



    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
      • :))

        Sheldan Nidle September 24, 2013

        "This assistance will begin with the essential foundation of new governance and a great liberating prosperity for each one of you. It is time to be, to learn, and to accept many things: secrets hidden by the dark will be disclosed; great wealth will be shared; and branches of your human family, long denied easy access to you, will come to envelop you in a home-coming that is central to your achieving Heaven's grand decree. You are enormously blessed because you represent a group of humans who are shortly to transform your entire solar system and indeed, the whole of this galaxy. You are destined to spread a great Light across the galaxy and to integrate it with what is now sweeping throughout this grand Universe!"

      • :))
        :)) kirjoitti:

        Sheldan Nidle September 24, 2013

        "This assistance will begin with the essential foundation of new governance and a great liberating prosperity for each one of you. It is time to be, to learn, and to accept many things: secrets hidden by the dark will be disclosed; great wealth will be shared; and branches of your human family, long denied easy access to you, will come to envelop you in a home-coming that is central to your achieving Heaven's grand decree. You are enormously blessed because you represent a group of humans who are shortly to transform your entire solar system and indeed, the whole of this galaxy. You are destined to spread a great Light across the galaxy and to integrate it with what is now sweeping throughout this grand Universe!"

        "Due to Congress’s failure to pass legislation to fund the government, the information on this web site may not be up to date. Some submissions may not be processed, and we may not be able to respond to your inquiries.

        Information about government operating status and resumption of normal operations is available at USA.GOV."



    • :))
    • Scifi-fani

      Olisiko Iron Skyn kuunatsit asialla?

      • :))

    • :))

      sveitsissä saa jo kansalaispalkaa !!!! moni vanhempi henkilö puhui suomessa myös kansalaispalkan puolesta mitä ymmärsi suomalaiste puheesta.


      • :))
        :)) kirjoitti:



        "Many scandals that will disclose true background about how the System works will shake human masses."

        ".....will begin suddenly, without warning."

        "Disclosures about how international energetic megacompanies earn billions selling oil, preventing at the same time inventions of free energy to come to public. Disclosures about pharmaceutical trusts that earn money with »healing« diseases that are spread with viruses created in hidden laboratories. Disclosures about efficient cures for AIDS, cancer and other diseases that are known for quite some time, unknown to human masses. And about world media and censorship there, which is a logical consequence of a fact that few individuals own most worldly known newspaper, media and telecommunication companies. And finally disclosures about a secret world government that has most prominent politicians as its puppets and which creates profit out of wars and human suffering for millennia, a small group of beings that you work for in your jobs and voluntarily give them a significant amount of your monthly salary."

        ".....the Resistance movement will reveal themselves to humanity and give guidance and support. They will penetrate to the surface from their underground realms and bring along technology that will help humanity to get over those critical moments. They will cure most of currently known diseases with their medicaments. With their free energy sources they will end world energy crisis and stop environmental pollution. They will bring information that will open the eyes of people. Finally people will realize that they have lived in quarantine for millennia. Money will disappear and will be replaced with exchange of goods based upon vibrational economy."

        "There will be teleportation chambers in islands of light through which it will be possible to travel into the Resistance movement, for some people into the Atlantean network and also towards the Pleiadian mother ships. When the network of light will be strong and stable enough this will enable mass landings of Pleiadian starships. The Pleiadians will assist humanity during its transition towards the New age and with the process of acceptance of this planet into the Galactic confederation."

        "When the critical mass of consciousness will be achieved the first wave of Ascension will occur. Mother ships of the Galactic confederation will hover as brilliant white clouds above the islands of light, where teleportation beams will descend and lift the volunteers into the mother ships. Those volunteers will reappear on Earth shortly in Ascended state in their rainbow bodies of light. Soon afterwards another critical mass will be achieved and the second wave of Ascension will happen. Masses of Ascended masters that will return to Earth will prepare humanity for the third wave of Ascension and for the Evacuation. Great planetary cataclysms will begin then as a cleansing of the physical matter of the planet. At the moment of most intensive cataclysms a polar shift will happen and that will trigger the third wave of Ascension with final Evacuation."

        alkuperäinen ilmoitus 80 luvulta joka o muuttunut avu turvi uusii mahdollisuuksii. suunnitelma ei oo mikä toteutuu vaa realiaikaine apu.


      • :))
        :)) kirjoitti:

        "Many scandals that will disclose true background about how the System works will shake human masses."

        ".....will begin suddenly, without warning."

