reggae ja elämänkatsomus?


Pidän esitelmän eri musiikkityylien elämänkatsomuksesta. Onko rastafarien lisäksi muita uskontoja jotka liittyvät reggaemusiikkiin? Millaisia asioita pidetään reggaessa tärkeänä ja millaisista asioista sanoitukset kertovat??




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Rastaman

      Taidat valmistella esitelmääsi melko kauan, kun on noita musiikkilajeja muutama tällä planeetalla. En ole kuullut ainakaan muista reggaeen liittyvistä uskonnoista kuin rastafarismista. Jos haluat esitelmästäsi hyvän ja kattavan, niin mene kirjastosta etsimään aiheesta kirjoja. Ei tässä pysty kaikea selittämään.
      Reggaesanoitukset olivat 70-80 luvuilla aika politiikka painotteisia. Esim. kaikkien tuntema Bob Marley otti kantaa kotimaansa Jamaican poliittisesta tilanteesta, jolloin kommunistien ja kapitalistien edustajat väänsivät kättä keskenään. Marley kertoi laulujensa välityksellä mistä maan politiikassa oli kyse. Suuri osa ihmisistä ei osannut lukea ja heille oli helppo syöttää valheita poliitikkojen taholta. Tässä pikkuisen esimerkkiä poliittisista reggaesanoituksien merkityksestä.
      Monissa kappaleissa ylistätään rastafarien jumalaa/keisaria nimeltä Jah (Jah Rasta Fari), hallitsijanimeltään Haile Selassie. Haile Selassie asuu/asui (hän on kuollut) Etiopiassa. Hän katselee ihmisiä Zion-vuorella (Mount Zion).
      Myös ganja (kannabis) on yleinen aihe reggaesanoituksissa. Sitä pyydetään laillistamaan maailmassa. Pyhä ruoho, viisauden heinä on rastafarien mukaan parantava yrttikasvi, jonka pitäisi olla laillista, koska se on maan antimia. Sitä nautitaan uskonnollisissa rituaaleissa ja myös ihan muutenkin.
      Onhan sitten hyvämeininkihengailulauluja ja rakkauslauluja ja vaikka mitä sanoituksia, niin kuin esim. rockin eri genret, eli monia monia. Reggae on rytmi miten ihminen liikkuu ja tekee asioita.
      Tuossa jotain yleistä tietoa hyvin vähän. Ei reggaekulttuuria voi opettaa, siihen pitää tutustua itse. No, onnea esitelmän kanssa!

    • Rastaman

      Tossa vielä netistä löytämäni rastasanakirja.

