Come now, child, we can't be late
Your fortune and luck tonight are great
For 'neath the branches of forest Nim
An epic ball is about to begin
Seraph, Fae and all of the Were
Will set aside their grudges there
Tonight there is no war at all
The Tower of Time has sounded it's call
Now shush, lie low and hide with me
This is the place where we shall see...
The Heavens above the forest Nim
Split revealing the Seraphim
A silver light surrounds their wings
A golden halo crowns their kings
The trees that are the forest Nim
Rejoice with Fae and all their kin
From all around they come this way
Holding lutes and harps to play
A mournful howl in forest Nim
The Werewolf tribes have come to sing
They dance now grasping wing to paw
Paw to hand and hand to claw
The Fae have come with music fine
The Seraphim brought the finest wine
But the tribes had brought with them
Finest harlots from lands of men
The girls were passed from wing to paw
From paw to hand and hand to claw
Too late for them the morning came
They were dead, 'twas all the same
Torn asunder, ripped to shreds
The monsters turned toward their kegs
The wine they took but the food did not
The sated beasts left all to rot
In the Shadows of Forest Nim
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