        "Disclosures about how international energetic megacompanies earn billions selling oil, preventing at the same time inventions of free energy to come to public. Disclosures about pharmaceutical trusts that earn money with »healing« diseases that are spread with viruses created in hidden laboratories. Disclosures about efficient cures for AIDS, cancer and other diseases that are known for quite some time, unknown to human masses. And about world media and censorship there, which is a logical consequence of a fact that few individuals own most worldly known newspaper, media and telecommunication companies. And finally disclosures about a secret world government that has most prominent politicians as its puppets and which creates profit out of wars and human suffering for millennia, a small group of beings that you work for in your jobs and voluntarily give them a significant amount of your monthly salary."

        ".....the Resistance movement will reveal themselves to humanity and give guidance and support. They will penetrate to the surface from their underground realms and bring along technology that will help humanity to get over those critical moments. They will cure most of currently known diseases with their medicaments. With their free energy sources they will end world energy crisis and stop environmental pollution. They will bring information that will open the eyes of people. Finally people will realize that they have lived in quarantine for millennia. Money will disappear and will be replaced with exchange of goods based upon vibrational economy."

        "There will be teleportation chambers in islands of light through which it will be possible to travel into the Resistance movement, for some people into the Atlantean network and also towards the Pleiadian mother ships. When the network of light will be strong and stable enough this will enable mass landings of Pleiadian starships. The Pleiadians will assist humanity during its transition towards the New age and with the process of acceptance of this planet into the Galactic confederation."

        "When the critical mass of consciousness will be achieved the first wave of Ascension will occur. Mother ships of the Galactic confederation will hover as brilliant white clouds above the islands of light, where teleportation beams will descend and lift the volunteers into the mother ships. Those volunteers will reappear on Earth shortly in Ascended state in their rainbow bodies of light. Soon afterwards another critical mass will be achieved and the second wave of Ascension will happen. Masses of Ascended masters that will return to Earth will prepare humanity for the third wave of Ascension and for the Evacuation. Great planetary cataclysms will begin then as a cleansing of the physical matter of the planet. At the moment of most intensive cataclysms a polar shift will happen and that will trigger the third wave of Ascension with final Evacuation."

        alkuperäinen ilmoitus 80 luvulta joka o muuttunut avu turvi uusii mahdollisuuksii. suunnitelma ei oo mikä toteutuu vaa realiaikaine apu.


        Matthew 24:14

        New International Version
        And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

        New Living Translation
        And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.

        English Standard Version
        And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

        New American Standard Bible
        "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

        King James Bible
        And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

        Holman Christian Standard Bible
        This good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all nations. And then the end will come.

        International Standard Version
        And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."

        NET Bible
        And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole inhabited earth as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

        Aramaic Bible in Plain English
        And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world for the testimony of all the nations and then the end will come.

        GOD'S WORD® Translation
        "This Good News about the kingdom will be spread throughout the world as a testimony to all nations. Then the end will come.

        Jubilee Bible 2000
        And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come.

        King James 2000 Bible
        And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

        American King James Version
        And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations; and then shall the end come.

        American Standard Version
        And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a testimony unto all the nations; and then shall the end come.

        Douay-Rheims Bible
        And this gospel of the kingdom, shall be preached in the whole world, for a testimony to all nations, and then shall the consummation come.

        Darby Bible Translation
        And these glad tidings of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole habitable earth, for a witness to all the nations, and then shall come the end.

        English Revised Version
        And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a testimony unto all the nations; and then shall the end come.

        Webster's Bible Translation
        And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a testimony to all nations; and then shall the end come.

        Weymouth New Testament
        And this Good News of the Kingdom shall be proclaimed throughout the whole world to set the evidence before all the Gentiles; and then the End will come.

        World English Bible
        This Good News of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

        Young's Literal Translation
        and this good news of the reign shall be proclaimed in all the world, for a testimony to all the nations; and then shall the end arrive.

        "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they did not know until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of man. Then two men will be in the field; one is taken and one is left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one is taken and one is left."

        "Watch therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the householder had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have watched and would not have let his house be broken into. Therefore you also must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect."

        "Then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened."

        "Our race had an excellent beginning,
        But man spoiled his chances by sinning.
        We hope that the story,
        Will end in God's glory,
        But at present the other side's winning!"

        "Let both grow together until the harvest."

        "The harvest is the close of the age."


    • väliäkö sillä sitten

      Olokee huoleti. Kyllä Usalaiset selevittää omat asiansa..ja takuulla kans.
      USA n velkakattolaki on..30-luvulta peräisin?

      Niinhän se on meillä Suomessakin että valtio velkaantuu sellaista tahtia ettei ole mitään väliä paljonko velkaa on.

      No eihän sitä tarvitsekkaan maksaa koskaan pois. Mitä tuosta. Otetaan vaan ilmaista rahaa kun kerran saadaan.

