Jee gold wingiin tulee automaatti.Loppuu se typerä vaihteiden vatkaaminen.
Vai onks jollain viel autossaki manuaali.
Ei kai,miks.
Mä ainaki haluun sellasen heti ku saa.
Sisäpiiri tietoo
taitaa vielä olla wingissä haave.
Tällaista tarjoavat jenkeissä.
Siellä jos missä luulisi automaatin kelpaavan.
Honda Motor Company today announced its plans for the
new 2009 GL-2000 Goldwing touring bike. The new
Goldwing will replace the industry-leading GL-1800
Goldwing which went into production in 2001.
The 2009 GL-2000 Goldwing will feature a larger 2.0
litre (2000 cc) 6-cylinder engine matched to a new
6-speed transmission. Honda claims the new engine will
produce 165 horsepower and 157 foot pounds of torque.
"This new powerplant and transmission should provide
the kind of power and torque Goldwing owners have come
to expect" a company official says. With the new
6-speed transmission, the 2.0 liter engine turns only
2,500 rpm at 70 miles per hour.
The new Goldwing will increase the safety of its
riders with standard ABS brakes on all 2009 models. A
rider airbag is also available as an option on the
level 4 model.
The 2009 GL-2000 will be offered in the following
Standard features on all 2009 GL-2000 Goldwing models:
- New 2000cc 6-cylinder engine with 6-Speed
- Linked ABS brakes (front and rear)
- Dramatically improved suspension with adjustable
pre-load front and rear
- 6.9 gallon fuel capacity
- Adjustable seat (can be raised/lowered up to 1.5
inches) and rider backrest can be moved
- Adjustable windscreen (electronically adjustable is
- Cargo capacity has been increased to 45 liters per
saddlebag and 65 litres for the trunk.
- Heated handgrips and heated seat
- L.E.D. tail/brake lights and lighted trunk spoiler
- New instrument cluster includes speedo/tach/engine
temp/voltage/ambient temp/gear indicator/tire
pressure/trip computer (see below)
- DC Accessory Outlet in dash glovebox
- Trip Computer displays: Miles to Empty/Avg Miles Per
Gallon/Current Miles Per Gallon
-Intercom features improved audio quality and
passenger volume/on/off switch
-Honda Warranty 3-year Unlimited Miles (up to 4 year
optional extended warranty)
BASE MODEL - includes comfort package (heated
handgrips and seat), ABS brakes front and rear,
85-watt 4-speaker stereo with MP3/iPod connector.
COMFORT PACKAGE - includes BASE model features
electonically controlled windscreen, Homelink remote
garage door opener, integrated anti-theft device.
PREMIUM PACKAGE- includes all comfort package features
120-watt 4-speaker stereo with MP3/iPod
connection/optional XM/SIRIUS radio/Bluetooth
capability, Electronic tire pressure monitoring
system, integrated NAVI navigation system with
Bluetooth remote programming capability using
MapSource and compatible laptop, integrated
fog/driving lights, HID Xenon headlights.
SAFETY PLUS PACKAGE - includes all PREMIUM features
Rider SRS Airbag restraint system, rear-end collision
proximity alert system, electonically controlled
cruise control.
In addition, the completely re-designed Goldwing
offers owners lower maintenance costs with easier
access to regular maintenance areas such as air
cleaner, oil drain plug, oil filter and oil dipstick.
A quick-remove engine protector plate has also been
added to guard the oil pan from potential damage
caused my road debris.
The new Goldwing is expected to appear in dealer
showrooms in September 2008 and will be offered in the
following colors: Pearl White, Pearl Yellow, Pearl
Orange, Illusion Blue, Black, Titanium and Illusion
Red.- Wingero
Juttu on ollut esillä jo viime 2007 syyskuussa täällä
Juttu alkaa :
Ok, running the risk of being flamed off this board completely, here is my offering as Honda's press release for the new Goldwing:
Ja jutun viimeiset rivit:
Olikin liian hyvää ollakseen totta :-(
- hienoa
nyt voi jalattomatkin mopoilla.
- Hondamatic
CB750 mallia sai jo aikoinaan automaattilootalla, Hondamaticilla.
- kyselevä
- Vaihteet
Osta kuule ihmeessä sitten skootteri, heh!
- vee´
Että pärrässä pitää olla oikein automaattiloota. Ei jumalauta mitä motoristeja! Prätkässä automaattivaihteet, voi v**tu! Hanki ittelles ennemmin potkulauta, pelle!
- on se
hianoo. Että homosohvaan oikein variaattori. On se hianoo, on se....heh.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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