"Ennen karkailivat hevoset, myöhemmin traktorit" – Voisiko karkaavasta traktorista vääntää runon?
No ainakin voi yrittää:
The Runaway Valmet – A Tractor's Reckless Ride
In the heart of our homestead, a Valmet Five Hunny stood,
A tractor full of memories, our symbol of livelihood.
A solenoid, one day, found itself in disrepair,
With no mechanic nor spare part available anywhere.
So we improvised, a hill start was our method to choose,
A slope right by the barn, we had nothing to lose.
My father, a trucker once, devised a clever trick,
A sturdy screwdriver, making connections to click.
The air was crisp, with a touch of frost on that autumn day,
But Valmets are known for their steadfastness, come what may.
With a cold-start injector and forced feed to assist,
Gas lever fully engaged, the engine rumbled and hissed.
Dad pulled the throttle, slammed the cabin door tight,
He bridged the connections, and sparks of life took flight.
But there was one thing forgotten, a safety overlooked,
The starter interlock, a precaution, unhooked.
In fifth gear, the Valmet stood on the slope,
The engine roared to life, leaving us with hope.
But without a driver, the tractor began to glide,
My father, quick and agile, leapt onto the ride.
He stood on a platform, gripping the cabin's frame,
As we'd often travelled, though this time not the same.
With no driver in the cabin, the tractor raced downhill,
No way inside, and the back was sealed – no chance for a kill.
A gaping ditch awaited, where no one dared to tread,
My father watched the peril, his heart filled with dread.
In the nick of time, he jumped from the speeding beast,
The Valmet, defying odds, leapt the ditch with ease.
A wide arc it made, through the fields it raced,
Then back towards the ditch, its own tracks it traced.
On the second attempt, the tractor met its fate,
Front wheels in the ditch, my father could finally abate.
In the end, fortune favoured us that day,
For in this tale of near-disaster, we all walked away.
Runon innoittajana on kertomus Traktori karkuteillä, jonka olen julkaissut Posarassani:
Runo karanneesta Valmetista
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