From the Heavens a demon came
So powerful I dare not say his name
Death and suffering were her goals
The gods were weak without their souls
His form so cruel Ra closed her eye
Thus all light was to wither and die
But from the shadows stirred a man
That could lay ruin the demon's plan
From the darkness Vampire beckoned
The world around him dying and sickened
He sought the beast from east to the west
Feeling ready to face this test
The beast was laughing at the edge of sun
As if playing a game and having fun
The Vampire taunted the horrendous beast
And they fought, dueled from west to the east
From the edge of sun to the edge of moon
Evil against unyielding doom
But there, in silver the final strike was blown
Ra opened her eye and gazed down
Once again the daylight came
Bringing the Vampire exile and pain
The Victory over Chaos
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