Yksi scientologia-opin kulmakivistä on Ron Hubbardin selvitys ihmisen synnystä. Hänen teostensa mukaan ihminen on syntynyt simpukasta. Kuinka se on tapahtunut? Mikä se sellainen ihmisen synnyttänyt simpukka on?
Pyydän vastausta scientologeilta.
Jäi mainitsematta kysymyksen motiivi. Kun on tullut harrastettua biologiaa ja eläinoppia, niin kiinnostaa mikä oli se simpukkalaji? Oliko se makean vai suolaisen veden simpukka?
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L. Ron Hubbardin teosten mukaan ihminen ei ole syntynyt simpukasta. LRH tutki mm. ihmisen geneettisiä muistipankkeja (muitipankissa on kaikki tallentuneena joko tietoisena tai tiedottomana). Kun geneettistä linjaa mennään taaksepäin menneisyyteen solu solulta, päädytään yksinketaisten organismien tapahtumiin kuten esim. simpukka. Tällaisia muistijälkiä on ihmisenkeho pullollaan. Yksi hyvä esimerkki tällaisesta muistijäljestä on polven refleksireaktio. LRH paikansi niitä herkällä mittarilla. Kirjassa Scientology: A History of Man on nämä tutkimukset.
Kysymyksesi ovat vähän erikoisesti sanoitettu.
The first line of the Foreword to Scientology: A History of Man reads: "This is a cold-blooded factual account of your last sixty trillion years." How in the world could anybody claim to give such a factual account?
I am not a scientologist, but I've read enough of Hubbard's work to know that he had an extraordinary approach to gaining knowledge--an approach that appears to be quite unique in man's modern history. I feel that the people who ridicule Hubbard for his rather amazing statements about mankind's history fail to appreciate Hubbard's unique approach.
Hubbard noticed early in his researches (before beginning his work on man's history) that man is vulnerable to a unique type of injury: Whenever he is forced into a state of pain or trauma, he has a mechanism (which Hubbard calls the "reactive mind") that takes over the task of protecting the organism from further injury. It's an old safety measure that is part of the makeup of most living things. But it has no capacity to reason and instinctively associates all sensations that it encounters during one of these periods of injury into a big "mass". When some similar set sensations is encountered later, the reactive mind is restimulated to re-experience aspects of the original injury. When the reactive mind is restimulated (Hubbard calls this the "keying in of the engram"), it literally takes over the operation of the body (you've seen people fly into a crazy rage -- that would be a dramatic example of the reactive mind taking over).
Much of Hubbard's work, especially in the beginning, was to free people up from these engrams, using a technology that he developed ("auditing") that allows the cognitive mind to become aware of these engrams (engrams have their power because we are totally unconscious of them). Every detail about each injury that has caused an engram is stored in complete detail in the reactive mind, and can be directly accessed with the proper technique.
Hubbard began to find that human beings have engrams whose origin pre-dates their birth. He also found that even when someone is free of all his engrams originating deep into ancient history, there are still certain types of limitations that man, as a fundamental pure spirit, has had imposed upon him.
It was in Hubbard's effort to free up man's spirit, working individually with many hundreds of men and women with a variety of technologies, that he was led to his discoveries about the ANCIENT history of man. This work is not the work of a historian or a novelist. It is the work of a humanitarian whose investigations into the human spirit led him to uncover unchartered territory. These are not speculations of a crazy man but a road map pieced together gradually over many years, resulting from endless probing into the consciousness of clients, always with the aim to free up imposed limitations on the spirit.
It is perfectly possible that some of the details of Hubbard's account of man's history are wrong. What makes his account compelling is that he derived it from thousands of hours of interviews in which this material was consciously recollected by clients. Is that any less reliable than our more familiar way of learning about man's history even as far back as 3000 years -- where we rely on bits and pieces of rumors and relics in order to piece together a story about our past?
Hubbard's investigations, particularly as seen in this book, are truly worth studying. The book is fascinating to read, and when you keep in mind where it all comes from, it is all the more fascinating. Our history as a race may well be far more intriguing than the best science fiction.
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A reader
I read it three times in one week! A great book which not only reveals spiritual origins and truths but as an added bonus gives new insight into the phenomenon of alien visitation and the purpose of these visitors. L. Ron Hubbard was not afraid to write down his discoveries for all the world to read. The book also provides the reader with a better understanding of the "internal spiritual energy" that flows through the human body. This book is a must for anyone who seeks to understand the nature and capabilities of the human spirit.
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I love this very special book! It helps me put many things in life and my life in perspective. I hope my experience as a Scientology practitioner who has advanced to a high spiritual state and helped many others do the same, can influence a few to read this concise volume. It's not a beginner's book but only for those few who wish to see beyond what is currently being fed to them. It's a book I'm only able to recommend infrequently at this time to the rare person who displays advanced openness regarding his/her spirituality.- Andronikos
"Kysymyksesi ovat vähän erikoisesti sanoitettu."
Tiedätkö mikä on myös erikoista? Se että odotat, että minä luen palstatolkulla tuota vuodatusta, joka ei edes vastaa esitettyyn kysymykseen. Ja mitä tulee vastaamattomiin kysymyksiin~~
Oletko samaa mieltä toisen nimimerkkisi kanssa, että 70% kaikista sairauksista on psykosomaattisia? Jos näin on, niin voisitko kertoa ovatko esimerkiksi AIDS, leukemia tai vaikkapa keuhkosyöpä psykosomaattisia sairauksia? Jos eivät ole niin mitkä sairaudet kuuluvat tuohon 70% joukkoon? NIMEÄ TÄLLÄ KERTAA TAUDIT KIITOS ETUKÄTEEN - Eetu.
Andronikos kirjoitti:
"Kysymyksesi ovat vähän erikoisesti sanoitettu."
Tiedätkö mikä on myös erikoista? Se että odotat, että minä luen palstatolkulla tuota vuodatusta, joka ei edes vastaa esitettyyn kysymykseen. Ja mitä tulee vastaamattomiin kysymyksiin~~
Oletko samaa mieltä toisen nimimerkkisi kanssa, että 70% kaikista sairauksista on psykosomaattisia? Jos näin on, niin voisitko kertoa ovatko esimerkiksi AIDS, leukemia tai vaikkapa keuhkosyöpä psykosomaattisia sairauksia? Jos eivät ole niin mitkä sairaudet kuuluvat tuohon 70% joukkoon? NIMEÄ TÄLLÄ KERTAA TAUDIT KIITOS ETUKÄTEENKun kerran aktiivit levittävät sanomaansa, niin siitä pitää kantaa myös vastuu. Vai eikö scientologeilla ole mitään vastuuta mistään? Eli katsovatko he oikeudekseen vapaasti harhaanjohtaa ihmisiä mielikuvitustarinoillaan?
Seuraamme mielenkiinnolla minkälaisen vastauksen kysymykseesi viimein saat, vai saatko mitään?
Vaikeneminenkin kysymykseesi on vastaus, eli tunnustus tyhjyydestä.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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