      Rasta Dictionary
      Compiled by Mike Pawka
      A : prep. to as in "go a shop," from Spanish (7)
      A GO : aux w/v. going to do, as in "Me a go tell him" (7)
      A DOOR : outdoors. (5)
      ACCOMPONG : n. name of Maroon warrior, Capt. Accompong, brother of
      Cudjo; also name of town. From the Twi name for the
      supreme deity (7)
      ACKEE : n. African food tree introduced about 1778. From Twi
      ankye or Kru akee (7)
      AGONY : the sensations felt during sex (6)
      ALIAS : adj. (urban slang) dangerous, violent (7)
      AN : than (5)
      ARMAGEDDON : the biblical final battle between the forces of good
      and evil (1)
      ASHAM : n. Parched, sweetened, and ground corn. From twi
      osiam (7)
      BABYLON : 1. the corrupt establishment, the "system,
      " Church and State 2. the police, a policeman (1)
      BAD : good, great (2)
      BADNESS : hooligan behavior, violence for its own sake (1)
      BAFAN : clumsy; awkward (5)
      BAFANG : a child who did not learn to walk the 1st 2-7 years. (5)
      BAG-O-WIRE : a betrayer (1)
      BAGGY : underpants for a woman or child. (5)
      BALMYARD : n. place where pocpmania rites are held, healing is
      done, spells cast or lifted (7)
      BAKRA : white slavemaster, or member of the ruling class in
      colonial days. Popular etymology:
      "back raw" (which he bestowed with a whip.) (5)
      BALD-HEAD : a straight person; one without dreadlocks;
      one who works for babylon (2)
      BAMBA YAY : by and by (7)
      BAMBU : rolling paper (1)
      BAMMY : a pancake made out of cassava, after it has been grated
      and squeezed to remove the bitter juice. (5)
      BANDULU : bandit, criminal, one living by guile (1)
      a BANDULU BIZNESS is a racket, a swindle. (5)
      BANGARANG : hubbub, uproar, disorder, disturbance. (5)
      BANKRA : a big basket, including the type which hangs over the
      sides of a donkey. (5)
      BANS : from bands; a whole lot, a great deal, nuff,
      whole heap. (5)
      BAT : butterfly or moth. English bat, the flying rodent,
      is a rat-bat. (5)
      BATTY : bottom; backside; anus. (5)
      BATTYBWOY : a gay person (6)
      BEAST : a policeman (1)
      BEX : vex (verb), or vexed (adjective). (5)
      BHUTTU (BUHTUH) : an uncouth, out of fashion, uncultured person
      Use: Wey yu a go inna dem deh cloze? Yu fayva buttu (12)
      BISSY : cola nut. (5)
      BLACK UP : To smoke weed. Like somene would ask "You Black up today?" Meaning
      : did you smoke today? (14)
      BLY : chance, "must get a bly", "must get a chance". (4)
      BOASIE : adj. proud, conceited, ostentatious. Combination of
      English boastful and Yoruba bosi-proud and ostentatious
      BOASIN TONE : Swollen penis or testicles (13)
      BOBO : fool. (5)
      BOONOONOONOUS : Meaning wonderful. (13)
      BOX : To smack or to hit in the face. (13)
      BRAA : from BREDDA; brother. (5)
      BRAATA : a little extra; like the 13th cookie in a baker's dozen;
      or an extra helping of food. In musical shows it has
      come to be the encore. (5)
      BREDREN : one's fellow male Rastas (1)
      BRINDLE : to be angry (6)
      BRINKS : title given to a man who is supplying a woman with money
      BUBU : fool. (5)
      BUCKY : home-made gun (2)
      BUD : bird. (14)
      BUFU-BUFU : fat, swollen, blubbery; too big; clumsy or lumbering.(5)
      BUGUYAGA : a sloppy, dirty person, like a bum or tramp. (5)
      BULL BUCKA : a bully (1)
      BULLA : a comon sugar and flour cookie or small round cake,
      sold everywhere in Jamaica. (5)
      (TO GET) BUN : to have one's spouse or girl/boy-friend cheat on
      oneself, to be cheated out of something (6)
      RAS CLOT,
      BLOOD CLOT : curse words (1)
      BUMBO : bottom; backside. A common curse word, especially in
      combination with CLOT (cloth),
      a reference to the days before toilet paper. (5)
      BUNGO : n. racially pejorative. Crude, black, ignorant,
      boorish person. From Hausa bunga-bumpkin, nincompoop (7)
      BUNKS : to knock or bump against, from "to bounce",
      BUNKS MI RES, catch my rest, take a nap. (5)
      BWOY : Boy (13)
      (THE) CAT : a woman's genitals (6)
      CALLALOU : A spinach stew. (18)
      CARD : to fool someone (6)
      CEASE & SEKKLE! : stop everything and relax! (6)
      CERACE : a ubiquitous vine used for boiling medicinal tea,
      and for bathing. It is proverbial for its bitterness.(5)
      CHA! or CHO! : a disdainful expletive (1) pshaw! (2) very common, mild
      explanation expressing impatience, vexation or
      disappointment. (5)
      CHAKA-CHAKA : messy, disorderly, untidy. (5)
      CHALICE or CHILLUM : a pipe for smoking herb, usually made from coconut shell
      or CHALEWA : and tubing, used ritually by Rastas (1)
      CHEAP : just as cheap, just as well. (5)
      CHIMMY : chamber pot. (5)
      CHO : very common, mild explanation expressing impatience,
      vexation or disappointment. (5)
      CLAP : hit, break, stride (1)
      CLOT : 1. cloth, an essential part of most Jamaican bad words,
      such as bumbo clot, rass clot, blood clot, etc.
      The essence of Jamaican cursing seems to be nastiness
      , rather than the blashemy or sexuality which is
      characteristic of the metropolitan countries.
      2. to hit or strike - from the verb "to clout". (5)
      COCO : a potato-like edible root, known elsewhere as the taro
      or the eddo.
      It was brought to Jamaica from the South Pacific.
      This is completely distinct from cocoa, usually called
      chocolate. (5)
      COIL : money (6)
      COME DUNG : come down, get ready (as to prepare to play a tune) (6)
      COME EEN LIKE : to seem as if; to resemble. (5)
      CONTROL : to be in charge of, responsible for, to own; to take (1)
      COO 'PON : v. (origin unclear) Look upon! (7)
      COO YAH : v. (origin unclear) Look here! (7) pay attention (17)
      COOL RUNNINGS : a greeting; things are going smoothly (1)
      COOLIE : the traditional Jamaican epithet for East Indians.
      It is never used It is never used for Chinese Jamaicans.
      Usually in the form coolie-man or coolie-oman.
      It is not considered polite today anymore than the term
      nega, but it is still used widely in rural areas. (5)
      n. (urban slang) ganja (7)
      COME YAH (cumyu) : come here. (17)
      CORK UP : jammed, filled, crowded (2)
      CORN : 1. marijuana 2. money 3. a bullet (1)
      COTCH : verb (cotch up), to support something else, as with a
      forked stick; to balance something or place it
      temporarily; to beg someone a cotch, can be a place on
