Your opinions on finnish people and Finland?


What do you think about finnish people? Do you think they are all punch of drunken sweatsuit wearing people? I'm doing a schoolproject on the subject and I would appreciate your answers :) Thanks.




    Anonyymi (Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy)
    • A.O.

      ....all! At least I'm not drunk .... at the moment!

      • Resaca


      • correction
        Resaca kirjoitti:


        WRONG: "Then you must be hungover...?
        CORRECT: Then you must HAVE A hAngover...?

      • resaca

      • dizzee_vertigo
        correction kirjoitti:

        WRONG: "Then you must be hungover...?
        CORRECT: Then you must HAVE A hAngover...?

        Hahaha. They're both correct. Idiot.

      • PEACE!
        dizzee_vertigo kirjoitti:

        Hahaha. They're both correct. Idiot.

        To all black guys in Finland who obey the law - Please walk tall with your heads up... full of self esteem. You don't have to take shit from no one. It's a free world.

        I am a black guy in Finland, have not really gotten any of those racist gestures from any Finn and i try to maintain my self esteem even though i live a simple life. Wherever i go, my personality tend to over-shadow that of the haters so don't even bother giving me that racist attitude because it doesn't faze me and i really care less if you exist or not. It's a free world and i always feel free like the birds in the sky wherever i go, which ever country i reside. I try to obey the law just like i'll do in my own country and I don't care what you think about me and if you mess with me, i'll retaliate with no fear of intimidation whatsoever. I arrived about 2 months ago. Been around Europe just for fun and i must say, Finland is quite strange and isn't the best. Besides, Hungarians are way much beautiful than Finns. If you've never been to Hungary, then you would easily disagree. Nothing really enticing here in Finland so i don't know why there should be so much NOISE!


      • rorkes drift
        PEACE! kirjoitti:

        To all black guys in Finland who obey the law - Please walk tall with your heads up... full of self esteem. You don't have to take shit from no one. It's a free world.

        I am a black guy in Finland, have not really gotten any of those racist gestures from any Finn and i try to maintain my self esteem even though i live a simple life. Wherever i go, my personality tend to over-shadow that of the haters so don't even bother giving me that racist attitude because it doesn't faze me and i really care less if you exist or not. It's a free world and i always feel free like the birds in the sky wherever i go, which ever country i reside. I try to obey the law just like i'll do in my own country and I don't care what you think about me and if you mess with me, i'll retaliate with no fear of intimidation whatsoever. I arrived about 2 months ago. Been around Europe just for fun and i must say, Finland is quite strange and isn't the best. Besides, Hungarians are way much beautiful than Finns. If you've never been to Hungary, then you would easily disagree. Nothing really enticing here in Finland so i don't know why there should be so much NOISE!


        seems to me you dont care much about no one but yourself,you really make a lot of noise about yourself,ever occur to you theres other people too?

      • Johnny-86
        PEACE! kirjoitti:

        To all black guys in Finland who obey the law - Please walk tall with your heads up... full of self esteem. You don't have to take shit from no one. It's a free world.

        I am a black guy in Finland, have not really gotten any of those racist gestures from any Finn and i try to maintain my self esteem even though i live a simple life. Wherever i go, my personality tend to over-shadow that of the haters so don't even bother giving me that racist attitude because it doesn't faze me and i really care less if you exist or not. It's a free world and i always feel free like the birds in the sky wherever i go, which ever country i reside. I try to obey the law just like i'll do in my own country and I don't care what you think about me and if you mess with me, i'll retaliate with no fear of intimidation whatsoever. I arrived about 2 months ago. Been around Europe just for fun and i must say, Finland is quite strange and isn't the best. Besides, Hungarians are way much beautiful than Finns. If you've never been to Hungary, then you would easily disagree. Nothing really enticing here in Finland so i don't know why there should be so much NOISE!


        Emm.. I also think that black, white, yellow or whatever coloured people should walk with their heads up. I value everyone in the same way, no matter what religion or cultural background they might have.

        And when it comes to racism, I do hate that. So.. I was thinking that what if you would see your own attitude aswell- it is good that you don't care too much about other people and like you said you haven't gotten any racist gestures while being in Finland- but do you see that you are giving them to finnish people by comparing finnish people to hungarians or saying that in Finland there is nothing enticing..? It can also be hurtful, harmuful and racistic for finns.

        You are a person who might like hungarians better- but yes, I do disagree with you when it comes to that- I'm more used to finnish girls and I like them- I've been to Hungary and of course people look beautiful there too- but they don't affect me in the same way as finnish girls.. So, that is definately personal thing, not something that everyone would like about. So I think you should only speak for yourself.

        And I'm not finnish- but I find Finland very enticing place. Maybe it's not the same for you, but some people find Finland amazing and exciting country to be. So.. Again- you can only speak for yourself and remember that we people are different and we like different things.

      • Istanbul Kral
        PEACE! kirjoitti:

        To all black guys in Finland who obey the law - Please walk tall with your heads up... full of self esteem. You don't have to take shit from no one. It's a free world.

        I am a black guy in Finland, have not really gotten any of those racist gestures from any Finn and i try to maintain my self esteem even though i live a simple life. Wherever i go, my personality tend to over-shadow that of the haters so don't even bother giving me that racist attitude because it doesn't faze me and i really care less if you exist or not. It's a free world and i always feel free like the birds in the sky wherever i go, which ever country i reside. I try to obey the law just like i'll do in my own country and I don't care what you think about me and if you mess with me, i'll retaliate with no fear of intimidation whatsoever. I arrived about 2 months ago. Been around Europe just for fun and i must say, Finland is quite strange and isn't the best. Besides, Hungarians are way much beautiful than Finns. If you've never been to Hungary, then you would easily disagree. Nothing really enticing here in Finland so i don't know why there should be so much NOISE!


        My Dear black Brother in Peace!
        Yes,I agree that Finnish people really r most beautiful,but most beautiful Finnish belong to the most ebautiful people int he world,do U get this?I mean,for example I myself look pretty and more Russian than Finnish (even Russian people tend to love my style and even hving a default that I could b one fo them,and I am proud of this juts coz if U look an average Finnish wman or man so he or she looks horrible).Russian women r just one group that r kept to b more beautiful by far than Finnish women,for example Estonian women r kept to b so gorgeous,but in this I lil bit disagree as if we examine spesific characteristics for Estonian women so actually they r not that different from Finnish characteristics,but they just keep much better care of themselves,when it comes to their look.

        Finnish women hv no self-confidence,but we r well-educated,smart,independent and generally speaking also men here in Finland get human rights being also women rights.Our education and social support systems r maybe the best in the world,we hv manage in both of the fields of our policy:foreigner and inner policy here in Finland well enough for living peace in our country,no need to escape and let some other state to take care of us,to put in us teh moneys that would actually meant to use first of all for that other state itself!

        I am not racist,I hv even dated with only mainly outside of Finland living Asian men last 2,5y,but our foreigner policy is driving me crazy and reflecting to my thoughts in a racist nuance.So I thought me to b the very last one being able to think in a racist way.I will tell later more about our foreigner or immigrant policy but let me tell first one v sad phenomenon that shows clearly how our immigrant policy makes both of the foreigners and us looking victims:

        Well,we were drinking and hving party in our capital Helsinki ,and we met many Asian or african people and we tried to talk in akind way to all fo these asking where r they from coz it looks that not Fnnish.Just out of curousity and coz we appreciate people from all around the world as our sisters and brothers and wanted to hear exotic and interesting life stories of them etc.Anyways,the seemed to got us wrong ,not all as also most polite and kind people that we met that night were just those black people or Asian,surprise surprise.But we started to ponder for why r they trying to deny them to b foreigners,why r not they proud of their background,and for why got they angry and almost violent!Then we got that it must be coz obviously in Finland racism is rising and our foreigners hv faced it so much (or just hv their prejudices) that they automatically think all of us to hate them nor b willing to b friends.That is sad,but who is the one to blame?

        Not the foreigners,not Finnish people,but our totally unfair and unworking immigrant policy!We get here useless people just to waste our moneys,then many well-educated ,for example iraqi medical doctors,we just send a way,just like our dear Western neighbour Sweden.All in all we give those residence permits too much but for totally wrong people.

        For example Somalian people r great problem as their own culture is so different from ours (they hv to be noisy already in childhood,if not so their community and families inforced them to make noise and talk without stop) and so primitive that they certainly cannot get that here they should integrate to our culture,and even though they got it that is v difficult to totally turn change one's manners upside down.This makes not only Finnish but also the other (black) foreigner groups to hate them and being afraid that ignorant people may thinka lso them to b form Somalia just based on the skin colour.Then in some case Somali man hv many wives and as a leader of the family that man lifts social supports form all the bank accounts of that family without using them for the benefit of the family but by sitting in cafeterias chatting with his friends,that is v wrong.And some of them oerder children from Somalia telling lies them to be their adoption children,but more exact examination reveals them actually being child prostitutes for those paedophils,totally disgusting!And many times just this group hv nor education nor they can even read,and all this is v frustrating.

        Finland does not hv to take care of all the losers in the world,but we hv right to live in peace in a country that we hv created by our rationality.The rationality that finally carrys longer and higher by far than the beauty.Still Finnish r blamed to b ugly and one of the most underestimated nation in the world and still when other people r in troubles so our help and social support is v welcome.For U "peace" I relly think that if U don't love Finland so get out of here and leave Ur space for smwn that hv brain to appreciate that safe,peaceful Finnish life.

      • Istanbul Kral
        Johnny-86 kirjoitti:

        Emm.. I also think that black, white, yellow or whatever coloured people should walk with their heads up. I value everyone in the same way, no matter what religion or cultural background they might have.

        And when it comes to racism, I do hate that. So.. I was thinking that what if you would see your own attitude aswell- it is good that you don't care too much about other people and like you said you haven't gotten any racist gestures while being in Finland- but do you see that you are giving them to finnish people by comparing finnish people to hungarians or saying that in Finland there is nothing enticing..? It can also be hurtful, harmuful and racistic for finns.

        You are a person who might like hungarians better- but yes, I do disagree with you when it comes to that- I'm more used to finnish girls and I like them- I've been to Hungary and of course people look beautiful there too- but they don't affect me in the same way as finnish girls.. So, that is definately personal thing, not something that everyone would like about. So I think you should only speak for yourself.

        And I'm not finnish- but I find Finland very enticing place. Maybe it's not the same for you, but some people find Finland amazing and exciting country to be. So.. Again- you can only speak for yourself and remember that we people are different and we like different things.

        Sorry my Dear bro in Peace ,I meant I agree that Finnish people r not most beautiful.

        Still,I don't accept anyone to laugh at Finnish people same time abuisng us and our great social support system.Either U respect us or then stay out of Finland,that simple it SHOULD BE.U told that U follow Finnish laws so follow then these unwritten laws,for example our high moral and ethics,honesty here.And yes,forst of all,where ever U go so keep Ur head up and keep on being proud of Ur roots and background,people use to respect people that respect oneself!

      • Istanbul Kral
        PEACE! kirjoitti:

        To all black guys in Finland who obey the law - Please walk tall with your heads up... full of self esteem. You don't have to take shit from no one. It's a free world.

        I am a black guy in Finland, have not really gotten any of those racist gestures from any Finn and i try to maintain my self esteem even though i live a simple life. Wherever i go, my personality tend to over-shadow that of the haters so don't even bother giving me that racist attitude because it doesn't faze me and i really care less if you exist or not. It's a free world and i always feel free like the birds in the sky wherever i go, which ever country i reside. I try to obey the law just like i'll do in my own country and I don't care what you think about me and if you mess with me, i'll retaliate with no fear of intimidation whatsoever. I arrived about 2 months ago. Been around Europe just for fun and i must say, Finland is quite strange and isn't the best. Besides, Hungarians are way much beautiful than Finns. If you've never been to Hungary, then you would easily disagree. Nothing really enticing here in Finland so i don't know why there should be so much NOISE!


        I wanted to say yet smthg in my first message butt eh operator said it to b too long.So I continue now:

        I was asking that does not any state hv right to take own state as own state?Is not that just normal?So us Finnish want to keep our languagy,culture race and country.Finnish do not want even other Finnish too close,we hv strong need for space around us.That does not mean that we couldn't care or love,or b willing to help people.Foreigners r most welcome to visit here,and sweet group of foreigner people living here is ncie making Finland juts more vivid,but too much is too much.And especially we should focus on quality not quantiy also when it comes to this subject,also Finland has right to get some benefit back for our support.Friendship is not just taking but giving as well.And the problem is that if we take here endless stream of waste escaping from the countries that hv managed to ruin everything there ,the totally useless people for Finland /of which we don't get any benefit but coz of that phenomenon our people,as well as the foreigner people hv to pay,as all that eats resources in Finland and finally is away from all the people.I know,I should not talk about human waste,but so much I love people no matter from where they are or live so 1st people coming here to abuse us and our great social support when they r in troubles,same time laughing at our ugly people 2nd Finnish immigrant policy makes me,like many other Finnish people,to talk like this/being afraid to death for our country for which also my nation has fought and done so much work for keeping this as Finland and for Finnish 3rd for exaggerating for making people to realize.Fear is a strong feeling and easily takes power over us,preventing us to think in a realistic way.In some cases there is a relevant/real reason for that fear,in other case there is no real reason for that,but many times ignorant people r afraid without better knowledge.All this affect to the attitudes about foreigners of Finnish people that directly affects to the attitudes and behaviour fo the foreigners,and the vicious circle is ready!It is obvious that Finland cannot solve all the problems in this world nor help allt he people,by trying that we cannot soon help even ourselves,and where do we escape then?To Somalia and build there high-quality ,well-working,society for getting then Somalis back there after destroying Finland like they hv now destroyed their country.Ok,to be fair so I want to highlight that I still don't blame even Somalis themselves as they dont' make these decisions but only Finnish government does and is one to blame.

      • x3
        Istanbul Kral kirjoitti:

        Sorry my Dear bro in Peace ,I meant I agree that Finnish people r not most beautiful.

        Still,I don't accept anyone to laugh at Finnish people same time abuisng us and our great social support system.Either U respect us or then stay out of Finland,that simple it SHOULD BE.U told that U follow Finnish laws so follow then these unwritten laws,for example our high moral and ethics,honesty here.And yes,forst of all,where ever U go so keep Ur head up and keep on being proud of Ur roots and background,people use to respect people that respect oneself!

        Some ugly Finnish ppl:

        Anna Virmajoki

        Kiira Korpi

        Sara Chafak

        Susanna Penttilä

        Anne-Mari Berg

        Essi Pöysti

        Johanna Loiri

      • Peacemaker!
        PEACE! kirjoitti:

        To all black guys in Finland who obey the law - Please walk tall with your heads up... full of self esteem. You don't have to take shit from no one. It's a free world.

        I am a black guy in Finland, have not really gotten any of those racist gestures from any Finn and i try to maintain my self esteem even though i live a simple life. Wherever i go, my personality tend to over-shadow that of the haters so don't even bother giving me that racist attitude because it doesn't faze me and i really care less if you exist or not. It's a free world and i always feel free like the birds in the sky wherever i go, which ever country i reside. I try to obey the law just like i'll do in my own country and I don't care what you think about me and if you mess with me, i'll retaliate with no fear of intimidation whatsoever. I arrived about 2 months ago. Been around Europe just for fun and i must say, Finland is quite strange and isn't the best. Besides, Hungarians are way much beautiful than Finns. If you've never been to Hungary, then you would easily disagree. Nothing really enticing here in Finland so i don't know why there should be so much NOISE!


        maybe you sud go back to home your country and enjoy your selfishness there!

      • Be fair!
        x3 kirjoitti:

        Some ugly Finnish ppl:

        Anna Virmajoki

        Kiira Korpi

        Sara Chafak

        Susanna Penttilä

        Anne-Mari Berg

        Essi Pöysti

        Johanna Loiri

        You have selected few FAMOUS exceptionally good looking Finnish women ( Sara Chafak is half Finnish and she doesn't look like Finns!) and represent them as typical look for Finnish women?!!!!!!!

      • NotTheSame
        Be fair! kirjoitti:

        You have selected few FAMOUS exceptionally good looking Finnish women ( Sara Chafak is half Finnish and she doesn't look like Finns!) and represent them as typical look for Finnish women?!!!!!!!

        Actually these here look quite much typical finnish young women yes.

        I would say, many women I know in real life, look better than a few on this list above.

        I did not post original list. :)

      • Be fair
        NotTheSame kirjoitti:

        Actually these here look quite much typical finnish young women yes.

        I would say, many women I know in real life, look better than a few on this list above.

        I did not post original list. :)

        Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist asap.

      • vavvava
        Peacemaker! kirjoitti:

        maybe you sud go back to home your country and enjoy your selfishness there!

        I think Finnish people should show their mind more.The Greeks took to the streets
        and so did many others.Don´t just shop o sit around. MoreMore banners and noise out in the public, weatherfor or against our politicians. We are far too passive.
        The Euro Union is no joke,show your mind!

      • Fedup
        x3 kirjoitti:

        Some ugly Finnish ppl:

        Anna Virmajoki

        Kiira Korpi

        Sara Chafak

        Susanna Penttilä

        Anne-Mari Berg

        Essi Pöysti

        Johanna Loiri

        Why is there such vanity among Finns? Why post a list of beautiful women in a thread where Finns are accused of demeaning other nations and every minority in the country.

      • LIfeSucksThenYouDie
        Fedup kirjoitti:

        Why is there such vanity among Finns? Why post a list of beautiful women in a thread where Finns are accused of demeaning other nations and every minority in the country.

        Finns are demeaned by minorities and politics.

      • Fedup
        LIfeSucksThenYouDie kirjoitti:

        Finns are demeaned by minorities and politics.

        Such weaklings. Demeaned by a minority? Merely because it exists? Are Britons demeaned by the Irish since Irish Gaelic, is an official language of the UK? Irish Gaelic, Ulster Scots, Scots, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh and Cornish are official regional languages. On the contrary in the Finn we see the fragile self image of an oppressor.

      • be honest
        Be fair kirjoitti:

        Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist asap.

        someone hasn't got laid in finland :) I understand your hate

      • katiaitalia
        Istanbul Kral kirjoitti:

        My Dear black Brother in Peace!
        Yes,I agree that Finnish people really r most beautiful,but most beautiful Finnish belong to the most ebautiful people int he world,do U get this?I mean,for example I myself look pretty and more Russian than Finnish (even Russian people tend to love my style and even hving a default that I could b one fo them,and I am proud of this juts coz if U look an average Finnish wman or man so he or she looks horrible).Russian women r just one group that r kept to b more beautiful by far than Finnish women,for example Estonian women r kept to b so gorgeous,but in this I lil bit disagree as if we examine spesific characteristics for Estonian women so actually they r not that different from Finnish characteristics,but they just keep much better care of themselves,when it comes to their look.

        Finnish women hv no self-confidence,but we r well-educated,smart,independent and generally speaking also men here in Finland get human rights being also women rights.Our education and social support systems r maybe the best in the world,we hv manage in both of the fields of our policy:foreigner and inner policy here in Finland well enough for living peace in our country,no need to escape and let some other state to take care of us,to put in us teh moneys that would actually meant to use first of all for that other state itself!

        I am not racist,I hv even dated with only mainly outside of Finland living Asian men last 2,5y,but our foreigner policy is driving me crazy and reflecting to my thoughts in a racist nuance.So I thought me to b the very last one being able to think in a racist way.I will tell later more about our foreigner or immigrant policy but let me tell first one v sad phenomenon that shows clearly how our immigrant policy makes both of the foreigners and us looking victims:

        Well,we were drinking and hving party in our capital Helsinki ,and we met many Asian or african people and we tried to talk in akind way to all fo these asking where r they from coz it looks that not Fnnish.Just out of curousity and coz we appreciate people from all around the world as our sisters and brothers and wanted to hear exotic and interesting life stories of them etc.Anyways,the seemed to got us wrong ,not all as also most polite and kind people that we met that night were just those black people or Asian,surprise surprise.But we started to ponder for why r they trying to deny them to b foreigners,why r not they proud of their background,and for why got they angry and almost violent!Then we got that it must be coz obviously in Finland racism is rising and our foreigners hv faced it so much (or just hv their prejudices) that they automatically think all of us to hate them nor b willing to b friends.That is sad,but who is the one to blame?

        Not the foreigners,not Finnish people,but our totally unfair and unworking immigrant policy!We get here useless people just to waste our moneys,then many well-educated ,for example iraqi medical doctors,we just send a way,just like our dear Western neighbour Sweden.All in all we give those residence permits too much but for totally wrong people.

        For example Somalian people r great problem as their own culture is so different from ours (they hv to be noisy already in childhood,if not so their community and families inforced them to make noise and talk without stop) and so primitive that they certainly cannot get that here they should integrate to our culture,and even though they got it that is v difficult to totally turn change one's manners upside down.This makes not only Finnish but also the other (black) foreigner groups to hate them and being afraid that ignorant people may thinka lso them to b form Somalia just based on the skin colour.Then in some case Somali man hv many wives and as a leader of the family that man lifts social supports form all the bank accounts of that family without using them for the benefit of the family but by sitting in cafeterias chatting with his friends,that is v wrong.And some of them oerder children from Somalia telling lies them to be their adoption children,but more exact examination reveals them actually being child prostitutes for those paedophils,totally disgusting!And many times just this group hv nor education nor they can even read,and all this is v frustrating.

        Finland does not hv to take care of all the losers in the world,but we hv right to live in peace in a country that we hv created by our rationality.The rationality that finally carrys longer and higher by far than the beauty.Still Finnish r blamed to b ugly and one of the most underestimated nation in the world and still when other people r in troubles so our help and social support is v welcome.For U "peace" I relly think that if U don't love Finland so get out of here and leave Ur space for smwn that hv brain to appreciate that safe,peaceful Finnish life.

        hhm trying to accept someone critics is also one way to be open,,isntead most finns immidiatly a foreign criticize something their answer would be:Then go back where you came from!
        So is this repsonse objective and mature? to me sound very touchy,peoe are so proud of their culture here.that if u dare to say something whihc happend to be true,they get herne nenää-I dont agre about uglyness cose infact women here are beautiful i think,well not all like elsewhere in world,,but i see more beautiful then ugly..The rst is all true,,let me say after living here 7 years..I think i could feel better and more accepted anywhere else in world except where most racist ,,i.e asians i think ,muslim quite racist,,or anyway they go only with their similar same as Finn..
        Im Italian and happend to be like most Italians veeeery open,,for me any colour, different back ground, poor rich is worth to be a friend!I Hate how selective people are usually and especially in Finland..:/
        My husband is a Finn,,but thank God he done have too much of the negative sides,beside beeing bit lonly introvert, but he dont drink which is great!
        So i have to be here cose in my country the social wefare is worse and no jobs,,here on the other hand,, social welfare is better but basicly is useless since a person who is unemploied and get 500 euro still must pay crazy higher tax then a working person,pay hospital bills whihc goes up to 5oo euro,then kela pay...And a health care system that really sucks!!!!!! Surprisingly we have better in Italys,so if u r poor there u got right to get cure,without being worried that if u end u 15 days in hospital you have to pay the full amount, with your miserable social benefit! So yes ,is there a difference between here and country like Italy with worse social benefit?Well no,,difference this fucking expencive country sucks your blood out so basybly money u get are not even enough to take care of most important think in people life,HEALTH!
        There would be lot more to speak about things i find difficult to Digest in Finland,,and even if there are positive i found to be less then negative.So yes if i could move elsewhere I would,,if situation was better back Home,,and so think many other Finns who have lived abroad and dont like to live in this sad country..cose i find it sad..The coldness of relation between family members, towards stranger, dark winter..No wonder why people drink and kill themself here..
        If i would remove from here,alcohol, selfishness, unfriendliness,pihiness ( cheap people) well it would be another thing..
        So dont hate me,just telling the true,,I didnt make this country neither I voted for Berlusconi :P
        But hei kesä on tällä hienoa

        vavvava kirjoitti:

        I think Finnish people should show their mind more.The Greeks took to the streets
        and so did many others.Don´t just shop o sit around. MoreMore banners and noise out in the public, weatherfor or against our politicians. We are far too passive.
        The Euro Union is no joke,show your mind!


      • magpieseye
        rorkes drift kirjoitti:

        seems to me you dont care much about no one but yourself,you really make a lot of noise about yourself,ever occur to you theres other people too?

        Some people aren't at home anywhere. Their attitude is to be comfortable with their self esteem no matter where they go.
        That's why there is no difference how other people think about them, good or bad.
        At the same time they have nothing to offer to others but only possibly to employers.

      • magpieseye
        katiaitalia kirjoitti:

        hhm trying to accept someone critics is also one way to be open,,isntead most finns immidiatly a foreign criticize something their answer would be:Then go back where you came from!
        So is this repsonse objective and mature? to me sound very touchy,peoe are so proud of their culture here.that if u dare to say something whihc happend to be true,they get herne nenää-I dont agre about uglyness cose infact women here are beautiful i think,well not all like elsewhere in world,,but i see more beautiful then ugly..The rst is all true,,let me say after living here 7 years..I think i could feel better and more accepted anywhere else in world except where most racist ,,i.e asians i think ,muslim quite racist,,or anyway they go only with their similar same as Finn..
        Im Italian and happend to be like most Italians veeeery open,,for me any colour, different back ground, poor rich is worth to be a friend!I Hate how selective people are usually and especially in Finland..:/
        My husband is a Finn,,but thank God he done have too much of the negative sides,beside beeing bit lonly introvert, but he dont drink which is great!
        So i have to be here cose in my country the social wefare is worse and no jobs,,here on the other hand,, social welfare is better but basicly is useless since a person who is unemploied and get 500 euro still must pay crazy higher tax then a working person,pay hospital bills whihc goes up to 5oo euro,then kela pay...And a health care system that really sucks!!!!!! Surprisingly we have better in Italys,so if u r poor there u got right to get cure,without being worried that if u end u 15 days in hospital you have to pay the full amount, with your miserable social benefit! So yes ,is there a difference between here and country like Italy with worse social benefit?Well no,,difference this fucking expencive country sucks your blood out so basybly money u get are not even enough to take care of most important think in people life,HEALTH!
        There would be lot more to speak about things i find difficult to Digest in Finland,,and even if there are positive i found to be less then negative.So yes if i could move elsewhere I would,,if situation was better back Home,,and so think many other Finns who have lived abroad and dont like to live in this sad country..cose i find it sad..The coldness of relation between family members, towards stranger, dark winter..No wonder why people drink and kill themself here..
        If i would remove from here,alcohol, selfishness, unfriendliness,pihiness ( cheap people) well it would be another thing..
        So dont hate me,just telling the true,,I didnt make this country neither I voted for Berlusconi :P
        But hei kesä on tällä hienoa

        Most Finnish people have had to move from countryside and their attitude towards foreigners is based on that. They too had to accept certain conditions OR "to go elsewhere"! Urbanisation has changed Finnish behaviour.
        If you are treated in a way you expect the same must be done to others.
        My best wishes!

      • Anonyymi
        Istanbul Kral kirjoitti:

        My Dear black Brother in Peace!
        Yes,I agree that Finnish people really r most beautiful,but most beautiful Finnish belong to the most ebautiful people int he world,do U get this?I mean,for example I myself look pretty and more Russian than Finnish (even Russian people tend to love my style and even hving a default that I could b one fo them,and I am proud of this juts coz if U look an average Finnish wman or man so he or she looks horrible).Russian women r just one group that r kept to b more beautiful by far than Finnish women,for example Estonian women r kept to b so gorgeous,but in this I lil bit disagree as if we examine spesific characteristics for Estonian women so actually they r not that different from Finnish characteristics,but they just keep much better care of themselves,when it comes to their look.

        Finnish women hv no self-confidence,but we r well-educated,smart,independent and generally speaking also men here in Finland get human rights being also women rights.Our education and social support systems r maybe the best in the world,we hv manage in both of the fields of our policy:foreigner and inner policy here in Finland well enough for living peace in our country,no need to escape and let some other state to take care of us,to put in us teh moneys that would actually meant to use first of all for that other state itself!

        I am not racist,I hv even dated with only mainly outside of Finland living Asian men last 2,5y,but our foreigner policy is driving me crazy and reflecting to my thoughts in a racist nuance.So I thought me to b the very last one being able to think in a racist way.I will tell later more about our foreigner or immigrant policy but let me tell first one v sad phenomenon that shows clearly how our immigrant policy makes both of the foreigners and us looking victims:

        Well,we were drinking and hving party in our capital Helsinki ,and we met many Asian or african people and we tried to talk in akind way to all fo these asking where r they from coz it looks that not Fnnish.Just out of curousity and coz we appreciate people from all around the world as our sisters and brothers and wanted to hear exotic and interesting life stories of them etc.Anyways,the seemed to got us wrong ,not all as also most polite and kind people that we met that night were just those black people or Asian,surprise surprise.But we started to ponder for why r they trying to deny them to b foreigners,why r not they proud of their background,and for why got they angry and almost violent!Then we got that it must be coz obviously in Finland racism is rising and our foreigners hv faced it so much (or just hv their prejudices) that they automatically think all of us to hate them nor b willing to b friends.That is sad,but who is the one to blame?

        Not the foreigners,not Finnish people,but our totally unfair and unworking immigrant policy!We get here useless people just to waste our moneys,then many well-educated ,for example iraqi medical doctors,we just send a way,just like our dear Western neighbour Sweden.All in all we give those residence permits too much but for totally wrong people.

        For example Somalian people r great problem as their own culture is so different from ours (they hv to be noisy already in childhood,if not so their community and families inforced them to make noise and talk without stop) and so primitive that they certainly cannot get that here they should integrate to our culture,and even though they got it that is v difficult to totally turn change one's manners upside down.This makes not only Finnish but also the other (black) foreigner groups to hate them and being afraid that ignorant people may thinka lso them to b form Somalia just based on the skin colour.Then in some case Somali man hv many wives and as a leader of the family that man lifts social supports form all the bank accounts of that family without using them for the benefit of the family but by sitting in cafeterias chatting with his friends,that is v wrong.And some of them oerder children from Somalia telling lies them to be their adoption children,but more exact examination reveals them actually being child prostitutes for those paedophils,totally disgusting!And many times just this group hv nor education nor they can even read,and all this is v frustrating.

        Finland does not hv to take care of all the losers in the world,but we hv right to live in peace in a country that we hv created by our rationality.The rationality that finally carrys longer and higher by far than the beauty.Still Finnish r blamed to b ugly and one of the most underestimated nation in the world and still when other people r in troubles so our help and social support is v welcome.For U "peace" I relly think that if U don't love Finland so get out of here and leave Ur space for smwn that hv brain to appreciate that safe,peaceful Finnish life.

        You just revealed your degree of intelligence!
        So your valuation is not counted.

      • Anonyymi

        racists, closed minds, they do not consider the opinion of others, they think they are superior and they are not, many flaws and mental problems, not at all empathic, boring, not very intelligent, boring place to live, not so many options at all

    • Ken Guru

      to portray as English speaking. Like "wwerty".


    • Ken Guru

      "Punch of people" on lähinnä ihmisbooli. Why don't you just go away - to Grade 1.

      • wwwerty

        Nobody's perfect, especially not you. ;)

    • Baaba1012

      bunch of people, by the way... :D

    • apinjon

      i fink finnish pipl a veli veli nais pipl
      i fink they luk laik elvs
      alsou i fink finnish pipl a tender, shy and handsome pipl

    • >finnish girl<

      hi... I'm a finnish girl and I can tell you about finnish people:
      FInnish people are very traditional, when it comes to (for example) christmas or something like that. Usually at summer, finnish people go to their cottages by the lakeand that kind of stuff. They have SAUNA which almost everyone has in finland. they use it around the year.
      Finnish people are very friendly, if someone comes to speak them. they are very kind and friendly. Well, NOT EVERYONE;But MOST of them. I'd say 4/5 of finnish people are very friendly. :)
      you can start with those.. there's not much but you can start with it. ;))

      • yks suomi-neito

        Hi, I'm a middle-aged finnish woman in the capital city area, and I don't quite agree with the above mentioned.

        Finns are quite traditional, that's true, allthough not very religious, most are nowadays more than anything very materialistic and very skeptic about all kinds of things that can't be seen, touched or hasn't been proved black on white or scientifically.

        The black and white proves on everything are enourmously important to finns, don't even imagine of getting a job without a proper CD, or if you tell anybody about anything from your own life, you must have photos and proofs - finns suspect everything that is out of the ordinary. Finns believe that life basicly is mostly about everyday life and that everybody should live quite after the same values.

        Many finns in bigger cities don't celebrate christmas in any particular way anymore, especially people who live alone may spend the christmas time among friends or in a restaurant. Same goes with Mayday. Many finns have a very emotional attitude to Midsummer and want to see the bonfires burning, by a lake or sea, preferably - allthough not everybody cares for that matter.

        Many finns have their own sauna but many don't. For instance in old apartment buildings in Helsinki you mostly don't have a sauna in your relatively small apartment.

        Finns are NOT very friendly towards strangers, especially towards other finns they don't know, it's not common to start a spontaneous conversation at a bus stop or such, they only become friendlier when you get to know them. The attitude to tourists is different, finns are allways flattered when a foreigner asks them something (like now here! :))

        It's said that finnish people read a lot. Well, some do. But reading books; novels, poetry and such is actually a hobby of relatively small group of finns; the typical fiinnish middle-aged person reads weekly magazines, tabloid papers, their own local newspapers and a book or two per year that is very very popular and everybody has read, or something very light. Also books that have something to do with their job.
        Finns between 20 and 30 read more.

      • meh.

        Are you joking?

        Compared to the people of many other countries. Finnish people are very simple, shy, like to be drunk every weekend, and so on.

        Í would say, Finnish people are very far from friendly, compared to most other countries people. But it always matter, what are you comparing to.

      • WITH LOVE!

        You celebrate Christmas, Easter and all religious ceremonies but yet, you don't even know the true meaning of what you celebrate. Love God and his son, Jesus Christ.

