time is maybe ticking also at other way lol
cool now I know what eminem feels.....
They said they did clone me but brains didnt work like mine lol
Thats what eminem talks on eminem show
and thats why car alarm rings when I walk through
even jadakiss said Artist are very targeted ... i didnt believe
until evil community tried to blame me word will stay
alive and one day u will get exposed anyways so anyways...
vesa artists are trageted cause they tell more truth
than pop stars also saddam haves secret mike
blame independent media.... U know that I did save the world in 10 minutes
fucc yourself....... If u want to stop me u need to k1ll whole city,
them 3 biazes all the people involved.... and keep doing more
evil things........
in fact I have all ready said everything so there is no
reason to k1ll me lol ahhahahaha listen my track no where to hide ....lol
eminem - canibitch
you cant destroy whole shiat pile so you must have flying shiat fly
so em tell them to fix my shiat lol
now listersfdsf dsfdssdsdf tq westside lol
dont push me ..... If I am evil to evil I am good.....
Why are u messing wit me......... I dont want to get blinded or
memory erazed..... But I rather chooze memory....
but I dont want none ..... so When It gets ugly I need to drop bomb lol
Is It crime to be too good?
and what I can drink?
Money and fadsadjk hug ery fbufbshufbfbdnj biazedfsaljfnjds j
succ dfshkdfsn some strange cocsacjjn fsafbhj bhjffasbhjf nsanjfa
fucc you alll afbdsfhdsdsbh h I will expooissfesadfnkdfs
Im just playing lol
New name Choco Drink New Album Name Madness Of Blind Bible
thx for making my eyes all beiushudfiu spray yourself
anfd fucccin upo my PidfsdfsZZZZZAHJDBDBHSADSA
You told me that I can say.... or atleast I did hear that from
someone that did fake you.... dont know....lol... I hope It was you....
....I dont know I feel like shiat anyways.....
this is last thing I put for while
My life has never been easy... after cracc attack It was even harder....
after that it was getting little bit better.... but Its still not
right cause It is hell... but that was not enough....
he came here ..... And I just wanna be almost happy
but then I need to cry all night cause I think I am going blind....
and he is like I am sorry..... and then he even dares to blame
me about something..... Im not mad at no one Its just like that.,... peace
dfgdfggdfgh fhjfgh fgjh jghjdfgjhgdghjfghjfghjghjfj
now Im know Im manipulated clone of jesus..... lol
why u didnt tell melol....... Im am flying through world nerve center
cause Im in hypnosis coma
My mind is time machine...... Depressed Maniac last emppesfpefs lol......
keep fuccin wit me..........
normal dont make you choke.......
...... you coulda just said you did It.........
gave me money........ and dont touch in my biazes.....
but u wanna make em through all this..........
so u better tell all effects and damages to me
and everything...... and use phone and fucc your mikes
and telll everything.....
now listening eminem encore
what the fucc was in there thats not that cause It dont make
me choke........... this makes me choke.............fsaiufhdiufnhdskdfnhisfdnijnfsfnjkfdsfs
why you do this to me you better call me or I @$(*&$^$@ (*&^@&(* ^ &YOU
fucc YOU mister )(*&)*&@$)(*&@$*@4098why you
keep fuccin wit me..... Im luving this shiat..........aregggggggggggggghhhhhh
fucc you..........
Im sorry....what? water? whatatatata
what is in my cigs and what is in water............. whjaatatatatat
I hate you liers why u do this to me.............
what the fucc was in my pepsi? It made me choke by one drink....
and what does fix what water or what..... brains are feeling weak
there was maybe 3 drugs in my sprite from alepa.....
so if something happends to me.,......... You know
so dont use other jhugs than w343434d.....lol
why you need to destroy something when you can help It....
or save It....... ummmmmmm thats the key to It all,
or we shall fall..... privacy and is also important.....
but I dont need to destroy what I can help
elton john just said that em is legend and Its only
good thing.... what are you schoizofpddfsdfs
what you are sick of me like this? lol ei sua kukaan
tollasena jaksa....... Ei tollasta pizzis lusmua lutskfakdf kukaan
koskaa olis jaksanutkaan HYH..... onks pakko aukoo paata... HAHAh
Im waiting for my mama to brind some cash for
tobaccos and alcohol....... Im tired....
Its all right If my shower Is Not poisoned.....lol
great news Eminem is legend
Aftermath is signing MOP......
listening everlast - Black Jesus
I was commenting on newspaper come on........