      a crowded bus seat or bench; or it may mean to cotch a
      while, to stay somewhere temporarily. (5)
      COTTA : a roll of cloth or vegetation placed on top of the head
      to cushion the skull from the weight of a head load. (5)
      CRAB : aside from it's usual meaning, it is a verb meaning to
      scratch or claw. (5)
      CRAVEN : greedy (5)
      CRIS : crisp; popularly used for anything brand-new,
      slick-looking. (5)
      CRISSARS : crisp, brand-new (2)
      CROMANTY : adj. from Corromantee, Blacks from the Gold Coast
      believed to be rebellious (7)
      CROSSES : problems, vexations, trials; bad luck, misfortunes. (5)
      CRUCIAL : serious, great, "hard,", "dread" (1)
      CUBBITCH : covetous. (5)
      CUDJO : n. name of famous Maroon warrior; mn born on Monday,
      from Fante, Twi kudwo (7)
      CULTURE : reflecting or pertaining to the roots values and
      traditions highly respected by the Rastas (1)
      CUSS-CUSS : a quarrel or fracas, with lots of cursing. (5)
      CUT YAI : to cut your eye at somebody is a very common means of
      expressing scorn or contempt, for example; one catches
      the other person's eye, then deliberatly turns one's
      own eyes as an insult. (5)
      CUTCHIE : pipe for communal smoking. (5)
      CYAAN : cannot, can't (6)
      D.J. : a person who sings or scats along with dub music,
      sometimes called "toasting" (2)
      DAAL : split peas, usually a thick soup, from Indian cuisine,
      from Hindi. (5)
      DADA : father (6)
      DALLY : executive zig-zag movements on wheels (2) or on foot (6)
      to ride a bicycle or motorbike with a weaving motion,
      as when ones weaves around potholes. (5)
      DAN DADA : the highest of DON'S (6)
      DAN : than (5)
      DARKERS : sunglasses (6)
      DASHEEN : a big soft yam-like root, often slightly greyish when
      cooked. It is related to the coco, but one eats the
      "head" instead of the tubers. (5)
      DAWTA : a girl, woman, "sister," girlfriend (1)
      DEAD WOOD : (the w is silent) = A man that can't perform sexually. Impotent. (14)
      DEADERS : meat, meat by-products (1)
      DEESTANT : decent. (5)
      DEGE or DEGE-DEGE : adjective, little, skimpy, measly, only, as in a two
      dege-dege banana. (5)
      DEH : there (place) (6)
      DEY : v. to be, exist, as in "No yam no dey". From Ewe de or
      Twi de - to be (7)
      DI : the (6)
      DINKI : a kind of traditional dance at funerals or "nine nights"
      ("set-ups"); now popular among school children. (5)
      DIS or DIS YA : this (6)
      DJEW : as a verb, rain a djew; as a noun, djew rain.
      It means a light rain or drizzle. (5)
      DOGHEART : a person who is especially cold and cruel (6)
      DOLLY : executive zig-zag movements on wheels (2)
      DON : one who is respected, master of a situation (6)
      DONKYA : from "don't care"; careless, sloppy, lacking ambition,
      etc. (5)
      DOONDOOS : an albino. (5)
      DOWNPRESSOR : preferred term for oppressor (1)
      DOTI : earth (19)
      (TO) DRAW CARD : the act of fooling someone (6)
      DREAD : 1. a person with dreadlocks
      2. a serious idea or thing
      3. a dangerous situation or person
      4. the "dreadful power of the holy"
      5. experientially, "awesome, fearful confrontation of
      a people with a primordial but historically denied
      racial selfhood" (1)
      DREADLOCKS : 1. hair that is neither combed nor cut 2. a person with
      dreadlocks (1)
      DREADY : a friendly term for a fellow dread (1)
      DUB : a roots electronic music, created by skillful,
      artistic re-engineering of recorded tracks (2)
      DUCK-ANTS : white ants, or termites. (5)
      DUKUNU : sweet corn-meal dumplings boiled in wrapped leaves. (5)
      DUNDUS : an albino. (5)
      DUNGLE : n. legendary West Kingston slum surrounding a garbage
      dump, now cleared. (7)
      : From English dunghill
      DUNS,DUNSA : money (1)
      DUPPY : a ghost (1)
      DUTCHY : dutch cooking pot, low round-bottomed heavy pot. (5)
      EASE-UP : to forgive, to lighten up (6)
      & CURRY : all is well, all is taken care of (6)
      FALLA FASHIN : Copycat (13)
      FAS' : to be fast with, meaning to be rude, impertinent,
      to meddle with sombody's business, to be forward, etc.
      FASSY : eczema-like scratchy sores on the skin;
      also a verb meaning to cause oneself to be covered with
      fassy by scratching. (5)
      FAYVA : to favour, resemble, or look like; "fayva like"
      also means "it seems as if". (5)
      FE : the infinitive "to" as in "Have fe go" (7)
      FEEL NO WAY : don't take offense, don't be sorry, don't worry (1)
      FENKY-FENKY : (from finicky) choosy, proud, stuck-up. (5)
      FENNEH : v. to feel physical distress, pain. From Twi
      fene-to vomit; Fante fena-to be troubled; Lumba
      feno-to faint (7)
      FI : possessive. "fi me"-"mine" (7) Can also mean
      : "for" or "to", as in "I ha' fi", I have to.
      : Yu num fi du dat = You are not to do that. (12)
      FIESTY : impudent, rude, out of order, cheeky. (5)
      FIRST LIGHT : tomorrow (1)
      (HIM A) FISH : a gay person (6)
      FIT : when used of fruits and vegetables,
      it means ready to pick, full grown,
      though not necessarily fully ripe. (5)
      FORWARD : 1. to go, move on, set out 2. in the future (1)
      FRONTA : tobacco leaf used to roll herb (1)
      FUCKERY : wrong, unfair (6)
      TO THE FULLNESS : completely, absolutely, totally (1)
      FUNDS : Money (6)
      GAAN TO BED : an adverbial phrase; following a verb of liking or
      loving, it has a superlative meaning;
      Can be used in any context,
      such as "I love hafu yam gaan to bed!". (5)
      GALANG : go along. (23)
      GANJA : herb, marijuana (1)
      GANSEY : t-shirt, any knit shirt (2)
      (TO) GET SALT : to be thwarted, to encounter misfortune (6)
      GATES : home, yard (1)
      GENERAL : cool operator (1)
      GIG : spinning top. (5)
      GINNAL : n. trickster, con-man, an Amnancy figure as in "Sunday
      Ginnal"-a preacher or clergyman (7)
      GLAMITY : a woman's genitals (6)
      GORGON : outstanding dreadlocks (1)
      (DON) GORGON : outstanding dreadlocks, a person who is respected (2,6)
      GRAVALICIOUS : greedy, avaricious. (5)
      GRINDSMAN : one who displays great prowess in bed(6)
      GROUNATION : large, island-wide meeting and celebration of Rastas (1)
      GROUND : home, yard (4)
      HACKLE : to hassle, bother, worry, trouble. As a noun, hackling.
      HAFFI : to have to... (6)
      HAIL : a greeting (1)
      HARD : excellent, proficient, skillful, uncompromising (1)