    • :))
    • :))

      "väliäkö sillä sitten
      21.10.2013 18:37

      Olokee huoleti. Kyllä Usalaiset selevittää omat asiansa..ja takuulla kans.
      USA n velkakattolaki on..30-luvulta peräisin?

      Niinhän se on meillä Suomessakin että valtio velkaantuu sellaista tahtia ettei ole mitään väliä paljonko velkaa on.

      No eihän sitä tarvitsekkaan maksaa koskaan pois. Mitä tuosta. Otetaan vaan ilmaista rahaa kun kerran saadaan."

      NSA spied on phones of 35 world leaders

      kukaa ei tee enää bisnestä amerikkalaiste kanssa ku maa o velassa kaulaa myöte ja julkisuutee o vuotaa tietoo että amerikka ei oo ollu reilu alkuunkaa ja amerikka ei tunnusta vieläkää että o hävinny iha kaike iha kaikille. suomessa on myös aika tunnustaa neki pienet rikkeet mitä o tehty vaikka ei olisikkaa amerika luokkaa koska amerikka ei käy mallimaaksi vaa o viho viimmeine joka myöhässä tunnustaa vaa ku o iha pakko eikä yhtää aiemmi vaa oliha heillä vaikea tila myös ettei syttämää kannata lähtee tai kokee helpolla sama tila mikä toisille oli vaikee.

    • :))

      suomessa valtio teki oma valinna jatkaa ohjelmaa vuonna 2007 vaikka olisi voinu toimii myös toisi jos olisi ollu tahtoo. tahto o puuttunu valtiovallalta myös suomessa.

    • :))
    • :))
    • :))


      There will be instant Peace on Earth. No weapon of any kind will operate in the vibrational field of ZeroPoint. As these things are carried out and in a very short period - seven to ten days - then Ships with the new technologies can Land on Earth. All of these things are possible before the end of 2013. Hold High thoughts and Act Accordingly!"

      • :))


        22 11 2013

        "And so, upon the close encounter with your sun, the ISON shall pass through the outer ridge of the suns’ holographic self, and shall recode the sun’s energies and the suns codexes in the sequence of the directional womb, and redirect such energies in the sequence all too familiar to your earthly selves, the sequence of the fabionachi codexes, and once such sequences of the binary codexes enters your psyche, and is absorbed by all that sustains you on GAIA, you shall incorporate these energies into your very being yet again.

        But this time, dearly beloveds you shall fully reawaken to your true selves, no more shall the masks be worn upon your faces; no more shall you hide beneath the masks that you have placed upon yourself in this incarnation. For you will have unclothed it all, in order to leave that which no longer positively serves you behind, and to move forward in your destination to the new planetary alignment of GAIA.

        Many revolutionary discoveries are to be brought forth into your world., many technological advancements, but more importantly and what you are all seeking first and foremost PEACE, peace within every cell of your being, peace and harmony within every single cell of your understanding, and those around you. And this is just the beginning, for more and more of the awakened ones shall bridge the gap and create a circle of light of such magnitude that it shall encompass the whole globe and shift the energies in the direction of true peace, true understanding, from heart to heart and not from mind to mind, the peace and harmony on earth that you have been dreaming about, and have been holding onto for a very long time shall finally spread throughout your GAIA, step by step brining you to your final closure of liberation, freedom and understanding."


      • :))
        :)) kirjoitti:


        22 11 2013

        "And so, upon the close encounter with your sun, the ISON shall pass through the outer ridge of the suns’ holographic self, and shall recode the sun’s energies and the suns codexes in the sequence of the directional womb, and redirect such energies in the sequence all too familiar to your earthly selves, the sequence of the fabionachi codexes, and once such sequences of the binary codexes enters your psyche, and is absorbed by all that sustains you on GAIA, you shall incorporate these energies into your very being yet again.

        But this time, dearly beloveds you shall fully reawaken to your true selves, no more shall the masks be worn upon your faces; no more shall you hide beneath the masks that you have placed upon yourself in this incarnation. For you will have unclothed it all, in order to leave that which no longer positively serves you behind, and to move forward in your destination to the new planetary alignment of GAIA.

        Many revolutionary discoveries are to be brought forth into your world., many technological advancements, but more importantly and what you are all seeking first and foremost PEACE, peace within every cell of your being, peace and harmony within every single cell of your understanding, and those around you. And this is just the beginning, for more and more of the awakened ones shall bridge the gap and create a circle of light of such magnitude that it shall encompass the whole globe and shift the energies in the direction of true peace, true understanding, from heart to heart and not from mind to mind, the peace and harmony on earth that you have been dreaming about, and have been holding onto for a very long time shall finally spread throughout your GAIA, step by step brining you to your final closure of liberation, freedom and understanding."