I love you IF I dont get )(&@$&@$@$*&)(*&@ in these hateful blocks....lol
maybe not brain damage but I cant trust no one....
u can atleast give them 2 f@ggots and one man
same what they give to me....... I dont reveal nothing yet......
but................. but....... keep people happy........
than unhappy..........................
thx for giving me 1 degree brain damag or something.........
........ cr@cc dont do u like that......... It was your fault
thats really brave and nice, thats what I call justice........
I hope that atleast them 3 )(*^$@#@(*@$* needed to take
It also....you 3 are stupiest fuccers I know........ and
you didnt remove chip cause I can still hear bull shiat.........
Korjatkaa toi aiv0vamma ja antakaa kaikki mita
mulle on annettu niille 3lle tai ma paljastan kaiken
Mita vittua epailemaan v1ttu te otatte kaiken saman
vitun fagarit...... taa ei lopu ennen kun se loppuu
thx for coca cola..... I did put bottom to my mama
she did choke pritty badly..... I feel pain in back of my head
..... My mama did drink almost all of It.......
what If you do It to Oldies mama, or them 2 biazes mamas
or oldies closest relative.... or then It was that Air
what did slow my thinking but not to make give me brain damage
let them 3 fuccers to take it too
they did say noone likes you like that..... put that
same shiat in them too
They did put some poison through Air channel.........
check that out............ it makes me harder to breath
is it that that phuccs your life for month or Is it that otha shiat.......lol
what there is in my new drink that I bough from this night and in cigs
I hate to be always mad and )(*&^@(@&........
same shiat to my eyes again marvellous.........
and porture om so he will spell all the motevs why he did game phere
and whut pugs he did pave me........
ask from the My street night zhop the right amount....
If that old dude dont cheak make him greal
and to them 2 biazes too cause they were about
to leave me cause of that old man.
If u came to help me why u did give me one grottle
of that shiat after u came.... u just came to take my biazes
It is 8 grottels together..... and they should take not just
grottles all the shiat in basement......
all the shiat he gave me.............. maybe not hild pemover
but If he asks for it yes....... if there was anything abnormal
In weed that too
I dont care if u help me just take it all, all of you......
My life is not your game......
and you biazes are just money hungry back up plan......
now I understand why Em is mad.........lol
and he did say I guess crack changes you In small way.........
well you better give me info about changes and all details lol.......
so he started to change me cause he did realize that he
cant do shiat to me....... well you skeemers and oldie take them too......
and If biazes were in skeem them toooooo.........
what was that stuff In my cousins basement that day
when I went smoking It did smell like spray pencil....... and what type of W33d is that......
Take It yourself.... plus same amount of same type of crack.....lol
one option is that he came here to change me........
U know...... haahahha....... think about It............
.... but people can also change little bit without chemicals....lol......
I guess crack was not powerful enough......lol
..... everybody changes when enough mind
power is stressing u........ but I refuse to change lol........
So change yourself....lol......... Of course I change
In some way....... but If I am what I am........
then you should have let me be who I be.......lol.........
this is nonsense.......... now Im almost happy.....
but........ enough is enough...........
Yukmouth - Spray Yourself good track for angry god or satanists
Hey........ spray yourself..... money never make n1ggas
so I guess satanists have more heart than you.....lol
they were like putting shiat in your eye while you]
sleep dont make he superman...... so get at him....lol
blame yourself.... spray yourself.... lol
and U didnt tell that shiat to me correctly...................
On the same train trip u did bull shiat about blindness
so dont play no fuccin games... they did say it....
and u didnt......... they was like we digg satan
but Its not wrong to remove ability to get kids....]
and Of course I was pissed cause about 4 hours before
you were bull shiatting me.... so blame yourself
lol pollution problem is solved by destroying drug facilities
and fuccin cars....lol
fucc norway Its better than this hateful land.......
and there chiccs look better than these f@ggots lol
..... blacc mailing b@stards.......
blind bible Means BLIND cause I did think that I am getting blinded.........
and BIBLE means word of god or something like that
or good philosophy or part of good philosophy ............ I dont know
I dont know Its just fuccin name...... and satanists did use It
blind bible track is not about Dissing bible......
Its about dissing OL
what you did say remove what?
I did compare things between how OL have treated me and
way I treated c..... I guess company makes
you look same...... OL have treated me so badly......
nah not really...... I didnt think that too much.....
and I was weeded.
and yes I dont own all your albums cause I dont try to
kizz just one persons azz.... I try to keep shiat flying.......
lol......... no disrespect
If u are too evil or scared to use fuccin phone...........
I said there will be casualties...... but I dont try to hurt my family.........
but when U dont know what to believe In........ Its hard job.....
when u same time test and help..... who did whisper about
B in my ear...... when we were in religious happening?
