Art lost bourders. Everyone is free to do, what he wants. There is no correct way to do art. Art professionals are just freezing good spirit of creativity. Art schools are forcing to find a shape. What we loose insted of that? Virginity.
If Art is out of professionales, will then everyone become an artist? No, because there is individuals and their work.
Does free jungle has money? Jungle has always food, but money is still not free. Artist is poor as he was.
If you are unknown, could that mean that you are bad artist? It could mean that your energies are not connected enought to others. Artist should be uhnest to himself and energies will find their shapes in life.
In Finland they say that there is no work for artists. It's not true. There is extreamily alot of it. All the white-grey houses, all the white walls, empty surfaces, traffic cars, asfalts, parks, corners....there is more art work than it should be. There is so much art work that if you gather all the artists in the world that work will not be done.
We should think, first what kind of world we want to have. First is a technical solution - no traffic cars and no polutions, enough food and healthynes...that goes beside together. That is a future plan. We could live really on the Art Planet called Earth. And our art should support that.
But now if we think art, then it is wall activity art, thechnical innovations art, designe, political art and so on.
Where to get money for many new and old art forms? Old paintings are still visually beautiful. As long as we are humans, we will be continuing handworks.
But if art want to be meditative? Who will give money? Kansalaispalkka welcome.
Art is out of order. Where to have Money?
- asdfghijkl
Joku taiteilija muutti jonkun porukan kanssa Pariisita Kaliforniaan(romaaniko?) ja KeskiLännessä kulkivat jonkun puronn ohi, jonka pohja oli täynnä kultakiviä,mutta porukan johtaja käski porukan jatkamaan matkaa vain,ja niin jäi tuo helppo rikastumiskeino matkan varrelle.
- Maminudik
Funish mentalitet is to be humble. We are so humble, that we doesn't want to buy art. Art is question of values. Nobody will want art if there is no public interest. Artist should work out that question with audience. Artist should change opinions of people. Art has more to give, than people think.
Government took role as helper-controler. Citizens become passive. Let's take next step. Government could make order to art professionales. For example "could you paint that and that". Työvoimatoimistos role is to connect government orders and artists. Artists will go to work and show how much professionales they are. They will get stabil good payment 2000 e and more per month and they will work. Työpalkkatuki will not work for so many artists. Economists should make new arragments to create the new way of payment. I think that this is a question of organization. How to add such a field as arts to the political programm and budjet.
Art developing goes among technical development. But there is always if we are reasenable, work for artists as far as there is millions of people with their social activity-experience needs. Audience needs enlightment and bravity to participate. High art is sign of high civilization. Fins should open their fiars to new influences and not to be rasistic. That eats development in any way.
Art is just not been taken (yet) professionaly to the political decion programme and thats why artists from high to low do not have any incomes, benefits from it. They do for art for free, despite result of art is for everyone use without any gonorars for artists except in finland enemployment money. Artist learn to understand that if he works for free, then he is authorized to take enemployment money. Artist should not keep in that case work of art, but rather give it away for free, if nobody buy it. Another way is social activism like graffitty.
Art is not be measured by any standards. Art's value is relative. Also payment. Some artists likes kind of rebellion attitude more than others by nature. Experimentical art should be conciderd as well in good role to the payment programm. But also another art forms.
Artist suffers from the unemployment as well. But artist should do art work, not any other work. - muumikulinafrudite
Maminudik kirjoitti:
Funish mentalitet is to be humble. We are so humble, that we doesn't want to buy art. Art is question of values. Nobody will want art if there is no public interest. Artist should work out that question with audience. Artist should change opinions of people. Art has more to give, than people think.
Government took role as helper-controler. Citizens become passive. Let's take next step. Government could make order to art professionales. For example "could you paint that and that". Työvoimatoimistos role is to connect government orders and artists. Artists will go to work and show how much professionales they are. They will get stabil good payment 2000 e and more per month and they will work. Työpalkkatuki will not work for so many artists. Economists should make new arragments to create the new way of payment. I think that this is a question of organization. How to add such a field as arts to the political programm and budjet.
Art developing goes among technical development. But there is always if we are reasenable, work for artists as far as there is millions of people with their social activity-experience needs. Audience needs enlightment and bravity to participate. High art is sign of high civilization. Fins should open their fiars to new influences and not to be rasistic. That eats development in any way.
Art is just not been taken (yet) professionaly to the political decion programme and thats why artists from high to low do not have any incomes, benefits from it. They do for art for free, despite result of art is for everyone use without any gonorars for artists except in finland enemployment money. Artist learn to understand that if he works for free, then he is authorized to take enemployment money. Artist should not keep in that case work of art, but rather give it away for free, if nobody buy it. Another way is social activism like graffitty.
