The Republic is in dire need of new soldiers that could reinforce and protect the very foundations of our beloved lifestyle as we face this unimaginable threat called QEW who threatens that lifestyle with his mere existence!! And Emperor Lucas wants you to join the newly formed Republic Defensive Forces and it's specialized Counter Qew Unit the C.Q.U. that will see to it that this... QEW and his sorry followers will be swept off from the face of our galaxy with a one swift stroke!
Enlist today! And help the Empir.. I mean the Republic to vanquish it's most troublesome enemies so that we all might once again and finally live our lives in peace without having to worry about these kinds of Spammers and lowlifes that QEW and his co. represent. Your contribution means a lot to our struggle! So we call you to take arms against this annoying meddler that has been a pain in our collective asses for all too long now. Together we shall restore peace and order to the galaxy!!!
QEW!! Your days are numbered!!! >='D You've just become an extinct species!!! XD
- MasterGormo
join! But... i hope that you don´t mean, that we will restore peace, like Sidious did... Now, when the dark side is strongest, we must be carefull. By the way...why do we speak english?
- lukefani
if that order came directly from emperor lucas then yeas grand master Luke Skywalker is ready for duty we must act quickly qew is mercyless.Do what must be done lord katarn do not hesitate show no mercy.May the force be with you....
- KyleKatarn1987
I don't mean that. Nothing like that at all. I only mean, that when Qew is finally destroyed, we shall have a forever-lasting peace at last...
Why.. we speak english beacause it's fun and it is also the common language in the Star Wars universe. =D Sure I join
Believe what KyleKatarn said about English.
I prefer English more than Finnish. Finland has such a stupid language. Many "shortcut"-words such as "mä", "kyl" etc. English is now also more challenging language (because Finnish has always been my primary language).
- lukefani
you have prolonged the inevitable!
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