        Too many people with no religion isn't helping!

      • N-hampton
        meh. kirjoitti:

        Are you joking?

        Compared to the people of many other countries. Finnish people are very simple, shy, like to be drunk every weekend, and so on.

        Í would say, Finnish people are very far from friendly, compared to most other countries people. But it always matter, what are you comparing to.

        I have seen in Uk more drunk people then here in Finland

      • xbfdbf
        WITH LOVE! kirjoitti:

        You celebrate Christmas, Easter and all religious ceremonies but yet, you don't even know the true meaning of what you celebrate. Love God and his son, Jesus Christ.

        Too many people with no religion isn't helping!

        you do know that christmas aka yule was stolen by christians? its originally a paganistic "ceremony".

      • finnish-trinidadian
        meh. kirjoitti:

        Are you joking?

        Compared to the people of many other countries. Finnish people are very simple, shy, like to be drunk every weekend, and so on.

        Í would say, Finnish people are very far from friendly, compared to most other countries people. But it always matter, what are you comparing to.

        finnish people or some finnish people are shy but i know many finns ho are very the way finnish people are not allways drunk mostly young dont go and talk shit if you have never even been to finland .FYI finns arent ugly we are very beautiful if you say you have been to finland i think you have seen people ho are a bit unatractive but that dosent mean that all finns are ugly.and atleast finns are smart .not stupid like americans or fat asses.finns made up the xylitol ,sauna we hve nokia thats way better than the sucking iphone by the way we are friendly atleast friendlyer than russians

      • DestinationUnknown
        WITH LOVE! kirjoitti:

        You celebrate Christmas, Easter and all religious ceremonies but yet, you don't even know the true meaning of what you celebrate. Love God and his son, Jesus Christ.

        Too many people with no religion isn't helping!

        Well, just for your information, you can not get out of school in Finland with out knowing why we celebrate Christmas and so on. It's just that some finns don't belive in Christ and some just doesn't care. And Finnish Christmas ain't as materialistic as in for example USA. Personally, I don't get the point of Christmas,sorry if Im offending someone now, but if we celebrate Christ by capitalism and such which christmas nowadays holds, well we are not doing well.

      • Propably
        N-hampton kirjoitti:

        I have seen in Uk more drunk people then here in Finland

        Maybe Finns are so used to being drunk that it´s not easy to recognize?

      • Curriculum vitae
        yks suomi-neito kirjoitti:

        Hi, I'm a middle-aged finnish woman in the capital city area, and I don't quite agree with the above mentioned.

        Finns are quite traditional, that's true, allthough not very religious, most are nowadays more than anything very materialistic and very skeptic about all kinds of things that can't be seen, touched or hasn't been proved black on white or scientifically.

        The black and white proves on everything are enourmously important to finns, don't even imagine of getting a job without a proper CD, or if you tell anybody about anything from your own life, you must have photos and proofs - finns suspect everything that is out of the ordinary. Finns believe that life basicly is mostly about everyday life and that everybody should live quite after the same values.

        Many finns in bigger cities don't celebrate christmas in any particular way anymore, especially people who live alone may spend the christmas time among friends or in a restaurant. Same goes with Mayday. Many finns have a very emotional attitude to Midsummer and want to see the bonfires burning, by a lake or sea, preferably - allthough not everybody cares for that matter.

        Many finns have their own sauna but many don't. For instance in old apartment buildings in Helsinki you mostly don't have a sauna in your relatively small apartment.

        Finns are NOT very friendly towards strangers, especially towards other finns they don't know, it's not common to start a spontaneous conversation at a bus stop or such, they only become friendlier when you get to know them. The attitude to tourists is different, finns are allways flattered when a foreigner asks them something (like now here! :))

        It's said that finnish people read a lot. Well, some do. But reading books; novels, poetry and such is actually a hobby of relatively small group of finns; the typical fiinnish middle-aged person reads weekly magazines, tabloid papers, their own local newspapers and a book or two per year that is very very popular and everybody has read, or something very light. Also books that have something to do with their job.
        Finns between 20 and 30 read more.

        Would any 'CD' be ok, or did you mean CV?

      • Stupid Hesalaiset
        yks suomi-neito kirjoitti:

        Hi, I'm a middle-aged finnish woman in the capital city area, and I don't quite agree with the above mentioned.

        Finns are quite traditional, that's true, allthough not very religious, most are nowadays more than anything very materialistic and very skeptic about all kinds of things that can't be seen, touched or hasn't been proved black on white or scientifically.

        The black and white proves on everything are enourmously important to finns, don't even imagine of getting a job without a proper CD, or if you tell anybody about anything from your own life, you must have photos and proofs - finns suspect everything that is out of the ordinary. Finns believe that life basicly is mostly about everyday life and that everybody should live quite after the same values.

        Many finns in bigger cities don't celebrate christmas in any particular way anymore, especially people who live alone may spend the christmas time among friends or in a restaurant. Same goes with Mayday. Many finns have a very emotional attitude to Midsummer and want to see the bonfires burning, by a lake or sea, preferably - allthough not everybody cares for that matter.

        Many finns have their own sauna but many don't. For instance in old apartment buildings in Helsinki you mostly don't have a sauna in your relatively small apartment.

        Finns are NOT very friendly towards strangers, especially towards other finns they don't know, it's not common to start a spontaneous conversation at a bus stop or such, they only become friendlier when you get to know them. The attitude to tourists is different, finns are allways flattered when a foreigner asks them something (like now here! :))

        It's said that finnish people read a lot. Well, some do. But reading books; novels, poetry and such is actually a hobby of relatively small group of finns; the typical fiinnish middle-aged person reads weekly magazines, tabloid papers, their own local newspapers and a book or two per year that is very very popular and everybody has read, or something very light. Also books that have something to do with their job.
        Finns between 20 and 30 read more.

        You're speaking a lot about people in Helsinki and other big cities (probably Turku and Tampere). Well, I don't even consider those as Finnish. They're cocky, rude, think they are everything and think everyone beyond the Helsinki Metropolitan Area are just stupid hillbillies. I wouldn't mind a bit if Helsinki and Turku would from now on be considered as Sweden, or something. Fuck Helsinki metropoli bullshit. Real Finnish people live in other parts of Finland.

      • Fuck your god
        WITH LOVE! kirjoitti:

        You celebrate Christmas, Easter and all religious ceremonies but yet, you don't even know the true meaning of what you celebrate. Love God and his son, Jesus Christ.

        Too many people with no religion isn't helping!

        Religion is the fucking plague of this world. People with brains and decent amount of capability to think for them selves understand this. Fuck "god" and his "son, jesus", they are just imaginary characters and everyone who believes in them should be transfered to concentration camps and re-taught to think, for fucks sake.

      • Befair
        N-hampton kirjoitti:

        I have seen in Uk more drunk people then here in Finland

        Do the math! and compare the population!
        Uk's population,
        In 2011 it was : 63,181,775
        Finland's population in 2012 was: 5,421,827
        Hope this info was helpful!

      • vavava
        meh. kirjoitti:

        Are you joking?

        Compared to the people of many other countries. Finnish people are very simple, shy, like to be drunk every weekend, and so on.

        Í would say, Finnish people are very far from friendly, compared to most other countries people. But it always matter, what are you comparing to.

        Whenever I had a problem with my car, like the accu needed a shot of electricity is was black people who stopped to help me. Not even my white nweighbours.
        Thank you!

      • Fedup
        Stupid Hesalaiset kirjoitti:

        You're speaking a lot about people in Helsinki and other big cities (probably Turku and Tampere). Well, I don't even consider those as Finnish. They're cocky, rude, think they are everything and think everyone beyond the Helsinki Metropolitan Area are just stupid hillbillies. I wouldn't mind a bit if Helsinki and Turku would from now on be considered as Sweden, or something. Fuck Helsinki metropoli bullshit. Real Finnish people live in other parts of Finland.

        "considered as Sweden"

        My my, aren't we again thinking we are a bit better than the swedes. Pot and kettle...

      • katiaitalia


      • walkingnear
        meh. kirjoitti:

        Are you joking?

        Compared to the people of many other countries. Finnish people are very simple, shy, like to be drunk every weekend, and so on.

        Í would say, Finnish people are very far from friendly, compared to most other countries people. But it always matter, what are you comparing to.

        Agree. They not friendly and they extreamly materialistic and use any possible way to cheat they gov, like put money in Luxembourg bank accounts or use gups in the stupid law they originally invent.

        they also very stubborn, and never say they wrong, have problem with communication and explaining them self clearly on even on they own Finnish.

        I am caucasian and i live in Finland 12 years non-stop.

      • thatsapitty
        N-hampton kirjoitti:

        I have seen in Uk more drunk people then here in Finland

        In Finland it's very difficult to see more than 5miljon drunks, that's true.
        Especially if we don't get support from England and other countries.

      • idisagree
        meh. kirjoitti:

        Are you joking?

        Compared to the people of many other countries. Finnish people are very simple, shy, like to be drunk every weekend, and so on.

        Í would say, Finnish people are very far from friendly, compared to most other countries people. But it always matter, what are you comparing to.

        Looks like you've never been to Göteborg?

      • idisagree
        Befair kirjoitti:

        Do the math! and compare the population!
        Uk's population,
        In 2011 it was : 63,181,775
        Finland's population in 2012 was: 5,421,827
        Hope this info was helpful!

        Yes, I agree!

        We have great difficulty getting as much drunk on the streets as in France, Germany and the UK.
        But you can not blame us for not even trying.

      • wevelearned
        vavava kirjoitti:

        Whenever I had a problem with my car, like the accu needed a shot of electricity is was black people who stopped to help me. Not even my white nweighbours.
        Thank you!

        My neighbor stopped when he saw the car's bonnet was up at the roadside and offered help.
        As soon as he got into a foreigners car, they rushed into his car and stole it.
        He gave the police some distinguished marks that fit to Middle Easterners.

        The police have warned that you should not stop because the corresponding events have become more common since the opening of the Schengen Agreement.

      • Anonyymi
        Fuck your god kirjoitti:

        Religion is the fucking plague of this world. People with brains and decent amount of capability to think for them selves understand this. Fuck "god" and his "son, jesus", they are just imaginary characters and everyone who believes in them should be transfered to concentration camps and re-taught to think, for fucks sake.

        I understand the right to have an opinion, but concentration camps? Really? Shame on you, you hillbilly prick.

    • and so is Finland

      The Finns are quite peculiar, and so is Finland too, so I can say after living here quite a few years. If you want to know more of my opinions check this out:

      • Mona O

      • ......

        kauheeta yleistämistä! :o hanki elämä kuule.. oikeesti :o

      • ..............................

        WHAT DO YOU DO IN FINLAND? still?? I'm not happy to pay taxes so you can surf on Internet and talk so much of shit about Finns. The more I read about your text, the more I was guessing what comes next. For example 1st: too much work, 2nd: "marijuana, jiihaa". etc. There was very much good things you said (it's true, we work TOO MUCH!). and what makes so angry, is that still we get paid too low 'coz taxes are so high ->> people who don't want to go work can live for free if they want and so they have too much for sparetime ---like you do--. Please, go soon. You are coming very expensive for us. Shame on u. Go some another country, where people will pay for your LIVING and nice clothes! PS. You are a moran. Everyone is a moran, if go so below, that separates people in Helsinki-city and to country people. How ridicilous. ;)Tells something about your development.

      • suomi
        .............................. kirjoitti:

        WHAT DO YOU DO IN FINLAND? still?? I'm not happy to pay taxes so you can surf on Internet and talk so much of shit about Finns. The more I read about your text, the more I was guessing what comes next. For example 1st: too much work, 2nd: "marijuana, jiihaa". etc. There was very much good things you said (it's true, we work TOO MUCH!). and what makes so angry, is that still we get paid too low 'coz taxes are so high ->> people who don't want to go work can live for free if they want and so they have too much for sparetime ---like you do--. Please, go soon. You are coming very expensive for us. Shame on u. Go some another country, where people will pay for your LIVING and nice clothes! PS. You are a moran. Everyone is a moran, if go so below, that separates people in Helsinki-city and to country people. How ridicilous. ;)Tells something about your development.

        Kyllä poika puhu asiaa. Perussuomalaisen on näköään hyvin vaikeaa ymmärtää mitä Suomessa todellakin tapahtuu. Kauheeta ryyppäämistä, ulkomaalaisvihaa, homovihaa ja kateellisuutta. Nyt joku tulee sanomaan, että kyllä muuallakin ryypätään. Niin ryypätääkin, mutta ei ryypätä räkiä poskille, eikä hakata ihmisiä, jos heillä on tummempi ihonväri tai he puhuvat jotain eri kieltä. Olen 100% suomalainen ja rakastan Suomea. Mutta joskus rasistien olisi hyvä katsoa omaa rumaa pärstäänsä peilistä.

      • Ååååå

        ’ straightshit’ – I have the same view.

        When I moved to Finland 12 years ago, people always asked: "Are you accustomed to the Finnish culture?”

        Culture - where it is? Is it a man running down a woman at the door of a shop? Is it when the kids trample on the meal table? Is it a young man sitting in a bus and an old woman standing? Is it, as well as the adult does not know the words "Hello" and "Thank you"?
        The main word is “V ! “ everywhere!

        Feast day is Saturday. Then have to drink to the memory loss. The main streets look like after urinary competitions.

        It’s a pity that Finnish nation do not have friends and they do not respect their parents.
        Elderly make suicide every other day in Finland. The reason is loneliness and depression.

        Kirjoittanut: ...... / 27.4.09 / klo 11:53
        ”kauheeta yleistämistä! :o hanki elämä kuule.. oikeesti :o” – --------------- Why ” terrible generalization!”? Guest notes what you themselves do not note. Take off your pink glasses! The truth is sometimes painful.

        Kirjoittanut: .............................. / 10.5.09 / klo 21:18:
        ” ->> people who don't want to go work can live for free if they want …” ------------Oh yeah – and is it normal?

      • summer is the best
        Ååååå kirjoitti:

        ’ straightshit’ – I have the same view.

        When I moved to Finland 12 years ago, people always asked: "Are you accustomed to the Finnish culture?”

        Culture - where it is? Is it a man running down a woman at the door of a shop? Is it when the kids trample on the meal table? Is it a young man sitting in a bus and an old woman standing? Is it, as well as the adult does not know the words "Hello" and "Thank you"?
        The main word is “V ! “ everywhere!

        Feast day is Saturday. Then have to drink to the memory loss. The main streets look like after urinary competitions.

        It’s a pity that Finnish nation do not have friends and they do not respect their parents.
        Elderly make suicide every other day in Finland. The reason is loneliness and depression.

        Kirjoittanut: ...... / 27.4.09 / klo 11:53
        ”kauheeta yleistämistä! :o hanki elämä kuule.. oikeesti :o” – --------------- Why ” terrible generalization!”? Guest notes what you themselves do not note. Take off your pink glasses! The truth is sometimes painful.

        Kirjoittanut: .............................. / 10.5.09 / klo 21:18:
        ” ->> people who don't want to go work can live for free if they want …” ------------Oh yeah – and is it normal?

        have freedom to do and say what ever we want. So if you dont like Finland you r free to go. Maybe someday I will.

      • freedom to stay
        summer is the best kirjoitti:

        have freedom to do and say what ever we want. So if you dont like Finland you r free to go. Maybe someday I will.

        “So if you dont like Finland you r free to go.”

        Maybe I don’t LIKE everything but I LOVE Finland. Here is my lovely home in beautiful place we have built with my husband.

      • jj
        .............................. kirjoitti:

        WHAT DO YOU DO IN FINLAND? still?? I'm not happy to pay taxes so you can surf on Internet and talk so much of shit about Finns. The more I read about your text, the more I was guessing what comes next. For example 1st: too much work, 2nd: "marijuana, jiihaa". etc. There was very much good things you said (it's true, we work TOO MUCH!). and what makes so angry, is that still we get paid too low 'coz taxes are so high ->> people who don't want to go work can live for free if they want and so they have too much for sparetime ---like you do--. Please, go soon. You are coming very expensive for us. Shame on u. Go some another country, where people will pay for your LIVING and nice clothes! PS. You are a moran. Everyone is a moran, if go so below, that separates people in Helsinki-city and to country people. How ridicilous. ;)Tells something about your development.

        I am a black foreigner, I have a job, I pay my TAXES. I consider myself as a hard working person and I get along with some finns, mostly educated ones who don't suffer from low self esteem.

        I have realized that most finns that are racist have very low self esteem and feel big when they put a black person down.They complain that foreigners are here to take their jobs and take money from the state. Well from my experience foreigners especially black want to work and are usually not employed because of the colour of their skin. Give them jobs and you will never see them at KELA or sosu. They will do any job, and most often they get the jobs that finns themselves don't want then they complain that they are taking away jobs. One thing that the average Finn doesn't know is that Finns are scattered all over the world, I was shocked to discover that some Finns actually leave in the country I come from. And the funny thing is that although they look different they are welcome and free.

        Finns need to be welcoming and friendly to outsiders.Above all they need to learn other ways of building self esteem, like teaching their children respect,caring for their old parents,caring for their neighbour, not feeling jeolus about what the other person has achieved,being friendlier, spending more time with their children and family not just at joulu or any other holiday, learning more about other cultures.
        Don't get me wrong not all Finns are bad and they are some positive things about Finnish people but sometimes they get overshadowed by the bad things.One of these positive things is that they are hard working.

      • A Finn abroad
        jj kirjoitti:

        I am a black foreigner, I have a job, I pay my TAXES. I consider myself as a hard working person and I get along with some finns, mostly educated ones who don't suffer from low self esteem.

        I have realized that most finns that are racist have very low self esteem and feel big when they put a black person down.They complain that foreigners are here to take their jobs and take money from the state. Well from my experience foreigners especially black want to work and are usually not employed because of the colour of their skin. Give them jobs and you will never see them at KELA or sosu. They will do any job, and most often they get the jobs that finns themselves don't want then they complain that they are taking away jobs. One thing that the average Finn doesn't know is that Finns are scattered all over the world, I was shocked to discover that some Finns actually leave in the country I come from. And the funny thing is that although they look different they are welcome and free.

        Finns need to be welcoming and friendly to outsiders.Above all they need to learn other ways of building self esteem, like teaching their children respect,caring for their old parents,caring for their neighbour, not feeling jeolus about what the other person has achieved,being friendlier, spending more time with their children and family not just at joulu or any other holiday, learning more about other cultures.
        Don't get me wrong not all Finns are bad and they are some positive things about Finnish people but sometimes they get overshadowed by the bad things.One of these positive things is that they are hard working.

        You describe us Finns quite accurately, I think. Many of us, yes, perhaps the more educated ones, and those who have lived elsewhere, have no problem with foreigners, but there is a visible minority who are racist. Like racists everywhere, Finnish racists try to cover their insecurity by bravado and bullying and blaming those who look different.

        I feel that there is a section of 'humanity' missing in our society. This is difficult to explain, and I'm not even sure if this is true about the majority or just some people I've met. I've lived in two other countries, and will never return to Finland to live (I hope), and can say I have not met such simpletons anywhere else as so many of us Finns are. It's as if many of us were living some bad farce with few lines and only in a minor role. We are not a fully functioning human being, we are actors not quite familiar with the script, and certainly not able to write the script. Some kind of automatic robots going about our routine actions, saying routine phrases, reacting, not thinking. This is not being human. Being a human is to exprerience life fully, find a connection with others, creating one's life instead of reacting to events like a rag doll.

        I respect maky things about the Finnish culture, and admit that we have many good qualities, such as the ability to work hard, and persistence, 'sisu'. I'm glad you are living in Finland. People like you wil eventually bring some light into darkness, even against the will of some of the population. Stay positive, keep smiling.

        One memory from my past. I was living in a small town before I emigrated. I found most people difficult to get along, and rather narrow minded. The only one I was able to talk with as a human being talks to another, was a black man. He was working as a doctor. He was wonderful, but I got the impression that many didn't appreciate him.

      • african boy
        freedom to stay kirjoitti:

        “So if you dont like Finland you r free to go.”

        Maybe I don’t LIKE everything but I LOVE Finland. Here is my lovely home in beautiful place we have built with my husband.

        finns are the coldest people on the planet and they are selffish and jealosy. They have very little knowlegde about other poleple and cultures and often assume they are superior to other peple. Eg they think an african cannot use anything with a switch, they have to first explain it to them. This way they make fools of themselves and expose their shallowness and lack of the real world outside the sauna. This way they never get to know peolple for what they are instead they either see someone who is pissed of with their behavior (and ll accuse you of not cooperating instead) or they ll see a bootlicker (in the reality someone who is desperate) and they ll take him for sub human.
        Never expect a finn to have guilt or show compassion or simple good will eg look at the industries serving old people. They are just there to suck them dry.evn an ordinary finn ll never visit his bedridden father they just wait for the day he dies and claim his belongings.


        I read your entry on Finland, and laughed til I cried. My mom is Finnish with 12 brothers & 1 sister, Elmi---the brothers are Toivo, Oiva, Arvo, Eino, Nilo,Sulo, John, Bill, Kenny, Laurie, Harold, and 1.. I can't remember at this time, ha, ha,

        My Grammpa came from Helsinki, where he met my gramma Sel'inaa. They came to the U.S.A. in the late 30's or early 40's-and made a farm in michigan, a cold farming town, I think he worked in the copper mines then. His name was Erick Vuorenmaa, he lived until 95 and worked like a dog all his life. He was funny and drank , and drank, and milked the cows, and there were chickens, and 2 pigs
        -and sauna every sunday and wednesday.

        We would go there every summer, until I grew up.-we were from the 'city' Chicago, and they thought we were gangsters. Oh the mentality !!!
        EVERYBODY drank, and drank and were predjudice, so much.
        Especially the 'moosties'.
        So much you said is true. My mom (92) is so racist, along with them all.
        My gramma, was crabby all the time---I never saw her laugh.-Most of my uncles were nice to us neices & nephews, -but not all.
        Every body worked and worked and got drunk all the time.
        They thought it was normal.
        Did you learn English in school?--
        I think my gramma was crabby because she had so many kids., and my grampa would not eat with out Veeleeah, (can't spell it, but you know it.)
        They were so set in their ways, not to let any one in their group.
        We learned so little finnish, my mom still speaks it and all the brothers.

        Did you know it is considered one of the most hardest languages in the world ?
        Every thing you said has so much truth.

        No, your country is socialist, too many taxes, and the government takes too much of Finns money.-because they let them.

        I think our president stinks here and wants to make our country the same.

        They like to kill dear,there, and eat venison.I hated it, but I had such a good time there as a was a different world.

        Let me know if you get this, and don't write me drunk-I'm old enough to be your "I-Dee'
        Bay- va-
        Mrs Susan

      • african boy kirjoitti:

        finns are the coldest people on the planet and they are selffish and jealosy. They have very little knowlegde about other poleple and cultures and often assume they are superior to other peple. Eg they think an african cannot use anything with a switch, they have to first explain it to them. This way they make fools of themselves and expose their shallowness and lack of the real world outside the sauna. This way they never get to know peolple for what they are instead they either see someone who is pissed of with their behavior (and ll accuse you of not cooperating instead) or they ll see a bootlicker (in the reality someone who is desperate) and they ll take him for sub human.
        Never expect a finn to have guilt or show compassion or simple good will eg look at the industries serving old people. They are just there to suck them dry.evn an ordinary finn ll never visit his bedridden father they just wait for the day he dies and claim his belongings.

        you met those bastards as well. I'm a local and I don't like them either. There are many nice ones too, but you have to find them first. And if a Finn is sober, don't expect any public show of emotion. That is a no no. Big one. Privately we can be extremely emotional, especially when drunk. Or gay.

      • jj kirjoitti:

        I am a black foreigner, I have a job, I pay my TAXES. I consider myself as a hard working person and I get along with some finns, mostly educated ones who don't suffer from low self esteem.

        I have realized that most finns that are racist have very low self esteem and feel big when they put a black person down.They complain that foreigners are here to take their jobs and take money from the state. Well from my experience foreigners especially black want to work and are usually not employed because of the colour of their skin. Give them jobs and you will never see them at KELA or sosu. They will do any job, and most often they get the jobs that finns themselves don't want then they complain that they are taking away jobs. One thing that the average Finn doesn't know is that Finns are scattered all over the world, I was shocked to discover that some Finns actually leave in the country I come from. And the funny thing is that although they look different they are welcome and free.

        Finns need to be welcoming and friendly to outsiders.Above all they need to learn other ways of building self esteem, like teaching their children respect,caring for their old parents,caring for their neighbour, not feeling jeolus about what the other person has achieved,being friendlier, spending more time with their children and family not just at joulu or any other holiday, learning more about other cultures.
        Don't get me wrong not all Finns are bad and they are some positive things about Finnish people but sometimes they get overshadowed by the bad things.One of these positive things is that they are hard working.

        having a self esteem has been considered to be almost a criminal activity. Basically, you should always at least be able to prove you have a right to show a bit of actual self esteem. You have that right, if and when you have a written certificate stating so. A college degree will prove you are smarter than some, so that'll do, though many will think you're automatically a wuss and prove it by punching you in the face. A prison record will prove that you're tough and most people will respect that, so once again you may occasionally be entitled to a bit of self esteem. Most people will think you're an idiot, though. You can climb the social ladder until everybody is beneath you, so nobody will disagree when you simply take the right to have a self esteem. Everybody will hate you though, you arrogant asshole. You can drive a Formula1 like the devil himself to gain the respect of millions of Finns, but once your career is over, evil tongues will start wagging. You're a once famous has been, who still thinks he is something. Somebody should teach you manners, you yesteryear's double champion. Or you can spit a black guy in the face to be a five minute hero for your drunk mates. Mostly just foreigners will think badly of you. Or you can kill hundreds of Russian infantrymen with a knife and a rock to gain eternal glory that nobody can take away from you. Too bad there's no war. So, which of these do you think is the easiest way to prove you have the right to respect yourself? Come to think of it, the game of self esteem in Finland is one you can't possibly win. Everybody loses, one way or another. Why? My theory is, this has a lot to do with our history. For centuries this was a Swedish soldier-farm, you know. Does good cannon fodder need a self esteem? No. If you feel fundamentally worthless and inadequate, you don't want to live, do you? In battle men who want to live fight like cowards, whereas suicidal maniacs will pull off almost any stunt. So, in order to be respected you just have to be the last man standing or dead in action. This way of thinking is what made Sweden great, at our expense, if you ever wondered. The poor self esteem you see today is largely a remnant of that age. We are supposed to prove ourselves in combat, but there hasn't been a war for over sixty years. Crazy, but the bizarre logic makes sense if you really think about it. Well, did I ever say we're not all insane? There are some pretty good videos on Finnish history on Youtube, if you want to know more. And of course many more that are mainly ultrapatriotic crap.

      • an exception
        yäktyyppi kirjoitti:

        you met those bastards as well. I'm a local and I don't like them either. There are many nice ones too, but you have to find them first. And if a Finn is sober, don't expect any public show of emotion. That is a no no. Big one. Privately we can be extremely emotional, especially when drunk. Or gay.

        He speaks about his feelings all the time and gives hugs like other Finns shed swear words. And he never drinks! I suspect I may have found the only Finn who's like that! And he's not even a young man but middle aged.

      • an exception kirjoitti:

        He speaks about his feelings all the time and gives hugs like other Finns shed swear words. And he never drinks! I suspect I may have found the only Finn who's like that! And he's not even a young man but middle aged.


      • ..-...

        That was just what I think about Finland and finnish people. I think Finland is so negative and cold place to be in. So much racism, hate, prejudgice and inequality. If you say hello to a random stranger, you will be considered as little weird or a foreigner. And the most common response is a blank amazed gaze and some grumbling. Of course there are some exceptions and thank god to that.

        People aren´t well mentally but still it´s very difficult to get proper treatment. Also the healthcare system doesn´t work at the moment, especially in smaller cities. And they say that it´s like winning in the lottory to be born in Finland. It´s far from it. Oh, and the law system. It´s totally off. You can do basically everything and still get away with it. Beat someone up, rape a little kid or kill someone and you´ll probably just get the minimum sentence. Except when you try to avoid taxes or something else that is associated with money. That´s a totally different chapter. Then you´re definately going to jail for a ridiculously long time compared to the action. I would say that Finland´s almost completely rotten. If I would have said this someone in person, I probably would have get beaten up and left on the ground because everyone thinks that it´s not their business. I don´t know if this negativity and things being bad part of finnish character or an epidemic that is all over the world.

        In the end I have to say that not everything´s so fucked up. We have a beautiful nature (in some places). There´s enough food and fresh water for everyone.

        But hey, at least we have an awesome summer...

      • Mr. S
        african boy kirjoitti:

        finns are the coldest people on the planet and they are selffish and jealosy. They have very little knowlegde about other poleple and cultures and often assume they are superior to other peple. Eg they think an african cannot use anything with a switch, they have to first explain it to them. This way they make fools of themselves and expose their shallowness and lack of the real world outside the sauna. This way they never get to know peolple for what they are instead they either see someone who is pissed of with their behavior (and ll accuse you of not cooperating instead) or they ll see a bootlicker (in the reality someone who is desperate) and they ll take him for sub human.
        Never expect a finn to have guilt or show compassion or simple good will eg look at the industries serving old people. They are just there to suck them dry.evn an ordinary finn ll never visit his bedridden father they just wait for the day he dies and claim his belongings.

        Most Finns consider warmth and compassion a weakness, and being attached to your parents after you're 25 means that you never grew up. Most Finnish parents are authoritarian and controlling and just want to exploit their children if they are "sensitive", so the children steer clear of their parents in adulthood.
        A "bootlicker" is a person who can't come up with something to provide for themselves and is considered stupid and servile. And for the not co-operating part, if you are not here to get on with the program, the attitude is usually "get the f* out". The Finnish Army is a huge part of Finnish culture, particularly the management style which may be perceived as authoritarian and a "steam roller" type if you know what I mean. Then again the workplace is not a democracy and the boss is the one who takes the risks so it makes sense.

      • (and I'm one of them)
        Mr. S kirjoitti:

        Most Finns consider warmth and compassion a weakness, and being attached to your parents after you're 25 means that you never grew up. Most Finnish parents are authoritarian and controlling and just want to exploit their children if they are "sensitive", so the children steer clear of their parents in adulthood.
        A "bootlicker" is a person who can't come up with something to provide for themselves and is considered stupid and servile. And for the not co-operating part, if you are not here to get on with the program, the attitude is usually "get the f* out". The Finnish Army is a huge part of Finnish culture, particularly the management style which may be perceived as authoritarian and a "steam roller" type if you know what I mean. Then again the workplace is not a democracy and the boss is the one who takes the risks so it makes sense.

        have this strange attitude, it seems, that they cannot change anything in their society and that those in power cannot be influenced. I think there is a passivity in our mentality, unwillingness to cause ripples, complaining only when nobody is listening.

        In Finland people obey the laws, obey the government, obey the police, obey all the officials, and have the illusion that all those people have the citizens' best interest in heart. They may vote, but what's the use of that? You only have so many candidates in only so many parties to choose from, and they are all the same. There is little real public debate in Finland. Everything is left for the big brother to look after.

      • LOL...
        (and I'm one of them) kirjoitti:

        have this strange attitude, it seems, that they cannot change anything in their society and that those in power cannot be influenced. I think there is a passivity in our mentality, unwillingness to cause ripples, complaining only when nobody is listening.

        In Finland people obey the laws, obey the government, obey the police, obey all the officials, and have the illusion that all those people have the citizens' best interest in heart. They may vote, but what's the use of that? You only have so many candidates in only so many parties to choose from, and they are all the same. There is little real public debate in Finland. Everything is left for the big brother to look after.

        I wonder do you ever read daily newspapers? It's very often one sees headlines about not so honest, educated well-to-do-finncitizens. Involved in frauds with taxation etc criminal business transactions and activities.

      • Finnish papers
        LOL... kirjoitti:

        I wonder do you ever read daily newspapers? It's very often one sees headlines about not so honest, educated well-to-do-finncitizens. Involved in frauds with taxation etc criminal business transactions and activities.

        for nearly twenty years. I guess I'm speaking about the Finland I used to know. Perhaps the country is different now.

      • If you can...
        Finnish papers kirjoitti:

        for nearly twenty years. I guess I'm speaking about the Finland I used to know. Perhaps the country is different now.

        where ever you are you have access to finnish newspapers via internet. At least you can catch up on major news. or you can just write the name of the publication in the googles search box and press enter. Good luck! And yes, not all Finnish citizens are honest, don't know if they ever were...?!?

      • Anti-hypocrite
        african boy kirjoitti:

        finns are the coldest people on the planet and they are selffish and jealosy. They have very little knowlegde about other poleple and cultures and often assume they are superior to other peple. Eg they think an african cannot use anything with a switch, they have to first explain it to them. This way they make fools of themselves and expose their shallowness and lack of the real world outside the sauna. This way they never get to know peolple for what they are instead they either see someone who is pissed of with their behavior (and ll accuse you of not cooperating instead) or they ll see a bootlicker (in the reality someone who is desperate) and they ll take him for sub human.
        Never expect a finn to have guilt or show compassion or simple good will eg look at the industries serving old people. They are just there to suck them dry.evn an ordinary finn ll never visit his bedridden father they just wait for the day he dies and claim his belongings.

        And how about African homicides and genocides and rapes and corruptions ?? Twat..... just live your life.

      • is not my
        If you can... kirjoitti:

        where ever you are you have access to finnish newspapers via internet. At least you can catch up on major news. or you can just write the name of the publication in the googles search box and press enter. Good luck! And yes, not all Finnish citizens are honest, don't know if they ever were...?!?

        cup of tea, nor am I all that interested in Finnish papers in general. This Suomi24 discussion forum is just about the only place I get 'news' from Finland and practise my language.

