Nytkö sitten esitellään jukisella palstalla kaikki naisen sukupuolisuuteen liikkuvat elimet? Eikö ne biologian palstat ole erikseen, täällä on tarkoitus käsitellä hengellisiä asioita. Vai niiden naisten elinten ympärilläkö ne ajatukset darwinisteilla vaan pyörii? Aletaanko seuraavaksi tonkia sisäelimiä, kuten ateistien maksaa ja sen rasvoitusta, mitä häh?
Darwinistit biologisoivat koko palstan!
- foksmalder
Enpä ole darwinisteihin tällä palstalla törmännyt. Aloituksessasi ei muutoinkaan kauheasti järkeä löydy :D
- Evohörhöt
no ei kai sun salaliitoutuneet ateistit poistiva AteistiX:n aloituksen Nännit, ennen kuin ehdin lukea sen.
- foksmalder
Evohörhöt kirjoitti:
no ei kai sun salaliitoutuneet ateistit poistiva AteistiX:n aloituksen Nännit, ennen kuin ehdin lukea sen.
Minulla ei ole mitään hajua mitä sekoilet.
- Evohörhöt
Höh, minne se Nännit kirjoitus katosi. En ehtinyt edes lukea sitä kun piti ilmaista oikeamielinen tuohtumukseni! Kertooka joku mitä siinä oli?
*Höh, minne se Nännit kirjoitus katosi. En ehtinyt edes lukea sitä kun piti ilmaista oikeamielinen tuohtumukseni! Kertooka joku mitä siinä oli?*
Sinun piti siis välttämättä ilmaista "oikeamielinen tuohtumuksesi" kirjoituksesta, jonka sisällöstä et tiedä mitään ja sen jälkeen vielä paljastaa, kuinka olemattoman tiedon varaan mielipiteesi olet rakentanut?
Uskovainen, kenties?
- 5j55454j54
suurin osa evoluution todisteista on saatu darwinin jälkeen. nämä todisteet on vahvistanut darwinin teorian oikeaksi.
- et vaan tiedä
Luulet vaan, maapallon suunnitteli ja rakensi Romppanen.
- Evidence777
"Skull of Homo erectus throws story of human evolution into disarray"- The Guardian and on CNN
" Experts believe the skull is one of the most important fossil finds to date, but it has proved as controversial as it is stunning. Analysis of the skull and other remains at Dmanisi suggests that scientists have been too ready to name separate species of human ancestors in Africa. Many of those species may now have to be wiped from the textbooks. "
“The significance is difficult to overstate. It is stunning in its completeness. This is going to be one of the real classics in paleoanthropology,” said Tim White, an expert on human evolution at the University of California, Berkeley, in an interview with Sample.
Tällaista toisenlaista todistusaineistoa tiedemiehet esittelivät hetkonen sitten, oli siitä pikku uutinen Suomessakin, mutta Prisma tiede ohjelma ei jostakin syystä innostunut tästä uraa uurtavasta tutkimuslöydöstä, josko rakas teoria olisi siitä kärsinyt tai siihen uskominen..? :D
"Evolution was once a theory in crisis, now evolution is in crisis without a theory. The Georgian skull further fuels the human evolution dilemma.
Biological evolution exists only as a philosophical fact−not a scientific fact."
"Associated Press science writer, Seth Borenstein, reporting on PhysOrg highlighted the center of the controversy: “For years, some scientists have said humans evolved from only one or two species, much like a tree branches out from a trunk, while others say the process was more like a bush with several offshoots that went nowhere… So, they reason, it’s likely the various skulls found in different places and times in Africa may not be different species, but variations in one species.” The key phrase causing the dilemma is “variations in one species.”
" David Lordkipanidze at the Georgian National Museum, who leads the Dmanisi excavations, said: "If you found the Dmanisi skulls at isolated sites in Africa, some people would give them different species names. But one population can have all this variation. We are using five or six names, but they could all be from one lineage."