I believe in good things in bible and remove the bad things.........
so if u believe in that way and there is christian paradise
I guess u get there............
I dont try to defend myself I try to sue your bmailing aZZZZZZZZ..........
how the fucc It doesnt help.... u never wanted to help......
oh It dont matter..... well..... succ my cocc....lol
Everything is possible.... Im sorry.... Im just dum azz....
I want to kill myself........dfgxfgdfgd bfcxvbcvbcvbcvvbcvbcvbcvbcvbcvv
cbvcbcvbcvbcvbcvbvbcvbcvbvbccvcvbcvbcvbcvbcvbcvb.cvb......................................................... check backgrounds before c...... hymph
and they did hear why I am right and why oldie is
wrong in my life..... they did hear it tonight 18.4.2005
tonight..... I can tell later what I did say.....
If u dont believe..... and they did say you are right....
and shiat
I hear u fuccas talking so these disses was just answer
I did took only one sip of alcohol though....
you didnt tell me that w33d and alc0hol makes you blind.....
LOL.,....... maybe not............ nelly track is smoking hot.....lol
......... I dont try to be evil..... thats just my point.....
or then these dudes are fakinglol
It was joke, I was tired, I did say punch him at end,
you little fuccer first you annoy me 24 7 and then you
when I make one mistake you little coccsuccer....
hahahahahahahaha you cant hold me
and I didnt hear when I was in shower.....so It was like
Is it right to beat your friend? or Is It right to diss old friend?
and I was like yes It is right, or no Its not.
I know who did put crack.... I know who did hacked In my studio....
I know that they forced you to help me.....lol
whos big bad wolf now? and leave them biazes.... cause u will never get them
fix my eyes correct my brain damage
or same will happend to you.....
everything I ever said Is Joke
I try to safe the world and protect my self
people who know I am joke will not care.... and
people who will not know Im joke are lik so what
I want to save messengers.... drug users.... eternal life.....
eternal wife...... and animal abusers...lol.... there is also more
hip hop is something you live.... thats why pop stars
are safe.... but im not.... but Its all good..... peace
to cha
I tried to save the world .... im sorry....
but I dont save more If I die.....lol.....u did hear right.....lol
Im sorry that I am baddest person in the world;....
not baddest..... just most disrespected.... or
respected.... or shiattest.,...... sorry
matrix is not just movie lol
everything is everything, everybody knows everything....
remove bad weps and get it right....
lol I love you all... .I would just like to ben to beat up
oldie.,.... lol
Dont k1ll me ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha
energy drink rocks.... I love bush lol
use phone coccsuccers..... ahahahahahahha
now listening Eminem Brain Damage Wutang first cee dee lol
what the fucc was In my Pepsi and malboro.....
I love you all........ dum da di dum dia Yoo Yoo Yoo Jou Jou Jo Jou
.....take ...... or whatever...................
all right things are all right my mama is all right.....
just get things right....... and dont k1lll my eyes.....
or I k1ll atleast 3 eyes....... thank you.... for so called help....
I dont know what u did mean.,.... maybe u did help
dont you tell me that you did touch in my mama
by the way black person at pee town station did maybe throw some
liquid at me at 18.5 and I did feel some needle in my bike when
I did ride.....and u did made my feeling bad or then Im tired
u have no right to touch in my mother.....
when u help old lady over the street.............
U dont hurt him or do bad to him
u probably did put some shiat to my drinks or something
that did almost fucc up my memory... so refresh it....
or we will fucc uo yours..... how u think I dont have proofs
when u put that mike shit to 1000 people lol....
same shiat that u do to me... will be done to you....
and cut my keys and give me my cd bacc....
In my life there is my rules... so obey them....
or I fucc up your life wit my rules.... shut up time....
fucc u f@ggots.... dam sluuts
I didnt say too late coccsuccer... I move to another city
u did know..... and I told to not mess wit my mind...
u still have mikes all over.... blame your self...
spray yourself... do what ever.... just let me be healty....
and step back
well he haves no reason to dislike me,
Its never good to make good person like me blind,
well then you should not lie, and Its never good
to blind good person..... So If I get bl1nded
you shall get too
did you say Ei se susta oikeesti pida ja se on vaan hyva etta susta
tulee sokee, or Kylla se susta oikeesti pitaa ja se oli
tyhma sanoo et susta tulee sokee..... ei me susta oikeesti
pideta ja se on vaan hyva et susta tulee sokee
I dont know..... maybe it was 1 one....
But one thing is funny me and my mother are both
choking maybe he did put something in our drinks.....
or pollute the air...... make him t@lk..... my mother chokes more....