      • joku vaan
        suomi kirjoitti:

        Kyllä poika puhu asiaa. Perussuomalaisen on näköään hyvin vaikeaa ymmärtää mitä Suomessa todellakin tapahtuu. Kauheeta ryyppäämistä, ulkomaalaisvihaa, homovihaa ja kateellisuutta. Nyt joku tulee sanomaan, että kyllä muuallakin ryypätään. Niin ryypätääkin, mutta ei ryypätä räkiä poskille, eikä hakata ihmisiä, jos heillä on tummempi ihonväri tai he puhuvat jotain eri kieltä. Olen 100% suomalainen ja rakastan Suomea. Mutta joskus rasistien olisi hyvä katsoa omaa rumaa pärstäänsä peilistä.

        Sanot, että Suomessa hakataan ihonvärin perusteella. Kenties tuo on totta, joiden alakulttuurien toimesta, mutta missäpäs niin ei loppujen lopuksi tehtäisi? Mitä vaikka sitäkin kohua joka nousi ulkomailla Tanskalaisen sanomalehden julkaisemasta Muhammed pilasarjakuvasta. Tai mieti vaikka niitä kaikkia kansanmurhia ja heimosotia joita toimitetaan Afrikan maissa. Se, että Suomessa ollaan ulkomaalaisvastaisia on kuitenkin vain erilaisten pienimuotoisten ääripäiden toimintaa, ei mitään systemaattista tai kansallisesti organisoitua väkivaltaa, tuskin.

        Mainitset myös homovihan mutta jätät kuitenkin tyystin huomioitta muutamien vuoden takaiset asennetutkimukset, joissa todetaan että valtaosa suomalaisista hyväksyy homoseksuaaliset parisuhteet. Lue vaikka seuraava:

        Mietippä sitä jos menisit täräyttämään oman homoseksuaalisuutesi julkisesti esille valtaosasta kehitysmaissa niin voisi olla, että ei kaverit pitäisi sitä kovin hyvänä.

      • just someone
        jj kirjoitti:

        I am a black foreigner, I have a job, I pay my TAXES. I consider myself as a hard working person and I get along with some finns, mostly educated ones who don't suffer from low self esteem.

        I have realized that most finns that are racist have very low self esteem and feel big when they put a black person down.They complain that foreigners are here to take their jobs and take money from the state. Well from my experience foreigners especially black want to work and are usually not employed because of the colour of their skin. Give them jobs and you will never see them at KELA or sosu. They will do any job, and most often they get the jobs that finns themselves don't want then they complain that they are taking away jobs. One thing that the average Finn doesn't know is that Finns are scattered all over the world, I was shocked to discover that some Finns actually leave in the country I come from. And the funny thing is that although they look different they are welcome and free.

        Finns need to be welcoming and friendly to outsiders.Above all they need to learn other ways of building self esteem, like teaching their children respect,caring for their old parents,caring for their neighbour, not feeling jeolus about what the other person has achieved,being friendlier, spending more time with their children and family not just at joulu or any other holiday, learning more about other cultures.
        Don't get me wrong not all Finns are bad and they are some positive things about Finnish people but sometimes they get overshadowed by the bad things.One of these positive things is that they are hard working.

        Some thoughts to think about:

        "Well from my experience foreigners especially black want to work and are usually not employed because of the colour of their skin."

        How do you know this to be true? How can you be certain that they are actually being discriminated based on their color of the skin? This is a very bold claim without providing any statistical knowledge or any kind of evidence what so ever.

        Finding a job in Finland can be very hard -- for the Finns also. The employers put extremely high demands on your skills and sometimes only the most fittest can land a steady and highly paid job. There are many things to consider, such as your previous work experience, level of education and your suitability for the job (such as, if you can't speak the language natively, it is unlikely that you will get a job in the customer service field). It is extremely easy to point fingers and to say that the color of one's skin is the reason for not landing your dream job just like that.

        "One thing that the average Finn doesn't know is that Finns are scattered all over the world, I was shocked to discover that some Finns actually leave in the country I come from."

        Why do you say that an average Finn does not know that they are being scattered around the world and then the very next thing you say is that *you* were shocked to find that there are Finns in your country? Are you certain that you are not just merely projecting your own amazement and then taking that as to be the feeling of a general Finn? I for one am not shocked to hear that some Finns have travelled and moved out of this country.

        "And the funny thing is that although they look different they are welcome and free."

        Really? Are you certain that no Finns will ever experience any kind of racism when walking as a white caucasian in your native country? I feel that I can say with certainty that some blacks will look upon on whites with suspicion and other kinds of negative feelings, due to various reasons in various points of their lives, just like some whites look upon blacks due to different reasons. Racism is an universal phenomenon, not just involving blacks.

        "Finns need to be welcoming and friendly to outsiders.Above all they need to learn other ways of building self esteem, like teaching their children respect,caring for their old parents,caring for their neighbour, not feeling jeolus about what the other person has achieved,being friendlier, spending more time with their children and family not just at joulu or any other holiday, learning more about other cultures."

        And who are you to say what we should do and why? Who are you to say that we don't care for our parents and children? Who are you to say that we are not learning about other cultures? How much energy have you put on learning our culture and language, since you are the one who lives here, in our homeland?

      • civis europaeus kirjoitti:

        I read your entry on Finland, and laughed til I cried. My mom is Finnish with 12 brothers & 1 sister, Elmi---the brothers are Toivo, Oiva, Arvo, Eino, Nilo,Sulo, John, Bill, Kenny, Laurie, Harold, and 1.. I can't remember at this time, ha, ha,

        My Grammpa came from Helsinki, where he met my gramma Sel'inaa. They came to the U.S.A. in the late 30's or early 40's-and made a farm in michigan, a cold farming town, I think he worked in the copper mines then. His name was Erick Vuorenmaa, he lived until 95 and worked like a dog all his life. He was funny and drank , and drank, and milked the cows, and there were chickens, and 2 pigs
        -and sauna every sunday and wednesday.

        We would go there every summer, until I grew up.-we were from the 'city' Chicago, and they thought we were gangsters. Oh the mentality !!!
        EVERYBODY drank, and drank and were predjudice, so much.
        Especially the 'moosties'.
        So much you said is true. My mom (92) is so racist, along with them all.
        My gramma, was crabby all the time---I never saw her laugh.-Most of my uncles were nice to us neices & nephews, -but not all.
        Every body worked and worked and got drunk all the time.
        They thought it was normal.
        Did you learn English in school?--
        I think my gramma was crabby because she had so many kids., and my grampa would not eat with out Veeleeah, (can't spell it, but you know it.)
        They were so set in their ways, not to let any one in their group.
        We learned so little finnish, my mom still speaks it and all the brothers.

        Did you know it is considered one of the most hardest languages in the world ?
        Every thing you said has so much truth.

        No, your country is socialist, too many taxes, and the government takes too much of Finns money.-because they let them.

        I think our president stinks here and wants to make our country the same.

        They like to kill dear,there, and eat venison.I hated it, but I had such a good time there as a was a different world.

        Let me know if you get this, and don't write me drunk-I'm old enough to be your "I-Dee'
        Bay- va-
        Mrs Susan

        "Every body worked and worked and got drunk all the time.
        They thought it was normal."

        It is normal, in many places in the world. Just because drinking more often is abnormal in the fundamentalist hypocrite pilgrim society in the US, doesn't mean that enjoying a drink would be abnormal to the human kind at large (or notable parts thereof). While for you drinking is something that degenerate alcoholists and criminals do, for many others it is a way of relaxing or coping with the surroundings.

        Many European cultures include long traditions of drinking - even that of your (or your neighbour's) ancestors from England, Scotland and Ireland. The Spanish enjoy their sangria, Italians and French their wine. The Germans - their evening after work consists of TV soccer and a beer or ten.

        Drinking so much as to get drunk is a bit less common in many places, but peoples from countries like Russia, the Baltic countries, Finland and Ireland all enjoy that as well. I bet even Northern Canadians and Alaskans love a drink, too. You see a pattern now: where it's cold, dark and wet nine months a year, alcohol is more or less a normal part of life.

        When you say your grandparents thought drinking was normal - well, yes, it was. The fact that all your neighbours in the US are abstinent, God-fearing Calvinists, doesn't mean that for your grandparents it wasn't normal to drink. Indeed, isn't the USA supposed to be all about mixing up races and cultures. So, whatever heritage the immigrants bring with them, it surely is normal.

        By the way, if you are condemning the idea that in many countries getting drunk is normal, then you should start off by looking at yourself in the mirror. After all, to many (most?) Americans eating crap for food (what you got, McDonald's, Subway, Pizza Hut and all other places serving plastic and preservatives on a platter), polluting the air with massive cars and inefficient industrial solutions, carrying guns on the streets and not caring too much about anything is the normal way of going about.

        We all have our faults, and all of our habits have a downside to them. However, the Finns are not alone with their preference for a drink, and surely it is far from abnormal to get drunk after work.

      • civis europaeus
        ..-... kirjoitti:

        That was just what I think about Finland and finnish people. I think Finland is so negative and cold place to be in. So much racism, hate, prejudgice and inequality. If you say hello to a random stranger, you will be considered as little weird or a foreigner. And the most common response is a blank amazed gaze and some grumbling. Of course there are some exceptions and thank god to that.

        People aren´t well mentally but still it´s very difficult to get proper treatment. Also the healthcare system doesn´t work at the moment, especially in smaller cities. And they say that it´s like winning in the lottory to be born in Finland. It´s far from it. Oh, and the law system. It´s totally off. You can do basically everything and still get away with it. Beat someone up, rape a little kid or kill someone and you´ll probably just get the minimum sentence. Except when you try to avoid taxes or something else that is associated with money. That´s a totally different chapter. Then you´re definately going to jail for a ridiculously long time compared to the action. I would say that Finland´s almost completely rotten. If I would have said this someone in person, I probably would have get beaten up and left on the ground because everyone thinks that it´s not their business. I don´t know if this negativity and things being bad part of finnish character or an epidemic that is all over the world.

        In the end I have to say that not everything´s so fucked up. We have a beautiful nature (in some places). There´s enough food and fresh water for everyone.

        But hey, at least we have an awesome summer...

        "Oh, and the law system. It´s totally off. You can do basically everything and still get away with it. Beat someone up, rape a little kid or kill someone and you´ll probably just get the minimum sentence. Except when you try to avoid taxes or something else that is associated with money."

        You've been fooled by the scandal media. There's actually nothing wrong with the Finnish justice system. It's just that there are too many assaults and batteries as well as rapings of "minors", and too active a system of law enforcement. Whereas in the US and most of Europe even batteries are settled out-of-court or by civil actions, in Finland the state has to intervene and prosecute publicly. That derives from the Nordic social model whereby the state takes care of (i.e. serves) the people.

        As a result, not everyone can be thrown in jail upon their first offence as there are not enough jails. Now, recidivists and serious offenders do go to jail - but the scandal media does well in neglegting that. They just publish news on whenever someone has been let off on a conditional sentence (i.e. sentence without prison time) or has been sentenced otherwise very mildly.

        And what comes to child molesters - well, in case of true paedophilism, the offender will be locked up, either in jail or in a high security mental hospital. What you read in the scandal newspapers is not about that, however. According to the law, you can be tried for child molestation if you're 18 and make out with a 15-year-old. That is absurd to many foreigners as it is just normal that kids around that age go out and explore sexuality.

        Most cases of child molestation are about a 18- to 21-year-old guy and a 14- to 16-year-old girl. When you read the newspapers, you will not know the facts of the case. But I can assure you the facts go something like this: the girl and guy went out or met at a party. They both got a bit too drunk. They went somewhere private and started kissing. The guy made a move and touched the girl intimately or had sex with her. The next morning the girl, sobered up again, got second thoughts and went to the police.

        Now, according to the criminal code, regardless of the circumstances, touching intimately a "child" of age of 15 or less can be punishable, and it will have to be tried in court. As these things happen all the time and everywhere (even in other countries), it is no surprise that the prisons would be filled up to the roof if every drunken fool had to be locked up for going on second or third base with a teenage girl. Instead, if they are first-timers, they're let out on a conditional sentence. Then the scandal newspapers write in big capital letters how the Finnish justice system is rotten.

        Finally, what comes to the harsh sentences on financial and white-collar crimes: in the last decades there has been a move towards economic freedom (the European Union, globalisation, internet banking and electronic money transfers...), and with that the threat of crimes such as fraud, deceit and e-robberies has been increasing. Some years ago the Finnish Ministry of Justice put on its agenda a plan to give a clear message that such crimes will not be tolerated in Finland.

        According to criminologist theory, a number of factors render financial crimes severely punishable. The most important ones are that usually (always?) they are highly pre-meditated and planned; they have far-reaching consequences on the welfare of the people; and the offenders often will remain in possession of their hidden criminal gains (millions of euro). In order to tackle high-profile financial crimes, the cost/benefit equilibrium has to be shifted on the cost side: otherwise, committing a 20-million euro fraud is easier if the risk includes just a few months in jail.

        This reasoning is not peculiar to Finland. Instead, it's the same pretty much in all Western countries. You should remember that in the US, B. Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in a maximum security prison. It is clear that he will never enjoy the criminal gains he was able to hide before getting caught.

      • Klabseus


        I'm sorry to hear you have such bad experiences of living in Finland. I'm a native finnishman and I still must say that I really like my country (I like my friends and family, finnish nature my summerhouses, baltic sea lakes, lapland sauna etc.), though there are many stupid people in Finland. Fortunately Helsinki is such big city and therefore I have a chance to choose my friends :) (We also have lots of nice people in Finland, unfortunately those racist people will be more clearly seen in Finland) Think about a situation in a crowded train carriage, black man comes into a train and some drunk bastard will yel him some impolite things. All the others in the carriage are quiet maybe because they are shy or even afraid of that threateningly behaving person. Even in that case there exactly and only one bastard in a train! Most people in Helsinki are not racists, thats my point. By the way, are you racist against estonians and russians as you mentioned in your text. You should neather make generalizations I have met many nice people from estonia and russia.

      • MissyZ85
        suomi kirjoitti:

        Kyllä poika puhu asiaa. Perussuomalaisen on näköään hyvin vaikeaa ymmärtää mitä Suomessa todellakin tapahtuu. Kauheeta ryyppäämistä, ulkomaalaisvihaa, homovihaa ja kateellisuutta. Nyt joku tulee sanomaan, että kyllä muuallakin ryypätään. Niin ryypätääkin, mutta ei ryypätä räkiä poskille, eikä hakata ihmisiä, jos heillä on tummempi ihonväri tai he puhuvat jotain eri kieltä. Olen 100% suomalainen ja rakastan Suomea. Mutta joskus rasistien olisi hyvä katsoa omaa rumaa pärstäänsä peilistä.

        (nimimerk. suomi:lle) mitä sanot! It's true what u said!

      • MissyZ85
        jj kirjoitti:

        I am a black foreigner, I have a job, I pay my TAXES. I consider myself as a hard working person and I get along with some finns, mostly educated ones who don't suffer from low self esteem.

        I have realized that most finns that are racist have very low self esteem and feel big when they put a black person down.They complain that foreigners are here to take their jobs and take money from the state. Well from my experience foreigners especially black want to work and are usually not employed because of the colour of their skin. Give them jobs and you will never see them at KELA or sosu. They will do any job, and most often they get the jobs that finns themselves don't want then they complain that they are taking away jobs. One thing that the average Finn doesn't know is that Finns are scattered all over the world, I was shocked to discover that some Finns actually leave in the country I come from. And the funny thing is that although they look different they are welcome and free.

        Finns need to be welcoming and friendly to outsiders.Above all they need to learn other ways of building self esteem, like teaching their children respect,caring for their old parents,caring for their neighbour, not feeling jeolus about what the other person has achieved,being friendlier, spending more time with their children and family not just at joulu or any other holiday, learning more about other cultures.
        Don't get me wrong not all Finns are bad and they are some positive things about Finnish people but sometimes they get overshadowed by the bad things.One of these positive things is that they are hard working.

        u are right too..

      • MissyZ85
        MissyZ85 kirjoitti:

        u are right too..

        my comment was to jj

      • no way

        Countryside people have low esteelfm and are inside turn . Bollocks. Where u from? Mellunmäki?

      • heilahdus

        Keeping it short and simple,
        we appear in various kinds, just as in any country. It's true we don't have that much culture coz' we're relatively quite young and small country. We've been here as a nation for several hundred (ok, you can disagree with that, but most of our DNA is based from those people coming through Karjalan kannas eventhough there are some people/families in Finland that have DNA which still comes from our native ancesters.

        In my opinion in Finland there is the thing is about the country ((and it's borders) as in all scandinavian countries). We don't really care about politics or the way our country seems like in an eye of a foreigner. I think that's quite right too.. but not fine as wanting to keep up some political or even any debate.

        In Finland we have this kind of an attitude to not to give up... and it can be seen in very numeral ways.
        It's just something that we are, what we've been driven to, as a country/nation.
        We don't have similar national identity (apart from that to be held from the WWI) 'coz we've lost some parts to our much bigger neighbour for us to put it little bit too cocky on the way. We are really not a nation, we are more like 3 different kinds of those living inside same borders and feeling relatively nice with that :)

      • sisu65
        .............................. kirjoitti:

        WHAT DO YOU DO IN FINLAND? still?? I'm not happy to pay taxes so you can surf on Internet and talk so much of shit about Finns. The more I read about your text, the more I was guessing what comes next. For example 1st: too much work, 2nd: "marijuana, jiihaa". etc. There was very much good things you said (it's true, we work TOO MUCH!). and what makes so angry, is that still we get paid too low 'coz taxes are so high ->> people who don't want to go work can live for free if they want and so they have too much for sparetime ---like you do--. Please, go soon. You are coming very expensive for us. Shame on u. Go some another country, where people will pay for your LIVING and nice clothes! PS. You are a moran. Everyone is a moran, if go so below, that separates people in Helsinki-city and to country people. How ridicilous. ;)Tells something about your development.

        oh yeah we are paid too low (!) Come ooon, Finland and Finnish people should change their attitudes towards globalism.

        I am not happy to pay taxes so that drunks can buy booze or sit in front of computer all day while I have to do night shift on a Xmas eve!

        So we should all shut the hell up and be more open and friendly towards each other and foreigners.

        Once this wealth goes away we are gonna be poor potato nosed bastards like in the 90s crisis.

      • saatanator
        just someone kirjoitti:

        Some thoughts to think about:

        "Well from my experience foreigners especially black want to work and are usually not employed because of the colour of their skin."

        How do you know this to be true? How can you be certain that they are actually being discriminated based on their color of the skin? This is a very bold claim without providing any statistical knowledge or any kind of evidence what so ever.

        Finding a job in Finland can be very hard -- for the Finns also. The employers put extremely high demands on your skills and sometimes only the most fittest can land a steady and highly paid job. There are many things to consider, such as your previous work experience, level of education and your suitability for the job (such as, if you can't speak the language natively, it is unlikely that you will get a job in the customer service field). It is extremely easy to point fingers and to say that the color of one's skin is the reason for not landing your dream job just like that.

        "One thing that the average Finn doesn't know is that Finns are scattered all over the world, I was shocked to discover that some Finns actually leave in the country I come from."

        Why do you say that an average Finn does not know that they are being scattered around the world and then the very next thing you say is that *you* were shocked to find that there are Finns in your country? Are you certain that you are not just merely projecting your own amazement and then taking that as to be the feeling of a general Finn? I for one am not shocked to hear that some Finns have travelled and moved out of this country.

        "And the funny thing is that although they look different they are welcome and free."

        Really? Are you certain that no Finns will ever experience any kind of racism when walking as a white caucasian in your native country? I feel that I can say with certainty that some blacks will look upon on whites with suspicion and other kinds of negative feelings, due to various reasons in various points of their lives, just like some whites look upon blacks due to different reasons. Racism is an universal phenomenon, not just involving blacks.

        "Finns need to be welcoming and friendly to outsiders.Above all they need to learn other ways of building self esteem, like teaching their children respect,caring for their old parents,caring for their neighbour, not feeling jeolus about what the other person has achieved,being friendlier, spending more time with their children and family not just at joulu or any other holiday, learning more about other cultures."

        And who are you to say what we should do and why? Who are you to say that we don't care for our parents and children? Who are you to say that we are not learning about other cultures? How much energy have you put on learning our culture and language, since you are the one who lives here, in our homeland?

        ahahaha, come oooon, even 3 year old kid knows that in Finland you cant blend in the community even if you get suntanned :D

        If you dont look like Finnish and totally milk white then you are foreigner and not wellcome.

        Lets dont fool anybody here :D

        If Finns look weird at suntanned ppl then a black has no bloody chance :D

      • Finme
        jj kirjoitti:

        I am a black foreigner, I have a job, I pay my TAXES. I consider myself as a hard working person and I get along with some finns, mostly educated ones who don't suffer from low self esteem.

        I have realized that most finns that are racist have very low self esteem and feel big when they put a black person down.They complain that foreigners are here to take their jobs and take money from the state. Well from my experience foreigners especially black want to work and are usually not employed because of the colour of their skin. Give them jobs and you will never see them at KELA or sosu. They will do any job, and most often they get the jobs that finns themselves don't want then they complain that they are taking away jobs. One thing that the average Finn doesn't know is that Finns are scattered all over the world, I was shocked to discover that some Finns actually leave in the country I come from. And the funny thing is that although they look different they are welcome and free.

        Finns need to be welcoming and friendly to outsiders.Above all they need to learn other ways of building self esteem, like teaching their children respect,caring for their old parents,caring for their neighbour, not feeling jeolus about what the other person has achieved,being friendlier, spending more time with their children and family not just at joulu or any other holiday, learning more about other cultures.
        Don't get me wrong not all Finns are bad and they are some positive things about Finnish people but sometimes they get overshadowed by the bad things.One of these positive things is that they are hard working.

        JJ, all what I have to say to you is thank you for making this comment. Interesting to see my own thoughts written.

      • one-guy

        Bla-bla-blah, travel and live abroad few years and after that come here to tell about how is it to live in Finland.. This must be written by some frustrated teen girl.

      • ...............

        top 3 suicide xDDDDDD omg do a little bit recearch before you say anything

      • lolololololol
        jj kirjoitti:

        I am a black foreigner, I have a job, I pay my TAXES. I consider myself as a hard working person and I get along with some finns, mostly educated ones who don't suffer from low self esteem.

        I have realized that most finns that are racist have very low self esteem and feel big when they put a black person down.They complain that foreigners are here to take their jobs and take money from the state. Well from my experience foreigners especially black want to work and are usually not employed because of the colour of their skin. Give them jobs and you will never see them at KELA or sosu. They will do any job, and most often they get the jobs that finns themselves don't want then they complain that they are taking away jobs. One thing that the average Finn doesn't know is that Finns are scattered all over the world, I was shocked to discover that some Finns actually leave in the country I come from. And the funny thing is that although they look different they are welcome and free.

        Finns need to be welcoming and friendly to outsiders.Above all they need to learn other ways of building self esteem, like teaching their children respect,caring for their old parents,caring for their neighbour, not feeling jeolus about what the other person has achieved,being friendlier, spending more time with their children and family not just at joulu or any other holiday, learning more about other cultures.
        Don't get me wrong not all Finns are bad and they are some positive things about Finnish people but sometimes they get overshadowed by the bad things.One of these positive things is that they are hard working.

        miksi, miksi helvetissä täällä ollaan puolustamassa ulkomaalaisia ja haukutaan suomalaisia rasistisiksi paskoiksi? ja kaikki nämä ulkomaalaiset sitten ovat oikein kilttejä ja mukavia työssäkäyviä ihmisiä? mitetitäämpä mistä se rasistisuus tulee, ei kuule ehkä ole ihan hatusta vedettyä... omien kokemuksien perusteella saisivat mennä sinne mistä tulivatkin

      • jj kirjoitti:

        I am a black foreigner, I have a job, I pay my TAXES. I consider myself as a hard working person and I get along with some finns, mostly educated ones who don't suffer from low self esteem.

        I have realized that most finns that are racist have very low self esteem and feel big when they put a black person down.They complain that foreigners are here to take their jobs and take money from the state. Well from my experience foreigners especially black want to work and are usually not employed because of the colour of their skin. Give them jobs and you will never see them at KELA or sosu. They will do any job, and most often they get the jobs that finns themselves don't want then they complain that they are taking away jobs. One thing that the average Finn doesn't know is that Finns are scattered all over the world, I was shocked to discover that some Finns actually leave in the country I come from. And the funny thing is that although they look different they are welcome and free.

        Finns need to be welcoming and friendly to outsiders.Above all they need to learn other ways of building self esteem, like teaching their children respect,caring for their old parents,caring for their neighbour, not feeling jeolus about what the other person has achieved,being friendlier, spending more time with their children and family not just at joulu or any other holiday, learning more about other cultures.
        Don't get me wrong not all Finns are bad and they are some positive things about Finnish people but sometimes they get overshadowed by the bad things.One of these positive things is that they are hard working.

        Otherwise fine, but I think the ubiquitous idea of there being jobs that do not attract Finns is false. I have worked in shitty jobs and there are Finns everywhere doing those jobs. Must be, because the wealthy and racist homeowners will not let foreign janitors into their quarters.
        There are also lots of applicants for practical nurses. I was disqualified, when only about 10% of the applicants were accepted to a practical nursing course. It was harder to start practical nursing than some majors in universities.

      • african boy kirjoitti:

        finns are the coldest people on the planet and they are selffish and jealosy. They have very little knowlegde about other poleple and cultures and often assume they are superior to other peple. Eg they think an african cannot use anything with a switch, they have to first explain it to them. This way they make fools of themselves and expose their shallowness and lack of the real world outside the sauna. This way they never get to know peolple for what they are instead they either see someone who is pissed of with their behavior (and ll accuse you of not cooperating instead) or they ll see a bootlicker (in the reality someone who is desperate) and they ll take him for sub human.
        Never expect a finn to have guilt or show compassion or simple good will eg look at the industries serving old people. They are just there to suck them dry.evn an ordinary finn ll never visit his bedridden father they just wait for the day he dies and claim his belongings.

        Wait until you learn how this father treated his children! Finland has the highest killing rate of infants everywhere in western world!

      • katiaialita
        jj kirjoitti:

        I am a black foreigner, I have a job, I pay my TAXES. I consider myself as a hard working person and I get along with some finns, mostly educated ones who don't suffer from low self esteem.

        I have realized that most finns that are racist have very low self esteem and feel big when they put a black person down.They complain that foreigners are here to take their jobs and take money from the state. Well from my experience foreigners especially black want to work and are usually not employed because of the colour of their skin. Give them jobs and you will never see them at KELA or sosu. They will do any job, and most often they get the jobs that finns themselves don't want then they complain that they are taking away jobs. One thing that the average Finn doesn't know is that Finns are scattered all over the world, I was shocked to discover that some Finns actually leave in the country I come from. And the funny thing is that although they look different they are welcome and free.

        Finns need to be welcoming and friendly to outsiders.Above all they need to learn other ways of building self esteem, like teaching their children respect,caring for their old parents,caring for their neighbour, not feeling jeolus about what the other person has achieved,being friendlier, spending more time with their children and family not just at joulu or any other holiday, learning more about other cultures.
        Don't get me wrong not all Finns are bad and they are some positive things about Finnish people but sometimes they get overshadowed by the bad things.One of these positive things is that they are hard working.

        this is an old post but i want to agree with u 100%,,people here dont get it....funy how u say exaclty what i tired to tell to those who complain about foregnairs steeling their jobs,,,thanks to foreganirs that there arer many jobs that stil exist,,or this country will one day end up with no service,,,already services are extremely bad,,,healt care sucks,,cose not enough docs,.so welcome foreign doctorr and nurses..

      • katiaitaly
        an exception kirjoitti:

        He speaks about his feelings all the time and gives hugs like other Finns shed swear words. And he never drinks! I suspect I may have found the only Finn who's like that! And he's not even a young man but middle aged.

        my husband is an exception too,,,but he is young,,actually younger then me,,,and he hugs a lot...maybe he learned from me,snce he dont hug even own parents......but its enough he does hug me!!yep finns are jeakous,,ehll yes,,even own husband told me that!!and yes they are not compassionate at all,,,dont give shit of anyone but them selves....only good thing here is better econmy and wonder why im even worried to grow a family in this country,,,,but i dont want hurt my man by saying ive learned to live isolated ,and dont care of the people who would not care about me i just enjoy my honey and the beaufiul landscapes...

      • N-Hampton
        Ååååå kirjoitti:

        ’ straightshit’ – I have the same view.

        When I moved to Finland 12 years ago, people always asked: "Are you accustomed to the Finnish culture?”

        Culture - where it is? Is it a man running down a woman at the door of a shop? Is it when the kids trample on the meal table? Is it a young man sitting in a bus and an old woman standing? Is it, as well as the adult does not know the words "Hello" and "Thank you"?
        The main word is “V ! “ everywhere!

        Feast day is Saturday. Then have to drink to the memory loss. The main streets look like after urinary competitions.

        It’s a pity that Finnish nation do not have friends and they do not respect their parents.
        Elderly make suicide every other day in Finland. The reason is loneliness and depression.

        Kirjoittanut: ...... / 27.4.09 / klo 11:53
        ”kauheeta yleistämistä! :o hanki elämä kuule.. oikeesti :o” – --------------- Why ” terrible generalization!”? Guest notes what you themselves do not note. Take off your pink glasses! The truth is sometimes painful.

        Kirjoittanut: .............................. / 10.5.09 / klo 21:18:
        ” ->> people who don't want to go work can live for free if they want …” ------------Oh yeah – and is it normal?

        "Feast day is Saturday. Then have to drink to the memory loss. The main streets look like after urinary competitions."
        This same happening in Uk and more,every weekend!!

      • Oh come on!
        Pre_Kaarina kirjoitti:

        Wait until you learn how this father treated his children! Finland has the highest killing rate of infants everywhere in western world!

        no they don't -.-' I don't understand this Finland you people are talking about here! The Finland I know and have lived in my whole life, is the best place in the world! And yes, I have been to several foreign countries. I can't comment on Finnish people's looks, because being one of them it's hard for me to tell. But I do find myself to be pretty, and I think all the comments of how rude, unconfident, racist, unwelcoming and alcoholic Finns are, are rubbish. So maybe we like the taste of alcohol, but we're not the only ones in the world with that. Finns are a bit shy to strangers, and don't approach strangers easily, but that's because we care a lot about what people think about us. It doesn't make us unconfident, instead Finns are very polite. The racism mainly comes from older people, as they are not used to other races. In their childhood there were only Finns in Finland. Younger Finns are very much used to different races. It makes me sad to read about these horrible things you people say about my dear homeland. And all you Finnish people bad-mouthing your own country: Shame on you!! There is no perfect coutry in the world, and like every other country ours has it's faults, but the faults are incredibly small compared to all the things that are excellent here! We're well-educated, our healthcare is top-ranked, the people is happy, and our future looks bright! Stop complaining about every little thing and be happy that things are looking so good!

        Oh and just so you know, I'm a 19-year-old Finnish girl, and I want to be proud of my home, so if you disagree with what I have written here, don't tell me. I don't care. This is my opinion and I shared it because you made me mad with all these mean things you've said. I don't want to be trolled by some no-life loser, so shut the f*ck up and be happy with what you've got!

      • Oh come on! kirjoitti:

        no they don't -.-' I don't understand this Finland you people are talking about here! The Finland I know and have lived in my whole life, is the best place in the world! And yes, I have been to several foreign countries. I can't comment on Finnish people's looks, because being one of them it's hard for me to tell. But I do find myself to be pretty, and I think all the comments of how rude, unconfident, racist, unwelcoming and alcoholic Finns are, are rubbish. So maybe we like the taste of alcohol, but we're not the only ones in the world with that. Finns are a bit shy to strangers, and don't approach strangers easily, but that's because we care a lot about what people think about us. It doesn't make us unconfident, instead Finns are very polite. The racism mainly comes from older people, as they are not used to other races. In their childhood there were only Finns in Finland. Younger Finns are very much used to different races. It makes me sad to read about these horrible things you people say about my dear homeland. And all you Finnish people bad-mouthing your own country: Shame on you!! There is no perfect coutry in the world, and like every other country ours has it's faults, but the faults are incredibly small compared to all the things that are excellent here! We're well-educated, our healthcare is top-ranked, the people is happy, and our future looks bright! Stop complaining about every little thing and be happy that things are looking so good!

        Oh and just so you know, I'm a 19-year-old Finnish girl, and I want to be proud of my home, so if you disagree with what I have written here, don't tell me. I don't care. This is my opinion and I shared it because you made me mad with all these mean things you've said. I don't want to be trolled by some no-life loser, so shut the f*ck up and be happy with what you've got!

        Brainwashed teenager. Finns are often totally brainwashed.

      • finnish-trinidadian
        jj kirjoitti:

        I am a black foreigner, I have a job, I pay my TAXES. I consider myself as a hard working person and I get along with some finns, mostly educated ones who don't suffer from low self esteem.

        I have realized that most finns that are racist have very low self esteem and feel big when they put a black person down.They complain that foreigners are here to take their jobs and take money from the state. Well from my experience foreigners especially black want to work and are usually not employed because of the colour of their skin. Give them jobs and you will never see them at KELA or sosu. They will do any job, and most often they get the jobs that finns themselves don't want then they complain that they are taking away jobs. One thing that the average Finn doesn't know is that Finns are scattered all over the world, I was shocked to discover that some Finns actually leave in the country I come from. And the funny thing is that although they look different they are welcome and free.

        Finns need to be welcoming and friendly to outsiders.Above all they need to learn other ways of building self esteem, like teaching their children respect,caring for their old parents,caring for their neighbour, not feeling jeolus about what the other person has achieved,being friendlier, spending more time with their children and family not just at joulu or any other holiday, learning more about other cultures.
        Don't get me wrong not all Finns are bad and they are some positive things about Finnish people but sometimes they get overshadowed by the bad things.One of these positive things is that they are hard working.

        some may bee but as long as you are a hard working person ho dosent live of goverment money you will be fine some finns are just anoyd by some foreing people ho come here and dont even work or nothing

      • finnish-trinidadian
        sisu65 kirjoitti:

        oh yeah we are paid too low (!) Come ooon, Finland and Finnish people should change their attitudes towards globalism.

