The world second largest shipbuilder, the Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH has been guessing for one and a half months in their official announcements and has been drawing nonsensical conclusions from the available information. For example, on their opinion, one piece of net or rope on the propeller is correlated with losing the keel.
They are telling that these yachts are good constructions, but the facts don’t show this because on some of the boats the keels were built scantly – simply said, some backing plates which lead away the tension were missing. The Bavaria could not outcrop the lost keel;
However, if they had wanted to clear themselves of responsibility, they should have already outcrop it. (Nobody would do it instead of them.) On some yachts of this fleet damages on the surfaces and gaps around the keels were found, which originate from grounding according to Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH. After all, either the steersmen are so unskilled that they could not recognize the serious collisions or all of them deny this fact. According to the Bavaria Yachtbau the construction of Bavaria 42match is excellent. Taking it for granted; however, safety reserves in the keel area would be increased on all delivered sailing yachts. The questions can be asked: Wherefore? If the construction is really as excellent as people are persuaded, then why?
Investigations of the cause for the damage, which lead to the tragic accident of one Bavaria 42match in Croatia, are still going on.” – reports the Bavaria in their third press release, that still follows the original policy: disclaim the full responsibility, as if this case was only a junk on their brand new suit and they had to sweep it. Presumption, assumption and supposition are all that people can feel from their press releases. Facts thus far lead people to the conclusion that the construction maybe wrong. According to Bavaria it is impossible, it can’t come into question. The Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH tries to obscure the Croatian occurrences, but they couldn’t even reach Tribunj in time – they needed nine days.
To the latest, namely to the third announcement they attached a picture about the propeller of a yacht which is demonstrated like a clincher on a trial. The relation between the motor and fishnet is like a returning pattern - it is present in all the press releases of the Bavaria Yachtbau - but it is hardly in connection with the loss of the keel. The Bavaria claims the same but emphasizes the responsibility of the owner who didn’t dive every night into the sea to check whether everything is all right. We think, they should do that only in case when something special happened, and before and after their events. But everyday?! It is like the owners of Bavaria are good fairytale-tellers: their imaginations are entertaining but false.
Well, that’s happening what we expected: the big shipbuilder company pulls its weight to the small charter company, it is looking for a scapegoat. It needed more than one month, but it succeeded in creating the most trustworthy solution with the least deficit, so the Bavaria is already point at the Adriatic Challenge. We would wait for the right answer because one of our colleagues died.
However there are some tiny disturbing details: Why do they always want to repair the whole Bavaria 42match fleet that is allegedly in perfect condition? What could they correct on the perfect? Why would they increase the already big safety reserves to gigantic, so the keel wouldn’t come off, even if the boat is dropped from high above?
By all accounts, they continuously inform the public about the arrangements, as if we were the audience in the theatre and watched the play; however, this was the third monologue. A little bit boring. Oops sorry, I couldn’t realize at first that this is an interactive play, a reality show where the actors are partly the Bavaria 42match sailors, and where human lives depend on the results?!
The obvious evidence reported by Bavaria has been obvious only for themselves so far, the possibilities does not exclude anything.
Evidences were found on the bottom of those boats that were in Biograd. These evidences refer to grounding. The question is how big the collision was, what the boat collided with and how much her speed was. It could be imagined that there were boats that collided with a rock, but it is irresponsible to state for the public that the fatally collided boat damaged so badly because of the collision that the keel came off.
The Bavaria came forward with that chart in its reports that had been found on the boat. Even they could not suppose that these lines had showed the real route. Cruising in such way is very surprising, moreover the Yugo also can’t turn so much - who sail in Yugo, they know. These lines were surely drawn by the crew of the „KIEL” before the regatta, for the reason to be able to see the optimal track.
However, how could they possibly pass that point if they hadn’t had the keel and their boat had also capsized? Nohow. The drawn track was only their planned one. The most important thing is that the coordinates are given, so it is known which way the „KIEL” went.
They were not even close to by-Bavaria-mentioned Kukuljari. After the last shallow point they were sailing more than 4 miles in the direction of South. According to those who were staying on the boat there weren’t any collision during the course. From the pictures everyone can make his or her own decision whether how big collision can cause the coming off of the keel and it is normal, or not?
The Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH does obviously not possess the GPS data. The marked red point on the map is the possible location of the keel. This point is the same as the one mentioned in the article on the site of the GPS Magazine ( But the real position of the keel isn’t that. Anyway, it turned out that the Bavaria makes charges without a clue what they say. After they were let down to a press-information they showed a bad position because it was close to affirm their assumption. However they didn’t check the reality of the press.
Onko tälle tarinalle päivityksiä?
- purjehtija
osaa rantaruotsia auttavasti.Mutta Saksaa ei ymmärrä kukaan. Ja tarina oli liian pitkä jokatapauksessa.
\\ Urpo- niin no
ei se ollut saksaa
- Dieteraufdeutcsh
niin no kirjoitti:
ei se ollut saksaa
Näyttää ihan samalta ku mun Bavan manuska...
Hyvä kysymys. En ole missään nähnyt mitään oikeuden päätöstä tai tutkimuskomitean loppulausunto.
Muistan että yksi norjalainen oli hukkua uudella Bavaria 44Match:llaan. Kun valitti tehtaalle sai pikapostilla uudet kölipultien aluslevyt.
Ja sitten väitätte ettei Bavaria hoitaa asiat!
Kaveri lähti sittemmin ystäväänssä kanssa Englantiin samanaikaisesti hankitulla BavaMatch:lla ja meinasi hukkua silloinkin. Vasta sitten hän nosti syytteen Bavaria kohti. Sitkee kaveri!- truth???
Kyllä tämän tarinan täytyy olla absoluutinen totuus, sehän on oikein Ulkomaankielellä kirjoitettu!
Kun kyseessä on Ulkomaankielellä kirjoitettu teksti, on turhaa edes mainita sitä, mistä se on peräisin. Ulkomaalaisethan ovat aina täysin rehellisiä, puolueettomia ja muutenkin kaiken epäilyksen yläpuolella.
Kyllä Ulkomailla ollaan paljon viisaampia kuin Suomessa, Ukomaalaisethan osaavat Ukomaankieltäkin jo ihan lapsesta asti !- siitä
Johtuen vähäisestä lukumäärästämme Suomen kielellä vaan kirjoitetaan melko vähän aiheesta kuin aiheesta verrattuna maailman valtakieliin.
Ketjusta on poistettu 0 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.
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