        Focusing of incoming Cosmics occurs at this time
        23 Nov

        Intention of Gaia Portal Keepers brings correction of dis-harmonies and upgrading of planetary structures on all levels.

        Stiffening of old paradigm constructs leads to embrittling and subsequent shattering and elimination.



      • :))
        :)) kirjoitti:


        Focusing of incoming Cosmics occurs at this time
        23 Nov

        Intention of Gaia Portal Keepers brings correction of dis-harmonies and upgrading of planetary structures on all levels.

        Stiffening of old paradigm constructs leads to embrittling and subsequent shattering and elimination.



        Päivitys suomi24 loppuu tähä. Päivitys jatkuu facebook sivulla.


    • afdgfrg

      Lopeta se trollaus!

      • :))

        Hastala paska

      • :))
        :)) kirjoitti:

        Hastala paska

        Koe helvetti poistae koko viestiketju jos ei oma kiinnostus vaa helvettiäkö valitat. Omat sotkus o ollu melko järeää luokkaa vaa eipä oo kiinnostanu ku vaa niitä jotka omista sotkuistas ei oo tienny jota ei voi pitää ees rollauksena vaa täytenä paskana sanomattaki riippumatta mitä oon kirjotellu.

      • :))
        :)) kirjoitti:

        Koe helvetti poistae koko viestiketju jos ei oma kiinnostus vaa helvettiäkö valitat. Omat sotkus o ollu melko järeää luokkaa vaa eipä oo kiinnostanu ku vaa niitä jotka omista sotkuistas ei oo tienny jota ei voi pitää ees rollauksena vaa täytenä paskana sanomattaki riippumatta mitä oon kirjotellu.

        Jätkällä oli kanttia ite rollata vasta ku oli ilmoitettu ettei enää päivitetä. Olisit ollu äänessä jo aiemmi jos trollaus kiinnosti vaa päivitys loppu jo.

      • :))
        :)) kirjoitti:

        Jätkällä oli kanttia ite rollata vasta ku oli ilmoitettu ettei enää päivitetä. Olisit ollu äänessä jo aiemmi jos trollaus kiinnosti vaa päivitys loppu jo.

        Kiitti helevisti koska oliha tuoki tavallaa yhteyde tavoitteluu. Energia haaskausta tosi vaa jos ei kiinostanu.

      • :))

    Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. En voi jutella kanssasi

      tietenkään, mutta täällä voin sanoa sinulle, että se sinun hiljaisuutesi ja herkkyytesi eivät ole heikkoutta. Ne ovat ih
    2. Trump ja Vance murskasivat ja nolasivat Zelenskyn tiedotusvälineiden edessä Valkoisessa talossa.

      Jopa oli uskomaton tilaisuus Valkoisessa talossa. Zelensky jäi täydelliseksi lehdellä soittelijaksi suhteessa Trumpiin j
      Maailman menoa
    3. Kokoomus haluaa hoitaa flussat yksityisellä, jotta säästettäisiin rahaa ja aikaa

      Mies hakeutui Terveystalo Kamppiin flunssaoireiden takia helmikuisena sunnuntai-iltana. Diagnoosiksi kirjattiin influens
      Maailman menoa
    4. Rakkaus ei iloitse vääryydestä vaan iloitsee yhdessä TOTUUDEN kanssa.

      Tajuatteko, että jotkut ihmiset pitävät siitä, kun toiset kaatuvat? He nauttivat siitä, kun toiset mokaavat tai käyttävä
      Idän uskonnot
    5. Koska olet rakastellut

      Kaivattusi kanssa viimeksi?
    6. Anteeksi Pekka -vedätys

      Apuna Ry:n somessa levinnyt Anteeksi Pakka -kampanja saa aina vaan kummallisempia piirteitä. ”Mä pyydän anteeksi. Mä
      Maailman menoa
    7. Kumpi tästä

      Teidän tilanteesta teki vaikeaa? Sivusta
    8. Kaikkia ei voi miellyttää

      Eikä ole tarviskaan. Hyvää huomenta ja mukavaa perjantaita. 😊❄️⚜️✌🏼❤️
    9. Mikä on kaivattusi ärsyttävin piirre?

      Mun kaivattu on erittäin vastahakoinen puhumaan itsestä. Kääntää puheenaiheen aina muuhun kun hänestä tulee puhetta.
    10. Päivi Ollila on tehnyt kunnallisvalituksen saadakseen pidettyä Tarja Pirkkalaisen virassa

      Kaupunginhallituksen puheenjohtaja Päivi Ollila on tehnyt kunnallisvalituksen kaupungin johtamisjärjestelyiden muutokses