        I am not happy to pay taxes so that drunks can buy booze or sit in front of computer all day while I have to do night shift on a Xmas eve!

        So we should all shut the hell up and be more open and friendly towards each other and foreigners.

        Once this wealth goes away we are gonna be poor potato nosed bastards like in the 90s crisis.

        TRUE i agree

      • Katia75
        jj kirjoitti:

        I am a black foreigner, I have a job, I pay my TAXES. I consider myself as a hard working person and I get along with some finns, mostly educated ones who don't suffer from low self esteem.

        I have realized that most finns that are racist have very low self esteem and feel big when they put a black person down.They complain that foreigners are here to take their jobs and take money from the state. Well from my experience foreigners especially black want to work and are usually not employed because of the colour of their skin. Give them jobs and you will never see them at KELA or sosu. They will do any job, and most often they get the jobs that finns themselves don't want then they complain that they are taking away jobs. One thing that the average Finn doesn't know is that Finns are scattered all over the world, I was shocked to discover that some Finns actually leave in the country I come from. And the funny thing is that although they look different they are welcome and free.

        Finns need to be welcoming and friendly to outsiders.Above all they need to learn other ways of building self esteem, like teaching their children respect,caring for their old parents,caring for their neighbour, not feeling jeolus about what the other person has achieved,being friendlier, spending more time with their children and family not just at joulu or any other holiday, learning more about other cultures.
        Don't get me wrong not all Finns are bad and they are some positive things about Finnish people but sometimes they get overshadowed by the bad things.One of these positive things is that they are hard working.

        This is an old post but wannt answer anyway,,ou just took out words of my mouth!! never seen more jealous people then here,,even own husband and my x employer told me finns are jealous..envy is a bad thing,,,among all other,,i dont think that in society here there is much to respect....cose i see no sense of empathy,no care for the others,non even own family,,i see no attachment at all with their close relative,,,and they have no strong moral value,,,,,,just perhaps sisu that makes them hard worker,good worker and student ,,but perhaps this sisu itself is what makes them so cold and cruel towards other here 5 years...knonw country over 12 years,,,married a Finn that has also quality I I definitly believe there are rare people here who might have same value as I do...but most of them i guess they have a strong family behind with good values...unfortunatly more then 50% of families ar divorced,so value for familky and marriage 0!!:(

      • anonimous
        yäktyyppi kirjoitti:

        you met those bastards as well. I'm a local and I don't like them either. There are many nice ones too, but you have to find them first. And if a Finn is sober, don't expect any public show of emotion. That is a no no. Big one. Privately we can be extremely emotional, especially when drunk. Or gay.

        nin exaclty drunk or gay,,,thats not normal ,,in most of european countries and others as well people express feeling with no problem,here not,,wonder why!!so whats normal and whats not,,hmm lets say simply that perhaps whats more common behavious belongs to the "normal",and whats different is "not normal or natural",so other people see it as strange,and a problem that needs to be fixe,and people here fix their frustrations with alcohool instead of copeing with it :(

      • Chinchilla Queen
        .............................. kirjoitti:

        WHAT DO YOU DO IN FINLAND? still?? I'm not happy to pay taxes so you can surf on Internet and talk so much of shit about Finns. The more I read about your text, the more I was guessing what comes next. For example 1st: too much work, 2nd: "marijuana, jiihaa". etc. There was very much good things you said (it's true, we work TOO MUCH!). and what makes so angry, is that still we get paid too low 'coz taxes are so high ->> people who don't want to go work can live for free if they want and so they have too much for sparetime ---like you do--. Please, go soon. You are coming very expensive for us. Shame on u. Go some another country, where people will pay for your LIVING and nice clothes! PS. You are a moran. Everyone is a moran, if go so below, that separates people in Helsinki-city and to country people. How ridicilous. ;)Tells something about your development.

        Hey, Finland is a very beautiful and interesting country in my opinion even without me ever going there. I would love to someday. I agree with what you say about the taxes and people living for free on other people's taxes. It makes me mad when I see someone I know is on welfare or food stamps or is an illegal alien just walking around, comfortable in their luxry life practically when I work day after day to make maybe 6000 USD a year. It makes me even madder now when I see illegal aliens taking benefits that we deserve because we worked for them and we can't get hem because these people are taking them from our government and or government does not care. More and more people her in America will not be able to go to college because the government is raising tuition costs and practically no one can afford to attend now. I just lost my financial aid to my college because the state government wants the financial aid to go these illegal immigrants who don't even speak our language and we are being forced to take it lying down and even to the point of having to learn their language instead of them learning our language. And your thing on country peopl and city people, I have to laugh at the city people when they call me ignorant because I do not live in a city. I am ignorant because I do not want to be around people at all times of the day and I am ignorant because I have never ridden a city bus or train before. I live in a town where city buses do not go and we are twenty miles away from the next town over where nearly everyone has to work. I laugh because for all the city bragging about their great education, on our standardized tests in my town, I have to laugh because every single year, the biggest and supposedly best schools in the cities in my county, are beat out by nearly sixty percent by a school with less than 250 students after you combine all four grades. Working too much, we have no choice but to work long hours now seven days a week to support ourselves and the rest of the idiots who can't be bothered to go find work themselves and it pisses me off because at this rate, no one in America has a hope for any retirement unless you count our dumbass politicians. They are just ripping us off. Just please don't send you lazy people to America. We have enough of them as it is and it is very expensive for us to support them.

      • dudefromfinland
        Oh come on! kirjoitti:

        no they don't -.-' I don't understand this Finland you people are talking about here! The Finland I know and have lived in my whole life, is the best place in the world! And yes, I have been to several foreign countries. I can't comment on Finnish people's looks, because being one of them it's hard for me to tell. But I do find myself to be pretty, and I think all the comments of how rude, unconfident, racist, unwelcoming and alcoholic Finns are, are rubbish. So maybe we like the taste of alcohol, but we're not the only ones in the world with that. Finns are a bit shy to strangers, and don't approach strangers easily, but that's because we care a lot about what people think about us. It doesn't make us unconfident, instead Finns are very polite. The racism mainly comes from older people, as they are not used to other races. In their childhood there were only Finns in Finland. Younger Finns are very much used to different races. It makes me sad to read about these horrible things you people say about my dear homeland. And all you Finnish people bad-mouthing your own country: Shame on you!! There is no perfect coutry in the world, and like every other country ours has it's faults, but the faults are incredibly small compared to all the things that are excellent here! We're well-educated, our healthcare is top-ranked, the people is happy, and our future looks bright! Stop complaining about every little thing and be happy that things are looking so good!

        Oh and just so you know, I'm a 19-year-old Finnish girl, and I want to be proud of my home, so if you disagree with what I have written here, don't tell me. I don't care. This is my opinion and I shared it because you made me mad with all these mean things you've said. I don't want to be trolled by some no-life loser, so shut the f*ck up and be happy with what you've got!

        Very good :) I'm a 19-year old Finnish dude, and I agree with you. It's not a perfect countries, but still one of the most top ranking in the world. Education is top quality and other countries are trying to learn from it. Yes, people are pretty shy here, and most of my friends don't talk that much. It's like, if you don't have anything meaningfull to say, don't say anything at all. It's very weird and I would like to change that but it's really hard cause you've grown in to it.

        I love my family, more than I love myself. My life is meaningless compared to theirs. I hug my mom everytime I see here. I used to hug my dad all the time, but now only once in a while. I hug and "cuddle" or something with my littlesister everytime we see. Don't get me wrong, that's nothing sexual :d Just sibling love. I'm pretty close with my brother, we talk about stuff and we're friendly to each other. I hang out a lot with my friends, at summer time I spend more times outdoors than I do at home. We usually go for a cup of coffee and just chill out, drive around and other stuff. And then there's the "bad thing"; we go drinking almost every weekend. I don't why, I guess we all just like a lot. But unfortunately, after one year of being 18 and unemployed, I have started to consider myself a little bit "alcoholic". I think I could stop it if I really wanted, but since Finland is pretty boring country and there's not much to do (atleast without money), there's just nothing else to do on weekends. Every single one of my friends drink at weekend. Who am I to fight against that? I would really much like to change it, but I really can't. That's actually why I would very gladly live in the countryside, than to live in city. Countyside of Finland is just pure awesome, you can't even think about the possibilities you could do. Atleast as a "youngster" (1-40 year old). And why not as an adult man with a family, you could probably think of a lot of fun stuff to do with your kids. Unlike in the big cities.. I hope I'll move to countryside some time. And then those stupid big city people come and mock the "hillbillies".. -.- Are you fucking kidding me, you retarded bastards?

        What am I like? Well, moderately openminded. I like foreign people. I would like to spend some time abroad but unfortunately I can't afford that, atleast not yet. I'm not very humoristic, at least with other people. I can't express my self around others, nor can I show emotions. I'm just a little introverted I guess. I dream of not being such, but I haven't figured out a way to change that. But that doesn't make me a bad person, or any less of a human than others, or does it now? At the moment, I have a little depression and I've got a slightly bad self esteem. Probably cause my education-plan didn't work out as I wanted. And cause I've been drinking too much for a year and something. I'm trying to change myself, but it's quite hard, since i'm an introvert, and shy, so I can't think of a way to get new friends, and I can't change myself in the presence of my current friend-circle. But I'm seeing a psychiatrist or someone like that and I'm hoping she could help me, but so far there hasn't been any progress. I know I probably should change myself by my own hand, but that's just really hard and my mind is really stupid and won't let me. And unfortunately, this isn't that rare in Finland. I just hope someone wise would think of a good way for us to change, and open up to each other.

        But on summary; I'm fairly glad of my life here, I love my country, I love Finns, but I also like people from other countries. I am not happy with the economy and mind set of this world. There's way too many problems and things that can back fire, if that's the right expression. But in the mean time, I try to enjoy my life and spend more time with my family and friends. Also I've started to write stuff to the internet, as you can see, and I'm hoping I would find some smart people to talk with somewhere, but so far I've had no luck, or I haven't been in the right places. If you have any tips or anything for me, please feel free to give them to me.

        I think I wrote a lot more than I intended to. Lol

      • Rastiruudussa
        Pre_Kaarina kirjoitti:

        Brainwashed teenager. Finns are often totally brainwashed.

        Or maybe it's you who is brainwashed? It's kind of a some thing as wondering where we come from, as to guess who is brainwashed an who is not. I suspect everyone, especially you.

      • amenbrother
        jj kirjoitti:

        I am a black foreigner, I have a job, I pay my TAXES. I consider myself as a hard working person and I get along with some finns, mostly educated ones who don't suffer from low self esteem.

        I have realized that most finns that are racist have very low self esteem and feel big when they put a black person down.They complain that foreigners are here to take their jobs and take money from the state. Well from my experience foreigners especially black want to work and are usually not employed because of the colour of their skin. Give them jobs and you will never see them at KELA or sosu. They will do any job, and most often they get the jobs that finns themselves don't want then they complain that they are taking away jobs. One thing that the average Finn doesn't know is that Finns are scattered all over the world, I was shocked to discover that some Finns actually leave in the country I come from. And the funny thing is that although they look different they are welcome and free.

        Finns need to be welcoming and friendly to outsiders.Above all they need to learn other ways of building self esteem, like teaching their children respect,caring for their old parents,caring for their neighbour, not feeling jeolus about what the other person has achieved,being friendlier, spending more time with their children and family not just at joulu or any other holiday, learning more about other cultures.
        Don't get me wrong not all Finns are bad and they are some positive things about Finnish people but sometimes they get overshadowed by the bad things.One of these positive things is that they are hard working.

        Amen to that!!!

        I think you've got the point.

        However, I have a black boy friend, and what I've noticed is that all the black women really hate me for taking one of theirs! :D So jealous people come in all cultures...

      • Whatup?Igotapetrock.
        african boy kirjoitti:

        finns are the coldest people on the planet and they are selffish and jealosy. They have very little knowlegde about other poleple and cultures and often assume they are superior to other peple. Eg they think an african cannot use anything with a switch, they have to first explain it to them. This way they make fools of themselves and expose their shallowness and lack of the real world outside the sauna. This way they never get to know peolple for what they are instead they either see someone who is pissed of with their behavior (and ll accuse you of not cooperating instead) or they ll see a bootlicker (in the reality someone who is desperate) and they ll take him for sub human.
        Never expect a finn to have guilt or show compassion or simple good will eg look at the industries serving old people. They are just there to suck them dry.evn an ordinary finn ll never visit his bedridden father they just wait for the day he dies and claim his belongings.

        Hi, i would like to ask you a few things to note. a) Why are you talking about finns as you had met every single Finnish person there is? Or at least that is how you act, sure there is a lot of racism, but just admit that you have never met a finnish person. b)You are talking about all the finns being racists(yes i mentioned there is a lot of them), but wait, isn't that racism? You are calling every finn a racist, and therefore you are a racist. c) We DO know that African people can use modern technology, some people are just not that comfortable with that idea, want to know why? There is so much ads, saying we should give money for YOUR problems, althought we have a lot of problems by ourselves(this is a poor fucking country...[and people giving YOUR country money are the problem]). Also we pay 50% of our income as taxes and still are one of the best countries to live in.

      • Fedup
        sisu65 kirjoitti:

        oh yeah we are paid too low (!) Come ooon, Finland and Finnish people should change their attitudes towards globalism.

        I am not happy to pay taxes so that drunks can buy booze or sit in front of computer all day while I have to do night shift on a Xmas eve!

        So we should all shut the hell up and be more open and friendly towards each other and foreigners.

        Once this wealth goes away we are gonna be poor potato nosed bastards like in the 90s crisis.

        I also agree.

      • Fedup
        yäktyyppi kirjoitti:

        you met those bastards as well. I'm a local and I don't like them either. There are many nice ones too, but you have to find them first. And if a Finn is sober, don't expect any public show of emotion. That is a no no. Big one. Privately we can be extremely emotional, especially when drunk. Or gay.


        The thing about Finland is that "those people" stick out a bit more. They are somehow accepted by the silent majority and very influential.

      • Fedup kirjoitti:


        The thing about Finland is that "those people" stick out a bit more. They are somehow accepted by the silent majority and very influential.

        Acceptance is what it probably looks like from the outside, but I'd rather call it tolerance. I mean tolerance of something annoying, like the bad weather you can't change or the boss who yells at you. Not tolerating them would lead to an inevitable confrontation and confrontations are what people are desperate to avoid, as failure to win is yet another one of those big Finnish no nos. Also, the possibility of things getting real ugly, real fast, is ever present, as you may have noticed during your stay. So, if the bastard is a moron, who probably is incapable of dealing with his issues constructively, why start World War III with him, when you know it's not going to change him unless you kill him?

      • Fedup
        civis europaeus kirjoitti:

        "Every body worked and worked and got drunk all the time.
        They thought it was normal."

        It is normal, in many places in the world. Just because drinking more often is abnormal in the fundamentalist hypocrite pilgrim society in the US, doesn't mean that enjoying a drink would be abnormal to the human kind at large (or notable parts thereof). While for you drinking is something that degenerate alcoholists and criminals do, for many others it is a way of relaxing or coping with the surroundings.

        Many European cultures include long traditions of drinking - even that of your (or your neighbour's) ancestors from England, Scotland and Ireland. The Spanish enjoy their sangria, Italians and French their wine. The Germans - their evening after work consists of TV soccer and a beer or ten.

        Drinking so much as to get drunk is a bit less common in many places, but peoples from countries like Russia, the Baltic countries, Finland and Ireland all enjoy that as well. I bet even Northern Canadians and Alaskans love a drink, too. You see a pattern now: where it's cold, dark and wet nine months a year, alcohol is more or less a normal part of life.

        When you say your grandparents thought drinking was normal - well, yes, it was. The fact that all your neighbours in the US are abstinent, God-fearing Calvinists, doesn't mean that for your grandparents it wasn't normal to drink. Indeed, isn't the USA supposed to be all about mixing up races and cultures. So, whatever heritage the immigrants bring with them, it surely is normal.

        By the way, if you are condemning the idea that in many countries getting drunk is normal, then you should start off by looking at yourself in the mirror. After all, to many (most?) Americans eating crap for food (what you got, McDonald's, Subway, Pizza Hut and all other places serving plastic and preservatives on a platter), polluting the air with massive cars and inefficient industrial solutions, carrying guns on the streets and not caring too much about anything is the normal way of going about.

        We all have our faults, and all of our habits have a downside to them. However, the Finns are not alone with their preference for a drink, and surely it is far from abnormal to get drunk after work.

        Here we go again. Defending the dark art of drinking.

      • Fedup
        civis europaeus kirjoitti:

        "Oh, and the law system. It´s totally off. You can do basically everything and still get away with it. Beat someone up, rape a little kid or kill someone and you´ll probably just get the minimum sentence. Except when you try to avoid taxes or something else that is associated with money."

        You've been fooled by the scandal media. There's actually nothing wrong with the Finnish justice system. It's just that there are too many assaults and batteries as well as rapings of "minors", and too active a system of law enforcement. Whereas in the US and most of Europe even batteries are settled out-of-court or by civil actions, in Finland the state has to intervene and prosecute publicly. That derives from the Nordic social model whereby the state takes care of (i.e. serves) the people.

        As a result, not everyone can be thrown in jail upon their first offence as there are not enough jails. Now, recidivists and serious offenders do go to jail - but the scandal media does well in neglegting that. They just publish news on whenever someone has been let off on a conditional sentence (i.e. sentence without prison time) or has been sentenced otherwise very mildly.

        And what comes to child molesters - well, in case of true paedophilism, the offender will be locked up, either in jail or in a high security mental hospital. What you read in the scandal newspapers is not about that, however. According to the law, you can be tried for child molestation if you're 18 and make out with a 15-year-old. That is absurd to many foreigners as it is just normal that kids around that age go out and explore sexuality.

        Most cases of child molestation are about a 18- to 21-year-old guy and a 14- to 16-year-old girl. When you read the newspapers, you will not know the facts of the case. But I can assure you the facts go something like this: the girl and guy went out or met at a party. They both got a bit too drunk. They went somewhere private and started kissing. The guy made a move and touched the girl intimately or had sex with her. The next morning the girl, sobered up again, got second thoughts and went to the police.

        Now, according to the criminal code, regardless of the circumstances, touching intimately a "child" of age of 15 or less can be punishable, and it will have to be tried in court. As these things happen all the time and everywhere (even in other countries), it is no surprise that the prisons would be filled up to the roof if every drunken fool had to be locked up for going on second or third base with a teenage girl. Instead, if they are first-timers, they're let out on a conditional sentence. Then the scandal newspapers write in big capital letters how the Finnish justice system is rotten.

        Finally, what comes to the harsh sentences on financial and white-collar crimes: in the last decades there has been a move towards economic freedom (the European Union, globalisation, internet banking and electronic money transfers...), and with that the threat of crimes such as fraud, deceit and e-robberies has been increasing. Some years ago the Finnish Ministry of Justice put on its agenda a plan to give a clear message that such crimes will not be tolerated in Finland.

        According to criminologist theory, a number of factors render financial crimes severely punishable. The most important ones are that usually (always?) they are highly pre-meditated and planned; they have far-reaching consequences on the welfare of the people; and the offenders often will remain in possession of their hidden criminal gains (millions of euro). In order to tackle high-profile financial crimes, the cost/benefit equilibrium has to be shifted on the cost side: otherwise, committing a 20-million euro fraud is easier if the risk includes just a few months in jail.

        This reasoning is not peculiar to Finland. Instead, it's the same pretty much in all Western countries. You should remember that in the US, B. Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in a maximum security prison. It is clear that he will never enjoy the criminal gains he was able to hide before getting caught.

        I would just have to mention that the Finnish justice system is based on Swedish law. Not only as long standing laws were inherited from the Swedish era, but the system of law vs. prejudicate, method and process of trial, and so on.

        The Swedish red flag is up! Finns are so hostile to anyone not like themselves.

      • Fedup
        yäktyyppi kirjoitti:

        Acceptance is what it probably looks like from the outside, but I'd rather call it tolerance. I mean tolerance of something annoying, like the bad weather you can't change or the boss who yells at you. Not tolerating them would lead to an inevitable confrontation and confrontations are what people are desperate to avoid, as failure to win is yet another one of those big Finnish no nos. Also, the possibility of things getting real ugly, real fast, is ever present, as you may have noticed during your stay. So, if the bastard is a moron, who probably is incapable of dealing with his issues constructively, why start World War III with him, when you know it's not going to change him unless you kill him?

        The majority is accepting what happens in their name by their passivity. This is unique for Finland in a larger EU perspective. One could say other EU countries demand law and administration deal with the extremists.

      • Fedup kirjoitti:

        The majority is accepting what happens in their name by their passivity. This is unique for Finland in a larger EU perspective. One could say other EU countries demand law and administration deal with the extremists.

        Sadly, the law and administration these days have become states within a state, which means they mainly have their own best interest in mind. Promoting passivity in the general population is definitely in their interest, as it leaves them free to grant themselves more money, more fancy titles, more prime realty at a significant discount, etc. Of course, to increase their own power and influence, they also want more and more layers of bureaucracy, with as many subordinates as possible. The EU functions as a good excuse for this. Every time the EU makes administrative changes or passes new directives, our illustrious leaders found a new bureau of this or a department of that to cope with the situation. If all goes according to plan, the number of bureaucrats should be double the present by 2020.

      • katiaitalia
        suomi kirjoitti:

        Kyllä poika puhu asiaa. Perussuomalaisen on näköään hyvin vaikeaa ymmärtää mitä Suomessa todellakin tapahtuu. Kauheeta ryyppäämistä, ulkomaalaisvihaa, homovihaa ja kateellisuutta. Nyt joku tulee sanomaan, että kyllä muuallakin ryypätään. Niin ryypätääkin, mutta ei ryypätä räkiä poskille, eikä hakata ihmisiä, jos heillä on tummempi ihonväri tai he puhuvat jotain eri kieltä. Olen 100% suomalainen ja rakastan Suomea. Mutta joskus rasistien olisi hyvä katsoa omaa rumaa pärstäänsä peilistä.

        nyt puhutn asia,vain toi että on avat silmät ja ei ole perussuomalainen tai niin nationalist voi ymmärtä mitä täällä on ongelmat,kaikki muut vain vihavat mahamuttajat (By the way why they never fucking change to word mahanmuttaja , because is generic,,not all foregnair are refugees and receive benefit,,Im European and get treatet just like finn By government,,high tax on unemployment .and yes i did work labor shitty job 5 years here that killed my health to a point im vajakuntoinen so cannot even do duuni work anymore,,and not having education (beside ammattitutkinto),and being foregnair is harder to get a job,so i dont consider myself like other foregnairs refugees outside EU..
        Still yep finns only look that governemnt pay wayy to much to refugees letting other citizen rot..So finn be less envious, racist,and be more generous and learn to help people perkeleeeeee

      • katiaitalia
        jj kirjoitti:

        I am a black foreigner, I have a job, I pay my TAXES. I consider myself as a hard working person and I get along with some finns, mostly educated ones who don't suffer from low self esteem.

        I have realized that most finns that are racist have very low self esteem and feel big when they put a black person down.They complain that foreigners are here to take their jobs and take money from the state. Well from my experience foreigners especially black want to work and are usually not employed because of the colour of their skin. Give them jobs and you will never see them at KELA or sosu. They will do any job, and most often they get the jobs that finns themselves don't want then they complain that they are taking away jobs. One thing that the average Finn doesn't know is that Finns are scattered all over the world, I was shocked to discover that some Finns actually leave in the country I come from. And the funny thing is that although they look different they are welcome and free.

        Finns need to be welcoming and friendly to outsiders.Above all they need to learn other ways of building self esteem, like teaching their children respect,caring for their old parents,caring for their neighbour, not feeling jeolus about what the other person has achieved,being friendlier, spending more time with their children and family not just at joulu or any other holiday, learning more about other cultures.
        Don't get me wrong not all Finns are bad and they are some positive things about Finnish people but sometimes they get overshadowed by the bad things.One of these positive things is that they are hard working.

        well said

      • JNNOJ
        lolololololol kirjoitti:

        miksi, miksi helvetissä täällä ollaan puolustamassa ulkomaalaisia ja haukutaan suomalaisia rasistisiksi paskoiksi? ja kaikki nämä ulkomaalaiset sitten ovat oikein kilttejä ja mukavia työssäkäyviä ihmisiä? mitetitäämpä mistä se rasistisuus tulee, ei kuule ehkä ole ihan hatusta vedettyä... omien kokemuksien perusteella saisivat mennä sinne mistä tulivatkin

        ja sää ot justi se perussuomalaine rasisti paskiainen,sorry mutt totta---toivoisin seruva elämä olet ulkomalainen asumassa Suomessa sittne ymmärät mitä asiat on tällä..BLA,E YOUR STUPID GOVERNMENT ISNTEAD..AND IM NOT A REFUGE BUT EU CITIZEN

      • katiaitalia
        Oh come on! kirjoitti:

        no they don't -.-' I don't understand this Finland you people are talking about here! The Finland I know and have lived in my whole life, is the best place in the world! And yes, I have been to several foreign countries. I can't comment on Finnish people's looks, because being one of them it's hard for me to tell. But I do find myself to be pretty, and I think all the comments of how rude, unconfident, racist, unwelcoming and alcoholic Finns are, are rubbish. So maybe we like the taste of alcohol, but we're not the only ones in the world with that. Finns are a bit shy to strangers, and don't approach strangers easily, but that's because we care a lot about what people think about us. It doesn't make us unconfident, instead Finns are very polite. The racism mainly comes from older people, as they are not used to other races. In their childhood there were only Finns in Finland. Younger Finns are very much used to different races. It makes me sad to read about these horrible things you people say about my dear homeland. And all you Finnish people bad-mouthing your own country: Shame on you!! There is no perfect coutry in the world, and like every other country ours has it's faults, but the faults are incredibly small compared to all the things that are excellent here! We're well-educated, our healthcare is top-ranked, the people is happy, and our future looks bright! Stop complaining about every little thing and be happy that things are looking so good!

        Oh and just so you know, I'm a 19-year-old Finnish girl, and I want to be proud of my home, so if you disagree with what I have written here, don't tell me. I don't care. This is my opinion and I shared it because you made me mad with all these mean things you've said. I don't want to be trolled by some no-life loser, so shut the f*ck up and be happy with what you've got!

        U FUCKING KIDDING ME? Healthe care top ranked?? have ever been to doctors for issues like back problems,pains in general how they handle???is all about money,Docs only use 20 min for each patient and avoid all they can to use expence,so forgert magnettinen kuva untill u have tried so many times and your back is so bad that now is chronic,,Long story on personal experience to tell,,thats why msot of finns go to Private. public sucks,its slow,is cheap and its NOT FREE,!!R U BLIND??
        Do you kniw you have to pay like if u were into a hotel when u r hospitalized?? ever thought about how the fuck a small icome person can afford to pay 27euro per days if end up in hospital??? and guess Kela dont pay,only if bill goes over 500 eur,so if u r unemploied or have little pension how u deal with that? get your fact right and experience with your skin first.
        And fyi, check on wikipedia, France is first Italy (my own country ,second,,and i can confirm we have better then this cheap healt care...jesus mikä valeanpunaiset silmälasit teillä on!!!!!helevettti

        p.s here speaks a sciatica chronic vajakuntoinen unemploied who had to quit his duuni shitty work due to this issue, and 5 years later i still havent received proper help. except during acute compassion lacks also in medical field..Fuck i hope u never get sick..

      • Finn elsewhere
        yäktyyppi kirjoitti:

        Acceptance is what it probably looks like from the outside, but I'd rather call it tolerance. I mean tolerance of something annoying, like the bad weather you can't change or the boss who yells at you. Not tolerating them would lead to an inevitable confrontation and confrontations are what people are desperate to avoid, as failure to win is yet another one of those big Finnish no nos. Also, the possibility of things getting real ugly, real fast, is ever present, as you may have noticed during your stay. So, if the bastard is a moron, who probably is incapable of dealing with his issues constructively, why start World War III with him, when you know it's not going to change him unless you kill him?

        yäktyyppi, I so wish there were more people like you, in every country and in Finland in particular. You seem like an observant, objective and intelligent person. Thank you!!

      • Finn elsewhere kirjoitti:

        yäktyyppi, I so wish there were more people like you, in every country and in Finland in particular. You seem like an observant, objective and intelligent person. Thank you!!

        Oh, thank you for your kind words, I very much appreciate them.

      • thiscountryisajoke
        .............................. kirjoitti:

        WHAT DO YOU DO IN FINLAND? still?? I'm not happy to pay taxes so you can surf on Internet and talk so much of shit about Finns. The more I read about your text, the more I was guessing what comes next. For example 1st: too much work, 2nd: "marijuana, jiihaa". etc. There was very much good things you said (it's true, we work TOO MUCH!). and what makes so angry, is that still we get paid too low 'coz taxes are so high ->> people who don't want to go work can live for free if they want and so they have too much for sparetime ---like you do--. Please, go soon. You are coming very expensive for us. Shame on u. Go some another country, where people will pay for your LIVING and nice clothes! PS. You are a moran. Everyone is a moran, if go so below, that separates people in Helsinki-city and to country people. How ridicilous. ;)Tells something about your development.

        Relax. You will pay high tax one way or an other. What to change something vote for capitalism.

        I also think finnish people very unhappy in they relationships, they have very poor sex life and not intresting people at all. So, if you see angry woman in official office just know she didn't had sex for long time LOL)))
        Men here pretend to be silent, but at home they agressive and violent, Just read statistics.

        I do not recommend marry finnish guy here.
        Not finnish woman.

      • 45218474940
        Ååååå kirjoitti:

        ’ straightshit’ – I have the same view.

        When I moved to Finland 12 years ago, people always asked: "Are you accustomed to the Finnish culture?”

        Culture - where it is? Is it a man running down a woman at the door of a shop? Is it when the kids trample on the meal table? Is it a young man sitting in a bus and an old woman standing? Is it, as well as the adult does not know the words "Hello" and "Thank you"?
        The main word is “V ! “ everywhere!

        Feast day is Saturday. Then have to drink to the memory loss. The main streets look like after urinary competitions.

        It’s a pity that Finnish nation do not have friends and they do not respect their parents.
        Elderly make suicide every other day in Finland. The reason is loneliness and depression.

        Kirjoittanut: ...... / 27.4.09 / klo 11:53
        ”kauheeta yleistämistä! :o hanki elämä kuule.. oikeesti :o” – --------------- Why ” terrible generalization!”? Guest notes what you themselves do not note. Take off your pink glasses! The truth is sometimes painful.

        Kirjoittanut: .............................. / 10.5.09 / klo 21:18:
        ” ->> people who don't want to go work can live for free if they want …” ------------Oh yeah – and is it normal?

        very good comment!

        also finnish people try to pretend to be someone else specially abroad.

        p.s. but now i know where all this "white trush" people comming from to US, they come from Finland LOL)))

      • observer1 kirjoitti:

        I read your entry on Finland, and laughed til I cried. My mom is Finnish with 12 brothers & 1 sister, Elmi---the brothers are Toivo, Oiva, Arvo, Eino, Nilo,Sulo, John, Bill, Kenny, Laurie, Harold, and 1.. I can't remember at this time, ha, ha,

        My Grammpa came from Helsinki, where he met my gramma Sel'inaa. They came to the U.S.A. in the late 30's or early 40's-and made a farm in michigan, a cold farming town, I think he worked in the copper mines then. His name was Erick Vuorenmaa, he lived until 95 and worked like a dog all his life. He was funny and drank , and drank, and milked the cows, and there were chickens, and 2 pigs
        -and sauna every sunday and wednesday.

        We would go there every summer, until I grew up.-we were from the 'city' Chicago, and they thought we were gangsters. Oh the mentality !!!
        EVERYBODY drank, and drank and were predjudice, so much.
        Especially the 'moosties'.
        So much you said is true. My mom (92) is so racist, along with them all.
        My gramma, was crabby all the time---I never saw her laugh.-Most of my uncles were nice to us neices & nephews, -but not all.
        Every body worked and worked and got drunk all the time.
        They thought it was normal.
        Did you learn English in school?--
        I think my gramma was crabby because she had so many kids., and my grampa would not eat with out Veeleeah, (can't spell it, but you know it.)
        They were so set in their ways, not to let any one in their group.
        We learned so little finnish, my mom still speaks it and all the brothers.

        Did you know it is considered one of the most hardest languages in the world ?
        Every thing you said has so much truth.

        No, your country is socialist, too many taxes, and the government takes too much of Finns money.-because they let them.

        I think our president stinks here and wants to make our country the same.

        They like to kill dear,there, and eat venison.I hated it, but I had such a good time there as a was a different world.

        Let me know if you get this, and don't write me drunk-I'm old enough to be your "I-Dee'
        Bay- va-
        Mrs Susan

        i think you have nothing to be proud ...sorry to hear it you come from such a missfortunate family.

        good luck...

      • ursulaX
        lolololololol kirjoitti:

        miksi, miksi helvetissä täällä ollaan puolustamassa ulkomaalaisia ja haukutaan suomalaisia rasistisiksi paskoiksi? ja kaikki nämä ulkomaalaiset sitten ovat oikein kilttejä ja mukavia työssäkäyviä ihmisiä? mitetitäämpä mistä se rasistisuus tulee, ei kuule ehkä ole ihan hatusta vedettyä... omien kokemuksien perusteella saisivat mennä sinne mistä tulivatkin

        Joka haukkuu suomalaisia rasisteiksi on myös itse rasisti.
        Valtioilla on rajat jotta alkuperäiskansalaisten asioita hoidettaisiin unohtamatta yhtäkään omaan kansaan kuuluvaa. Se ei onnistu jos ei pidetä tarkkaa lukua maassaolijoista.
        Veronmaksajien oikeus on tietää mihin heidän verojaan käytetään .
        Epäluulot lisääntyvät jos varoja käytetään väärin ja jos niillä kustannettuja asioita piilotellaan.
        Mitä huonompiin poliittisiin päätöksiin vakikansa joutuu alistumaan sitä vähemmän se hyväksyy varojen jakoa toisaaltatulleille.
        Meillä on omassa maassa sormellaosoittelua päättäjienkin taholta joten miten ulkomailta tänne tulija vois vaatia parempaa ?