      HEETCH : itch. Many such words could be listed under H,
      as initial H is added to scores of words at will. (5)
      HEAD MAN JANCRO : n. albino buzzard (7)
      HERB : marijuana (1)
      HIEZ-HAAD : ears-hard, thick skulled, stubborn, unwilling or unable
      to hear. (5)
      HIEZ : ears. (5)
      HIGGLERS : higglers, who are primarly woman who buy and sell goods
      that they have imported into the country. Some higglers,
      however, do not make trips out of the country to buy
      goods, but sell the goods that others import. The
      connection between higglers and dancehall culture is
      crucial as they form one of the strongest international
      links between JA, North America, and the Caribbean. (16) HITEY-TITEY : upper class, high tone, "stoosh". (5)
      HOMELY : to be relaxed, comfortable, enjoying your home surrounding. (14)
      HOOD : penis. (5)
      HORTICAL (DON) : respected, acclaimed (6)
      HOT-STEPPER : fugitive from jail or gun court (1)
      I-MAN : I, me, mine (1)
      I-NEY : a greeting (2)
      I-REY : 1. a greeting 2. excellent, cool, highest (1)
      I-SHENCE : herb (1)
      I-TAL : vital, organic, natural, wholesome; refers to way of
      cooking and way of life (1)
      in colors, red, green and gold (2)
      I : replaces "me", "you", "my"; replaces the first syllable
      of seleted words (1) I and I, I&I: I, me, you and me,
      we (1)
      Rastafari speech eliminates you, me we, they, etc.,
      as divisive and replaces same with communal I and I.
      I and I embraces the congregation in unity with the
      Most I (high) in an endless circle of inity (unity). (3)
      IEZ-HAAD : ears-hard, thick skulled, stubborn, unwilling or
      unable to hear. (5)
      IEZ : ears. (5)
      ILIE : adj. literally, "highly", valuable, exalted, even
      sacred (7)
      IGNORANT : short-tempered, easy to vex, irate. (5)
      INNA DI MORROWS : tomorrow (6)
      INNA : In the (4)
      IRIE : adj. powerful and pleasing (7)
      ISMS and SKISMS : negative term denoting Babylon's classificatory systems
      ITES : 1. the heights
      2. a greeting
      3. the color red (1) great (2)
      JA, JAM-DOWN : Jamaica (1)
      JACKASS ROPE : homegrown tobacco, twisted into a rope. (5)
      JAH KNOW : Lord knows (1)
      JAH : God; possibly derived as a shortened form of Jahweh or
      Jehovah (1)
      Jah Ras Tafari, Haille Selassie, King of Kings, Lord of
      Lords, conquering Lion of Judah; rastas revere Haile
      Selassie as the personification of the Almighty (2)
      JAMDUNG : Jamaica, "Jam" to press down "dung" down. Ironic
      reference to social and economic conditions of the
      masses (7)
      JAMMIN : to be having a good time, to be dancing calypso/soca (6)
      JANCRO : n. literally John Crow, buzzard (7)
      JANGA : shrimp, crayfish. (5)
      JELLY : a young coconut, full of jelly. (5)
      JON CONNU : n. (John Canoe). Bands of elaborately masked dancers
      appearing around Christmas. They ressemble the
      ancestral dancers of West Africa, but the ety. of the
      word is unclear. (7)
      JOOK : to pierce or stick, as with a thorn or a long pointed
      stick. (5)
      JUDGIN' : adjective, everyday or ordinary clothes or shoes worn
      in the yard or in the bush, as in "judgin' boot".
      Also as a verb, to judge, with a similar meaning. (5)
      JUU : as a verb, rain a juu; as a noun, juu rain.
      It means a light rain or drizzle. (5)
      KALI; COOLY : marijuana (1)
      KALLALOO : a dark, green leafy vegetable, very nutritious and
      cheap. (5)
      KASS KASS : n. quarrel or contention. From combination of English
      curse or cuss, and Twi kasa kasa-to dispute verbally (7)
      KATA : a roll of cloth or vegetation placed on top of the head
      to cushion the skull from the weight of a head load. (5)
      KEMPS : a little bit, a tiny piece, from skimps. (5)
      KISS ME NECK! : common exclamation of surprise. (5)
      KISS TEET : to kiss one's teeth or to suck one's teeth is to make
      the very common hissing noise of disappoval, dislike,
      vexation or disappointment. (5)
      KOUCHIE : bowl of a chalice or chillum pipe (1)
      KRENG-KRENG : an old-fashioned meat rack, hung up high over the fire
      to catch the smoke. (5)
      KU : verb, look! (5)
      KU DEH! : look there! (5)
      KU PAN : look at. (5)
      KU YA! : look here! (5)
      KU YU : To say "Look at you." To the person you are refering to. (14)
      KUMINA : n. Ecstatic dance for the purpose of communicating with
      ancestors. From Twi akom-to be possessed and ana-by an
      ancestor (7)
      KYA : 1. to care; "donkya", don't care, careless; "no kya"
      means no matter, as in "no kya weh im tun",
      no matter where he turns.
      2. to carry. (5)
      KYAAN : can't. (5)
      KYAI : to carry. (5)
      KYAN : can. (5)
      LABA-LABA : to chat, gab; gossip. (5)
      LABRISH : gossip, chit-chat. (5)
      LAGGA HEAD : Dumb acts as if you have no common sense. Stupid.
      : "yu dam Lagga head bud" (14)
      LAMBSBREAD : a form of high-quality marijuana (1)
      LARGE : respected (6)
      LEGGO BEAS' : wild, disorderly, like a let-go beast. (5)
      LICK : To hit (13)
      LICKY-LICKY : fawning, flattering, obsequious. (5)
      LILLY BIT : little bit, tiny. (5)
      LION : a righteous Dread (1) a great soul (2)
      LITTLE MORE : see you later (2)
      (TOO) LIKKY-LIKKY : title given to those who like to eat any food they
      encounter , without discretion (6)
      MAAMA MAN : a gay person, an effeminate man, a weakling (6)
      MACA : thorn, prickle. (5)
      MADDA : mother (6)
      MAFIA : big-time criminals (1)
      MAGA DOG : mongrel (4)
      MAGA : thin (2) (from meagre) (5)
      MAMPI : Fat or overweight (13)
      MANACLES : chains (11)
      MANNERS : under heavy discipline or punishment. for example
      when Kingston is under "heavy manners", they have a
      curfew or call out the army. (10)
      MARINA : a man's undershirt, guernsey; a tank-top style. (5)
      MAROON : n. free black warrior-communities which successfully
      resisted British hegemony during eighteenth century
      and early nineteenth century. From Spanish cimmaron-
      untamed, wild (7)
      MASCOT : denoting inferior status (2)
      MASH IT UP : a huge success (1)
      MASH UP, MASH DOWN : destroy (1)
      MAAS : n. from master or massa. Now freed from its class
      origin; a respectful form of address to an older man.
      MASSIVE : respected (6), used with LARGE to add emphasis
      MEK WE : Let Us. (4)
      MENELIK, RAS : n. Ethiopian nobleman who rallied his troops to resist