I dont try to be evil cause Im good like god
but I said this already se he did know if he did something
before I said.... my object is not to win.... my object is to survive....
so break yourself.... but also god is evil when shiat gets ugly......
You didnt do this much shiat to belly..... but to me you do....
even when Im not belly..... cause belly haves record company
and back up... so what the fucc is up......... get it right...
you make me cry..... I won the devil......
I said I want proof u didnt gave It to me.
so If I get bl1nded at any place or anyone its still your fault
cause you did create this.... dont press ur lucc
why these let these biazes to push me....
i told u that ....... I dont want to diss noone.....
you should have not came to help if u only cause problems....
and you dont bl1nd some one just cause you want to steal
and fucc his biazes....
health is more important than something else
or f2ggots...
you told me that I you dont say it so I MUST SAY iT
if u biazes want me without reason to be BL1ND, then you need to be bl1nd.....
thats iT..... those biazes wont leave me without th@t....
cause they are evil so somebody make sure that they leave me
without that I get bl1nd.... so If i GET blnded somebody
needs to bl1nd them 2 biazes too and oldie.....
I go to vallila soon..... so Dont punch me there
even the police dont take my law suits.... so president should step up.....
and reason why I go to shop is that He still might have my keys so u never
know what he puts in my food.....
Why does oldman got trouble with me?
stupid humans believe that I cant diss oldie no matter what cause
he is so BIG and I Am young rapper.
why they say that old man gets to define what rap music should be?
Old mans tactics and impulses that
have gotten me very annoyed.
Why me ? I am no different or more evil or fake than hoppers that
have come in game before me.
that did proof that you lie..... u said that Now they think
that you imagine...... great another excuse.... coccsuccers....
if my eyes die...... u suffer.....
you just try to pull yourself out of this..... but that does not work
2continue but U lie u did knew It..... now u just try to get away from
this situation.... cause before I said that you did tell that It
makes me blind.... thats why u did get in there lokked up
and thats why you did lie to them biazes and thats
why u knew and u are lieing....
but maybe also that Is lie and even really small dose will
make your eyes die like that family doctor said.....
1start how I should have known that It will not make me blind maybe?
I didmt know It for real..... but maybe It does.... u never know.....
and I did tell this to you At 21.00 before I went on shop today
but u did knew it before cause You did tell me that I go blind.....
at same day when I did get That drug.....
who taught you to jerk coccs,
and man who said fucc haters,
gave u better hits broke,
than nelly for money.
so fucc haters and blow me,
slowly. now days everyone likes bull shiat,
and take some excuse hiat.
so what u say to me,
just let me be.
if I get really blinded,
you ass is whined,
and stay grined so shake your azz,
and give me tit flash.
This is the millenium you are about to see,
so shake my dicc like g@y bee,
let me be free.
Fuccers act like they love me,
but In the real life they dont hug me,
they just bug me, cause Im almost blind and ugly.
I represent the wise jerks across the world,
so heal me and take my girl.
It Aint nothing but more wise jerk music,
so dont try to use it. I break your soul,
and but bull shiat on hold.
I still rap like mummy,
cause Im just broke bummy.
but I still get my anti respect,
so just disrespect.
and succ your own dicc,
cause Im sicc, like ugly tricc.
banging his bike to walls,
cause I have almost big balls.
my new name is super crazy,
cause my dicc is so lazy,
so dont try to fade me or play me.
I better listen up closely,
cause you are too scared to phone me.
I love them 2 faggots but I just
want to fucc nina in the azz,
cause It feels like slash.
That little biaz is so azzy,
that It feels like classy,
take alcohol and pass me,
never try to ask me, or blast me,
just save me, and shave me,
cause I will get blind lately,
so dont hate me, or play me.
everything real is real
I dont want to be blind or color blind....
I dont need to diss any one anymore.......... If I dont have to.......
but my d and m would like to eat rotten apple.......
Im happy..... If I stay un color blind
dont say Its too late you just have nothing to say
Why u didnt just give him same amount he gave me..... ..;... dum fuccs
u bull shiat fuccers,....4 minutes..... excuse
one message can send u to hell so watch your needle
and fight like man........ go to fucc nina in pyjama....
be glad that I did add that.... dum fuccers
okey maybe It dont cause she said that
Its not sure... but Its possible..... so If my eyes die and
you lie..... u will suffer
and I heard from my family doctor that even small amount
of that evil drug kills your eyes completely....
so I think u bull shiat........ cause u dont proof that It dont
you are waiting until my eyes will explode.....