      • whatlol
        LOL... kirjoitti:

        I wonder do you ever read daily newspapers? It's very often one sees headlines about not so honest, educated well-to-do-finncitizens. Involved in frauds with taxation etc criminal business transactions and activities.

        Nobody will become honest by getting citizenship in Finland.
        Finns were honest before people came from elsewhere.
        Business leaders have always had the greatest number of people coming from elsewhere.

      • Anonyymi
        Finn elsewhere kirjoitti:

        yäktyyppi, I so wish there were more people like you, in every country and in Finland in particular. You seem like an observant, objective and intelligent person. Thank you!!

        Medical system very bad - people dying from curable illnesses.
        General public attitude is “ I don’t give a f***” . Many people do not plan to spend they retirement in they lovely Finland.
        You need to prove everywhere and to everyone , that you are worth of respect and you have dignity. No one respect anyone. They are never admits they are wrong ( I consider that is a weakness ). General public do not have a good manners. Gov employee do not understand they sign contract to serve the public. People smoke a lot on public places and do not consider that other have allergy’s , but in the same time claim they have allergies to 100€ perfume lol))) Resume all above : the weather is not the biggest problem here lol)))

      • Anonyymi
        yäktyyppi kirjoitti:

        having a self esteem has been considered to be almost a criminal activity. Basically, you should always at least be able to prove you have a right to show a bit of actual self esteem. You have that right, if and when you have a written certificate stating so. A college degree will prove you are smarter than some, so that'll do, though many will think you're automatically a wuss and prove it by punching you in the face. A prison record will prove that you're tough and most people will respect that, so once again you may occasionally be entitled to a bit of self esteem. Most people will think you're an idiot, though. You can climb the social ladder until everybody is beneath you, so nobody will disagree when you simply take the right to have a self esteem. Everybody will hate you though, you arrogant asshole. You can drive a Formula1 like the devil himself to gain the respect of millions of Finns, but once your career is over, evil tongues will start wagging. You're a once famous has been, who still thinks he is something. Somebody should teach you manners, you yesteryear's double champion. Or you can spit a black guy in the face to be a five minute hero for your drunk mates. Mostly just foreigners will think badly of you. Or you can kill hundreds of Russian infantrymen with a knife and a rock to gain eternal glory that nobody can take away from you. Too bad there's no war. So, which of these do you think is the easiest way to prove you have the right to respect yourself? Come to think of it, the game of self esteem in Finland is one you can't possibly win. Everybody loses, one way or another. Why? My theory is, this has a lot to do with our history. For centuries this was a Swedish soldier-farm, you know. Does good cannon fodder need a self esteem? No. If you feel fundamentally worthless and inadequate, you don't want to live, do you? In battle men who want to live fight like cowards, whereas suicidal maniacs will pull off almost any stunt. So, in order to be respected you just have to be the last man standing or dead in action. This way of thinking is what made Sweden great, at our expense, if you ever wondered. The poor self esteem you see today is largely a remnant of that age. We are supposed to prove ourselves in combat, but there hasn't been a war for over sixty years. Crazy, but the bizarre logic makes sense if you really think about it. Well, did I ever say we're not all insane? There are some pretty good videos on Finnish history on Youtube, if you want to know more. And of course many more that are mainly ultrapatriotic crap.

        Dude you just blew my mind right out the window. If even a bit of the swedish army farm stuff you say is applicable to reality, that would be some grim shit. It all makes sense now!

      • Anonyymi
        ..-... kirjoitti:

        That was just what I think about Finland and finnish people. I think Finland is so negative and cold place to be in. So much racism, hate, prejudgice and inequality. If you say hello to a random stranger, you will be considered as little weird or a foreigner. And the most common response is a blank amazed gaze and some grumbling. Of course there are some exceptions and thank god to that.

        People aren´t well mentally but still it´s very difficult to get proper treatment. Also the healthcare system doesn´t work at the moment, especially in smaller cities. And they say that it´s like winning in the lottory to be born in Finland. It´s far from it. Oh, and the law system. It´s totally off. You can do basically everything and still get away with it. Beat someone up, rape a little kid or kill someone and you´ll probably just get the minimum sentence. Except when you try to avoid taxes or something else that is associated with money. That´s a totally different chapter. Then you´re definately going to jail for a ridiculously long time compared to the action. I would say that Finland´s almost completely rotten. If I would have said this someone in person, I probably would have get beaten up and left on the ground because everyone thinks that it´s not their business. I don´t know if this negativity and things being bad part of finnish character or an epidemic that is all over the world.

        In the end I have to say that not everything´s so fucked up. We have a beautiful nature (in some places). There´s enough food and fresh water for everyone.

        But hey, at least we have an awesome summer...

        Been here for for years, and Finnish summers are just as awesome as winters here are hell. Absolutely agree with nature and water being awesome and some people being down right awful. Which is not to say that everyone's a walking rectum but there are a lot out there. I've lived lived in Mikkeli, Tampere and Orivesi so far. Big cities are usually more hospitable than smaller towns. Fyi dodge small cities like the plague or better yet don't migrate to Finland. Their in dire need of skilled labour but won't value your services if you do get hired. Plus workmates are hostile af even if you speak finnish!

      • Anonyymi
        (and I'm one of them) kirjoitti:

        have this strange attitude, it seems, that they cannot change anything in their society and that those in power cannot be influenced. I think there is a passivity in our mentality, unwillingness to cause ripples, complaining only when nobody is listening.

        In Finland people obey the laws, obey the government, obey the police, obey all the officials, and have the illusion that all those people have the citizens' best interest in heart. They may vote, but what's the use of that? You only have so many candidates in only so many parties to choose from, and they are all the same. There is little real public debate in Finland. Everything is left for the big brother to look after.

        I came to Finland enticed by your forests and nature. I've been here for four years and wish I had heard or read about these issues before making the jump. My observations and experiences here have led me to believe that the majority of employees tend to be passive aggressive. There's a lot of complaining when the boss isn't around and blaming coworkers who aren't present. People are generally afraid of any confrontation. Also, I had to go to a day care center as a part of my nursing course, the dynamics there are nearly identical to any work place I've been to.

      • Anonyymi
        Anti-hypocrite kirjoitti:

        And how about African homicides and genocides and rapes and corruptions ?? Twat..... just live your life.

        You mean the far numerous but less publicised homicides, pedophelia, frauds and rapes commited by finnish sovereigns? Wanker

      • Anonyymi
        dudefromfinland kirjoitti:

        Very good :) I'm a 19-year old Finnish dude, and I agree with you. It's not a perfect countries, but still one of the most top ranking in the world. Education is top quality and other countries are trying to learn from it. Yes, people are pretty shy here, and most of my friends don't talk that much. It's like, if you don't have anything meaningfull to say, don't say anything at all. It's very weird and I would like to change that but it's really hard cause you've grown in to it.

        I love my family, more than I love myself. My life is meaningless compared to theirs. I hug my mom everytime I see here. I used to hug my dad all the time, but now only once in a while. I hug and "cuddle" or something with my littlesister everytime we see. Don't get me wrong, that's nothing sexual :d Just sibling love. I'm pretty close with my brother, we talk about stuff and we're friendly to each other. I hang out a lot with my friends, at summer time I spend more times outdoors than I do at home. We usually go for a cup of coffee and just chill out, drive around and other stuff. And then there's the "bad thing"; we go drinking almost every weekend. I don't why, I guess we all just like a lot. But unfortunately, after one year of being 18 and unemployed, I have started to consider myself a little bit "alcoholic". I think I could stop it if I really wanted, but since Finland is pretty boring country and there's not much to do (atleast without money), there's just nothing else to do on weekends. Every single one of my friends drink at weekend. Who am I to fight against that? I would really much like to change it, but I really can't. That's actually why I would very gladly live in the countryside, than to live in city. Countyside of Finland is just pure awesome, you can't even think about the possibilities you could do. Atleast as a "youngster" (1-40 year old). And why not as an adult man with a family, you could probably think of a lot of fun stuff to do with your kids. Unlike in the big cities.. I hope I'll move to countryside some time. And then those stupid big city people come and mock the "hillbillies".. -.- Are you fucking kidding me, you retarded bastards?

        What am I like? Well, moderately openminded. I like foreign people. I would like to spend some time abroad but unfortunately I can't afford that, atleast not yet. I'm not very humoristic, at least with other people. I can't express my self around others, nor can I show emotions. I'm just a little introverted I guess. I dream of not being such, but I haven't figured out a way to change that. But that doesn't make me a bad person, or any less of a human than others, or does it now? At the moment, I have a little depression and I've got a slightly bad self esteem. Probably cause my education-plan didn't work out as I wanted. And cause I've been drinking too much for a year and something. I'm trying to change myself, but it's quite hard, since i'm an introvert, and shy, so I can't think of a way to get new friends, and I can't change myself in the presence of my current friend-circle. But I'm seeing a psychiatrist or someone like that and I'm hoping she could help me, but so far there hasn't been any progress. I know I probably should change myself by my own hand, but that's just really hard and my mind is really stupid and won't let me. And unfortunately, this isn't that rare in Finland. I just hope someone wise would think of a good way for us to change, and open up to each other.

        But on summary; I'm fairly glad of my life here, I love my country, I love Finns, but I also like people from other countries. I am not happy with the economy and mind set of this world. There's way too many problems and things that can back fire, if that's the right expression. But in the mean time, I try to enjoy my life and spend more time with my family and friends. Also I've started to write stuff to the internet, as you can see, and I'm hoping I would find some smart people to talk with somewhere, but so far I've had no luck, or I haven't been in the right places. If you have any tips or anything for me, please feel free to give them to me.

        I think I wrote a lot more than I intended to. Lol

        Hey man, I'm not sure if this'll get to you but I appreciate your honesty. Thanks for giving us insight into your life. I'm sorry your going through all that heartache. I hope you make it out of that depression tunnel a better person. Being 19 is difficult and having to deal with all the expectations we have of ourselves as men doesn't help. I feel you when you say you can't discuss much of this with your circle of friends because I've been through it too. It's hard to have these conversations with other guys, because it's part of the man shit we've been fed that guys don't have feelings. I've learned to cope by talking with my girlfriend, I've noticed I can be more open with her and it helps me digest these types of thoughts. I know what you mean about alcohol too. It's a lot easier to be honest or at least expressive when you're an introvert when your under the influence. I think alcohol has it's time and purpose, but if you are going through depression I'd suggest kicking the habit, at least until you've found your balance.

      • Anonyymi
        Anonyymi kirjoitti:

        I came to Finland enticed by your forests and nature. I've been here for four years and wish I had heard or read about these issues before making the jump. My observations and experiences here have led me to believe that the majority of employees tend to be passive aggressive. There's a lot of complaining when the boss isn't around and blaming coworkers who aren't present. People are generally afraid of any confrontation. Also, I had to go to a day care center as a part of my nursing course, the dynamics there are nearly identical to any work place I've been to.

        Good heavens, yet another one who praises the Finnish nature but hates the Finnish population. Apologies to you that we can't offer you a genocide of Finns, because I am certain that you would have no problem looting their homes, moving in to their homes and using their assets.

        Jump back to where you came from, you are not welcomed here!

        When foreigners ask - before moving to Finland - for advice from Finns, the only thing that is strongly recommended by us is this:

        "Be nice to us and don't start talking negative stuff about us, because we close up immediately and after that you are on the outside for good."

        Foreigners come to Finland with their critisism, telling us how to live our lives and complaining that it is so difficult to find friends.... guess what; what you see is a closed community where Finns and their foreign friends have the time of their life leaving people like you trying to look inside.

        Do we care one bit about you spreading the 'truth' how Finns are this and that - negative of course - to other nationalities? Not one bit!

        Those who come here with a kind and positive attitude, willing to learn from US what we are like - instead of getting educated by other nationalites in other countries and then coming here like you know everything, even to the point where you point your fingers telling us what we do wrong and how we are not welcomed in our own country....

        It is clear that none of you have any idea of our history, our wars, our thoughts or feelings. We look at everyone as an equal, but when people like you look down on us you better just leave to a 'better and nicer' country. We don't need you, nor do we want you.

        Fortunately there are huge amounts of foreigners living here who have earned the trust of Finns, who have Finnish friends and who know that they are always safe and loved and never alone. Either with people of their own nationality or Finns.

        Equal treatment seems to be something bizarre and strange to you. Leave, we won't cry after you. Saying bad things about Finns seal the deal, for good.

    • A girl from Finland

      As I read these answers, I can't get anything more than sad. To think that everyone seem to think that everyone in Finland are like that. True, some of us are, but not everyone.

      It may be true that we don't have almost any of our original coulture left, but can you blame us? I mean after all we've been trough: being in the center of warzone and being just parts of Sweden AND Russia... How do you think we're supposed to stay as we are after that?! Then add internet, religions...

      But, I guess that I'm one of the lucky ones. The ones who have a good place to live, who didn't have to go trough too much bad things and appreciates what they have. I know about the things you have been talking about and I'm not saying that everything you have said wasn't true. But Finland is like one of those optic pictures, which you have to look in a certain way to see a different side of it. I know that I may sound naive, but I think that Finland is a great county, if you can look at it from the right angle. If you can't, that's your loss.

      • A girl from Finland

        When I said that 'everyone seems to think' I didn't mean everyone. I was just so furious that I kind of ignored and forgot about the good posts. I sicerely apologise about that.

      • but I am
        A girl from Finland kirjoitti:

        When I said that 'everyone seems to think' I didn't mean everyone. I was just so furious that I kind of ignored and forgot about the good posts. I sicerely apologise about that.

        proud of it.
        This is a cold dark country. Walking today in Hesperia Park we saw only one wild rose,
        no other flowers.

      • Fedup

        Because... the majority sports that passive acceptance of xenophobia and abuse of every minority. Why all that hating Swedes and Russians alike?


        why alwasy blamind past history,the war.bla bla,,were u living then,,? no ,,its nothing to do with how Finland fought for freedoms,so have man other countries but have different caracters,so its just in your DNA,,Finns lived too much isolated so not used to be close to people.parents dont teach children how to be loving and careing and respect parents.but thy teach indipendece so that they can ge trid of them fast,really how loving is that?? Damn selfish ,,Sisu is one way to excuse and try to compensate the lack of people emphaty,cose none will help so better do it your self..THATS BULSHIT SISU..and where is sisu now when suicide rate so high here...???
        Maybe if people learned to love also the person next to you,and be more community base ,family base then individual.they would be happier less depresses frustrated,...unfortunatly after 7 years here it has changed me in a darker,sadder being...I miss my country despite all the crap there..In Finland i got rare but RARE case of nice people met,,at moment maybe one lady whom i met 2 times but she is so friendly keeps messaging me,,even im so bad at keeping in touch..Im not typical like finn who keep in touch with phone or sms,,,IF I WANT KEEP IN TOUCH I INVITE HIM FOR COFFEE

      • citypakolainen
        ITALIANO IN FINLAND kirjoitti:

        why alwasy blamind past history,the war.bla bla,,were u living then,,? no ,,its nothing to do with how Finland fought for freedoms,so have man other countries but have different caracters,so its just in your DNA,,Finns lived too much isolated so not used to be close to people.parents dont teach children how to be loving and careing and respect parents.but thy teach indipendece so that they can ge trid of them fast,really how loving is that?? Damn selfish ,,Sisu is one way to excuse and try to compensate the lack of people emphaty,cose none will help so better do it your self..THATS BULSHIT SISU..and where is sisu now when suicide rate so high here...???
        Maybe if people learned to love also the person next to you,and be more community base ,family base then individual.they would be happier less depresses frustrated,...unfortunatly after 7 years here it has changed me in a darker,sadder being...I miss my country despite all the crap there..In Finland i got rare but RARE case of nice people met,,at moment maybe one lady whom i met 2 times but she is so friendly keeps messaging me,,even im so bad at keeping in touch..Im not typical like finn who keep in touch with phone or sms,,,IF I WANT KEEP IN TOUCH I INVITE HIM FOR COFFEE

        Times past Finland was an extremely family oriented country.
        At that time, our standard of living was the least in Europe about 60 years ago.
        After WW2, our country needed industry because of the war we became a huge debt to the Soviet Union.
        Then, people from the countryside had to go to the cities and away from home. They were poor and in a strange environment where alcohol became a new culture.
        The urbanized people did not fit well in the cities.
        And the result is what you now complain and criticize.

      • idontlikethis
        A girl from Finland kirjoitti:

        When I said that 'everyone seems to think' I didn't mean everyone. I was just so furious that I kind of ignored and forgot about the good posts. I sicerely apologise about that.

        Our new poltitians have distroyed our former culture for over 25 years.
        Things you see today are nothing as they used to be.
        I'm 70 and I don't know anymore these people.
        We have such contradictions that were never before the EU.
        The younger generation knows nothing of the time before the EU.
        They no longer have any traditional Finnish culture left.
        All they think is just an illusion.

    • uberfenno

      "What do you think about finnish people? Do you think they are all punch of drunken sweatsuit wearing people? I'm doing a schoolproject on the subject and I would appreciate your answers :) "

      I would suggest that you would do a little more research on the subject than ask for opinions on suomi24. Most people on here are Finnish and you're asking 'what do you think about Finnish people'. You're likely to get stupid modest answers or racist comments from foreigners.

      What if the answer is 'they are better than you gyppos, did your country fight the former Soviet Union in the 2nd world war like the Finns did?' What were you or your parents doing at the time? Which side was your country on in the second world war - the soviets or Finland? - The soviets or the free world?

    • they are

      OK. However some, pretending to be some kind of Finland's Swedes, give a very bad image of themselves. As if they were something better than the rest of the Finns.

      • Fedup

        It is clearly a general attitude among Finns that they are better than anyone else. In particular better than Swedes it seems. Open your eyes and read the messages on this board.

      • mnvb
        Fedup kirjoitti:

        It is clearly a general attitude among Finns that they are better than anyone else. In particular better than Swedes it seems. Open your eyes and read the messages on this board.

        Swedish-speaking Finns have never been integrated into our country's society.
        So on this basis it is expected that refugees will not be any better.

    • in love

      with an angelic Finn guy, so any answer I give would definitely be biased :)

      • Silvio

        finnish people they are fucking stupid and crazy i wish i have never been adobted to this fucking shit country and spending 20 years of my childhood here...believe me it has made serious problems to me.
        finns are a cave people,i haven t been able to socialize with them,only i have been able to socialize with people from other cultures.
        Finns are very bitter and emotionally invalid people

      • silvio
        Silvio kirjoitti:

        finnish people they are fucking stupid and crazy i wish i have never been adobted to this fucking shit country and spending 20 years of my childhood here...believe me it has made serious problems to me.
        finns are a cave people,i haven t been able to socialize with them,only i have been able to socialize with people from other cultures.
        Finns are very bitter and emotionally invalid people

        I am currently living in greece and people here have opinion that finnish people are too shy and it s cold like in siberia in finland.
        They also think that people in finland are too hard to abroach socially.
        First comment that i heard was that isn t it very cold and quiet there in finland when i first spoke that i have lived in finland
        i am originally from greece and it s like day and night the culture and people

      • silvio
        silvio kirjoitti:

        I am currently living in greece and people here have opinion that finnish people are too shy and it s cold like in siberia in finland.
        They also think that people in finland are too hard to abroach socially.
        First comment that i heard was that isn t it very cold and quiet there in finland when i first spoke that i have lived in finland
        i am originally from greece and it s like day and night the culture and people

        and for me it seems that finnish people are even so stupid that they cannot understand these things if you say to them.well what do they understand...nothing....

      • just someone
        Silvio kirjoitti:

        finnish people they are fucking stupid and crazy i wish i have never been adobted to this fucking shit country and spending 20 years of my childhood here...believe me it has made serious problems to me.
        finns are a cave people,i haven t been able to socialize with them,only i have been able to socialize with people from other cultures.
        Finns are very bitter and emotionally invalid people

        Dear Silvio.

        Have you ever considered why this is so? If you go about telling people how fucking stupid and crazy they are and how you hate at living here, do you think this will inspire friendship among anyone?

      • Black but Finnish
        silvio kirjoitti:

        and for me it seems that finnish people are even so stupid that they cannot understand these things if you say to them.well what do they understand...nothing....

        I should take You Silvio to sauna and to see an ice hockey game one day !

        I am afraid that - You dont just speak any suomi ?

        We could drink some salmiakki and then talk talk talk...

        What do You say ? Do You like snow and winter sports at all ?

      • chinese guy
        Silvio kirjoitti:

        finnish people they are fucking stupid and crazy i wish i have never been adobted to this fucking shit country and spending 20 years of my childhood here...believe me it has made serious problems to me.
        finns are a cave people,i haven t been able to socialize with them,only i have been able to socialize with people from other cultures.
        Finns are very bitter and emotionally invalid people

        putting aside what kind of people finns are, but you were adopted and raised by finns. i think you should be grateful for them instead of cursing and blaming.

      • Befair
        chinese guy kirjoitti:

        putting aside what kind of people finns are, but you were adopted and raised by finns. i think you should be grateful for them instead of cursing and blaming.

        What kind of logic is that???!!!

      • Fedup
        silvio kirjoitti:

        and for me it seems that finnish people are even so stupid that they cannot understand these things if you say to them.well what do they understand...nothing....

        Exactly! Denial is the norm!

      • imcurious
        silvio kirjoitti:

        I am currently living in greece and people here have opinion that finnish people are too shy and it s cold like in siberia in finland.
        They also think that people in finland are too hard to abroach socially.
        First comment that i heard was that isn t it very cold and quiet there in finland when i first spoke that i have lived in finland
        i am originally from greece and it s like day and night the culture and people

        Some others' normal is completely abnormal to the other.
        How can the Greeks succeed when they have nothing normal to sell?

      • seemstome
        chinese guy kirjoitti:

        putting aside what kind of people finns are, but you were adopted and raised by finns. i think you should be grateful for them instead of cursing and blaming.

        And those who raised got one who is gold inside!

      • howsit
        silvio kirjoitti:

        and for me it seems that finnish people are even so stupid that they cannot understand these things if you say to them.well what do they understand...nothing....

        We don't like anybody to come here and tell us how we must behave.
        We aren't here for that!
        That was the main reason why we fought for our independence to get out of Russia.

      • Anonyymi
        silvio kirjoitti:

        and for me it seems that finnish people are even so stupid that they cannot understand these things if you say to them.well what do they understand...nothing....

        I'm not finnish fyi.
        Guy, calling other people crazy, stupid does not help ur argument.

    • Finnish Girl

      It is very upsetting to read these comments from both Finnish and foreign people. I think people are very easy to categorize by their nationality and skin colour etc. It's a fact that different countries have their own culture and habits and that sometimes it's very difficult to adjust to culture different from your own. We have started a new era on this planet. Traveling is a hobby to people, I wish they could take the best out of it. It's easier for all of us to visit and work in different countries. That is a good thing and should be appreciated.

      I know lots of Finnish people who don't like Finland. I also know foreign people who've tried to live in Finland and didn't enjoy it. And I do know both Finnish and foreign people who love the country and who love how well things work here. That's mostly why I think it's down to ones personality whether or not they like it here. No matter where you go you face difficulties in your life. You meet people that you don't quite like and you meet people who you love. I hope the world was better place and we could enjoy it no matter what we do. Unfortunately it's not always that way and every single one of us just have to take the best out of it.

      We have almost 6 million people here in Finland. I love to meet foreign people and I love to learn from other countries. I envy people who are able to go abroad and work there. I've done it myself but I've now started a family here. There is a difference between jealousy and enviousness. I would encourage anyone I meet to go and search places abroad. I also encourage foreign people to come check Finland.

      6 million is not a lot. But it's an amount that can hold lots and lots of different kind of personalities. I, as Finn, am obviously very sad to hear what some other people think of us. But I can understand full well that Finland can be tough for foreign and even Finnish people themselves.
      Wish a pleasant life for anyone who arrives here from another country! Hope you can find some lovely things and you meet nice people as well!

      • someone said

        and I think it describes our nature so well. It has taken me years of living abroad to even begin to open up to other people and enjoy life, trust others and expect that they are mainly friendly. There is a sadly pessimistic streak in our national culture. We have poor self esteem. We think that others laugh at us because there is basically something wrong with us.

        Or that's how things were. I'm 46, and people of my age still mainly belong to the old school of Finns. The younger generation, however, has started to communicate with people around the world - Internet makes it easy for all of us now. I'm certain that our beautiful country will eventually be inhabited by a happy and well adjusted people.

        Climate also has an effect on our personality. It's not so easy to socialise when it's cold outside and the last thing you want is to go and visit your neighbours. At summer even us Finns are happier and more talkative.

        I hope that kindergartens and schools will do their utmost to help the younger generation to grow into human beings who can adjust living anywhere, with people from any culture - cosmopolitan people, people of the world.

        My dearest friends are both Finnish and foreign. So are my enemies. I like to think I take people as individuals.

      • Soon2BeAnAussie
        someone said kirjoitti:

        and I think it describes our nature so well. It has taken me years of living abroad to even begin to open up to other people and enjoy life, trust others and expect that they are mainly friendly. There is a sadly pessimistic streak in our national culture. We have poor self esteem. We think that others laugh at us because there is basically something wrong with us.

        Or that's how things were. I'm 46, and people of my age still mainly belong to the old school of Finns. The younger generation, however, has started to communicate with people around the world - Internet makes it easy for all of us now. I'm certain that our beautiful country will eventually be inhabited by a happy and well adjusted people.

        Climate also has an effect on our personality. It's not so easy to socialise when it's cold outside and the last thing you want is to go and visit your neighbours. At summer even us Finns are happier and more talkative.

        I hope that kindergartens and schools will do their utmost to help the younger generation to grow into human beings who can adjust living anywhere, with people from any culture - cosmopolitan people, people of the world.

        My dearest friends are both Finnish and foreign. So are my enemies. I like to think I take people as individuals.

        Myötähäpeää tunnen ku luen joitakin näitä juttuja täältä, suomalaisten suomalaisista kirjottamia... Englanninkielen taito niin hakusalla monella... Punastuin häpeästä ja äkkiä pois. Siis eiköhän tuo avaajan kysymys ollu suunnattu ulkomaalaisille jokatapauksessa?

    • swamee

      I'm sorry but I couldn't be bothered to read all of the replies.

      My opinion on the Finnish people is that they are very cool, they respect other peoples and they are proud of their independence.

      The rest of the world were pretty much on the same side with the soviets while the Finns fought for their independence. Finland was, and is, the frontline between the civilized world and the Evil Empire.

      During the 2nd world war, the Americans were high on marijuana and on the same side with the Soviets while Finland was defending the free world.

      • Fedup

        Lollipop pride!

    • a.s.

      I was there in finland once upon a time and I dont know where else can be found suitable than that remote place for someone who is completely through with world and living? As if I was sinked very deeply in a grave, while still alive. Not any suicide would be probably that conscious, that resolute, that continuous and intractable.
      Before i went there a friend of mine had said that people in finland have calm and deep souls. Who knows.. what lies at the bottom of it? impossible to find out..
      The first weeks of my coming there i only spread fear and suspicion around. I dont know if they considered me as an agent or terrorist or something but i saw the fear in their face very clearly. I guess it was my black hair. Later, may be, when it is come to an agreement that neither i am "this" or "that", that i am actually nothing at all, i started to see eyes opened with amazement and lips twisted with sarcasm instead of wrinkled foreheads with being startled. I can't imagine anything more or as bothersome. My most simple, plain, natural movements appeared them as odd as a clown's somersaults and springs in the circus.
      When i spoke to them they were gawping at me as if they didnt understand anything. Then, they were murmuring something to one another, and this time i knew that i am understood, but disapproved.
      Instructions, manners, good models they are all temporary things and there is no possibility for a human to get changed unless the environment change. Every evening i have been thinking the earth come to an end. And for this reason, every morning, when i opened my eyes, i was disappointed. "one more day?" , and "which day!"
      Weariness and monotony were in the air, it simply gets you and you just start to become one of that people. I really used to loose my time sence, there and then, since everyday was exactly the same. Only saturdays you go to a bar, drink as much as you can till you forget who you are, and hardly find the way home.
      It is said committing suiside is common in finland, i think they dont need to do anything special because living there is simply a suicide.

      • What an experience you had!

        You're describing your days in Finland so vividly I almost feel I'm there again; a feeling I do not enjoy.

        Deep and calm souls? Well, it's calm, deep at the bottom of a pitch. Trapped down there, no way up and out. Is that what we are? perhaps so. I escaped to another country when I was young. After years abroad, when I returned for a visit, I was stared at as if I was something strange. The only feelings that were expressed were negative. No joy, no delight in meeting again, no curiosity about my years overseas. Their world was that little town, that little country. Anything else was unimaginable.

        I loved the weather in Finland. It was the people I ran away from and still feel reluctant to return to.

        What a shame you were treated so stupidly. I suppose you stayed in a small town. Larger towns are slightly more civilised, i think.

    • Youngster

      I don't understand why most of the writers here tell only negative things about Finns. 'Cause I think all the Finns aren't drunks, racists or just all-cold. In our culture it's unusual to talk to a stranger in a buss stop but still there are youngsters who gives their place to an old person and also those doens't have any problem with foreigners.

      When I'm in a buss and ask for someone what time is it, I don't have to afraid that that person says "painu vittuun" to me. Those who talks like that just have an attitudeproblem.

      So I don't think Finns are so bad. :)

    • such hostility...

      I wonder why it is that even us Finns ourselves feel such hostility towards our culture? Are we really so bad? Do we feel so worthless that we cannot stand those who are different (the vast majority of the people in this world)? Finland is only a small country. Why such hostility on both sides? Are we racists, or are those foreigners such who ridicule us?

      • scrolli

        OH yeah, all those!

      • Suamest

        I was just thinking.. Try to be happy and smily when its 20/24 dark.. about half a year. Sorry if my english isn't right.

        U people considerate too much only in negative things. U people frogot there is issues with other countries too?

        About being friendly.. Our culture is like that its strange to just start talking to strangers. But if we get to know that stranger really well I think we are pretty loyable friends.

        About racism. U see the little amount of people doing it but u don't see bigger group of people thinking its stupid? Then are u really clever?

        And don't u people deny that immigrant people don't do criminality too.

        And. were not all drunks. And wach how much they drink example in England xD

        Well... Im 16 and im not sure if this message is really in somekind of order.. Why did i even bother to write this. Dunno...

    • Finnish looser

      As you can see, Finns try to keep their heads together by telling themselves that they are really living in the most wonderful country in the world. They're like: hey, we have quality services and free education, hurray!! But none of that changes the fact that the society is just one maddening megamachine. Nothing matters in Finland nowadays except work and consumption and keeping up appearances for neighbours and relatives. There is nothing easier in this country than becoming a washed up basket case. Anyone who doesn't immediately succeed in life is considered a complete failure and a burden to the rest of society, which is why many young people just give up and get diagnosed with something in order to fit into at least some category.

      • 11+7

        That is what I was thinking, and yes, it's partly true. BUT, when you Really start to think of things, then no, Finland is not actually that bad. We in actuality do have things pretty well, compared to many others. Sure, there are lots of things that could be better, and people really should change their attitude, but all and all, this is a decently good of a place to live in.

    • MP

      Finnish people are really nice, I have been there 20 times and not just to big cities. I find them to be kind, friendly and polite. sure they may be a little reserved at times. that is good, it's nice to find people who are not always shouting and talking crap.

      • meep

        The people who claim that Finland is totally a shit country are often those people, who didn’t succeed at school, didn’t really have friends or did never get a good job. The nimrods and dropouts, you know. People like that often get bitter and it is so very easy to accuse the society for their failed life.

        ”Straightshit” is probably one, though I don’t really believe that he would be older than 18. His thoughts are incomplete, naïve and just sound exactly like the thoughts of a generic teenage dropout anarchist. No offence, but his English skills also doubt me. Can someone who speaks English that poorly actually pass the primary school? Oh well.

        There are a lot of people in Finland who claim to hate their country and keep saying they want to move somewhere else. And who are they actually?
        For example Johanna Tukiainen, the mocked erotic dancer and the secret lover of Ilkka Kanerva, the ex-member of the Parliament.
        Arto Paasilinna, a writer who got a lot of negative publicity for messing around drunk.
        The teenagers who didn’t get to the schools or universities they wanted to get in.
        The people (the immigrants AND the Finnish people) who don’t get jobs easily because of their weak linguistic abilities or their lack of studies. And the list goes on…
        And why don’t these people move abroad if living in Finland simply sucks? That’s probably because living wouldn’t really be easier for them in any other country…

        Yes, violence is quite usual in Finland but it doesn’t mean that people ACCEPT it. Violence usually happens at the homes of people, and that’s why no one isn’t really able to intrude, if the victim won’t reveal the violence herself/himself. Alcoholism is also usual, but mostly in the small, distant cities and among the unschooled underclass.

      • someone said
        meep kirjoitti:

        The people who claim that Finland is totally a shit country are often those people, who didn’t succeed at school, didn’t really have friends or did never get a good job. The nimrods and dropouts, you know. People like that often get bitter and it is so very easy to accuse the society for their failed life.

        ”Straightshit” is probably one, though I don’t really believe that he would be older than 18. His thoughts are incomplete, naïve and just sound exactly like the thoughts of a generic teenage dropout anarchist. No offence, but his English skills also doubt me. Can someone who speaks English that poorly actually pass the primary school? Oh well.