      Italian aggression. Defeated Italians at Adowa 1896 (7)
      MONKS : amongst. (5)
      MORE TIME : see you later (1)
      MR. T : the boss (2)
      MUS MUS : a rat (4)
      /FATHER : the mother/father of my child (1,6)
      MYAL : n. a form of benign magic oposed to Obeah, hence
      myalman. From Hursa maye-wizard, person of mystic
      power. (7)
      NAGAH : n. pejorative for a black person (7)
      NAGO : n. Yoruba person, practice or language. From Ewe
      anago-Yoruba person (7)
      NAH : adv. will not. Emphatic as in "Me nah do that" (7)
      NANA : midwife; nanny or nurse. (5)
      NANNY GOAT : "What sweet nanny goat a go run him belly" is a
      cautionary Jamaican proverb which translated means:
      What tastes good to a goat will ruin his belly. In
      other words - the things that seem good to you now,
      can hurt you later... (10)
      NASH : female genatalia (6)
      NATTY CONGO : 1. dreadlocks 2. a person with dreadlocks (1)
      NAZARITE : Ancient Hebrew meaning to "separate", consecrated,
      set apart by choice and devotion (1)
      NIYABINGHI : 1. "death to all black and white oppressors"
      2. East African warriors who resisted colonial
      3. large Rastafarian meeting and spiritual gathering
      4. referring to orthodox, traditional Rastas
      5. a variety of drumming (1)
      NIYAMEN : name for Rastas referring to Niyabinghi warriors of
      East Africa (1)
      NO KYA : no matter, as in "no kya weh im tun", no matter where
      he turns. (5)
      NO TRUE? : isn't it so? (1)
      NUH : interrogative at end of sentence; literally, "Is it
      not so?" (7)
      NYAM : to eat. (5)
      (TOO) NYAMI-NYAMI : title given to those who like to eat any food
      they encounter, without discretion (6)
      NYING'I-NYING'I : nagging, whining. (5)
      O-DOKONO : boiled maize bread. (5)
      OBEAH : traditional African "science", relating to matters of
      the spirit and spirits, spells, divinations, omens,
      extra-sensory knowledge, etc. (5)
      OHT FI : about to, on the vergeof, as in "it hoht fi rain",
      it is about to rain, it looks like rain. (5)
      ONE LOVE : a parting phrase, expression of unity (1)
      ONE-ONE : adjective, one by one, thus any small amount. (5)
      ONGLE : only. (5)
      PAKI : calabash, gourd. (5)
      PAPAA : pawpaw, or papaya melon. (5)
      PATU : owl. (5)
      PAYAKA : heathen (11)
      PYAKA : tricky or dishonest. (10)
      PEEL-HEAD : bald-headed, usually certain chickens or vultures. (5)
      PEENYWALLY : a kind of large fire fly, actually a type of flyig
      beetle. (5)
      PEER : avocado pear. (5)
      PHENSIC : JA equivalent to Tylenol, Excedrin, etc. (26)
      PICKY, PICKY HEAD : brush haircut (3)
      PICKY-PICKY : 1. finicky or choosy
      2. Used of uncombed hair just starting to turn into
      dreadlocks. (5)
      PIKNY : pickaninny, child. (5)
      PINDA : peanut. (5)
      PIRA : a low wooden stool. (5)
      PITY-ME-LIKL : a type of very tiny red ant whose bite is so hot and
      long-lasting it resembles a sting. (5)
      POCOMANIA, POCO : christian revival, distinct drum rhythm (2)
      POLYTRICKS : politics (by Peter Tosh) (6)
      POLYTRICKSTERS : politicians (by Peter Tosh) (6)
      POPPY-SHOW : from puppet show, it is used in the idiom,
      tek smadi mek poppy-show, which means to make fun of
      someone or shame them, making them look ridiculous. (5)
      PUM-PUM : a woman's genitals (6)
      PUNAANI or PUNNI : a woman's genitals (6)
      PUPPALICK : somersalt. (5)
      PUSSY CLOT : A curse word ref. to a woman's sanitary napkin. (14)
      PUTTIN' AWAY : a preposition, meaning "except for", or "except". (5)
      PYAA-PYAA : sickly, weak; feeble, of no account. (5)
      PYU : from spew; verb used of running sores or anything
      similarly dripping or oozing. (5)
      QUASHIE : n. peasant, country bumpkin, coarse and stupid person;
      racial pejorative generic term for blacks; originally
      Twi name of a boy born on a Sunday (7)
      QUIPS : 1. nouns (from squips) a tiny piece or amount.
      2. verb, the Jamaican art of washing clothes making a
      "squips-squips" sound. (5)
      RAATID! : a common mild expletive of surprise or vexation, as in
      "to raatid!". It is likely a polite permutation of
      "ras", a la "gosh" or "heck". (5)
      RANKING : highly respected (1)
      RAS or RASS : backside, rump; a common curse is to rass! or rass clot!
      a title used by Rastafarians meaning "lord" or "head" .
      (TO) RAAS : "really?", "damn!"(6)
      RASTA, RASTAFARIAN : a follower of Marcus Garvey who worships the Almighty
      in the person of haile Selassie
      RAT-BAT : bat, the night-flying rodent. (5)
      RATCHET : a switchblade knife popular in Jamaica (1)
      RED : 1. very high on herb 2. mulatto color (1)
      RED EYE : to want another persons belonging, envious. "You too red eye",
      : meaning, you're too envious. (14)
      RAHTID : expression of surprise, or to be enraged. From
      biblical"wrothed" (7)
      RENK : 1. foul-smelling, raw-smelling.
      2. out of order, impudent, as in a rank-imposter.
      "Yu too renk!". (5)
      RHAATID : a curse-exclamation, similar to "what the hell" (6)
      RHYGIN : adj. spirited, vigorous, lively, passionate with great
      vitality and force; also sexually provocative and
      aggressive. Probably a form of English raging. (7)
      RIZZLA : brand of rolling paper. (3)
      ROCKERS : reggae music (1) reggae music as it is played today,
      the latest sound (2)
      ROOTS : 1. derived from the experience of the common people,
      natural indigenous
      2. a greeting
      3. name for a fellow Rasta (1)
      ROTI : flat Indian pan breads. (5)
      ROYAL, (RIAL) : n. offspring of some other race and black, ass in
      "Chiney-Rial," "coolie-rial"; humorous as in
      "monkey-rial" (7)
      RUDE BOY : a criminal, a hard hearted person, a tough guy (6)
      RUN-DUNG : food cooked in coconut juice, obtained after grating
      the dry coconut meat and squeezing it in water,
      thus extracting the coconut cream. (5)
      RUNNING BELLY : diarrhea (12)
      RYAL : royal. (5)
      SAL'TING : 1. dishes cooked with saltfish or meat.
      2. that part of the meal which is served with the "food"
      (starchy food, ground food).
      3. by some strange extension, the female organ, often
      simply called "sal". (5)
      SALT : adjective, broke, empty-handed, low on funds or food,
      as in "tings salt" or "i' salt". (5)
      SAMBO : the colour between brown and black; someone who is a
