ÒStill miss her?Ó
ÒYou would like to go for a shrinkÓ
ÒNo. I already visited an astrologer that was enough for quasi-science..more over this is one of a best time in my lifeÓ
ÒWhat do You mean AlauraÓ
ÒWella James I usually neve have a luxury to think about emotional problems Like You seem to run for a shrink all of the timeÓ
ÒBut it makes me feel goodÓ
ÒSo does ice cream..by the way do you think a shrink is better than our sex?Ó
ÒI am waiting?Ó
ÒWell mental problems are probably a minor problmes in life, however they are a lot more inexpensive to the tax payers of Finland to support withÓ
ÒOh I never took and idea there would be a such an fine societal perspectiveÓ
ÒWell it gives a lot of dignity for all those who goes for a shrink isntead a for a real doctor while they know they are saving the scarce resources of the nationÓ
ÒWell I never thought about how much beuaty there is being a responsible citizenÓ
ÒSo Why would You not joint the partyÓ
ÒI do not know James I guess going to cry against someone«s else shoulder would be like admitting I can«t face the life.Ó
ÒWell what about writing in books and articles, what difference does it make?Ó
ÒMm..I guess It keeps me better alert. Tell me James who will I run to when next day even bigger tsunami will hit.Who would be my dad or a mother then?Ó
Ò I never thought aboiut it AlauraÓ
ÒThat«s why I picked up You James for my husbandÓ
ÒI did not understoodÓ
ÒI guess it makes then there are two stupids in hereÓ
ÒIs it not great that we can share so much of intellectual and theoretical perspectives in our relationshipÓ
ÒIndeed it is. It makes the relationship..like..Ó
ÒLike being in the school or something?Ó
ÒI like thatÓ
ÒBeing in the school?Ó
ÒNo..but a thought of ..being in the schoolÓ
ÒYes, yesÓ
Copyright Janne Huttunen
20th April 2006
- Yavanna
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