        There are a lot of people in Finland who claim to hate their country and keep saying they want to move somewhere else. And who are they actually?
        For example Johanna Tukiainen, the mocked erotic dancer and the secret lover of Ilkka Kanerva, the ex-member of the Parliament.
        Arto Paasilinna, a writer who got a lot of negative publicity for messing around drunk.
        The teenagers who didn’t get to the schools or universities they wanted to get in.
        The people (the immigrants AND the Finnish people) who don’t get jobs easily because of their weak linguistic abilities or their lack of studies. And the list goes on…
        And why don’t these people move abroad if living in Finland simply sucks? That’s probably because living wouldn’t really be easier for them in any other country…

        Yes, violence is quite usual in Finland but it doesn’t mean that people ACCEPT it. Violence usually happens at the homes of people, and that’s why no one isn’t really able to intrude, if the victim won’t reveal the violence herself/himself. Alcoholism is also usual, but mostly in the small, distant cities and among the unschooled underclass.

        are a way to belong; people who share prejudices feel they are "us" against "them" they are suspicious about. I'm sad about the Finnish culture and never was happy there. I'm not a teenager, nor a dropout, not stupid. I had work in Finland and am working in my new country, happily. I left because I wasn't happy in Finland. I'm staying put here because this is a good place to be. Returning to Finland would be a step backwards, and I have no reason to return. I look forward. I am a well functioning member of this society. Lonely, perhaps, and still don't feel perfectly at home, but living alone here is a lot better than living in my old familiar circumstances in Finland. I watched the movie "Being There" in which Peter Sellers portrays how an autistic person can be lucky in life. Perhaps Finnish people, in all their autistic tendencies, have been very lucky to make a success of their country, at least in material sense, if not spiritual. We are such oddballs that other peoples think we must be better than them, as nobody can really be as stupid as a Finn appears. And why not? Let's have them keep their illusions.

      • Anonyymi
        someone said kirjoitti:

        are a way to belong; people who share prejudices feel they are "us" against "them" they are suspicious about. I'm sad about the Finnish culture and never was happy there. I'm not a teenager, nor a dropout, not stupid. I had work in Finland and am working in my new country, happily. I left because I wasn't happy in Finland. I'm staying put here because this is a good place to be. Returning to Finland would be a step backwards, and I have no reason to return. I look forward. I am a well functioning member of this society. Lonely, perhaps, and still don't feel perfectly at home, but living alone here is a lot better than living in my old familiar circumstances in Finland. I watched the movie "Being There" in which Peter Sellers portrays how an autistic person can be lucky in life. Perhaps Finnish people, in all their autistic tendencies, have been very lucky to make a success of their country, at least in material sense, if not spiritual. We are such oddballs that other peoples think we must be better than them, as nobody can really be as stupid as a Finn appears. And why not? Let's have them keep their illusions.

        Oh well, during your time you probably saw all names of streets, names of companies and names of Finns?

        One cue: That is our culture, every name has a deeper meaning and every name is taken from our National Epic Kalevala - the world's oldest book, that is in every ethnic Finn's DNA.

        We don't throw pearls to pigs. The ancient culture is there to be found - provided you want to find it. There are cues everywhere. But we are not a society that opens up to foreigners spewing negativity about us. What you see is a 'closed' society filled with old souls.

        We decide if you get inside or not. And it is all based upon your attitude.

    • Metro Police

      Have You ever been to Suomi ? In Stockholm - St Peterburg and - Tallinn tourist from Finland are different - than thoseo who go to work every morning.

      You must remeber that 80% of pop is still working every day.

      Work is work everywhere !

    • finland4eva

      *snif snif* all that shit bout finland really hurts me. I love finland but i know that heres many things wrong. But think bout africa: Starving people without clean water. None of africans countries is richer than finland. There is slums in every african country. Asian: only few rich countrys, very bad equality, slums etc. America: 2 rich countries. in other countries theres quite same problems as i said before about asian and africa. Well europe, theres poor and homeless people by mediterranian and alot of troubles in Middle-east. SO Finland is pretty awesome country I LOVE living here.

      • Myview

        How naive...Finland is far from being good and thus can never be the best.

    • FinlandWillNeverFall

      Sum1 said that finnishes hates gays. well in some countries someones have killed gays and so... WHATS WRONG WITH U PEOPLE. FINLAND IS DA BEST!!!

    • Cooper Tust

      I just wonder why all english people doesnt speak suomi ?
      It would be much easier if You just start to speak suomi - if you know what i mean !

      • Spudir Balir

        Cooper Tust is trolling. I hope FinlandWillNeverFall is trolling too, because, oh well, what the fuck am I reading.

        There's good and bad things in any country, or can you name me a country without any racists or mean people. I guess you can't. I just don't think Finland is the worst at all.

      • Black but Finnish
        Spudir Balir kirjoitti:

        Cooper Tust is trolling. I hope FinlandWillNeverFall is trolling too, because, oh well, what the fuck am I reading.

        There's good and bad things in any country, or can you name me a country without any racists or mean people. I guess you can't. I just don't think Finland is the worst at all.

        Racism is quite interesteing word - that has a different meaning in every country !

        I suggest that people would use - being different more !

      • because...
        Black but Finnish kirjoitti:

        Racism is quite interesteing word - that has a different meaning in every country !

        I suggest that people would use - being different more !

        they all all so 'different' from the rest of the world? Finalnd is such a beautiful country, and in many ways well organised, but people's attitudes make it a hard, if not depressing place to live. And I'm white, and born there. It must be difficult for you, as a black person. On the other hand, you're helping to improve our prejudices just by being here and being an interesting person. Little by little this country will open up to the rest of the humanity, one hopes.

      • Greep
        because... kirjoitti:

        they all all so 'different' from the rest of the world? Finalnd is such a beautiful country, and in many ways well organised, but people's attitudes make it a hard, if not depressing place to live. And I'm white, and born there. It must be difficult for you, as a black person. On the other hand, you're helping to improve our prejudices just by being here and being an interesting person. Little by little this country will open up to the rest of the humanity, one hopes.

        As a native Finn I wish to answer. One note though, I am not a typical Finnish man.
        Here's my list of Finnish issues:

        - fine-grained racism, being a foreigner in Finland means you are not taken so seriously
        - extremely tightass pennysavers, eberybody saving ass and dick off
        - alcoholism a big problem
        - nobody, I repeat NOBODY cares about Finnish teenagers, see above, home, summer hut and
        DVD set more important
        - Finns never spend no money (zero, zeeeeeeero) money to clothes (as u can see that easily)
        - Finnsih women also only thinks about money and security, but at the same time dreams about
        rich foreigners which would not be like Finnish men

        Fucking cold and homogeneous tribe. Sad but true.

        In summer time most are a bit more relaxed.

      • from subtropics
        Greep kirjoitti:

        As a native Finn I wish to answer. One note though, I am not a typical Finnish man.
        Here's my list of Finnish issues:

        - fine-grained racism, being a foreigner in Finland means you are not taken so seriously
        - extremely tightass pennysavers, eberybody saving ass and dick off
        - alcoholism a big problem
        - nobody, I repeat NOBODY cares about Finnish teenagers, see above, home, summer hut and
        DVD set more important
        - Finns never spend no money (zero, zeeeeeeero) money to clothes (as u can see that easily)
        - Finnsih women also only thinks about money and security, but at the same time dreams about
        rich foreigners which would not be like Finnish men

        Fucking cold and homogeneous tribe. Sad but true.

        In summer time most are a bit more relaxed.

        Come to a sunny place where people are friendly.

      • suamest

        and to tell everybody who dont know. That must be joke 'cause finnish is so hard laungage.. xD

      • Answers from a Finn

        Sorry, few mistakes there.
        "spend ALL the money they* got"
        "I promise*"
        "..Finnish teenagers, although*
        "way too much pressure put*"
        "as well"
        "I personally think that's a good thing*"

      • nimimimi

        because it's exstreamly ugly
        and not romantic like french or logical like german.

      • lotoflaugh
        nimimimi kirjoitti:

        because it's exstreamly ugly
        and not romantic like french or logical like german.

        Only the one having perfect language ability is able to speak about how logical that language is.

    • Annet03

      I was in Finland(Helsinki) last summer.And so must say it's the best country I have evere seen.As a remembered,finns were so friendly.Actually I haven't seen any drunken finns in the street.On the contrary,they did too much sport,always running,riding and so on))
      Once,I was strolling along the park with my father,it was befor football Russia-Finland(and i'm from russia) so one finn came to us,talked and wished good luck.It was great!
      Well,in other places they were pleasent too,and I've got only fine memories from your country.)Anyway,when returned to Russia I decieded that I must now finnish and so I'm learning it now and will go for tranning in April.Hope I'll know it soon/
      So,thank you Finland for cute holidays,And you're lucky to be finn.:)


        Both immigrants and refugees in Finland have largely themselves to blame for any hate they recieve some people come here and pay the better and safer life they get here for free back with being racists themselves and disrespect for their hosts us the Finnish people
        I have many friends of many colors I have no problems with people who are respectful towards the culture and ways of the country they visit or move into respect the people and the country and the laws of that country... learn the language yes its hard... too bad nothing good comes easy...
        try to integrate you are not here to turn this into a frigin muslim backwaterland this is christian backwaterland
        We want good people here we dont need any frigin parasites if you are a goodhearted person I dont care if you are purple I will like you... but disrespect my country and our ways and I will smack the archaic pagan culture right out of you and that doesnt make me a racist it just makes me a person who takes no crap from people with no rights to give us crap...
        I know there are pure racists here too those guys are prettymuch everywhere...
        You just need to remember being a racist is not a phenomenon limited to "white" most blacks I meet hate the white people fantasize about taking a white mans wife xD how effed up in the head you have to be to have that kind of poop in your brain? the also have several insulting names for white people whitey, cracka... some that come to mind...
        I'd like to see you get off your whiny hypocritical high horse and face reality you want to be treated good? then deserve it... moving to a country and hating its inhabitants isnt gonna cut it anyone with brains would realize this... oops I called you stupid guess what... you are...
        I think its time for Finnish people to stop bending over and taking stuff in the rear for these demands for the people we allow to enter out country and start making demands our selves...

        SLAPYOFAIS kirjoitti:

        Both immigrants and refugees in Finland have largely themselves to blame for any hate they recieve some people come here and pay the better and safer life they get here for free back with being racists themselves and disrespect for their hosts us the Finnish people
        I have many friends of many colors I have no problems with people who are respectful towards the culture and ways of the country they visit or move into respect the people and the country and the laws of that country... learn the language yes its hard... too bad nothing good comes easy...
        try to integrate you are not here to turn this into a frigin muslim backwaterland this is christian backwaterland
        We want good people here we dont need any frigin parasites if you are a goodhearted person I dont care if you are purple I will like you... but disrespect my country and our ways and I will smack the archaic pagan culture right out of you and that doesnt make me a racist it just makes me a person who takes no crap from people with no rights to give us crap...
        I know there are pure racists here too those guys are prettymuch everywhere...
        You just need to remember being a racist is not a phenomenon limited to "white" most blacks I meet hate the white people fantasize about taking a white mans wife xD how effed up in the head you have to be to have that kind of poop in your brain? the also have several insulting names for white people whitey, cracka... some that come to mind...
        I'd like to see you get off your whiny hypocritical high horse and face reality you want to be treated good? then deserve it... moving to a country and hating its inhabitants isnt gonna cut it anyone with brains would realize this... oops I called you stupid guess what... you are...
        I think its time for Finnish people to stop bending over and taking stuff in the rear for these demands for the people we allow to enter out country and start making demands our selves...

        lets copy Australia's immigration laws and procedures lets see if we get proper respect then when we demand they learn our language and can support themselves.. and deport any foreign criminals the instant they commit anything more severe than shoplifting... any violence = out...
        Then they learn proper respect before they are allowed among general population and we can also add psychological profiling as a part of the entry qualification... we weed out alot of the wackjobs we also put all kinds of fees (copy Australias) on paperwork etc to cover the costs of these things damn if you pay 10k euro to get here you can pay 5k to get in...
        and you black man saying we dont want to hire black people here... yes because you are lingually impaired... learn Finnish... stop whining... geez... if you are good at what you do and a nice person I say most wont be bothered by your skin color it is your own lack of required skills and your attitude problem that prevents your employment...
        so a checklist for you who want to be a part of this nation and feel at home here
        1. Respect towards this country its ways, laws and its inhabitants
        2. Will to integrate ofcourse you practice your religions and cultural things in your homes and your own places to do so do not tell us we cant have bibles in hotels or christmas celebrations in schools cos it offends you... you are in NO PLACE to make demands... we have gotten enough of that you need to know your place... this integration also means learning our language... also teaching your children that we are just as good people as the people of your religion and color are that is what our schools and most parents teach... not only to be tolerant but to embrace people of any culture and color ofcourse not everyone sees it this way but I have yet to see a parent that teaches their children racism... even people with racist views themselves teach their children to be better... and thats bloody amazing I wish I'd see this kind of behavior from the other side of the fence...
        3. A positive attitude and a drive to take a little crap you hating every Finn cos some give you shit makes you a racist and a hypocrite if I did what so many people who come here from whatever hellhole and hated every race that ever did anything bad I'd hate everyone...
        4. If these things seem unreasonable to you ... GTFO or get the fck out as they say thanks if you read this far and baibai.
        Ja sille Suomalaiselle vinkujalle jonka mielestä on niin paskaa kansaa ja paska maa kuten eräs ystäväni sanoi mene asumaan ulkomaille pitemmäksi aikaa tulee suurimmalle osalle ikävä kotiin tässä maassa ei oo muuta paskaa ku meidän maan johto jolla ei oo mitään parempaa tekemist ku vetää ihan kohtuutonta palkkaa ja palkankorotuksia samaan aikaan kehottaen kansaa maltillisuuteen palkankorotustoiveissaan... muah tyhmiä me ollaan kun ei olla barrikaadeilla...

      • HappyHeart
        SLAPYOFAIS kirjoitti:

        lets copy Australia's immigration laws and procedures lets see if we get proper respect then when we demand they learn our language and can support themselves.. and deport any foreign criminals the instant they commit anything more severe than shoplifting... any violence = out...
        Then they learn proper respect before they are allowed among general population and we can also add psychological profiling as a part of the entry qualification... we weed out alot of the wackjobs we also put all kinds of fees (copy Australias) on paperwork etc to cover the costs of these things damn if you pay 10k euro to get here you can pay 5k to get in...
        and you black man saying we dont want to hire black people here... yes because you are lingually impaired... learn Finnish... stop whining... geez... if you are good at what you do and a nice person I say most wont be bothered by your skin color it is your own lack of required skills and your attitude problem that prevents your employment...
        so a checklist for you who want to be a part of this nation and feel at home here
        1. Respect towards this country its ways, laws and its inhabitants
        2. Will to integrate ofcourse you practice your religions and cultural things in your homes and your own places to do so do not tell us we cant have bibles in hotels or christmas celebrations in schools cos it offends you... you are in NO PLACE to make demands... we have gotten enough of that you need to know your place... this integration also means learning our language... also teaching your children that we are just as good people as the people of your religion and color are that is what our schools and most parents teach... not only to be tolerant but to embrace people of any culture and color ofcourse not everyone sees it this way but I have yet to see a parent that teaches their children racism... even people with racist views themselves teach their children to be better... and thats bloody amazing I wish I'd see this kind of behavior from the other side of the fence...
        3. A positive attitude and a drive to take a little crap you hating every Finn cos some give you shit makes you a racist and a hypocrite if I did what so many people who come here from whatever hellhole and hated every race that ever did anything bad I'd hate everyone...
        4. If these things seem unreasonable to you ... GTFO or get the fck out as they say thanks if you read this far and baibai.
        Ja sille Suomalaiselle vinkujalle jonka mielestä on niin paskaa kansaa ja paska maa kuten eräs ystäväni sanoi mene asumaan ulkomaille pitemmäksi aikaa tulee suurimmalle osalle ikävä kotiin tässä maassa ei oo muuta paskaa ku meidän maan johto jolla ei oo mitään parempaa tekemist ku vetää ihan kohtuutonta palkkaa ja palkankorotuksia samaan aikaan kehottaen kansaa maltillisuuteen palkankorotustoiveissaan... muah tyhmiä me ollaan kun ei olla barrikaadeilla...

        I'm a Finn also like some of these people who wrote in here. I have lived many years abroad and I now have moved back to Finland with my "foreign" family. Those years away from Finland shown me a different way of living,opened my eyes. I'm working with people daily and most Finns I have come a cross are so rude,no matters what so ever!! I find it very hard. They don't say excuse me,hello,please,thank you. What are they thinking? Nothing. My husband also thinks Finns are bad mannered when they don't say good morning but look away!! What is that all about? Even my little children were wondering what's the matter with people when they don't say "moi,hei,terve" to them? It is very upsetting. I have noticed that I have change too much to live here for rest of my life. People are very black&white,negative,rasist and not kind to each other. There is another way to live your lives. We only got one life so live it good,notice others,smile(it does not hurt!),treat others like you would like to be treated. Live your life happy. To finish this, all I can say that Finns are weird nation.

      • Smile smile
        HappyHeart kirjoitti:

        I'm a Finn also like some of these people who wrote in here. I have lived many years abroad and I now have moved back to Finland with my "foreign" family. Those years away from Finland shown me a different way of living,opened my eyes. I'm working with people daily and most Finns I have come a cross are so rude,no matters what so ever!! I find it very hard. They don't say excuse me,hello,please,thank you. What are they thinking? Nothing. My husband also thinks Finns are bad mannered when they don't say good morning but look away!! What is that all about? Even my little children were wondering what's the matter with people when they don't say "moi,hei,terve" to them? It is very upsetting. I have noticed that I have change too much to live here for rest of my life. People are very black&white,negative,rasist and not kind to each other. There is another way to live your lives. We only got one life so live it good,notice others,smile(it does not hurt!),treat others like you would like to be treated. Live your life happy. To finish this, all I can say that Finns are weird nation.

        Happyheart - I fully agree with you.
        I am a Finnish woman, and not at all proud of it. Moved back here and it was a great shock really!
        People are very self-centered, and rude. No smiles, no sorry, thank you, kiss my ass. Now, you could say that cold people do not HAVE to smile, but one would expect some sort of politeness, like when opening a door to a mother with a pushpram, no smile and thank you, only rude and strange comments.??
        They think of being educated, but educated person is polite, and well mannered, so I would say Finnish people are metsalaiskansaa (from the forest). Peasants.

        They have no drinking manners, really a big problem here (but then again the state makes good money from alcohol), you can smoke nowhere soon, not even outside.
        There is no freedom (see above).
        They are racists, even towards me, as do not possess any more the monotonous Finnish non-existing habits, but have travelled thus educating myself in different cultures. My foreign husband has been beaten and threatened several times (NB. he is NOT black).
        Their outlook of world is very small.
        WOmen are generally very easy (with opposite sex) and have no self-respect whatsoever.
        Spontaneity is a word they do not know, everything runs like a clockwork, too much.

        Now I must be off, to pack my suitcase to get far from here.

      • 23
        Smile smile kirjoitti:

        Happyheart - I fully agree with you.
        I am a Finnish woman, and not at all proud of it. Moved back here and it was a great shock really!
        People are very self-centered, and rude. No smiles, no sorry, thank you, kiss my ass. Now, you could say that cold people do not HAVE to smile, but one would expect some sort of politeness, like when opening a door to a mother with a pushpram, no smile and thank you, only rude and strange comments.??
        They think of being educated, but educated person is polite, and well mannered, so I would say Finnish people are metsalaiskansaa (from the forest). Peasants.

        They have no drinking manners, really a big problem here (but then again the state makes good money from alcohol), you can smoke nowhere soon, not even outside.
        There is no freedom (see above).
        They are racists, even towards me, as do not possess any more the monotonous Finnish non-existing habits, but have travelled thus educating myself in different cultures. My foreign husband has been beaten and threatened several times (NB. he is NOT black).
        Their outlook of world is very small.
        WOmen are generally very easy (with opposite sex) and have no self-respect whatsoever.
        Spontaneity is a word they do not know, everything runs like a clockwork, too much.

        Now I must be off, to pack my suitcase to get far from here.

        It would seem that some foreigners think that words are EVERYTHING. Sad, simple truth is: lot of words, lengthy meaningless conversations are MEANINGLESS bullshit. Why do you not try to say something meaningful instead. Or why do you oh, so high and mighty foreigner... why don't you use gestrure language instead of words. You are an imbecill, you are an amoeba mr./mrs. foreigner. We do not care about the discussions like:"the weather is rainy". Look:A beautiful red shirt! If you find us rude. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE.

      • Suamest
        Smile smile kirjoitti:

        Happyheart - I fully agree with you.
        I am a Finnish woman, and not at all proud of it. Moved back here and it was a great shock really!
        People are very self-centered, and rude. No smiles, no sorry, thank you, kiss my ass. Now, you could say that cold people do not HAVE to smile, but one would expect some sort of politeness, like when opening a door to a mother with a pushpram, no smile and thank you, only rude and strange comments.??
        They think of being educated, but educated person is polite, and well mannered, so I would say Finnish people are metsalaiskansaa (from the forest). Peasants.

        They have no drinking manners, really a big problem here (but then again the state makes good money from alcohol), you can smoke nowhere soon, not even outside.
        There is no freedom (see above).
        They are racists, even towards me, as do not possess any more the monotonous Finnish non-existing habits, but have travelled thus educating myself in different cultures. My foreign husband has been beaten and threatened several times (NB. he is NOT black).
        Their outlook of world is very small.
        WOmen are generally very easy (with opposite sex) and have no self-respect whatsoever.
        Spontaneity is a word they do not know, everything runs like a clockwork, too much.

        Now I must be off, to pack my suitcase to get far from here.

        Lakkaa ny yleistämästä. Hlvetin noloa tollane. Avaa silmäsny

      • Suamest
        Suamest kirjoitti:

        Lakkaa ny yleistämästä. Hlvetin noloa tollane. Avaa silmäsny

        Krhm... piti mennä edelline ylempään :D

      • Fuckfinns

        Ha Ha Ha, Finland is shit, there's so many fucking drunks on the streets and they yell and stink of rotten ass of all the crap that comes out of it. Most finns don't play sports, the few who do are terrible at it.

        Finns are racist, the country is shit, there are only 2 good things about it the 1st one is that it has free and easy education. The other good thing (and definitely the best of Finland) is the fact that Finnish girls are easier than Finnish schools. Maybe it's because a lot of men have small dicks in this part of the world.

      • anonimous
        23 kirjoitti:

        It would seem that some foreigners think that words are EVERYTHING. Sad, simple truth is: lot of words, lengthy meaningless conversations are MEANINGLESS bullshit. Why do you not try to say something meaningful instead. Or why do you oh, so high and mighty foreigner... why don't you use gestrure language instead of words. You are an imbecill, you are an amoeba mr./mrs. foreigner. We do not care about the discussions like:"the weather is rainy". Look:A beautiful red shirt! If you find us rude. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE.

        razzista di merda!!shitty racist....p.s read the comment aboveis a finns who opened her eyes when living abroad...people sometimes r stuck in here and dont have choise to move back home,,so shut up and accept the critics cose infact thats your nature...metsalaiskansaa!!!!!!

      • älänaurata
        Fuckfinns kirjoitti:

        Ha Ha Ha, Finland is shit, there's so many fucking drunks on the streets and they yell and stink of rotten ass of all the crap that comes out of it. Most finns don't play sports, the few who do are terrible at it.

        Finns are racist, the country is shit, there are only 2 good things about it the 1st one is that it has free and easy education. The other good thing (and definitely the best of Finland) is the fact that Finnish girls are easier than Finnish schools. Maybe it's because a lot of men have small dicks in this part of the world.

        You are kidding , of course.
        Finnish dicks are big enough in size, the very next after Japanies.
        So girls have nothing to compain.

      • Anonyymi
        23 kirjoitti:

        It would seem that some foreigners think that words are EVERYTHING. Sad, simple truth is: lot of words, lengthy meaningless conversations are MEANINGLESS bullshit. Why do you not try to say something meaningful instead. Or why do you oh, so high and mighty foreigner... why don't you use gestrure language instead of words. You are an imbecill, you are an amoeba mr./mrs. foreigner. We do not care about the discussions like:"the weather is rainy". Look:A beautiful red shirt! If you find us rude. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE.

        Meaningful conversation yeah? I'd sooner jump off a cliff than have to listen to my finnish workmates' meandering conversations about their neutered cats.

      • Anonyymi
        Fuckfinns kirjoitti:

        Ha Ha Ha, Finland is shit, there's so many fucking drunks on the streets and they yell and stink of rotten ass of all the crap that comes out of it. Most finns don't play sports, the few who do are terrible at it.

        Finns are racist, the country is shit, there are only 2 good things about it the 1st one is that it has free and easy education. The other good thing (and definitely the best of Finland) is the fact that Finnish girls are easier than Finnish schools. Maybe it's because a lot of men have small dicks in this part of the world.

        Fyi non-finn here.
        This shit is coming from a deep reservoir of hate. What happened to you here

    • FACT


    • fact

      Finns can't handle the truth.............................

      • bla bla bla

        Oh yes, sweetheart, we can handle the truth.
        I'm a finnish girl and YES: I LOVE MY COUNTRY! I don't give a damn if you think that Finland is such a shitty country. Okay, that's what you think, but I don't! And I won't let anyone to change my mind.

        Let me tell ya, we finns do have manners.
        If you're a foreigner and you've unfortunately met only those finnish people who didn't respond to your welcome, does that immediately give you the vision of Finland and finnish people?
        Okay, we do have jerks here. We do! I can admit that. But in the other hand, don't you think every country has those jerks, do you? If you've only met the idiots here, well i'm sorry, but try to get to know some other finn. Don't judge the Finns for the "sorry" which wasn't heard from a finn that accidentally pushed you.
        If you open your eyes and try to learn a little bit of Finnish culture, you will see a huge difference. We Finns are (most of us) friendly and caring. We love to learn about different cultures and languages.
        None of you have said anything about our language skills which I'm very proud of! Generally every Finn can speak english, some of us better and some of us worse. But the main thing is: all of us can!
        It indicates that we do respect other languages and we are eager to learn.

        Some of you guys said that we never smile! Duh? That sounds hilarious to me. When I started to think about myself, I don't even recognize how do I look and am I smiling when I'm walking alone on the street. I think about a lot when I'm alone and I really don't think about the expression I have on my face. So if I don't smile, come and talk to me and you'll surely see a big smile. Besides, we Finns are mostly shy and reserved. It's just a part of our personalities, we can't change it. And what makes me very angry is that foreign people cannot understand that! If we're acting "coldly" it's not because we are cold for real, it's because we're reserved and that usually is taken by rudeness which I find very sad.

        Finnish people love the sauna. We love the nature. We love to spend our summer-days at our cottage, swimming in the cool lake. We love to travel, we love to see the different cultures and places in this world. We love to meet the people from all over the world. At least most of us do.
        I do have a lot of friends from other countries and I wouldn't mind to get more!!

        If you hate Finland and you think this is the worst place to live, well I hear you, but don't judge all of us about something we haven't done.
        And for those of you that are planning to visit Finland: Welcome! I'm very happy to get foreing people over here.

      • katiaitalia
        bla bla bla kirjoitti:

        Oh yes, sweetheart, we can handle the truth.
        I'm a finnish girl and YES: I LOVE MY COUNTRY! I don't give a damn if you think that Finland is such a shitty country. Okay, that's what you think, but I don't! And I won't let anyone to change my mind.

        Let me tell ya, we finns do have manners.
        If you're a foreigner and you've unfortunately met only those finnish people who didn't respond to your welcome, does that immediately give you the vision of Finland and finnish people?
        Okay, we do have jerks here. We do! I can admit that. But in the other hand, don't you think every country has those jerks, do you? If you've only met the idiots here, well i'm sorry, but try to get to know some other finn. Don't judge the Finns for the "sorry" which wasn't heard from a finn that accidentally pushed you.
        If you open your eyes and try to learn a little bit of Finnish culture, you will see a huge difference. We Finns are (most of us) friendly and caring. We love to learn about different cultures and languages.
        None of you have said anything about our language skills which I'm very proud of! Generally every Finn can speak english, some of us better and some of us worse. But the main thing is: all of us can!
        It indicates that we do respect other languages and we are eager to learn.

        Some of you guys said that we never smile! Duh? That sounds hilarious to me. When I started to think about myself, I don't even recognize how do I look and am I smiling when I'm walking alone on the street. I think about a lot when I'm alone and I really don't think about the expression I have on my face. So if I don't smile, come and talk to me and you'll surely see a big smile. Besides, we Finns are mostly shy and reserved. It's just a part of our personalities, we can't change it. And what makes me very angry is that foreign people cannot understand that! If we're acting "coldly" it's not because we are cold for real, it's because we're reserved and that usually is taken by rudeness which I find very sad.

        Finnish people love the sauna. We love the nature. We love to spend our summer-days at our cottage, swimming in the cool lake. We love to travel, we love to see the different cultures and places in this world. We love to meet the people from all over the world. At least most of us do.
        I do have a lot of friends from other countries and I wouldn't mind to get more!!

        If you hate Finland and you think this is the worst place to live, well I hear you, but don't judge all of us about something we haven't done.
        And for those of you that are planning to visit Finland: Welcome! I'm very happy to get foreing people over here.

        sorry mam,but so is my case,and many other foregnair experiences,,,so dont come and give us the crap...the majority of people here are rude.,never would offer help,never smile to u if u have an eye contact,being invited to dinner is a strange thing for i continue?what makes u think that that man,have just been unlucky,or is it infact that the normal finnish person is as described,and its the good ones that are exception??????ask 100 foregnairs or finns who live abroad and thye will all tell u same!!p.s i have met a very few good friendly finns,,,but surprise is only those who liked to travel abroad,,and appreciate different culture!

      • katiaitalia
        katiaitalia kirjoitti:

        sorry mam,but so is my case,and many other foregnair experiences,,,so dont come and give us the crap...the majority of people here are rude.,never would offer help,never smile to u if u have an eye contact,being invited to dinner is a strange thing for i continue?what makes u think that that man,have just been unlucky,or is it infact that the normal finnish person is as described,and its the good ones that are exception??????ask 100 foregnairs or finns who live abroad and thye will all tell u same!!p.s i have met a very few good friendly finns,,,but surprise is only those who liked to travel abroad,,and appreciate different culture!

        ouh by the way im even married to a finn,,,i wonderfull rare one :D
        but if i could chose to go back to my country i would,,shitty thing is that the economy is so fucked up there its hard..but the approach with people is so different...(im not saying that in my county they are all nice,,,no no...but the manners,,attitude towards even stranger makes u feel always welcome,,and in finland,,,,ive never been invited by anyone I know...maybe my caracter i dont know...but also because i ended up in wrong working place,...too young,,,and im convinced is because im a i have different view..and i dont speak enough finnish yet.---its always been me,,inviting people over for dinner,,,and we never seamed to have got invitation back!!no,,cannot even compare the difference with my culture and this.......

      • response2333
        katiaitalia kirjoitti:

        ouh by the way im even married to a finn,,,i wonderfull rare one :D
        but if i could chose to go back to my country i would,,shitty thing is that the economy is so fucked up there its hard..but the approach with people is so different...(im not saying that in my county they are all nice,,,no no...but the manners,,attitude towards even stranger makes u feel always welcome,,and in finland,,,,ive never been invited by anyone I know...maybe my caracter i dont know...but also because i ended up in wrong working place,...too young,,,and im convinced is because im a i have different view..and i dont speak enough finnish yet.---its always been me,,inviting people over for dinner,,,and we never seamed to have got invitation back!!no,,cannot even compare the difference with my culture and this.......

        Who the fuck says that our culture should be the same? It's many times said here that Finns are reserved and rather shy, and that's true, and there's not much we can do about it. Just deal with it. Finland is not like your country, and it will never be, and it never should be. Finland is Finland, like it or not. And it's not a tradition here to invite people over for dinner. Almost no-one does that. And there's nothing weird about it, because it just isn't a tradition here. And also if you're coloured, then it's even more easy to tell that of course Finns woun't invite to dinner, because first of all, it's not a tradition, and secondly, you're a foreingner, so they'll feel reserved towards you. Totally normal here. Just deal with or leave.

    • 898797

      Finland,Finland The Greatest Country In The World!

    • iu7

      we are very tolerant people,especially with the somalian citizens.

      • sami_pak

        im living in finland.i think problems r everywere, a bit different but u hve.
        i agreed abt dat finnish people r strange n its bcz of dere culture.but most important things is dat dere systems works pretty well n i like dat.

    • TERI-LI

      I have live more than 20 years in Finland.I am not finish...thank`s GOD

      Finish peolple are scare and they fear : LOVE, FRENDS,NEIGHBOURS JOY, CLOSENESS,FRENDLINESS,SOBERNES

      Thay cant see them self,as we see them because thay just dont know haw better person can be.

      Thay have no standart of high education,thay just thing that them school are the best..

      Thay are hidong rasists,but as people of two faces ..thay try not to show it.

      Why in Sweden all the big stores are full of foreigners as a workers.. but do you see.. here you can work as an ingener in Nokia for half pay o a cleaner.. so that better jobs are for finish people who dont even like and know how to speak or have a small talk.

      Mans mast be drank for a small talk.. and womens drank for making love. Thay deserving each other.

      I like to live in more internasional Finland.. to meet more foreigners ,because only thay can bring the light,love and warmnes to this people heart.

      Please dont give up.. THAY NEED AS.. AND WE NEED EACH OTHER

      • vinhaperä

        The people of Finnish cities are offspring of those who inhabitaded towns after WW2.
        They have heritated the attitude of their ancestosrs.
        After WW2 a lot of Finns moved from rural to urban
        and people from rural areas were the poorest and least educated population. They had problems of adaptation and alcohol problems and the family problems they had caused in their new home region. And the consequences are now visible. The reason for this is when politicians have led society out of its original order through bad solutions.

    • zetyka


      I understand no one will talk in different language in own country with own folks, but hey if there is one foreigner WHY the hell NOT !?!

      Finns can have the dinner -lunch of few including one foreigner, and they will still continue talking in finnish!
      The worst about it - they don't even realize it is very RUDE! COmes to the point -Finns have no personal ethics, no social ethics and so on...

      It happens to me and my friends very often, even though our finnish friends don't dislike us they just simply have no good MANNERS!