So have fun believing in theory, who is stupid now?
Atheists can be from monkeys, but if you have at least common sense you don't believe all shit what they teach in school class.
Big bang theory and evolution theory. LOL.
For example explode something and watch out the result.
How could human create this world?
Since then we have inhabitated this Earth almost everything has been destroyed and burned down, and we invented atomic bombs how clever is that?
Explode it and look around after detonation.. is there any evolution and new life on Earth.
Somebody who does not destroy everything has to be behind all this called Earth Space Universum.
Something who can make stuff of empty space and create something new and beautiful which works .
Open your eyes and think with your brains is there God, don't let evil deceive you because you will see the Truth if you ask it from Him.
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH SHALOM Evidence777 kirjoitti:
"Skull of Homo erectus throws story of human evolution into disarray"- The Guardian and on CNN
" Experts believe the skull is one of the most important fossil finds to date, but it has proved as controversial as it is stunning. Analysis of the skull and other remains at Dmanisi suggests that scientists have been too ready to name separate species of human ancestors in Africa. Many of those species may now have to be wiped from the textbooks. "
“The significance is difficult to overstate. It is stunning in its completeness. This is going to be one of the real classics in paleoanthropology,” said Tim White, an expert on human evolution at the University of California, Berkeley, in an interview with Sample.
Tällaista toisenlaista todistusaineistoa tiedemiehet esittelivät hetkonen sitten, oli siitä pikku uutinen Suomessakin, mutta Prisma tiede ohjelma ei jostakin syystä innostunut tästä uraa uurtavasta tutkimuslöydöstä, josko rakas teoria olisi siitä kärsinyt tai siihen uskominen..? :D
"Evolution was once a theory in crisis, now evolution is in crisis without a theory. The Georgian skull further fuels the human evolution dilemma.
Biological evolution exists only as a philosophical fact−not a scientific fact."
"Associated Press science writer, Seth Borenstein, reporting on PhysOrg highlighted the center of the controversy: “For years, some scientists have said humans evolved from only one or two species, much like a tree branches out from a trunk, while others say the process was more like a bush with several offshoots that went nowhere… So, they reason, it’s likely the various skulls found in different places and times in Africa may not be different species, but variations in one species.” The key phrase causing the dilemma is “variations in one species.”
" David Lordkipanidze at the Georgian National Museum, who leads the Dmanisi excavations, said: "If you found the Dmanisi skulls at isolated sites in Africa, some people would give them different species names. But one population can have all this variation. We are using five or six names, but they could all be from one lineage."
So have fun believing in theory, who is stupid now?
Atheists can be from monkeys, but if you have at least common sense you don't believe all shit what they teach in school class.
Big bang theory and evolution theory. LOL.
For example explode something and watch out the result.
How could human create this world?
Since then we have inhabitated this Earth almost everything has been destroyed and burned down, and we invented atomic bombs how clever is that?
Explode it and look around after detonation.. is there any evolution and new life on Earth.
Somebody who does not destroy everything has to be behind all this called Earth Space Universum.
Something who can make stuff of empty space and create something new and beautiful which works .
Open your eyes and think with your brains is there God, don't let evil deceive you because you will see the Truth if you ask it from Him.
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH SHALOM"So have fun believing in theory, who is stupid now?"
Eihän tuossa touhotuksessa ole sen kummemmasta kyse kuin että arvellaan muutamien eri paikoista tehtyjen fossiililöydösten edustavan vain yhtä laajalle levinnyttä populaatiota, vaikka niille on löytöjen yhteydessä annettu eri lajinimiä.
