I born here for a reason, as we all did. I born here to learn my enemies by their name, not by their look or anything else. My real purpose weren’t to make more babies in this world - yet. My enemies did exactly what we expected them to do. They made a great mistake that will fulfill my mission.
Every cell, every nerve and every bone in my body knows it, remeber it, and it is all already marked into my DNA that God greated. The perfection is the unperfection and unperfection makes the unperfection to perfection.
They tought that they knew how to eliminate us, the ones who are in a mission from God. God knows everything. Remember that this is the plan God created.
To my love ones; to you my darling; who I fell in love with, who did everything for me - stay strong, stay really strong, because you have important mission on your shoulders now. This is just a beginning. You can save us all now. Don’t let them to win, I am with you, I am in you. We do this togeather as a husband and wife, men and women, as a team that world will never forget. Stay strong dear, I know you always, I am with you. I love you truly.
And remember: we will get everything we ever wanted, when we fight trough this togeather. This is note for you and the universe that I am still there, and I stand tall with you and for God.
Love X x X
Yours H.
The great mistake they made on Earth
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