      cross between a mullatto (brown) and a black. (5)
      SAMFAI MAN : trickster, conman. (5)
      SHAMPATA : n. sandal of wood or tire rubber. Span. zapato (7)
      SANFI : A manipulator - dishonest person. A person that will sweet talk you
      : out of love and money. "Dam Sanfi Bitch". (14)
      SANKEY : n. religious song of a paticularly lugubrious tone,
      sung in the long or common meter. From Ira David
      Sankey, evangelist and hymnalist (7)
      SATA : to rejoice, to meditate, to give thanks and praise. (5)
      SATTA : sit, rest, meditate (1) relax (6)
      (GO) SATTA : claim how spiritual you are (11)
      SCIENCE : obeah, witchcraft (1)
      SCIENTIST : occult practitioner (2)
      SCOUT : denoting inferior status (6)
      SCREECHIE : to sneak by (6)
      SCREW : to scowl, to be angry (1)
      SEEN : I understand, I agree (1)
      SEEN? : Do you understand? (6)
      SHAG : home-cured tobacco, straight from the field. (5)
      SHAKE OUT : leave without haste, casually (2)
      SHEG (UP) : verb, to bother, as in "all sheg up",
      all hot and bothered, or or spoiled up (as of work). (5)
      SHEG-UP : to be messed up, ruined (6)
      SHEPHERD : n. leader of revivalist cult; also proprietor of
      balmyard, healer and prophet (7)
      SHOOB : to shove. (5)
      SIDUNG : sit down (6)
      SIGHT? : do you understand? (1)
      SINKL-BIBLE : the aloevera plant. (5)
      SINSEMILLA, SENSIE : popular, potent, seedless, unpollinated female strain
      of marijuana (1)
      SINTING : something. (5)
      SIPPLE : slippery; slimy. (5)
      SISTER, SISTREN : a woman, a friend, woman Rastafarians (1)
      SITTIN' : something. (5)
      SKANK : to dance to reggae music (1) to move with cunning,
      ulterior motives (2)
      SKIL : kiln, as in "limeskil". (5)
      SKIN : rolling paper (1)
      SKIN YOUR TEETH : smile (1)
      SLABBA-SLABBA : big and fat, slobby, droopy. (5)
      SLACKNESS : lewd, vulgar lyrics popular in DJ singing (4)
      SMADI : somebody. (5)
      SO-SO : only, solely, unaccompanied. (5) weak, pallid (6)
      SOFT : not well done, amateurish; unable to cope (1)
      broke, no money (2)
      SPLIFF : large, cone-shaped marijuana cigarette (1)
      SPRING : to sprout, as of yams or cocos, making them inedible.
      STAR : common term of affection, camaraderie (1)
      STEP : to leave, to depart (1) briskly, quickly (2)
      STOOSH/STOSHUS : upper class, high tone, "hitey-titey". (5)
      STRING UP : a muscial rehearsal (2)
      STRUCTURE : body, health (1)
      SU-SU : gossip, the sound of wispering. (5)
      SUFFERER : a poor person stuggling to survive (2)
      SUPM, SINTING : something (6)
      TACK : bullet (2)
      TACUMAH : n. character in Anancy tales. Said to be the son of
      Anancy. Twin'ticuma (7)
      TAKARI/TANKARI : stewed spicy pumpkin. (5)
      TALL : long (1)
      TALLOWAH : adj. sturdy, strong, fearless, physically capable.
      From Ewe talala (7)
      TAM : deep woolen hat, used by Dreads to cover their locks
      TAMBRAN SWITCH : n. a flail made from the wiry branches of the Tamarind
      tree, braided and oiled. Effective and much feared in
      the hands of Babylon. (7)
      TAN' : to stand; usually used in the sense of "to be".
      "A so im tan", "that is what he is like";
      "tan deh!" or "yu tan deh!" means "just you wait!".
      "Tan tedy", stand steady, means "hold still". (5)
      TARRA-WARRA : a polite way of expressing omitted bad words, a verbal
      asterisk. (5)
      TATA : n. father. Affectionate and respectful title for an old
      man. Fram many african languages. Ewe, Ge, N'gombe (7)
      TATU : a little thatched hut, often made of bamboo. (5)
      TEETH : bullets (2)
      TEIF : a theif, to steal (6)
      TOTO : coconut cake. (5)
      TOPANORIS : uptown snobby person. (10)
      TRACE : to curse or speak abusively to someone. (5)
      TRANSPORT : vehicle (1)
      TUMPA : from stump, as in "tumpa-foot man", a one-foot man. (5)
      TUNTI : female organ. (5)
      UNO/UNU : you-all. (5) pron. you, plural. In usage close to
      Afro-American y'awl. From Ibo unu, same meaning (7)
      UPFUL : postitive, encouraging (2)
      UPHILL : positive, righteous (1)
      UPTOWN : the upper classes (1)
      VEX : to get angry (1)
      WA DAY : adverbial phrase, the other day. (5)
      WA MEK? : why?
      WAKL : wattle, a kind of woven bamboo work used to make house
      walls. (5)
      WANGA-GUT : hungry-belly. (5)
      WARRA-WARRA : politely omitted bad words, same as "tarra-warra". (5)
      WH'APPEN? : what's happening? (4)
      WHATLEF : What's left over (7)
      WHEELS : vehicle (6)
      WHOLE HEAP : a lot (1)
      WINE : "wine" appears in every West Indian dialect, and is
      literally a corruption of "wind." It means to dance,
      sometimes seductively. (17)
      WINJY : thin and sickly looking. (5)
      WIS : vine, liana, from withe. (5)
      WOLF : a non-rasta deadlocks (2)
      WOOD : penis. (5)
      YA NO SEE IT? : you know? (1)
      YA : hear, or here. (5)
      YABBA : a big clay pot. (5)
      YAGA YAGA : Dancehall slang. a way to big up a brethren; to express
      a greeting or attract attention, i.e. yo! or yush!
      true friend; bonafide; brethren. (9)
      YAHSO : here (place) (6)
      YAI : eye. (5)
      YARD : home, one's gates (1) tenement (2)
      YOUTH : a child, a young man, an immature man (1)
      ZION : Ethiopia, Africa, the Rastafarian holy land (1)
      ZUNGU PAN : zinc pan. (5)
      "Me come yah fi drink milk, me no come yah fi count cow!"
      (Deliver that which you promised, don't just talk about it!) (15)
      "Carry Go Bring Come" (gossip) (12)
      "A so im tan" (that is what he is like)
      "tan deh!" or "yu tan deh!" (just you wait!)
      "Tan tedy", stand steady, means "hold still". (5)
      Bunks Mi Res (catch my rest, take a nap) (5)
      "yu dam Lagga head bud" (stupid) (14)
      "What sweet nanny goat a go run him belly" is a
      cautionary Jamaican proverb which translated means:
      What tastes good to a goat will ruin his belly. In
      other words - the things that seem good to you now,
      can hurt you later... (10)
      "tek smadi mek poppy-show", which means to make fun of
      someone or shame them, making them look ridiculous. (5)
      "You too red eye" (meaning, you're too envious) (14)
      Ya No See It? (you know?) (1)
      "the gal come wine up on me," it would mean that the girl came and was
      dancing up on me. (17)
      "Chicken merry; hawk deh (is) near", it's a Jamaican
      proverb which simply means, every silver lining has its dark cloud