Biologisen evoluution toiminnallisuuden ymmärrykseenhän tuo ei vaikuta. Biodiversiteetti on jatkuvan evoluution alainen vaikka päättäisimme kutsua pystyihmiseksi myös heidelberginihmistä, neanderthalinihmistä ja nykyihmistä.Evidence777 kirjoitti:
"Skull of Homo erectus throws story of human evolution into disarray"- The Guardian and on CNN
" Experts believe the skull is one of the most important fossil finds to date, but it has proved as controversial as it is stunning. Analysis of the skull and other remains at Dmanisi suggests that scientists have been too ready to name separate species of human ancestors in Africa. Many of those species may now have to be wiped from the textbooks. "
“The significance is difficult to overstate. It is stunning in its completeness. This is going to be one of the real classics in paleoanthropology,” said Tim White, an expert on human evolution at the University of California, Berkeley, in an interview with Sample.
Tällaista toisenlaista todistusaineistoa tiedemiehet esittelivät hetkonen sitten, oli siitä pikku uutinen Suomessakin, mutta Prisma tiede ohjelma ei jostakin syystä innostunut tästä uraa uurtavasta tutkimuslöydöstä, josko rakas teoria olisi siitä kärsinyt tai siihen uskominen..? :D
"Evolution was once a theory in crisis, now evolution is in crisis without a theory. The Georgian skull further fuels the human evolution dilemma.
Biological evolution exists only as a philosophical fact−not a scientific fact."
"Associated Press science writer, Seth Borenstein, reporting on PhysOrg highlighted the center of the controversy: “For years, some scientists have said humans evolved from only one or two species, much like a tree branches out from a trunk, while others say the process was more like a bush with several offshoots that went nowhere… So, they reason, it’s likely the various skulls found in different places and times in Africa may not be different species, but variations in one species.” The key phrase causing the dilemma is “variations in one species.”
" David Lordkipanidze at the Georgian National Museum, who leads the Dmanisi excavations, said: "If you found the Dmanisi skulls at isolated sites in Africa, some people would give them different species names. But one population can have all this variation. We are using five or six names, but they could all be from one lineage."
So have fun believing in theory, who is stupid now?
Atheists can be from monkeys, but if you have at least common sense you don't believe all shit what they teach in school class.
Big bang theory and evolution theory. LOL.
For example explode something and watch out the result.
How could human create this world?
Since then we have inhabitated this Earth almost everything has been destroyed and burned down, and we invented atomic bombs how clever is that?
Explode it and look around after detonation.. is there any evolution and new life on Earth.
Somebody who does not destroy everything has to be behind all this called Earth Space Universum.
Something who can make stuff of empty space and create something new and beautiful which works .
Open your eyes and think with your brains is there God, don't let evil deceive you because you will see the Truth if you ask it from Him.
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH SHALOM*How could human create this world?*
Olepa Evindence777 hyvä ja nimeä yksikin tieteentekijä, joka väittää ihmisen rakentaneen tämän maailman / maailmankaikkeuden.
Olen kiinnostunut näkemään näyttöä väitteesi tueksi, koska vaikuttaa vahvasti siltä että kirjoitat uskonvaraista sontaa.
*Somebody who does not destroy everything has to be behind all this called Earth Space Universum.*
Vai niin. Moni tämän palstan uskovainen on vakuutellut, että mm. Filippiinien taifuuni oli Jumalan tekosia.
*who can...create something new and beautiful which works*
Eikös Raamatussa ole aika monta tarinaa siitä, kuinka tämä samainen raivohullu pistää paikat päreiksi ja ihmiset kärsimään mitä pienimmästäkin syystä? Ihan koulutusmielessäkin.
*For example explode something and watch out the result.*
Noinko sinä luulet biologisen evoluution tapahtuvan?
Oletko koskaan kuullut asiasta nimeltä sivistys? Hanki sitä.
- tyhmiä ketuttaa
Voi miten uskovaa ottaa pannuun, kun kaikki nauraa sen jutuille !!
Ihan säälistä, nyyh !!- sulle vaan :DD
Juu, siltähän noi huutomedrkit kertovat :DDD
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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