Art is not be measured by any standards. Art's value is relative. Also payment. Some artists likes kind of rebellion attitude more than others by nature. Experimentical art should be conciderd as well in good role to the payment programm. But also another art forms.
Artist suffers from the unemployment as well. But artist should do art work, not any other work.Free libraries, free internet etc are artist income eaters. I support that free system, as far as everyman has enough money time and freedom to go and to do whatever he wants, whereever he wants. Nobody will stop him and take money away. That's our new time, when citizen cosmopolits are free to go without boardering. Art is free to find itself in any country it wants. I don't want to hear racism anymore. Eures services are not yet allowing me to go to search the work freely in EU and finish mentalitet doesn't allow me to do money here and my work. Artist union are bad to share grands and people doesnt like artists exept for free, without appreciation and money.
Please write your experimence, how artist work abroad? - kuulipartominajik
muumikulinafrudite kirjoitti:
Free libraries, free internet etc are artist income eaters. I support that free system, as far as everyman has enough money time and freedom to go and to do whatever he wants, whereever he wants. Nobody will stop him and take money away. That's our new time, when citizen cosmopolits are free to go without boardering. Art is free to find itself in any country it wants. I don't want to hear racism anymore. Eures services are not yet allowing me to go to search the work freely in EU and finish mentalitet doesn't allow me to do money here and my work. Artist union are bad to share grands and people doesnt like artists exept for free, without appreciation and money.
Please write your experimence, how artist work abroad?In wildernes person looses value of money. He is happy to be without. In cities money is way to exchange values. Pure nature is happy to give food. Cities are rational non selfdepended gatherings. Cities are eating, but not produce so, exept artificial life. Thats why humanity will spread to space.
- kriimolikilopolo
Maminudik kirjoitti:
Funish mentalitet is to be humble. We are so humble, that we doesn't want to buy art. Art is question of values. Nobody will want art if there is no public interest. Artist should work out that question with audience. Artist should change opinions of people. Art has more to give, than people think.
Government took role as helper-controler. Citizens become passive. Let's take next step. Government could make order to art professionales. For example "could you paint that and that". Työvoimatoimistos role is to connect government orders and artists. Artists will go to work and show how much professionales they are. They will get stabil good payment 2000 e and more per month and they will work. Työpalkkatuki will not work for so many artists. Economists should make new arragments to create the new way of payment. I think that this is a question of organization. How to add such a field as arts to the political programm and budjet.
Art developing goes among technical development. But there is always if we are reasenable, work for artists as far as there is millions of people with their social activity-experience needs. Audience needs enlightment and bravity to participate. High art is sign of high civilization. Fins should open their fiars to new influences and not to be rasistic. That eats development in any way.
Art is just not been taken (yet) professionaly to the political decion programme and thats why artists from high to low do not have any incomes, benefits from it. They do for art for free, despite result of art is for everyone use without any gonorars for artists except in finland enemployment money. Artist learn to understand that if he works for free, then he is authorized to take enemployment money. Artist should not keep in that case work of art, but rather give it away for free, if nobody buy it. Another way is social activism like graffitty.
Art is not be measured by any standards. Art's value is relative. Also payment. Some artists likes kind of rebellion attitude more than others by nature. Experimentical art should be conciderd as well in good role to the payment programm. But also another art forms.
Artist suffers from the unemployment as well. But artist should do art work, not any other work.(thechnical solutions developes society and art)
- frimukolikiopoiuju
kuulipartominajik kirjoitti:
In wildernes person looses value of money. He is happy to be without. In cities money is way to exchange values. Pure nature is happy to give food. Cities are rational non selfdepended gatherings. Cities are eating, but not produce so, exept artificial life. Thats why humanity will spread to space.
art in past was religious and industrial
nowadays innovative, social and slowly more and more eternal (space and humanity visions and solutions) - byyolukinaisertyyy
kriimolikilopolo kirjoitti:
(thechnical solutions developes society and art)
the last stage of true art will be: I close my eyes and dissapear like air to planets, space. I don't need to pay tickets or ask promissions. I just by my own will go, like I go to France. What will wait me there is an another matter. Also artistic matter by the way.
Good art values are those, which will improve positive grow in any rang. - cootreujukilamnuy
byyolukinaisertyyy kirjoitti:
the last stage of true art will be: I close my eyes and dissapear like air to planets, space. I don't need to pay tickets or ask promissions. I just by my own will go, like I go to France. What will wait me there is an another matter. Also artistic matter by the way.
Good art values are those, which will improve positive grow in any rang.Space is Eternal Love
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