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48 ikäinen miehenalku Helsingistä. Kotimaa: --- Koulutus: --- Ammatti: Muu Siviilisääty: --- Lapset: ---





  1. Raskaimmissa uusissa peleissä Athlon Xp ei välttämättä riitä.Keskusmuistiakin ne vie yli Gigan.Tuolla 7600GT:llä saisit kuitenkin Athlon XP:stä irti maksimit mitä siitä on vielä saatavissa.
    Windows Vistan järjestelmävaatimukset:

    Eiköhän toimi kun valitset Vistan 32-bit. version.Tosin DirectX10 ominaisuuksia esim. peleissä et saa tuolla käyttöön.
  2. Tips and Hints:
    (In progress as of 4/4/07, please suggest!)
    (Overclocking options can be found under JUMPERFREE Configuration-->MANUAL)

    If you haven't already, check your BIOS and make sure you are running 03** series bios or higher. 0202 was first release and VERY flaky.
    Enter RAM timings and voltage manually. Help stability.
    Disable all features not neccessary, ie firewire etc.
    Run Orthos or OCCT for 6+ hours at all stock settings to test for stabilty at stock, to make sure everything is OK at the norm. This will help you to not blame your OC for stability problems, such as forgetting to set your RAM timings and having the auto timings cause a failed OC.
    FSB and RAM are already finalized values. Intel chips are QUAD pumped (QDR) and RAM is DDR. For example, if you have an 800FSB rated chip, your REAL FSB is 200Mhz (What CPUZ will display) but will display as 800FSB in BIOS. Same with RAM, but it is DUAL, so DDR2-800 RAM will display as 800 in BIOS, but 400Mhz in CPUZ.
    When overclocking, run a 1:1 divider for stability. This can be achieved by using UNLINKED mode and MANUALLY entering 1:1 values, ie 1000FSB and 500DDR, or you can choose LINKED-->SYNC Mode to run a 1:1 divider.
    AUTO will keep your FSB/RAM linked, which is bad because it will constantly run a 1:2 divider due to the BIOS displaying QDR and DDR values.
    To find your MAX CPU overclock without overclocking RAM, to eliminate it as the cause of a failed overclock, use full UNLINKED mode, to allow you to manually set your RAM to its full speed without overclocking it. This will allow you to UP the FSB as much as you need
  3. Silloinhan pitäisi testata tuo nopeus maailman kaikilla PC peleillä ja katsoa lopputulos vasta sitten.No en käy tästä riitelemään.Jos sanot että 7900gt on nopeampi niin olkoon minun puolestani.