love as this man (Howard) witness that through his experience. Because he had some fear before crossing the veil, he experienced unpleasant things before he started asking help. Anyone from the light can help us (especially the angels, the light beings, who are with us even when we are here on the Earth), if we are feeling dark moments. Just ask help and that help is given to you in a way that is approriate with your beliefs.
We are made of love and we will grow to experience that love what we are made of when we step out of our own judgement and fear. That is also stepping out of our separation, separation from each other, separation from Life and separation from God.
We are one. There is nothing else. - Rubbish!
- Ihminen ei voi nähdä
Se että yritätte väkisin vääntää englantia, ei tee teistä fiksumpia, vaan saa teidäy näyttämään entistä suuremmilta idiooteilta - mikäli se edes on mahdollista.
- joopa kooo
Sitä saa mitä tilaa.
Älkää ulkoistako mitään, silloin olette mm. se valo, ettekä siis vain valokeilassa tai valossa, tai pimeydessä.
Jeesus on fiktio (kristiusko mielessä"), kuten saatanakin.
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