Vampyyrin kutsuminen


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Ritual to Call a Vampire Ancient

A Few Things Before You Start
Gather all your necessities and clear your mind. You must have a quiet, safe area and be free of interruptions. Your spellwork should take a while, so take care of any essentials before beginning as you cannot pause (even for bathroom breaks) in the middle of a ritual. If you cannot avoid interruption, you will need to recast your spell on a different day.

Visualization is key when performing any kind of magic. For rituals involving vampires, red is an important color, it represents your life essence and what you will trade for immortality. Visualize there are swirls of red and white all around you has you perform your ritual.

It also is essential that you believe in yourself and the magic you’re doing. You need to want it and know it will happen. Any doubt you’re having will seep into your magic and you don’t want that. Doubt in yourself and/or your magic will make it ineffective.

To Perform Your Ritual
Cleanse yourself and your magical space: Choose an incense appropriate for your cause. Ideally, you’ll want to make the incense yourself. I find Frankincense is a good all-around amplification incense. Light the end of your incense and wait for the end to begin to ash, then blow it out. Use the smoke to purify the space you will do your ritual in as well as the tools you will use and yourself. While you are cleansing, imagine the smoke forming a bubble of safety and calm all around you. Know that powerful magic will be worked here.

Cast Your Circle: Beginning in the East, point your wand or athame in front of you. If you have neither, hold your dominant hand (the hand you write with) with index finger extended, at arms length. See the purest white light flowing from your chosen tool and walk to your right. Draw the circle clockwise, even if you are using your left hand. Make it big enough so that you have space to do your work. To finish the circle, you step inside and seal it completely. Do not break the circle once it is cast.

Invoke Your God: You may choose any god you’d like. You also can choose one of the winds to help you, or Nature herself. You can even choose an audience with the Christian God, if that feels the most comfortable to you.

State Your Purpose: Say aloud what you are asking for.

Magical working: To raise and channel the power to call a vampire ancient clansmember, you will need thirteen red candles, orange and bergamot oil, mugwort, rue, vervain and dandelion, several mustard seeds, the bones, stripped of flesh, from a specifically sacrificed animal (separate ritual), earth from ancient clan’s homeland, your own blood and one piece of jewelry from the clan you are contacting. Anoint the candle, starting at the center and moving down, then starting at the center and moving up. As you anoint each, imagine it is a super-charged magnet. Feel its electric pulses as you charge it with your energies. Take your herbs between the palms of your hands, rubbing them back and forth to crush the herbs. With the herbs and oils on your hands, anoint your jewelry and place to the side. Roll the candles in the herbs and place them in holders (preferably silver) around your altar or workspace, equidistant from one another. Take your jewelry, with the herbs and oils still on your hands and anoint it, concentrating on your need. Really take time to do this. Send your energies out like a flash of bright, white light. Place your jewelry as close to the candle as possible. Light the candles.
Now state,

(God name/Universe)!
With humble heart I call upon the ancient clan
and beg they ferry forth.
Here drawn by blood and sacrifice
will serve as signal worth.
A talisman of kin I seek
I now enchant to serve
as beacon sent beyond my reach:
My soul calls now their return.

After one minute of your candle burning snuff (DO NOT BLOW) it out. You will need to leave your altar set and repeat the chant while leaving the candle lit for one minute every night until the next full moon.

Thank the Divine: Thank the God you chose for their protection and guidance in the form of a small prayer. You also may have an offering of cakes and wine if you’d like.

Open Your Circle: Beginning in the East and walk counterclockwise, pointing your tool as you did when casting your circle. This time, watch your white circle dissolve.

Wipe off your jewelry and discard any leftovers. Wear as often as possible to let the strength of the signal continue to grow and transmit.

Note: This ritual is most effective when performed during the full moon and continued for one minute each night until the following full moon.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)

      Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

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