madonnan tuleva albumi



Muistakaa, että kyse voi olla vielä huhusta, ja vaikka ei olisi, niin tämä yksityiskohdat voivat vielä "elää" ennen albuminjulkaisua.


ALL tracks are in DEMO stages and unfinished. The Candy Store clip that leaked is an EARLY demo, and the song went through a dramatic change, apparently.

Here is the LATEST list of the 2007 RECORDING SESSIONS:


01. Sleep Deprivation
02. Turn It Up
03. Going Down
04. Little Thang (feat Justin Timberlake)
05. Its The Beat
06. Tight Fit
07. Black
08. Off The Hook (feat Timbaland)
09. Candy Store (feat Pharrell)
10. Eleven Minutes
11. Do I Care
12. Freelancer.34
13. U n M
14. Starlight
15. Hit It Hard
16. Got This Down Right


Now, here is some additional info on the album:

*** SLEEP DEPRIVATION is a favorite by both Madonna, the producers and the label. VERY LIKELY to become a single. Apparently its revolutionary and fierce'.

*** GOING DOWN has really raunchy lyrics, and it started as a joke. Timberlake worked on it with Madonna.

*** The rumored title PRETTY LITTLE THANG is in fact called LITTLE THANG and it includes a verse by JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE. Its a midtempo summer jam with a fresh beat'

*** BLACK is the rumored track called WIZZLE, and its organic, crazy and it will rumble your worlds'

*** The rumored track called THE BEAT GOES ON is actually called ITS THE BEAT.

*** OFF THE HOOK is the Timbaland collaboration. Two were recorded, another one hes saving for his next solo record. Single possibly, the executives loved it.

*** CANDY STORE probably WONT be on the record, along with HIT IT HARD and DO I CARE. Apparently, Madonna is over them'.

*** FREELANCER.34 is very experimental' and still completely unfinished. Might become a sort of intro or outro to one of the songs.

*** U n M is another label favorite, supposedly its something very new for Madonna.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • Madonnafani! has heard some exciting and exclusive news about Madonna's new album that we are happy to report for the very first time online.

      There are five final songs that are produced by Justin Timberlake and Timbaland and that had their final mixing at "Hit Studios Miami" last week.

      From what we have been told there's a song called "4 minutes to save the world" and it's an upbeat and very catchy hip-hop Madonna/Justin Timberlake duet.
      Another song is called "Across The Sky". It has lots of acoustic guitars, the flow is very much like "The Power Of Goodbye" and sounds like a real hit.
      Madonna is hiting really high notes there while Justin Timberlake is on back vocals.

      The third song is titled "Dance Tonight", a funky mid-tempo tune, yet another Madonna/Justin duet, think "Rock Your Body" by Justin with the claps and everything, this apparently has the same structure as well.

      "Even the devil wouldn't recognise you" is a fourth song. Amazing ballad, very "Cry Me A River" by Justin Timberlake in it's structure and Justin on back vocals on this one too.

      The fifth song is named "Miles Away" and we have been told this is the THE BEST of the whole bunch. A hit written all over it.
      Full of acoustic guitars, beautiful uptempo song ad Justin on back vocals again. The song structure may recall "Love Profusion", but it's much better.

      From what we have been reported, there's no need to worry about Madonna's new album. It's going to be an incredible album that will mark the year of her 50th birthday in such a fantastic way.

    • *2008*

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