Vapaa kuvaus

Ohikulkumatkalla Maailmaa kierretty joskus, kotiin palattu, sitä pohtiessa. Tuulen varjo luettu viimeksi, mutta kaiken vastaus on 42. Kirjoja voi lukea vaikka kaupungin puistossa osana elämän sykettä Olen about mukiinmenevän näköinen, tosin juon vain teetä mukista. Kuohuvia nautin mieluiten merenrannalla auringonlaskua katsoen. Auringonnousujen ihailu onnistuu parhaiten lännessä, kiitos aikaeron, sillä olen aamu-uninen. Eläimistä pidän, mutta vain lyhyesti, sillä allergia ei salli pitempiä tuttavuuksia. Man travels the world, to find what he is looking for at home. I haven't yet. Answer to everything is 42, says another book. Parempia fotoja ja lisätietoja saa pyytämällä. Suosikkibändit/artistit: Bach, Van Halen, ZZ Top, A= AC/DC, Crowded House... U2 Suosikkileffat: tilanteen ja olotilan mukaan Vapaa-aikanani: matkustelen tai luen Katson tv:stä mieluiten: Uutiset Kotieläimet: Ei. En pidä: penkkiurheilusta, tomaatti Koulutus: --- Ammatti: Muu Siviilisääty: Sinkku Lapset: En oikein tiedä





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  1. (paikallinen ilmailulaitos):

    Banned items
    The following may not be carried in hand baggage.

    Sharp items
    This includes knives (with blades over 6cm), razor blades, box cutters, scissors (with blades over 6cm from fulcrim), axes, hatchets, cleavers, ice axes, ice picks, swords, sabres and sharp or pointed martial arts equipment.

    Projectile-firing weapons
    These include firearms, toy guns, replica/imitation guns, firearm parts (except telescopic sights), airguns, pellet guns, BB guns, flare guns, starting pistols, bows or crossbows, arrows, harpoon guns, spear guns, slingshots and catapults.

    Stunning devices and incapacitating devices
    Including stun guns, Tasers, animal killers, incapacitating chemicals, gases or sprays (eg Mace), pepper sprays, tear gas and animal repellent sprays.

    This includes crowbars, drills and drill bits, saws, blowtorches, bolt guns, nail guns, or any tool with a blade or shaft over 6cm (eg screwdrivers or chisels).

    Blunt instruments
    This includes baseball/softball bats, clubs, batons, night sticks and martial arts equipment.

    Explosive or incendiary substances
    This includes ammunition, blasting caps, detonators and fuses, replica/imitation explosive devices, mines, grenades, pyrotechnics, smoke canisters, smoke cartridges, dynamite, gunpowder or plastic explosives.

    Dangerous goods
    These include flammable or harmful substances such as gases, oxidisers, poisons, corrosives and hazardous biological or chemical material. Non-safety matches, lighter fluid and firelighters are also included.

    The Civil Aviation Authority guide What Can I Carry?* contains full details.
    *Please note that this list only refers to the carriage of items on board the aircraft. With regards to liquids, you will still be restricted to 100ml when passing through security.
    A single cigarette lighter may be carried on your person.
    BAA may additionally prevent any item considered to pose a security or safety risk from passing through to the departure lounge.
    If you are in any doubt about a particular item of hand baggage, we recommend you to pack it in your hold baggage instead. Please see our hold baggage page for what can and can't be carried.

    Mahdolliset menisi koneeseen, mutta voi jäädä "työkaluna" tai lyömäaseena rannalle.
  2. Samaiselta sivustolta löytyy kuva koneluettavasta passista:
    Jos passisi on myönnetty syksyllä 2000, olisi hyvä hakea uusi passi jo. Useat maat vaativat, että passisi on voimassa yli 3kk maasta poistuttaessa.