      Even in the happiest times one must still be watchful. (22)
      "Fire de a Mus Mus tail, him tink a cool breeze". Set a Rat's tail
      on fire and he's thinks there's a cool breeze. Used to describe
      someone or something (the system for example) that is clueless. (4)
      This characterizes the delusional complacency of the upper classes. (22)
      "Me bleach hard lass night"
      i partied straight through the night. (20)
      "A promise is a comfort to a fool". (4)
      "coo pon dat bwoy", "look at that boy" (17)
      "I no come to hear about how horse dead an' cow fat"
      It's like telling somebody to knock off with irrelevant details. (21)
      "Me throw me corne but me no call no fowl"
      It evokes the image of a farmer silently scattering who is
      saying, in effect: "Don't call yourself a chicken just because you eat my
      feed; I never said I was endeavoring to feed the chickens." That is, "You
      are who you show yourself to be, not who you might say you are." (21)
      "Sorry for maga dog, maga dog turn round bite you". This metaphor extends
      very well to all manner and sort of do-gooding and should be considered before
      any hasty acts of charity! (22)
      "Mi throw mi corn, but me no call no fowl". refers to the conversational
      technique of throwing out a provocative statement (throw corn) in an indirect
      manner, thus forestalling any accusations of personal insult. (22)
      "Sweet nanny goat have a running belly". It's a barnyard analogy akin to the
      grass is always greener, but much coarser, noting that the sweet foliage avidly
      sought out by the nanny goat gives it diarrhea (running belly). It's a blunt
      way of warning someone off temptation. (22)
      "cock mouth kill cock" really can't be expanded upon any further, nor can the
      similar "If a fish coulda keep him mout' shut, him would neva get caught". (22)
      "Everyting Crash". The topic is social chaos. Also, "come bad in de morning
      can't come good a evenin'", and the even more pessimistic "every day bucket
      go a well, one day di bucket bottom mus drop out". (22)
      "Wanti wanti can't get it, getti getti no want it", i.e., the Have-nots covet
      what the Haves take for granted. (22)
      "Trouble no set like rain", that is, unlike bad weather, we are often not
      warned by dark clouds on the horizon. (22)
      Jamaican proverbs consistently counsel patience and forebearance, as in the
      beautiful image "time longer than rope". The child must "creep before him
      walk". And remember, "one one coco fill up a basket", take it easy and fill
      up your shopping basket one item at a time. (22)
      "Every mikkle makes a muckle", refers to thriftiness, similar to "a penny
      saved is a penny earned". (22)
      "No cup no broke, no coffee no dash wey". Even if disaster strikes your home it's always possible
      that all may not be lost. (22)
      "Heart No Leap", "See and Blind". These sayings are similar to "hear no evil,
      see no evil". (22)
      "mi come here fi drink milk, mi noh come here fi count cow". A remimder
      to conduct business in a straightforward manner. (22)
      "The higher the monkey climbs the more him expose". A truly comic image if
      you've ever been to the zoo, and comforting to any of us whose backs have been
      used as a stepping-stone for someone else's success. (22)
      "A new broom sweeps clean, but an old broom knows every corner". A profoundly witty statement that sums up any
      number of current situations, including the state of today's music. (22)
      "dry land tourist". A Jamaican who's never been off the island but still
      acts like a big shot. (10)
      "no one cyaan test" . no one can sompete with. (24)
      "Mi a-go lef today". "I am leaving today" (25)
      "Im too hard of Aise". "He/She is too hard of ears" (25)
      "Him is badda than dem" "No badda mi". "He is worse than they are" "Don't bother me" (25)
      "Is bare dog down inna that yard". "Is only dogs in that yard" (25)
      "No badda bawl im soon come back". "Don't bother crying he'll soon be back (25)
      "Dat is fe mi bredda". "That is my brother" (25)
      "The chuck need tree new tyres". "The truck will need three new tire" (25)
      "Cuyah, she gwan like she nice eee". "Look at that, she acts like she is so nice" (25)
      "Choble nuh nice" "Yuh ina big choble". "Trouble is not nice" "You are in big trouble" (25)
      "Did yuh see dat?" "A who dat?" "Did you see that" "Who is that" (25)
      " Yuh no dun yet?". "You have not finished yet?" (25)
      " Is the dutty duppy man dweet". "The dirty ghost do it" (25)
      "Ef yuh choble him 'im me a-go hit yuh". "If you trouble him I am going to hit you" (25)
      "All a dem a me fambly". "All of them are my family" (25)
      " Yuh too fass and Facety". "You are too inquisitive and fresh" (25)
      "Galang bout yuh business". "Go along about you business" (25)
      "Mi back a hat mi". "My back is hurting me" (25)
      "An a jus Lass nite mi dideh". "And it was just last nigh I was there" (25)
      "Lef mi Nuh". "Leave me alone." (25)
      "Tek de neegle an sow de piece of clawt". "Take the needle and sow the piece of cloth" (25)
      "How yuh nyam so much". "How do you eat so much." (25)
      "Is Mr Garden pickney dem". "It is Mr. Gordon children." (25)
      "Mi would rada you talk to mi"
      Translation : "I would rather you not talk to me"
      "Tandy tink sey im a-go help you." "Stand there thinking he is going to help you." (25)
      "Tek you time an mine it bruk". "Take your time, you might break it." (25)
      "Wat a liiv an bambaie" Leftovers put aside to eat tomorrow (What is left for
      by-and by). (8)
      Sources: 1. Reggae International, Stephen Davis, Peter Simon, R&B, 1982
      2. KSBR 88.5 FM, Laguna Beach, CA. Handout.
      3. posted on
      4. Mike Pawka, Jammin Reggae Archives Maintainer
      5. Understanding Jamaican Patois, L. Emilie Adams, Kingston
      6. Richard Dennison/Michio Ogata
      7. Glossary from "The Harder They Come" (Bo Peterson)
      8. Norman Redington
      9. The Beat
      10. Allen Kaatz
      11. Jah Bill (William Just)
      12. Arlene Laing
      13. Jennifer G. Graham
      14. Norma Brown/Zoe Una Vella Veda
      15. Richard V. Helmbrecht
      16. Norman Stolzoff
      17. Christopher Edmonds
      18. Lisa Watson
      19. Dr. Carolyn Cooper
      20. Ras Adam
      21. Chip Platt
      22. Michael Turner from an article in "The Beat"
      23. Nicky "Dread" Taylor
      24. Simrete McLean
      25. The Unofficial Web Site on Jamaica
      26. Paul Mowatt