      Either way - done on purpose or not only well educated middle age, truly international, open minded finns respect minority and they gladly show interest in them trough english conversation- even if it is just basic dinner talk. That's the ethical behavior. AND RARE!

      Honestly I think Finnish people need to work hard on some good social mannars and other ethics , and on the other hand -foreigners need to understand they can't expect good manners from Finns cause this is not in Finnish culture.

      I think " finnish feminists" need to let go sometimes and act more like real women and show some class. They drink, smoke and curse way too much and no wonder guys treat them like a dude and no wonder they have bad reputation not only in FInland but worldwide as a " easy chicks".
      Being easy DUDEtte is faaaaaaaaaaaar from being independent woman.
      Independent woman is one who is smart, happy with herself, know what she wants from life, and most of all RESPECTS herself.
      Finish girls max max max LACK on that last one.

      In the long rune this behavior will bring only separateness in their relationships, marriages and they will blame guys for it.

      When the truth is it is they were the only reason why none of the finnish guys becomes nowadays a gentleman and caring husband that shares, cares and has a chance to show how strong he can be for his woman .

      It's very sad to look around and see bunch of feminine acting guys who have lost their charm , manners and man strength.

      By these bologne finnish feminism and wanting being equal so much WOMEN have lost their IDENTITY!
      and here you go...divorces divorces divorces...
      because before the marriage finnish ladies want to be dudes, be just like men, they make them used to that, and after marriage they flip out, expecting from poor finnish husbands, to be once LAMB once a WOLF!

      Can't you just be content and show some class?

      DUMB and backwards!

      Not to hurt someone's feelings, but the world and human nature has it's system set up at least since last ice age!

      Type of feminists- dudenists won't make it any better, but worst especially for their family's and their own future. Of course choosing the scandinavian equality beliefs is not the only reason.

      Not many young kids are raised with high VALUES and ETHICS -almost no good rules& examples at home ;
      no bases at school or decent morals gained trough religion or church (well.. who goes there anyway right ?)
      One solid base is enough, whatever works, but at least one thing that will make you people ."

      These days in Finland almost nothing is giving youngsters great values and basis for creating their strong personality, independent polite behavior -not some lame ideas copied from the masses.

      When kids are raised like that , no wonder they can't make best choices for themselves and respect themselves - be communicative and outgoing but at the same time save some decent propriety...

      At the end I would like to add that ISO ROBA and in general HElsinki is a huge center of drug addicts and I am really tired seeing countless JUNKIES around Helsinki.
      GOsh FInns , get some hobby instead of drugging and drinking !

      Only the spring sun comes out and Finns don't want to come out for next 5 months from their local parks .. being busy getting jammed every day! And they call it happiness!!! PATHETIC!

      • rebecca.c

        Happyheart, Smilesmile and zetyka, you're so right! Everything you've said about Finland is so true! Unfortunately, I'm half Finnish myself, so I was unlucky to be born here, but, thank God, only 3 more months and I'll be far away from here, and I'll NEVER come back!!! Over 20 years wasted here, but now I hope I will really start to LIVE!!!

        The people, the climate, the style of living - either cold, completely reserved, or mean and aggressive (usually when drunken) behaviour, no politeness or manners, no openness, warmth or empathy.

        Hided racism - foreigners either "steal" the jobs (and women), or come here to live at the expense of Finns. Finns hate the both nations that have colonized them - the Swedes and the Russians - but they forget, that without this civilizing help they might still be living like in the Stone Age! :)

        As mentioned already many times here, Finnish people have very small world view, they think that they and their country are the best in everything. They consider themselves as "deep souls" (already a cliche), honest and hardworking people, who don't try to lick somebody's ass by using small talk. Still, for some reason, even Finns have a need to express themselves from time to time - usually on weekends - and then they go to Alko to get some courage first.

        And the sexes are totally reversed here: women are like emotionless "terminators", who dominate the poor wimps called guys! And you don't even see any handsome men here, most are so ugly that I would like to throw up! The women aren't any better, though, but they, at least, have their make-up, and the AMOUNT of it proves my judgement... I guess it's the inbreed then...which is also the reason of the boring and homogeneous mentality of this nation? Or is it the alcohol?

        So, if you like to live in a cold (both mentally and climatically), BORING country, away from the civilization, with rude, indifferent rednecks, welcome to Finland! There will even be one place more here after my leaving! :)

      • waiteamoment

        It has never happened to me that in England me being the only foreigner at the table that my friends would speak Finnish with me so to be polite .
        On the contrary they have continued to speak only English no matter whether I understand or not.

      • magpieseye
        waiteamoment kirjoitti:

        It has never happened to me that in England me being the only foreigner at the table that my friends would speak Finnish with me so to be polite .
        On the contrary they have continued to speak only English no matter whether I understand or not.

        I wonder about foreigners' complaints. Finns aren't treated anywhere better in the world than they are treated here.
        Not to even speak countries where those people themselves are coming from.

    • DFinn

      I just want to remind to all those Finns who are complaining how the Finns are racists, drunks, rude, ill-mannered, insecure, workaholics etc. Well, you are all one of them :)
      Also it seems that many are _complaining_ how we Finns are shy, reserved and don't show much emotion like it's a bad thing. In whatever country you're living now, would you go tell a shy person (who isn't good with communicating with strangers) that: "You're a failure as a person who has low self-esteem and I want to get as far away from you as possible" like you're saying about the Finns? (talk about a friendly person with high self-esteem and isn't afraid to show how she/he feels

      Well, I'm not exactly trying to blame you for complaining about Finland, because it just means that you're part of the minority who aren't like most Finns (and that way don't like it here). I just don't like you having the attitude that somehow those always so bright and talkative people are better people than those who don't like showing too much emotion (but I guess that shows just that us Finns feeling that we are better than others is typical for us, as someone had said here).

      I think that many Finns just prefer the idea of having few very good friends than many "okay" friends (including myself) and being open, talkative, unreserved (and all those other things that you want people to have) to those good friends.

      And I believe that one of the reasons why we aren't good with handling foreigners (i.e. racism) is that we have a very small population (about 5.5million which is far less than many cities' population) so it's no wonder that we feel threatened when suddenly a large amount of people (immigrants over the last years) who look different, speak different language and have different values in life move here. I think it's going to take little time before we will feel all the foreigners as normal part of society (when I was for example in primary school, there was maybe one (out of 500) foreign student in the whole school so of course they didn't feel like normal part of our society for me). But I do believe we have started this better than the Americans (who treated black people as slaves)!

      • Anonyymi

        Agreed. Finns are better than American slavers.

    • oviaukko

      this is not directed at the original poster but intended more as a general reply to most other people who have replied...

      wow... so to make sweeping generalizations, as most here have done, most of the people who have replied are either jaded foreigners living in finland or finns who are ignorant and immature. i'm truly amazed at the words of most who have replied, it suggests to me that a lot of people here are themselves the exact things they so easily blame on other people (racist, ignorant, mean).

      i'm a finn who has lived abroad for almost 3 years and i've grown as a person during that time. but for one i think that all those who travel or experience different cultures have a slightly different perspective on things and for another i also believe that those that haven't traveled or experienced different cultures - no matter what country they are from - can be described in those extremely hateful and generalizing ways as has been done here so much. just because someone hasn't experienced other cultures or ways of living doesn't make them bad people. isn't it really the job of the person who HAS had these experiences to HELP those who haven't to see the other side of the coin?? why should we label those people ignorant or racist, whether they're finnish or not, just because they haven't had the experiences some others have had with different cultures (through travel or through being friends with someone who's not of the main population)?

      every country has assholes and people who are mean because they're insecure or whatever, but generalizing the entire finnish population as such is just ignorant and foolish... just because some foreigners understand the finnish silence as impoliteness that doesn't mean that's actually true. they are just being ignorant and close-minded themselves when they see cultural features not through the eyes of those INSIDE the culture but through the eyes of those who aren't. granted it's an easy mistake to make, but if the foreigners don't give finns the benefit of the doubt then of COURSE they'll see what they've learned to see the world through what they have learned while living in their (foreign) culture. so, if a foreigner comes from a country that expresses emotion more freely or has different cultural traditions for hellos and good-byes (for example), then it's very very very easy to interpret the behavior of finns as hostile, racist, negative when really for the most part it's far from that...

      one more thing... everyone is always blind to the faults in their own culture... this is true of ALL people EVERYWHERE to at least some degree... unless you've been raised in multiple different cultures, you'll always be more familiar with your own and think it's somehow more normal than other cultures. this is what racism is based on - not just in the case of white vs. black, mind you - and everyone is at least a little bit racist, somewhere deep inside (like those foreigners in finland are when they label all finns as rude idiots and as those finns are who see every black person as a thief who gets paid welfare). what is different is strange and quite possibly worse than what you know, right?? and the only way out of this kind of behavior is exposure to different cultures. so, if a foreigner in finland feels like they're hated and discriminated on, then there are two equally valid explanations: a) the country isn't as used to having a homogeneous (varied, not all the same) culture and people and b) the foreigner is him/herself being hateful and discriminating of the country's culture that they happen to live in. in most cases it is a combination of the two.

      when living in a culture that is not your own, you cannot expect everyone to bend over backwards to accommodate you, you'll have to accept that the culture you're living in has worked the way it has for centuries and you cannot change it. you'll have to adapt to it and you'll find that the people ARE really loving, caring individuals. on a personal note, i found it incredibly uncomfortable at first to hug at hello and goodbye when i lived outside of finland but now i've gotten quite used to it. similarly, i FULLY expect foreigners who come to finland to be uncomfortable with the silence or the seeming rudeness (which isn't that at all if you look any closer) at first, but if given a chance, finnish culture can be a rewarding experience with our love of solitude and silence. just give it a chance (or else you're being that racist coward you're so eager to point out as the essence of finns).

      • mönkiäinen

        Thank you for your wise and respectful comment.

        People often tend to interpret Finnish people being rude and unpolite if they don't adapt instantly same kinds of forms and ways to greet and to get to know new people. I really hope, that people visiting Finland or meeting Finnish people for the first time would realize that even though we don't hug or kiss or act the same way as you do, we don't want to be and we aren't rude towards you. When I meet people from different cultures, I try to adapt your ways of greeting, just to make you feel respected even though it can be uncomfortable for me. I wish that in return you would consider making compromises in the way you act and with your expectations about "the right way" to interact with new people. For some of us hugging and touching is and will be "spared" for only those most closest to us. And that should be respected.

      • Anonyymi


      • Anonyymi
        mönkiäinen kirjoitti:

        Thank you for your wise and respectful comment.

        People often tend to interpret Finnish people being rude and unpolite if they don't adapt instantly same kinds of forms and ways to greet and to get to know new people. I really hope, that people visiting Finland or meeting Finnish people for the first time would realize that even though we don't hug or kiss or act the same way as you do, we don't want to be and we aren't rude towards you. When I meet people from different cultures, I try to adapt your ways of greeting, just to make you feel respected even though it can be uncomfortable for me. I wish that in return you would consider making compromises in the way you act and with your expectations about "the right way" to interact with new people. For some of us hugging and touching is and will be "spared" for only those most closest to us. And that should be respected.

        I had the best conversation with a Muslim from Iraq, living in Finland. He told that all Muslim immigrants are taught in Mosques how to act with Finnish people, how to keep a distance and to understand that Finns are not rude to them, all Finns act in the same manner and that they should learn their manners so that they don' accidentally offend a Finn.

        Never had any problems with immigrants, except for those who come here with a negative attitude.

        When going to the grocery store I saw a bunch of colored boys talk perfect Finnish. I had to stop and ask them how they had learned Finnish and how long they had lived here. About two-three years?!?

        Swedes are often stunned when going to a pub in Finland. They see how somalis talk Finnish with each other, although nobody would blame them from talking in their own language. We don't have segregation where we isolate immigrants in their own suburbs, away from Finnish people. For them talking Finnish is absoutely normal.

        People don't know how happy they can make a Finn by only saying 'kiitos' thank you. One word and he or she is as Finnish as Finnish can be. We definitely do not demand them to learn Finnish, they want to learn it themself.

        Finland is filled with absolutely awesome immigrants, who have learned to live in Finland, be happy during the summer and withdraw to the fire place in the winter.

        Where else can you experience the sun setting down for months, only to rise again one day, making headlines in papers?

        Where else can you experience the white nights, when the sun does not go down for months?

        When foreign boyfriends have wanted to come to Finland and visit me, I have always laid the same rule for them: From November to January, but not in the summer! Everybody loves the summer in Finland, which is why I have wanted them to come during the Polar Nights, to see what they are made of and if they can take the dark or not.

    • joopa joo

      Lyökää mua lyökää mua lyökää mua, kyllä ulkomaalaiset on niin paljon parempia---lyökää mua lyökää mua lyökää mua

    • freegrazer

      To rebecca.c, zetyka and the like posting above: GOODBYE AND GOOD RIDDANCE, you are not to be missed.

      • nimimerkkivarattu

        Finns aren't rude people, it's just a culture difference. For example when finns are visiting abroad they don't use word "please" because in Finland we don't have equivalent ford for that. we also use other polite words rarely because in Finland it's not normal to say "thanks", "please" etc on every situation. So culture difference affects a lot I think.

        I saw someone saying that finns know nothing about other cultures, well I would say that's bullshit. When compared to Americans or people from other big countries we know really much about other cultures and most of us also speak more languages than they speak.

        Finns are shy, yes I can oly agree with that, but we aren't cold, for us it's just not that normal to talk about our feelings so much.

        Many finns are depressed, I partly agree with that. Probably every finn seems to be depressed, but thats because they always look so sad, they speak so monotonic, they never smile and they act like they're always sad, but they aren't.

        And about racism, maybe things like this make us hate some immigrants. As far as I know most finns are only rasist towards somalians, Russia and Irak/Iran and their neighbours. Some situations we have reason to be rasist, but there's also streotypes which cause rasism.

        At the weekends we drink alcohol, I don't really understand what's wrong with that since it makes us happier and more social. It's like americans going church every Sunday.. most people including me thin that it's strange habit and it's impossible to imagine me doing something like that.( just noticed how crappy parable that was ^^)

        sorry about my bad english ..

      • a
        nimimerkkivarattu kirjoitti:

        Finns aren't rude people, it's just a culture difference. For example when finns are visiting abroad they don't use word "please" because in Finland we don't have equivalent ford for that. we also use other polite words rarely because in Finland it's not normal to say "thanks", "please" etc on every situation. So culture difference affects a lot I think.

        I saw someone saying that finns know nothing about other cultures, well I would say that's bullshit. When compared to Americans or people from other big countries we know really much about other cultures and most of us also speak more languages than they speak.

        Finns are shy, yes I can oly agree with that, but we aren't cold, for us it's just not that normal to talk about our feelings so much.

        Many finns are depressed, I partly agree with that. Probably every finn seems to be depressed, but thats because they always look so sad, they speak so monotonic, they never smile and they act like they're always sad, but they aren't.

        And about racism, maybe things like this make us hate some immigrants. As far as I know most finns are only rasist towards somalians, Russia and Irak/Iran and their neighbours. Some situations we have reason to be rasist, but there's also streotypes which cause rasism.

        At the weekends we drink alcohol, I don't really understand what's wrong with that since it makes us happier and more social. It's like americans going church every Sunday.. most people including me thin that it's strange habit and it's impossible to imagine me doing something like that.( just noticed how crappy parable that was ^^)

        sorry about my bad english ..

        Well said, "nimimerkkivarattu."

      • A cold Finnish girl
        nimimerkkivarattu kirjoitti:

        Finns aren't rude people, it's just a culture difference. For example when finns are visiting abroad they don't use word "please" because in Finland we don't have equivalent ford for that. we also use other polite words rarely because in Finland it's not normal to say "thanks", "please" etc on every situation. So culture difference affects a lot I think.

        I saw someone saying that finns know nothing about other cultures, well I would say that's bullshit. When compared to Americans or people from other big countries we know really much about other cultures and most of us also speak more languages than they speak.

        Finns are shy, yes I can oly agree with that, but we aren't cold, for us it's just not that normal to talk about our feelings so much.

        Many finns are depressed, I partly agree with that. Probably every finn seems to be depressed, but thats because they always look so sad, they speak so monotonic, they never smile and they act like they're always sad, but they aren't.

        And about racism, maybe things like this make us hate some immigrants. As far as I know most finns are only rasist towards somalians, Russia and Irak/Iran and their neighbours. Some situations we have reason to be rasist, but there's also streotypes which cause rasism.

        At the weekends we drink alcohol, I don't really understand what's wrong with that since it makes us happier and more social. It's like americans going church every Sunday.. most people including me thin that it's strange habit and it's impossible to imagine me doing something like that.( just noticed how crappy parable that was ^^)

        sorry about my bad english ..

        I mostly agree with you. I live in Finland, too, and I don't think that Finnish people are cold. When someone is telling a story or something, it's only polite to listen quietly. I have worked in a department store and everyone was so nice and friendly, both other workers and customers.

        I say "hello" to my neighbours (and they say "hello" to me), and I use "thank you" and "please" and so do all the other people I know. I don't see why it's necessary to talk with strangers on the bus stop. I do chat with other dog owners.

        It's true that some Finns are racists, but hey, racism is a world wide thing. Calling all Finns rude is also racism! And about the use of alcohol, I don't know anyone who would be drunk every weekend. Or swell in despair and emotional pains.

        I would call myself shy, but not reserved. I think there is a slight diffrence between those words. Speaking English can be a bit exciting for Finnish people, that could be one reason why Finns seem so reserved to foreign people. I have travelled around Europe, and I have met quiet and rude people even in oh-so-warm-and-friendly Greece. I still love Greece, though.

        I love Finnish nature and climate. Last winter was so amazingly beautiful with lots of snow, and about week ago, Finland was the hottest place in Europe with 28 degrees! Then the rest of Europe got warm too. At least we have all four seasons, and not that kind of Irish whoohoo! rain around the year-climate. All though I have never been in Ireland, so there is a slight chance I'm talking trought my hat.

        And about beeing blind to own faults; I just think people in here are generalizing a lot. Everyone has their faults, but Finland is not a frozen, cold hell.

        And for rebecca.c; byebye, I'm so sorry that you had live in Finland with cold, emotionless people, but after I read what you wrote, I feel like you're not a little miss sunshine either.

      • greetingz
        A cold Finnish girl kirjoitti:

        I mostly agree with you. I live in Finland, too, and I don't think that Finnish people are cold. When someone is telling a story or something, it's only polite to listen quietly. I have worked in a department store and everyone was so nice and friendly, both other workers and customers.

        I say "hello" to my neighbours (and they say "hello" to me), and I use "thank you" and "please" and so do all the other people I know. I don't see why it's necessary to talk with strangers on the bus stop. I do chat with other dog owners.

        It's true that some Finns are racists, but hey, racism is a world wide thing. Calling all Finns rude is also racism! And about the use of alcohol, I don't know anyone who would be drunk every weekend. Or swell in despair and emotional pains.

        I would call myself shy, but not reserved. I think there is a slight diffrence between those words. Speaking English can be a bit exciting for Finnish people, that could be one reason why Finns seem so reserved to foreign people. I have travelled around Europe, and I have met quiet and rude people even in oh-so-warm-and-friendly Greece. I still love Greece, though.

        I love Finnish nature and climate. Last winter was so amazingly beautiful with lots of snow, and about week ago, Finland was the hottest place in Europe with 28 degrees! Then the rest of Europe got warm too. At least we have all four seasons, and not that kind of Irish whoohoo! rain around the year-climate. All though I have never been in Ireland, so there is a slight chance I'm talking trought my hat.

        And about beeing blind to own faults; I just think people in here are generalizing a lot. Everyone has their faults, but Finland is not a frozen, cold hell.

        And for rebecca.c; byebye, I'm so sorry that you had live in Finland with cold, emotionless people, but after I read what you wrote, I feel like you're not a little miss sunshine either.

        So, hi there everyone! I'm not Finnish nor Scandinavian (yet), but I see Finland, as a foreigner,the most beautiful country (at least in Europe). Beautiful nature, music, berries, and everything sounds tasty xD
        Some posts put me to think about what's going on there. I am interested in this country, so I have a little bit of remorse somehow. How can a so beautiful country be damned with so cold ppl? Well, doesn't matter, in fact. Every country has it's good side and bad side. If Finland it's beautiful and drunk, it's ok with me. If it has good music and high taxes, it's ok again. Because everywhere you'll go, you'll find shit ^^. The only thing what most of ppl here were doing, is that they are generalizing (or smth like that). Even if 99% of Finns are racist, they are not all, because there is that 1% of "kind" ppl. So with the others. Not everyone drinks so much, nor everyone isn't caring about their family or children. Not every Finn rapes someone, nor every Finn is jealous. You get what I mean!
        A thing which I do not understand it's why are you just thinking about their bad side, because every country has it's bad side. Everything in this world has a bad side (eating chocolate too).
        Look just how is the country as a whole, not particular, but without generalizing the ppl in it. And if you are a foreigner going or living there, deal with the life in Finland, you could have chosen from many countries; if u don't like it, then why the hell did u go there? Deal with it and anyway, life can't be so bad there neither. Outside are plenty of countries where ppl are narrow minded also (like Romania, but not all of 'em). And if u live there, u have to find a person with which to talk smth, no? Maybe it's not ur neighbor, or someone from work, maybe will be a gardener, a seller, or whatever.
        Well ... Do Finns drink SO MUCH?! I'd like to hear a simple answer. Does Finland have 420 taxes like Romania does?! I rly don't think so (I'm not trying to compare them). And again, I'd need an answer.
        In some years, this country will be changed (like all of them), I hope so at least, their coldness and jealousy will disappear with the presence of foreigners (and Internet, as someone said before). Oh, hope that black ppl, muslims and others like this won't eradicate the blond-haired blue-eyed Finns ^^
        Sorry for my English :(
        Kiitos paljon! (I absolutely love the language  

      • My o my
        greetingz kirjoitti:

        So, hi there everyone! I'm not Finnish nor Scandinavian (yet), but I see Finland, as a foreigner,the most beautiful country (at least in Europe). Beautiful nature, music, berries, and everything sounds tasty xD
        Some posts put me to think about what's going on there. I am interested in this country, so I have a little bit of remorse somehow. How can a so beautiful country be damned with so cold ppl? Well, doesn't matter, in fact. Every country has it's good side and bad side. If Finland it's beautiful and drunk, it's ok with me. If it has good music and high taxes, it's ok again. Because everywhere you'll go, you'll find shit ^^. The only thing what most of ppl here were doing, is that they are generalizing (or smth like that). Even if 99% of Finns are racist, they are not all, because there is that 1% of "kind" ppl. So with the others. Not everyone drinks so much, nor everyone isn't caring about their family or children. Not every Finn rapes someone, nor every Finn is jealous. You get what I mean!
        A thing which I do not understand it's why are you just thinking about their bad side, because every country has it's bad side. Everything in this world has a bad side (eating chocolate too).
        Look just how is the country as a whole, not particular, but without generalizing the ppl in it. And if you are a foreigner going or living there, deal with the life in Finland, you could have chosen from many countries; if u don't like it, then why the hell did u go there? Deal with it and anyway, life can't be so bad there neither. Outside are plenty of countries where ppl are narrow minded also (like Romania, but not all of 'em). And if u live there, u have to find a person with which to talk smth, no? Maybe it's not ur neighbor, or someone from work, maybe will be a gardener, a seller, or whatever.
        Well ... Do Finns drink SO MUCH?! I'd like to hear a simple answer. Does Finland have 420 taxes like Romania does?! I rly don't think so (I'm not trying to compare them). And again, I'd need an answer.
        In some years, this country will be changed (like all of them), I hope so at least, their coldness and jealousy will disappear with the presence of foreigners (and Internet, as someone said before). Oh, hope that black ppl, muslims and others like this won't eradicate the blond-haired blue-eyed Finns ^^
        Sorry for my English :(
        Kiitos paljon! (I absolutely love the language  

        .. Hah. :)

      • anonymity
        greetingz kirjoitti:

        So, hi there everyone! I'm not Finnish nor Scandinavian (yet), but I see Finland, as a foreigner,the most beautiful country (at least in Europe). Beautiful nature, music, berries, and everything sounds tasty xD
        Some posts put me to think about what's going on there. I am interested in this country, so I have a little bit of remorse somehow. How can a so beautiful country be damned with so cold ppl? Well, doesn't matter, in fact. Every country has it's good side and bad side. If Finland it's beautiful and drunk, it's ok with me. If it has good music and high taxes, it's ok again. Because everywhere you'll go, you'll find shit ^^. The only thing what most of ppl here were doing, is that they are generalizing (or smth like that). Even if 99% of Finns are racist, they are not all, because there is that 1% of "kind" ppl. So with the others. Not everyone drinks so much, nor everyone isn't caring about their family or children. Not every Finn rapes someone, nor every Finn is jealous. You get what I mean!
        A thing which I do not understand it's why are you just thinking about their bad side, because every country has it's bad side. Everything in this world has a bad side (eating chocolate too).
        Look just how is the country as a whole, not particular, but without generalizing the ppl in it. And if you are a foreigner going or living there, deal with the life in Finland, you could have chosen from many countries; if u don't like it, then why the hell did u go there? Deal with it and anyway, life can't be so bad there neither. Outside are plenty of countries where ppl are narrow minded also (like Romania, but not all of 'em). And if u live there, u have to find a person with which to talk smth, no? Maybe it's not ur neighbor, or someone from work, maybe will be a gardener, a seller, or whatever.
        Well ... Do Finns drink SO MUCH?! I'd like to hear a simple answer. Does Finland have 420 taxes like Romania does?! I rly don't think so (I'm not trying to compare them). And again, I'd need an answer.
        In some years, this country will be changed (like all of them), I hope so at least, their coldness and jealousy will disappear with the presence of foreigners (and Internet, as someone said before). Oh, hope that black ppl, muslims and others like this won't eradicate the blond-haired blue-eyed Finns ^^
        Sorry for my English :(
        Kiitos paljon! (I absolutely love the language  

        I just hope this language will disappear one day.
        Finns build a very difficult barrier to give foreigners job. Unlike to the other countries, you should know and speak very well finnish you can do some basic job, something like you dont even communicate with people. That' s very stupid. And why don't Finns try to speak English ??!!

        I was live here about 5 years, I can easily memorize unpleasant things than pleasant ones. But one thing I could say without hesitation is they are not friendly. Even Finns tell me that way.

      • finn who is quiet
        anonymity kirjoitti:

        I just hope this language will disappear one day.
        Finns build a very difficult barrier to give foreigners job. Unlike to the other countries, you should know and speak very well finnish you can do some basic job, something like you dont even communicate with people. That' s very stupid. And why don't Finns try to speak English ??!!

        I was live here about 5 years, I can easily memorize unpleasant things than pleasant ones. But one thing I could say without hesitation is they are not friendly. Even Finns tell me that way.

        ... a different culture? Finns just are different than people in US for example. I hate spanish/italians/french movies, cause I can't stand the yelling and arm's wawing =D Being friendly and being quiet are not the synonyms, you know.

      • unfriendly finn
        anonymity kirjoitti:

        I just hope this language will disappear one day.
        Finns build a very difficult barrier to give foreigners job. Unlike to the other countries, you should know and speak very well finnish you can do some basic job, something like you dont even communicate with people. That' s very stupid. And why don't Finns try to speak English ??!!

        I was live here about 5 years, I can easily memorize unpleasant things than pleasant ones. But one thing I could say without hesitation is they are not friendly. Even Finns tell me that way.

        Well if you expect all the Finns should talk English I don't wonder that you don't have lots of good memories. Expesially older people don't know English so everybody here doesn't speak it.

      • skinhead36
        nimimerkkivarattu kirjoitti:

        Finns aren't rude people, it's just a culture difference. For example when finns are visiting abroad they don't use word "please" because in Finland we don't have equivalent ford for that. we also use other polite words rarely because in Finland it's not normal to say "thanks", "please" etc on every situation. So culture difference affects a lot I think.

        I saw someone saying that finns know nothing about other cultures, well I would say that's bullshit. When compared to Americans or people from other big countries we know really much about other cultures and most of us also speak more languages than they speak.

        Finns are shy, yes I can oly agree with that, but we aren't cold, for us it's just not that normal to talk about our feelings so much.

        Many finns are depressed, I partly agree with that. Probably every finn seems to be depressed, but thats because they always look so sad, they speak so monotonic, they never smile and they act like they're always sad, but they aren't.

        And about racism, maybe things like this make us hate some immigrants. As far as I know most finns are only rasist towards somalians, Russia and Irak/Iran and their neighbours. Some situations we have reason to be rasist, but there's also streotypes which cause rasism.

        At the weekends we drink alcohol, I don't really understand what's wrong with that since it makes us happier and more social. It's like americans going church every Sunday.. most people including me thin that it's strange habit and it's impossible to imagine me doing something like that.( just noticed how crappy parable that was ^^)

        sorry about my bad english ..

        Oh yeah, its a great stereotype of Finns that, Finn goes to shoot students at school; "its OK", Finn goes to rob a shop, "its OK", Finn shoots a guy on the street "its OK"!!!

        But when a foreigner does it, he is GUILTY, we should kick all the foreigners out now

        Also should include that foreigner did it; "No problem, Finnish culture and nation is still safe, it was just another foreigner, they are already shit"

        So good job on your bbc article as you showed everybody here that now we have a veery good reason to think that foreigners are useless unless they come here as tourists, spend a lot of money, and go back where they came from max in a week :D

      • sodanmies
        anonymity kirjoitti:

        I just hope this language will disappear one day.
        Finns build a very difficult barrier to give foreigners job. Unlike to the other countries, you should know and speak very well finnish you can do some basic job, something like you dont even communicate with people. That' s very stupid. And why don't Finns try to speak English ??!!

        I was live here about 5 years, I can easily memorize unpleasant things than pleasant ones. But one thing I could say without hesitation is they are not friendly. Even Finns tell me that way.

        ahahaha :D

        They wont speak any other language than Finnish :D you know why? The same reason as French;

        Also Finland; glorius nation in the world :D:D:D

      • It's offensive
        skinhead36 kirjoitti:

        Oh yeah, its a great stereotype of Finns that, Finn goes to shoot students at school; "its OK", Finn goes to rob a shop, "its OK", Finn shoots a guy on the street "its OK"!!!

        But when a foreigner does it, he is GUILTY, we should kick all the foreigners out now

        Also should include that foreigner did it; "No problem, Finnish culture and nation is still safe, it was just another foreigner, they are already shit"

        So good job on your bbc article as you showed everybody here that now we have a veery good reason to think that foreigners are useless unless they come here as tourists, spend a lot of money, and go back where they came from max in a week :D

        Not after know you for a long time, many of them ask same questions: Olen vain utelias. Mistä olet kotoisin? Miksi tulit Suomeen? Kuinka kauan asut tällä? Oletko naimisessa? Onko sulla perhettä? Onko sulla lapsia? Yksi vai kaski? Poika vai tytär? Sometimes they ask me even in front of customers. I really hate that.

      • finn.........
        It's offensive kirjoitti:

        Not after know you for a long time, many of them ask same questions: Olen vain utelias. Mistä olet kotoisin? Miksi tulit Suomeen? Kuinka kauan asut tällä? Oletko naimisessa? Onko sulla perhettä? Onko sulla lapsia? Yksi vai kaski? Poika vai tytär? Sometimes they ask me even in front of customers. I really hate that.

        out of here, if you are offended. what are you waiting for? we don't want forigners here.

      • finnaudios
        finn......... kirjoitti:

        out of here, if you are offended. what are you waiting for? we don't want forigners here.

        yeah why dont you just hide out in your summer house and cover your insecurity dude ?

      • TomPPa..
        It's offensive kirjoitti:

        Not after know you for a long time, many of them ask same questions: Olen vain utelias. Mistä olet kotoisin? Miksi tulit Suomeen? Kuinka kauan asut tällä? Oletko naimisessa? Onko sulla perhettä? Onko sulla lapsia? Yksi vai kaski? Poika vai tytär? Sometimes they ask me even in front of customers. I really hate that.

        I guess that's socializing in Finnish way. It just happens to be different than in other cultures.

      • katiaitalia
        nimimerkkivarattu kirjoitti:

        Finns aren't rude people, it's just a culture difference. For example when finns are visiting abroad they don't use word "please" because in Finland we don't have equivalent ford for that. we also use other polite words rarely because in Finland it's not normal to say "thanks", "please" etc on every situation. So culture difference affects a lot I think.

        I saw someone saying that finns know nothing about other cultures, well I would say that's bullshit. When compared to Americans or people from other big countries we know really much about other cultures and most of us also speak more languages than they speak.

        Finns are shy, yes I can oly agree with that, but we aren't cold, for us it's just not that normal to talk about our feelings so much.

        Many finns are depressed, I partly agree with that. Probably every finn seems to be depressed, but thats because they always look so sad, they speak so monotonic, they never smile and they act like they're always sad, but they aren't.

        And about racism, maybe things like this make us hate some immigrants. As far as I know most finns are only rasist towards somalians, Russia and Irak/Iran and their neighbours. Some situations we have reason to be rasist, but there's also streotypes which cause rasism.

        At the weekends we drink alcohol, I don't really understand what's wrong with that since it makes us happier and more social. It's like americans going church every Sunday.. most people including me thin that it's strange habit and it's impossible to imagine me doing something like that.( just noticed how crappy parable that was ^^)

        sorry about my bad english ..

        your english is not bad,,,dont is mine,,,anyway,...i understand what u said about the language and people being reserved......but i have experienced and now learn that thats not just it..there is some how a lack in social behaviour....thats nothign to do with finnsih language issue..but example..,..rarely i see people helping anyone who needs it.and thats because finns may think is not their business,or that it owuld be an invstion of privacy,,such a ridiculus explanation,when to me is just sign of lack for compassion in people and polite words are missing in language and it effects in people acting as well...i dont expect people to hug me or kiss me when they great,and i understand there are differences i must accept.but for god sake,there are behavious that are common in almost all western cultures...sometimes finland seam so far away from it,,,,,like a country on its own,,,like if made of unique species...mah....and im an open minded person,,,but really cannot digest these behaviours...and the drinkin gthing yes is a shame when u do without limit and loose totally girl urinating in street,..or vomiting ,,what a nice sight!!in my country people dont drink much,,,not in south at least,and if they do,,they domt do at this level..getting totally wasted..

