Many times on the news you hear a report about a shooting, killing or violent incident and the person at the heart of the incident is passed off as mentally ill, and the society reacts by creating additional laws to protect themselves from the mentally ill.
What many in society still do not understand or realize is that there is a dark side to many of those shootings and violent incidents, there is a dark side that society would rather not have you know about. A dark side that happens masked just below the public's eye and awareness, but that is often very real and traumatizing for the Targeted Individual.
In many of these cases if you look deeper into these incidents you will often discover that there was more to the story. Before the target had a history of "mental illness", the target often had complaints of mobbing, bullying, or harassment of some kind. Often times the Target might not even have a term to go with the form of harassment that is happening to them. They often describe individuals around them, or even complete strangers as being mean, taunting, doing little incidents to provoke them. Many of these targets have complained for years about the targeting, but with each successive complaint their actions are often passed off as mental illness. Their very real concerns that some type of organized or systemic harassment, is happening around them often goes unheeded, unheard, and the target might even be forcefully committed by concerned family. When the reality is that the target has been exposed continually overtime to a psychological operation of harassment and provocations, that would be capable of breaking down most of the sane of individuals.
Recently society has become more familiar with terms such as mobbing and bullying.
Binghamton Shooter Suspect Jiverly Wong's Letter of Paranoia
Story Highlights
Letter purportedly from suspect is sent with photos, driver's license, gun permit
Wong: I cannot "accept my poor life," so I will act as judge and "cut my poor life"
Note was dated two weeks before shooting in Binghamton, New York
Suspect said he believed police taunted him, tortured him, watched him sleep
The Dark
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