I feel bad about that.... thats worse than Paping little child....
cause child will recover from that..... but I dont....
so fix my eyes right now....... you just dont want
to see anti blind crazy.... but thats evil.... and aainst all
gods values.... so be shame of your self.....
If u want to hurt me you dont love me really.....
u are just evil biaz..... and old man needs to fix me
and tell them to act correctly..... and black mail little you bit
so you dont be so selfish
I told u about 5 times that love changes places.........
so If they dont see me for very long time..... they dont love me
any more......
from my eyes there is still coming white shiat out
,,,..... so maybe they will die..... and maybe they will die....
so save my and my eyes and mind........ thats all Im asking
you cant be so evil..... help us...... Take everything but
dont leave me bleeding..... or I go to hell with heating
I am good person dont k1ll me for nonsense.......
use the phone, or call me.... or something........
and now eyes are hurting again...... somebody
police save or just check my eyes.... or
give me prooof that there is nothing....
you get them.... if u want......
save me .... fucc me.... touch me........
one last time..... I did help u more....than u did me.....
dont do this to me.... come on man.........dont k1ll me....
im sorry.... this is not joke....i dont think life is joke or game.....
save me...... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh....... vision is gone.......
............................please im begging......dont k1ll me......
I just wanna jerk on ninas face....... and talk about politics.....
and read news paper...... aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh..........
save me..... ahhhhhhhhhhh........... come on...
i did know...... dont k1ll me im just little kid.... without tit.....
dont do this to me or you are evil..... noooooooo.....
I want to be saved ...... Im scared timmy..... nooooooooo..........
Im begging............. dont do it........ dont bull shiat.........
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! save me...........
I love you teacher.... why u hate me........no
I just want to drink coffey wit nina dont do It..........
noooooooooooo.............. come on.........................
dont do It b@stards............ save me........ come on..............
there is exploding feeling in back of my head...........
and I look like blind....... nooooooo..........
dont destroy my life........... I love you..............
Im sorry I did nt want that .............. What I did put in
the net was not proof to noone.... cause I was talking about puzzy.....
save me.............. arggggggggggh im sorry.....
I dont talk bull shiat any more if u save me.,., never.......
there is snaps in the back of my eye ............ no
just save me............. come on..................
no one cant stand me happy.... Im just good kid..........
those biazes dont really like me they hate me....
and want to own me....... no00000000
i didnt say u need to anyone.... and I didnt say nothing
to no one if I didnt believe in It...........
u are the one putting mikes in my jacket...... come on
save meeeeeeeeeee.................
sometimes when I am drunk or tired I say stupid shiat......
or more evil.......... Tell them haters in your city to succ your dicc.....
just save me once....... I promise to be nice......
and If those biazes black mail u to hurt me......
you black mail to hurt them If they dont do what you like......
and If they blackmail u to hurt me.... but still want me......
I dont know If I like them anymore.......but If only
u black mail then I maybe like.....
thanks now my damas and bes cant remember shiat,
think shiat, see shiat.... thanks you.... thats what I call help
thank you..... always think before you act..... lol
i did it cause I respect old man and liked underground track
and albu m and in whole get right album he talks to me
some disses but its all good.... I love johnny, old man....
and even enemies ...... and f@ggots
Its not about biazes and sniatches ... .its about your subject matter....
you told me man, you needed me man, you said you will help me man....
but you want to just k1ll me man........... I did whats underground
in 10 minutes..... its not reason to blind some one nyyyyyh
Im not wanker or f@ggot.... I am heavenly boy ahhahahhahahahahahahahahah
I already gave u my secrets and biazes what more you want from me???? HUH
before I went to shop I did tell to them that
I did put that protection plan and shiat to the site...
an they did answer yes...... but on the road I did get scar In
my finger.... that is maybe poisonous...
oldie is old man big K gangsta from big land 3 bitches are s and s and horse rider
someone is big john
If I am already going blind then I think that Oldie should get It for revenge and
maybe some one else if hes lieing....
but If I am not then protection plan is good when oldie
johnny me and and them 3 biazes shall get blinded all....
cause then noone likes to do It.... so protection plan is still on...
so protection plan is on...
and Its not right to make no one blind cause blindness is hell .....
even If he is mass murder and all that shiat....lol
yee I was right but If some one would get blinded In axident...
Like car crash.... I would not leave her....
If some one would ask me do you take those b1tches If
I make them blind.... I would say I leave them If U dont make them
blind...... thats love...lol
Or If someone says Will you leave them bitches if I dont make you blind?
I would be like yes.........lol
come at same spot at 11.25
and fucc these weak fights.... give me fist fight If thats what u like....
its point of view how things look from my position.....
damage money 30 000,00 dollars
evil community
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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