Eli vanhemmanpuoleinen rakkauslaulu jossa mies laulaa "Hello is anybody home, I´m feeling so alone, hello" Saattaa olla kirjoitusvirheitä mutta toivottovasti osaatte kertoa biisin nimen ja esittäjän :)
Vanha biisi kateissa :,(
Bändi on Cue ja biisi Hello.
Is anybody home
I'm feeling so alone
I've been waiting all my life
to meet someone like you
It's a bittersweat sensation
Yes you think that we are through
You should have paid a visit to
the love I had inside
Now I'm left with my obsession
Where will you lay your heart tonight
I'm feeling so alone
My heart is like a stone
I feel like I am the only one with a broken heart
Is anybody home
I've been hanging by the phone
I wonder if I'm the only one with a broken heart
Guess I can't get over you
I can't forget that day
It's a bittersweat sensation
Yes you think you walked away
What am I supposed to do
I want to make things right
But I'm lost in my obsession
Where will you lay your heart tonight
I'm feeling so alone
My heart is like a stone
I feel like I am the only one with a broken heart
Is anybody home
I've been hanging by the phone
I wonder if I'm the only one with a broken heart
And now...
I can't turn back time
I'm sorry
For the things I said
I'm sorry too
Is there something I can do
Now the silence and the darkness
is painting me in blue
I'm feeling so alone
My heart is like a stone
I feel like I am the only one with a broken heart
Is anybody home
I've been hanging by the phone
I wonder if I'm the only one with a broken heart
Hello...- Yuki.Uesugi
Voi kiitos kiitos kiitos kiitos! Pelastit iltani, kiitos paljon ja oikeatikkin tästä :)
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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