    • Anonyymi

      Hyvää päivää ystäviä, nimeni on Antonio Laura Lund-Ruotsista, olen lääkäri ammatin mukaan, 45-vuotias. Lukekaa ystävällisesti todellisen elämäni todistukseni siitä, kuinka palautin takaisin rakkauden ja luottamuksen avioliittooni, minulla on hyviä aikomuksia siitä, että nämä tiedot auttavat tätä lukevaa henkilöä parantamaan sydäntä ja palauttamaan kadonneen rakkaussuhteen 2 päivän kuluessa. Stoy voi olla samanlainen, olin naimisissa Antonio kanssa neljä vuotta, viime kuussa hän hajosi kanssani, tein kaiken saadakseni hänet rakastamaan minua, mutta kaikki mitä tein oli turhaan, halusin häntä takaisin niin paljon, koska meillä oli kaksi pientä lasta yhdessä ja rakastan häntä niin paljon, etten voi elää ilman häntä, kysyin häneltä kaiken, tein lupauksia, mutta hän kieltäytyi. Selitin ongelmani kollegalleni työssä, hän on hyvä ystäväni ja hän kehotti minua ottamaan mieluummin yhteyttä rakkauden oikeinkirjoittajaan, joka voisi auttaa minua rakkauden palauttamisessa, mutta olen sellainen henkilö, joka ei koskaan ajatellut, että rakkauden loitsun osuus oli olemassa tai voi toimia, minulla ei ollut muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin kokeilla sitä, lähetin sähköpostia minulle oikeinkirjoituskanavan yhteystiedot, jotka hän antoi minulle ja harvoille kunnille, kun sain vastauksen. Dr.Oduduwa kertoi minulle, että hän voi auttaa minua palauttamaan mieheni, se oli Ei hätää, että kaikki menee hyvin ennen kolme työpäivää, seurain huolellisesti kaikkia hänen ohjeita siitä, mitä minun tulee tehdä kotona kotona keskiyön rakkausloitsun rukouksen aikana. Oduduwa käynnisti rakkauden oikeinkirjoituksen osan ilmaan ja yllättäen toisena päivänä se oli noin klo 6.00. Aviomieheni rakkauspartneri soitti minulle matkapuhelimella, olin niin yllättynyt, koska aviomieheni on kieltäytynyt soittamasta minulle tai lähettämästä minulle tekstiä viimeisen kolmen viikon ajan, yhtäkkiä hän soitti pyytääkseen anteeksi minulta ja sanoi, että hän palaa kotiin käymään minua vastaan ja lapseni pian. Siitä päivästä lähtien, kun hän soitti minulle, hänellä on ollut soittoääni ja tekstiviestejä minulle joka päivä, tänään hän soitti, että vastasin puheluun ja hän sanoi taas, että hän on niin pahoillani kaikesta, mitä tapahtui, että hän halusi minun antaa anteeksi ja palata hänelle. rakkauden kumppanina, että hän rakastaa minua niin paljon. Olen niin onnellinen, ja vasta tänään aloimme elää onnellisina yhdessä perheenä. syvällinen kiitollisuuteni menee Dr.Oduduwalle hänen lahjallisista voimistaan ​​palauttaa rikkoutunut avioliitto ja palauttaa entinen rakkauskumppani 2 päivän kuluessa rakkauden oikeinkirjoitusrukoukseen, joka toimii. Suosittelen häntä vilpittömästi kaikille, jotka etsivät kiireellistä rakkauden palauttamista (

    • Anonyymi

      Rastafarismiin liittyy pilven lussutus, ainainen valittaminen ja töiden välttely.

    • Anonyymi

      En pidä reggaessa mitään muuta asiaa myönteisenä kuin mukavat melodiat ja letkeä rytmi. Reggaen tai minkään muunkaan musiikkityylin sanomalla ei ole minulle mitään merkitystä jos se on vieraalla kielellä laulettua. Eli hukkaan menee kovalla vaivalla tuherretut (yleensä englanninkieliset) sanoitukset :)
      Suomenkielistä reggaeta en ole kuullut muita kuin Riki Sorsan esittämän "Reggae OK" -biisin joskus kauan sitten.

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Oot nainen liian paksu minulle

      Joten en yhtään syty tästä suhteesta.
    2. En voi jutella kanssasi

      tietenkään, mutta täällä voin sanoa sinulle, että se sinun hiljaisuutesi ja herkkyytesi eivät ole heikkoutta. Ne ovat ih
    3. No nyt! Linda Lampenius jakoi sensuellin kuvan itsestä - "Olematon mekko" saa hieraisemaan silmiä...

      Linda Lampenius täyttää tänään 55 vuotta. Eipä uskoisi kuvan perusteella. Onnea, onnea, onnea pop-artistille ja huippuvi
      Suomalaiset julkkikset
    4. Mites teillä keskustelut soljuu?

      Oli tossa mun aloittamassa ketjussa eilen illalla aikamoinen show. Mutta toisaalta ainahan mä oon valitellut kun täällä
    5. Shokki! Marko Paanaselle ei riitä 100 000 euron budjetti - Vaatii kesken remontin näin paljon lisää!

      Hupsista, noinkos siinä sitten kävi, budjetti ei pitänytkään…! Eikä taida olla ihan eka kerta, näitähän sattuu... Onko
    6. Pystyt sille toiselle

      Kertomaan ne salaisetkin asiat. Olette läheisiä. En tiedä kerrottu minusta. Tuskin kerrot. Puhutko sanaakaan. Toisaalta
    7. Venäjän rikollisen sodan juurisyyt

      Koska edellinen ketju Venäjän rikollisen sodan juurisyistä oli niin suosittu, että se tuli pikaisesti täyteen eikä sitä
    8. Annen grillin nousu ja konkka..

      Olipa se nopea grilli bisnes..Voi voi sentään mitäs nyt tilalle?
    9. Kokoomus haluaa hoitaa flussat yksityisellä, jotta säästettäisiin rahaa ja aikaa

      Mies hakeutui Terveystalo Kamppiin flunssaoireiden takia helmikuisena sunnuntai-iltana. Diagnoosiksi kirjattiin influens
      Maailman menoa
    10. Huominen haastattelu

      Huomenna 27.02 Torstaina. OLLI. SAHIMÄKI Järviradiossa haastateltavana kello 12:00 👏👏