      • Fedup
        finn......... kirjoitti:

        out of here, if you are offended. what are you waiting for? we don't want forigners here.

        You are what Finland is to me!

      • Anonyymi
        greetingz kirjoitti:

        So, hi there everyone! I'm not Finnish nor Scandinavian (yet), but I see Finland, as a foreigner,the most beautiful country (at least in Europe). Beautiful nature, music, berries, and everything sounds tasty xD
        Some posts put me to think about what's going on there. I am interested in this country, so I have a little bit of remorse somehow. How can a so beautiful country be damned with so cold ppl? Well, doesn't matter, in fact. Every country has it's good side and bad side. If Finland it's beautiful and drunk, it's ok with me. If it has good music and high taxes, it's ok again. Because everywhere you'll go, you'll find shit ^^. The only thing what most of ppl here were doing, is that they are generalizing (or smth like that). Even if 99% of Finns are racist, they are not all, because there is that 1% of "kind" ppl. So with the others. Not everyone drinks so much, nor everyone isn't caring about their family or children. Not every Finn rapes someone, nor every Finn is jealous. You get what I mean!
        A thing which I do not understand it's why are you just thinking about their bad side, because every country has it's bad side. Everything in this world has a bad side (eating chocolate too).
        Look just how is the country as a whole, not particular, but without generalizing the ppl in it. And if you are a foreigner going or living there, deal with the life in Finland, you could have chosen from many countries; if u don't like it, then why the hell did u go there? Deal with it and anyway, life can't be so bad there neither. Outside are plenty of countries where ppl are narrow minded also (like Romania, but not all of 'em). And if u live there, u have to find a person with which to talk smth, no? Maybe it's not ur neighbor, or someone from work, maybe will be a gardener, a seller, or whatever.
        Well ... Do Finns drink SO MUCH?! I'd like to hear a simple answer. Does Finland have 420 taxes like Romania does?! I rly don't think so (I'm not trying to compare them). And again, I'd need an answer.
        In some years, this country will be changed (like all of them), I hope so at least, their coldness and jealousy will disappear with the presence of foreigners (and Internet, as someone said before). Oh, hope that black ppl, muslims and others like this won't eradicate the blond-haired blue-eyed Finns ^^
        Sorry for my English :(
        Kiitos paljon! (I absolutely love the language  

        In other words you would be happy only if the Finnish population would disappear and leave more room to you - or maybe even willing to tolerate Finns, if they would stop being Finnish and pretend to be from Brazilian or whatever.

        Your comment proves why you are excluded from the Finnish society.

        What on earth are you guys thinking? That you are some kind of settlers, hellbent on taking the Finns out?

        There are other countries with beautiful scenery. Go to Sweden or Estonia. Nobody will miss you!

    • Grashi

      I suggest you go reading on this new website about Finland i liked it so much its not yet complete though but i found alot of usefull info in it.

    • 20

      The honesty of this foolish land is LEGENDARY. Of course we shall tell you everything. Because he/she asked? Where do these morons get there ideas. Come and see what are we like. The English people are haughty, impolite, judge people by their clothes. LESSON INVALUABLE. PRICELESS. During a friendly gongregational visit your citizens refuse to dance with sober Finnish person. Pox upon your England, curse be upon thee. You have no manners at all for those you call 'poor' people. I advice everyone go to the England and act like a poor person.

    • go away

      Who likes darkies? NO-ONE!

    • case closed

      “I'm doing a schoolproject on the subject and I would appreciate your answers”………….This is what the original question was….is it not obvious that this person is a “School kid” …..many of the replies were gross, but I guess that is the Finn in you................. Prejudice……. Finns do have I have seen it first hand also your favorite thing is “if you live here learn Finnish” ….well I do speak Finnish but you do not accept it because I speak with a accent and when I learned Finnish, it was years ago and I do not have ALL the new words in my Finnish vocabulary you are more un kind towards me ……it is very hard to make friends with you as you do not have a open mind and with your “tunnel” vision you want to have the last word……not open to any discussion…… case closed.

      • MEIASDS


      • Minnuska88

        Well-- with your ending sentences, so you mean that you don't want anyone to reply to this or do you mean that people don't want to have discussion..? Because if it's the first- then you are not open- if the second- then I'm sorry you felt that way. Finns are not that open, but once you get to know them- they are friends forever. I can only speak what I think and who I am- and I can say that I LOVE GETTING TO KNOW NEW PEOPLE FROM DIFFERENT CULTURES AND NATIONS.. So, if you wanna have friend- then come to me.

      • frienship dont exist
        Minnuska88 kirjoitti:

        Well-- with your ending sentences, so you mean that you don't want anyone to reply to this or do you mean that people don't want to have discussion..? Because if it's the first- then you are not open- if the second- then I'm sorry you felt that way. Finns are not that open, but once you get to know them- they are friends forever. I can only speak what I think and who I am- and I can say that I LOVE GETTING TO KNOW NEW PEOPLE FROM DIFFERENT CULTURES AND NATIONS.. So, if you wanna have friend- then come to me.

        yeah yeah foreever my asdd...ive seen freind ship of 10 years ending for stuoid fight...and in my case, finnish friedn who considered me so close and nice person...when they lived in italy ,suddelty they turned back on me when i moved to finand....the anser to my wuestion whats was happening' i was told..they felt we had different interest..friednship is a bulshit..and dont last.

    • naiivi ajatus

      I would like to thank Finland and some special Finnish people for the part of my life spent in this country, I hope everything will be all right with all of us, thank you.

      • gangbullied

        finns know how to bully people, most of the people, even adults, need someone to bully to feel better in their shitty lives, no wonder suicide rate is high and mass murders happen.

      • smiley?
        gangbullied kirjoitti:

        finns know how to bully people, most of the people, even adults, need someone to bully to feel better in their shitty lives, no wonder suicide rate is high and mass murders happen.

        Now let's get real. The original question was about opinions of Finns, in general. Then we get a girl writing about how she smiles every day etc etc.
        This is an open forum and everyone is entitled to their opinions, whether negative or positive.

        Apparently the Finns do not like when others critizise them, that is a fact.
        Being a barefoot Finn myself, and having lived widely abroad, also discussed this matter with friends, both foreigners and natives, the conclusion is that there are good and bad persons, and influences everywhere.
        But a prototype Finn - not too many smiles, keep everything to yourself, do not care of their neighbours, others (one could lie unconscious on the street and people just walk by), always counting everything in terms of money, spending. Tight (crabs in their pockets).
        The women have a worldwide reputation of being easy.
        No sense of dresscode, whatsoever.
        Their honesty boarders stupidity.

        Of course there is the beautiful climate, that is the snow in the parks, winter. But the darkness takes its toll, eventually.
        They can be very polite, when want to, but racism... I do not venture to this subject.

      • ohsofintastic
        smiley? kirjoitti:

        Now let's get real. The original question was about opinions of Finns, in general. Then we get a girl writing about how she smiles every day etc etc.
        This is an open forum and everyone is entitled to their opinions, whether negative or positive.

        Apparently the Finns do not like when others critizise them, that is a fact.
        Being a barefoot Finn myself, and having lived widely abroad, also discussed this matter with friends, both foreigners and natives, the conclusion is that there are good and bad persons, and influences everywhere.
        But a prototype Finn - not too many smiles, keep everything to yourself, do not care of their neighbours, others (one could lie unconscious on the street and people just walk by), always counting everything in terms of money, spending. Tight (crabs in their pockets).
        The women have a worldwide reputation of being easy.
        No sense of dresscode, whatsoever.
        Their honesty boarders stupidity.

        Of course there is the beautiful climate, that is the snow in the parks, winter. But the darkness takes its toll, eventually.
        They can be very polite, when want to, but racism... I do not venture to this subject.

        and their "I don`t give a merde what you think of me/us" attitude. So should we!!!!!

      • saatanan saatana
        gangbullied kirjoitti:

        finns know how to bully people, most of the people, even adults, need someone to bully to feel better in their shitty lives, no wonder suicide rate is high and mass murders happen.

        What the fuck. Really? Compare Finland to USA. joo siis haistakaa ny paska, usassa vähintää 10 ihmistä ammutaa vittu joka päivä, ja nää haukkuu suomee joidenki kahen kouluammuskelun takia. MITÄ VITTUA :D ja itsemurhamäärä? jenkeissä joka päivä tehään itsemurhia. ja lukekaa ny vittu edes uutisia. amerikassa tukehdutettiin 2-vuotias vauva ja heitettiin mettään eikä se äiti edes joutunu vankilaa, amerikassa ammuttiin haulikolla lapsi joka leikki kotipihallansa, amerikassa 17-vuotias ampu 14-vuotiasta 2 kertaa päähän KOULUTUNNILLA. siis vittu näitä riittää iha liikaa. Joo eihän suomi mikää täydellinen maa ookkaa, mutta helvetti, haukkukaa jenkkejä ja tulkaa sitte haukkuun suomee.

    • minä se vaan

      At first I have to recommend a book CULTURE SHOCK - FINLAND for you all (in Helsinki you can find it at least some librarys and akateeminen kirjakauppa). A very good book for understanding finnish culture!!! For both: finns and foreigners.

      REMEMBER: Finnish culture differentiates a lot to many other cultures in some parts for example manners and values of life.
      There are idiots and people with low self-esteem ewerywhere! So do not generalizize, please.

      This is my story in nutshell: I'm finnish guy. I used to be very shy and have low self-esteem before. Still I wanted a lot to have more friends (though I had some very good ones). With very shy approach I didn't succeeded. I was trying to find out the reason for that... The finnish media (these forums, magazines, tv programs; I will tell more about this later) offered me one: The quilty is the finns and their uncivilizized manners...

      I went to travel. Abroad I was thinking just positive things about the country [which is actually good ;)] and thought people are so great and civilizized when they talk loud with hand-wawing (someone used that previusly :) ), say "polite" phrases and so on. Well, the people were still threating me the same way.
      I was thinking Finland sucks and I don't belong here.

      I built up as a person A LOT, started to study psicology (on my own) and getting better self-esteem and having new friends. The feeling about Finland really changed. I started to understand the phenomenon of my own culture! It was great!! Now my self-esteem is great by the way ;) and I have turned to really love my culture!! I found my homecountry at last!

      Now I have a new quest in my life: I moved in to another country (here called B) with a quite diferent culture about half a year ago. Many manners, normal for B, would be extremely impolite in Finland and cause me bad feelings. I'm thinking just like many paople here: These people suck and I "hate" this new culture... Anyway I know it is just the culture shock and I just have to accept that diference. I had to choose either to come back or to stay another 6 months... I decided to stay. All the time I understand more about this culture and maybe someday I feel like it as part of mine like finnish culture :)

      So, I have experience to be 1) A finn who doesn't like his culture, 2) a finn who is very proud of his culture and 3) a person who is learning a totally new culture

      to be continued...

      • minä se vaan

        Here some thoughs:

        Finns really know about and tolerate extremely lot other cultures (not all of them, African cultures for example). If for example when Italian tourists come to F and are very loudy we think: That is their nature, it's not because they are impolite. Many other countrys people really piss of because of diferent manners of their own...

        Somebody said that it's hard to get a job without finnish language skills and the finns should speak more english. COME ON! Think about your country... does that happen there and if it's an english-speaking country it would be just the same if I spoke just finnish and insisted that for the others.
        I don't know why you came here. But I wouldn't move to a new country without a job or language skills.

        I really think the Finns are very deep people!! At least we are NOT superficial at all! Status things, money, showing-off etc things exist very little! Generally people do not show their richness. Everybody wants to be igual with others.

        Finns love the silence (not allways!!), going to nature to relax and falling to their own thoughs. It is actually some kind of meditacion (not sure thought :) ) I just learned the reason for this while living in a city with more than 10 million habitants. Here I can't do that anywhere! I can't think and get energy to do allmost anything! My brains are going to explode. We just love to think and need to do that too!
        We are not religious but spiritual!

        Finns care other people even more than theirselves: Sometimes we do not want someone to help us because we don't want him/her to be bothered (not the best word here, but you got the idea i think)
        This kind of behaviour was impolite in my new "homecountry".

        Finns doesn't drink that often but when we drink, yes, we drink quite a lot :)
        And I think it is normal :D

        Finns have GREAT HUMOUR!! Really great! Features of finnish humour are for example: Jokes of one's self;
        Alcohol ;D, complexity (Sometimes it really has that!), secularity...
        Things with finnish humour does NOT have: simplicity, showing-off, "funny" faces and movements ("Jim Carrey" or "ahcmed the dead terrorist" - I can't watch them :S (youtube))
        Finns also laugh more than in any other place where a have been travelling (Italy, Latin America, Sweden, Lithuania, Germany etc.) for my opinion. [Please comment]

        If call all the finns racists etc. you really are a racist yourself.

        Finns really don't like small talk depending on what is it meaning. We say something humorous or necessary or then we don't say anything! If there is not anything to say -> silence. In speech the quality wins the quantity!!
        Finns in the cities seldom start a conversation to a person they don't know but hey, where does it happen? :D

        A had a lot more on mind but don't remember anymore...

        Please comment and especially for foreigners in Finland: I know it's hard to live in different culture. You just have to find good things of the culture and learn the language witch is very important everywhere! Also think why people behave like that and learn the history too!!

        Great christmas time and new year to everyone!

      • Camaleao
        minä se vaan kirjoitti:

        Here some thoughs:

        Finns really know about and tolerate extremely lot other cultures (not all of them, African cultures for example). If for example when Italian tourists come to F and are very loudy we think: That is their nature, it's not because they are impolite. Many other countrys people really piss of because of diferent manners of their own...

        Somebody said that it's hard to get a job without finnish language skills and the finns should speak more english. COME ON! Think about your country... does that happen there and if it's an english-speaking country it would be just the same if I spoke just finnish and insisted that for the others.
        I don't know why you came here. But I wouldn't move to a new country without a job or language skills.

        I really think the Finns are very deep people!! At least we are NOT superficial at all! Status things, money, showing-off etc things exist very little! Generally people do not show their richness. Everybody wants to be igual with others.

        Finns love the silence (not allways!!), going to nature to relax and falling to their own thoughs. It is actually some kind of meditacion (not sure thought :) ) I just learned the reason for this while living in a city with more than 10 million habitants. Here I can't do that anywhere! I can't think and get energy to do allmost anything! My brains are going to explode. We just love to think and need to do that too!
        We are not religious but spiritual!

        Finns care other people even more than theirselves: Sometimes we do not want someone to help us because we don't want him/her to be bothered (not the best word here, but you got the idea i think)
        This kind of behaviour was impolite in my new "homecountry".

        Finns doesn't drink that often but when we drink, yes, we drink quite a lot :)
        And I think it is normal :D

        Finns have GREAT HUMOUR!! Really great! Features of finnish humour are for example: Jokes of one's self;
        Alcohol ;D, complexity (Sometimes it really has that!), secularity...
        Things with finnish humour does NOT have: simplicity, showing-off, "funny" faces and movements ("Jim Carrey" or "ahcmed the dead terrorist" - I can't watch them :S (youtube))
        Finns also laugh more than in any other place where a have been travelling (Italy, Latin America, Sweden, Lithuania, Germany etc.) for my opinion. [Please comment]

        If call all the finns racists etc. you really are a racist yourself.

        Finns really don't like small talk depending on what is it meaning. We say something humorous or necessary or then we don't say anything! If there is not anything to say -> silence. In speech the quality wins the quantity!!
        Finns in the cities seldom start a conversation to a person they don't know but hey, where does it happen? :D

        A had a lot more on mind but don't remember anymore...

        Please comment and especially for foreigners in Finland: I know it's hard to live in different culture. You just have to find good things of the culture and learn the language witch is very important everywhere! Also think why people behave like that and learn the history too!!

        Great christmas time and new year to everyone!

        I've lived in Finland for about 2.5 years now. Half of it in the countryside and the other half in Helsinki. It has been a very different experience. In the countryside, all my friends were Finns and they proved to be very welcoming and friendly.
        Helsinki has been a very different experience: all my friends here are foreign except one.
        So what do I think about Finland? It has been a "mixed bag" which honestly has also been the case in other countries I have lived in. One thing you will all have heard before: it is bloody difficult to meet people in Helsinki and I start to wonder how one should go about it :)?
        I find it also difficult to cope with the black and white approach to things Finns have, but not to an extent where life here is unbearable. Overall, living here has been a positive experience.
        In some posts above, I can read things I have read while living in other countries. Same frustrations from local people, same frustrations from expats side. This is just to say that often when talking about the country once has emigrated to judgements are not objective anymore and might reflect more frustration when comparing the host country to the home country.... anyway, that is just a thought, having been an expat in 3 different countries for 20 years :)

        All in all, some pattern/topics when talking about Finland and foreigners are the same then those I heard when I lived in Ireland or my parents might have talked about some 50 years ago.... this is just to say that emmigration or whatever you call it is just new to Finland...and you will get a mixed bag of reactions: enthusiasm ... and quite the opposite at times

      • isaloween
        Camaleao kirjoitti:

        I've lived in Finland for about 2.5 years now. Half of it in the countryside and the other half in Helsinki. It has been a very different experience. In the countryside, all my friends were Finns and they proved to be very welcoming and friendly.
        Helsinki has been a very different experience: all my friends here are foreign except one.
        So what do I think about Finland? It has been a "mixed bag" which honestly has also been the case in other countries I have lived in. One thing you will all have heard before: it is bloody difficult to meet people in Helsinki and I start to wonder how one should go about it :)?
        I find it also difficult to cope with the black and white approach to things Finns have, but not to an extent where life here is unbearable. Overall, living here has been a positive experience.
        In some posts above, I can read things I have read while living in other countries. Same frustrations from local people, same frustrations from expats side. This is just to say that often when talking about the country once has emigrated to judgements are not objective anymore and might reflect more frustration when comparing the host country to the home country.... anyway, that is just a thought, having been an expat in 3 different countries for 20 years :)

        All in all, some pattern/topics when talking about Finland and foreigners are the same then those I heard when I lived in Ireland or my parents might have talked about some 50 years ago.... this is just to say that emmigration or whatever you call it is just new to Finland...and you will get a mixed bag of reactions: enthusiasm ... and quite the opposite at times

        I've just spent about 30 mns reading everything here and I have to say I'm very sad of what I see...

        I'm not French and never lived or even visited Finland. But I do have a huge interest for this country and it's people which, from the outside I do not see at all as bad people.
        I've lived in Norway for a year a long time ago. I went there without knowing any Norwegian language and only a little English. It was my very first trip alone, I was just 20 and I went straight up to a farm in a village called Hattfjelldal. I arrived in this Norwegian familly and thought I was on another planet.

        I met peole who were "descreet" and "mistrustfull". I think it is more conveniant than shy or reserved (in my opinion). On their side, they must have had ambiguous feelings too because being French I can seem a little "in your face" even though I'm not of an exuberant nature. But simply I've never been affraid to talk naturaly to whoever I have in front of me.

        I'm telling the story because I believe that the Finnish state of mind must not be very far off the Norwegian one. I don't think it's a Finnish issue, but more a Scandinavian one actualy (but i can be wrong).

        So basicaly, it took us quite a while to get used to each other and it wasn't that easy, expecialy because we had to live together (I also had to take care of four children raised in the Norwegian fashion which is very different from the French one) but progressively, we learned to understand and tame each other, I believe it takes a lot of patience, tolerance and most importantly dialogue.

        I had to make the effort and to take the risk of speaking my heart in order to get them to oepn up to me. In the start it wasn't easy and I got a few bad looks, but after a while a true relation took place and they opened up as well to the point where I became almost part of the familly. I went to church with them (even though I'm not a believer) they presented me all their friends and I even got to spend long nights talking to the father's couple issues! which I thought was quite a miracle!

        All of this to says that, I believe that the best way to get inside someone's closed off world is to "stand beside him/her" listen, wait and let it come. Eventualy it will hapen.

        To the strangers living in finland, and who find finnish people harsh, let me just remind you of one thing: When you go to another country, no matter which one it is, the first thing you have to do is to adapt yourself and your behaviour to it and to it's people. Do not wait for them to adapt to you, because it will not happen and it shouldn't happen. When someone comes into your house, into your intimity, you expect from him to respect you and your way of life and if he goes and get himself a beer in your fridge you'll look at him like he's an arshole, and you'd be right. Well it's the same when you get in someone's country, a country is a house, with it's rules and it's own identity, and it is important that it keeps it. how would you feel if someone tried to change your identity?...

        I'm saying this because as a traveler, I often see strangers not adapting to where they go and expecti ng others to change everything around them because THEY are here now. I'm not making a generality, there is allways exceptions, but most of the time it's working that way and I don't think it's correct.

        Concerning the racism issues... Unfortunatly, It's the same in all countries in this mad world. And that comes from the lake of respect I talked about I think. People not wanting to adapt to where they are. it's been going on for ages all over the world. We all go along on this planet trying to apropriate ourselves everything because we just think it's normal. We forget that nothing on here is ours, and nothing will ever be. We are just people who have illusions of owning things and each other. But that's illusion.

        Anyway... I'll end this saying, that, personaly, I have issues against no one, I do love people, no matter where they are from. We all have something to bring to each other no matter how many differences we have, and it makes me deeply sad to see how trivial issues can come and compromise the "true" richess that we could have if we were trying one second to put our egos apart and not be affraid to open up and take some emotional risks.

        I'm still in touch with my Norwegian familly today, and I'm not affraid to tell them that I love them. They don't say it back, but I know thatit touches them deep inside and that's exactly what i want. I don't need any return. I just want them to know I'm here and how I feel because there is nothing more important in the world than knowing that you are loved and not alone in this world.

        Take kare of yourselves, and enjoy your lives.

      • isaloween
        isaloween kirjoitti:

        I've just spent about 30 mns reading everything here and I have to say I'm very sad of what I see...

        I'm not French and never lived or even visited Finland. But I do have a huge interest for this country and it's people which, from the outside I do not see at all as bad people.
        I've lived in Norway for a year a long time ago. I went there without knowing any Norwegian language and only a little English. It was my very first trip alone, I was just 20 and I went straight up to a farm in a village called Hattfjelldal. I arrived in this Norwegian familly and thought I was on another planet.

        I met peole who were "descreet" and "mistrustfull". I think it is more conveniant than shy or reserved (in my opinion). On their side, they must have had ambiguous feelings too because being French I can seem a little "in your face" even though I'm not of an exuberant nature. But simply I've never been affraid to talk naturaly to whoever I have in front of me.

        I'm telling the story because I believe that the Finnish state of mind must not be very far off the Norwegian one. I don't think it's a Finnish issue, but more a Scandinavian one actualy (but i can be wrong).

        So basicaly, it took us quite a while to get used to each other and it wasn't that easy, expecialy because we had to live together (I also had to take care of four children raised in the Norwegian fashion which is very different from the French one) but progressively, we learned to understand and tame each other, I believe it takes a lot of patience, tolerance and most importantly dialogue.

        I had to make the effort and to take the risk of speaking my heart in order to get them to oepn up to me. In the start it wasn't easy and I got a few bad looks, but after a while a true relation took place and they opened up as well to the point where I became almost part of the familly. I went to church with them (even though I'm not a believer) they presented me all their friends and I even got to spend long nights talking to the father's couple issues! which I thought was quite a miracle!

        All of this to says that, I believe that the best way to get inside someone's closed off world is to "stand beside him/her" listen, wait and let it come. Eventualy it will hapen.

        To the strangers living in finland, and who find finnish people harsh, let me just remind you of one thing: When you go to another country, no matter which one it is, the first thing you have to do is to adapt yourself and your behaviour to it and to it's people. Do not wait for them to adapt to you, because it will not happen and it shouldn't happen. When someone comes into your house, into your intimity, you expect from him to respect you and your way of life and if he goes and get himself a beer in your fridge you'll look at him like he's an arshole, and you'd be right. Well it's the same when you get in someone's country, a country is a house, with it's rules and it's own identity, and it is important that it keeps it. how would you feel if someone tried to change your identity?...

        I'm saying this because as a traveler, I often see strangers not adapting to where they go and expecti ng others to change everything around them because THEY are here now. I'm not making a generality, there is allways exceptions, but most of the time it's working that way and I don't think it's correct.

        Concerning the racism issues... Unfortunatly, It's the same in all countries in this mad world. And that comes from the lake of respect I talked about I think. People not wanting to adapt to where they are. it's been going on for ages all over the world. We all go along on this planet trying to apropriate ourselves everything because we just think it's normal. We forget that nothing on here is ours, and nothing will ever be. We are just people who have illusions of owning things and each other. But that's illusion.

        Anyway... I'll end this saying, that, personaly, I have issues against no one, I do love people, no matter where they are from. We all have something to bring to each other no matter how many differences we have, and it makes me deeply sad to see how trivial issues can come and compromise the "true" richess that we could have if we were trying one second to put our egos apart and not be affraid to open up and take some emotional risks.

        I'm still in touch with my Norwegian familly today, and I'm not affraid to tell them that I love them. They don't say it back, but I know thatit touches them deep inside and that's exactly what i want. I don't need any return. I just want them to know I'm here and how I feel because there is nothing more important in the world than knowing that you are loved and not alone in this world.

        Take kare of yourselves, and enjoy your lives.

        I meant I am French...


      • fucknazis
        minä se vaan kirjoitti:

        Here some thoughs:

        Finns really know about and tolerate extremely lot other cultures (not all of them, African cultures for example). If for example when Italian tourists come to F and are very loudy we think: That is their nature, it's not because they are impolite. Many other countrys people really piss of because of diferent manners of their own...

        Somebody said that it's hard to get a job without finnish language skills and the finns should speak more english. COME ON! Think about your country... does that happen there and if it's an english-speaking country it would be just the same if I spoke just finnish and insisted that for the others.
        I don't know why you came here. But I wouldn't move to a new country without a job or language skills.

        I really think the Finns are very deep people!! At least we are NOT superficial at all! Status things, money, showing-off etc things exist very little! Generally people do not show their richness. Everybody wants to be igual with others.

        Finns love the silence (not allways!!), going to nature to relax and falling to their own thoughs. It is actually some kind of meditacion (not sure thought :) ) I just learned the reason for this while living in a city with more than 10 million habitants. Here I can't do that anywhere! I can't think and get energy to do allmost anything! My brains are going to explode. We just love to think and need to do that too!
        We are not religious but spiritual!

        Finns care other people even more than theirselves: Sometimes we do not want someone to help us because we don't want him/her to be bothered (not the best word here, but you got the idea i think)
        This kind of behaviour was impolite in my new "homecountry".

        Finns doesn't drink that often but when we drink, yes, we drink quite a lot :)
        And I think it is normal :D

        Finns have GREAT HUMOUR!! Really great! Features of finnish humour are for example: Jokes of one's self;
        Alcohol ;D, complexity (Sometimes it really has that!), secularity...
        Things with finnish humour does NOT have: simplicity, showing-off, "funny" faces and movements ("Jim Carrey" or "ahcmed the dead terrorist" - I can't watch them :S (youtube))
        Finns also laugh more than in any other place where a have been travelling (Italy, Latin America, Sweden, Lithuania, Germany etc.) for my opinion. [Please comment]

        If call all the finns racists etc. you really are a racist yourself.

        Finns really don't like small talk depending on what is it meaning. We say something humorous or necessary or then we don't say anything! If there is not anything to say -> silence. In speech the quality wins the quantity!!
        Finns in the cities seldom start a conversation to a person they don't know but hey, where does it happen? :D

        A had a lot more on mind but don't remember anymore...

        Please comment and especially for foreigners in Finland: I know it's hard to live in different culture. You just have to find good things of the culture and learn the language witch is very important everywhere! Also think why people behave like that and learn the history too!!

        Great christmas time and new year to everyone!

        Finns have no sense of humor, you make a joke and they frown all the fucking time. They even frown if you use official terms like African American, Mexican American, Hispanic American... and they love to go camping to their shit forests with the Confederate flag for tent. Racists!

      • Santa Claus
        isaloween kirjoitti:

        I meant I am French...


        It's great to read that someone can think so openly like you do.Finnish are little bit like Norwegian.First,we not talking so mutch ouer own business and that is ouer own adituted and culture.But if you want to talk with someone example wheatre in bus station,you need say "hi" and i think you get back "hi" and maybe more.
        If someone come to other country and say to me "hi", i say to back to "hi" and want to know where he/she coming and what he/he thinking about Finland and finnish people.
        Finnish people are honest and helpful,like we are saying"kaveria ei jätetä" which meen that we do not leave ouer own friends,not even war.

        Welcome to Finland:)

      • Anonyymi
        minä se vaan kirjoitti:

        Here some thoughs:

        Finns really know about and tolerate extremely lot other cultures (not all of them, African cultures for example). If for example when Italian tourists come to F and are very loudy we think: That is their nature, it's not because they are impolite. Many other countrys people really piss of because of diferent manners of their own...

        Somebody said that it's hard to get a job without finnish language skills and the finns should speak more english. COME ON! Think about your country... does that happen there and if it's an english-speaking country it would be just the same if I spoke just finnish and insisted that for the others.
        I don't know why you came here. But I wouldn't move to a new country without a job or language skills.

        I really think the Finns are very deep people!! At least we are NOT superficial at all! Status things, money, showing-off etc things exist very little! Generally people do not show their richness. Everybody wants to be igual with others.

        Finns love the silence (not allways!!), going to nature to relax and falling to their own thoughs. It is actually some kind of meditacion (not sure thought :) ) I just learned the reason for this while living in a city with more than 10 million habitants. Here I can't do that anywhere! I can't think and get energy to do allmost anything! My brains are going to explode. We just love to think and need to do that too!
        We are not religious but spiritual!

        Finns care other people even more than theirselves: Sometimes we do not want someone to help us because we don't want him/her to be bothered (not the best word here, but you got the idea i think)
        This kind of behaviour was impolite in my new "homecountry".

        Finns doesn't drink that often but when we drink, yes, we drink quite a lot :)
        And I think it is normal :D

        Finns have GREAT HUMOUR!! Really great! Features of finnish humour are for example: Jokes of one's self;
        Alcohol ;D, complexity (Sometimes it really has that!), secularity...
        Things with finnish humour does NOT have: simplicity, showing-off, "funny" faces and movements ("Jim Carrey" or "ahcmed the dead terrorist" - I can't watch them :S (youtube))
        Finns also laugh more than in any other place where a have been travelling (Italy, Latin America, Sweden, Lithuania, Germany etc.) for my opinion. [Please comment]

        If call all the finns racists etc. you really are a racist yourself.

        Finns really don't like small talk depending on what is it meaning. We say something humorous or necessary or then we don't say anything! If there is not anything to say -> silence. In speech the quality wins the quantity!!
        Finns in the cities seldom start a conversation to a person they don't know but hey, where does it happen? :D

        A had a lot more on mind but don't remember anymore...

        Please comment and especially for foreigners in Finland: I know it's hard to live in different culture. You just have to find good things of the culture and learn the language witch is very important everywhere! Also think why people behave like that and learn the history too!!

        Great christmas time and new year to everyone!

        Thank you for your highly interesting posts, typical self-reflection, a Finnish feature that the majority of the world could learn from.

        You mentioned the dreadful smalltalk... I got a Swedish man to stop after he once again asked "How are you doing" when calling in business matters.

        "Oh well, I have had a headache for a week. My sister moved to a new apartment. Yesteday I had meatloaf" - which is when he went straight to the matter and never asked me 'How are you doing?' again.

        I wanted to see if he is genuinely interested in my wellbeing, or if he is just throwing around superficial nonsense. He asked and I replied back. LOL

    • jukkis6699

      when I read these very very negative comments about finland, I really wan't to cry.....
      I am a very proud finnish 17 guy, I freaking love finland, i'm very patriotic, and yes, because of that, I will admit, I probably a bit naive, but in general, finland is great, nice people, compared to.......russians, and yes, i know, i'm a patriotic finn who doesn't like russians, a freaking shocker right? but i actually do know, i have lived in russia for a year, wen't to school there, and so on.
      Finnish people have their own culture, and our nature is actually very original, we have a shit load of trees, and our nature is pretty pure, there is so very much water, and the åland area, you know ahvenanmaa, i really don't know how to write that in english, but ahvenanmaa is very very different compared to other places, its unique.
      we have some foods, that other places don't have, we are kinda healthy, kinda XD
      in general everything we do, is very good quality.
      people are quite close to being equal, women men, and all that.
      and there is probably some racism, like there is everywhere, and there might be more of it in finland because we haven't been indebendent for that long, you know free, so there might be some racism because of that, of course it's not good, it's unacceptable, but that might be the reason.
      in general we are pretty good, so, if you don't like it, we are free, so you are free to go, and yes there is all ways room for improvement, but still camoon!!

    • fag4ever

      finns are crazy. ive seen alot of vids in youtube. And those dudesons. not so good as jackass but still :pp

    • Juupssss..a.a

      I dont really have nothing against black people(As long as they don't do that kinda shit anymore like abowe), and i think most of us finns are friendly, if you are friendly to them.

    • 17
    • Ronan10

      Finland has many different regions and types of people and it's impossible to place them all in the same category as it would be for any nation. There is no such thing as a typical French or Finn. People in the South Western part of France are different than in Bretagne, Alsace or Haute Savoie. The same is true for Finland.

      People in the Eastern part of Finland tend to be more extrovert, talkative, inviting and always willing to help. People on the countryside tend to drink less.

      Many Finnish share many common values though: honesty, punctuality and sisu just to name a few. Very admirable qualities.

      If you are interested about intercultural differences (and similarities!) I recommend that you read Fons Trompenaar's book "Riding the Waves of Culture" for a start and then move on to Geert Hofstede.

    • suomalainennnn

      I just have to say that we finnish people arent ''cold'' cuz we dont talk to strangers but thats only cuz alot of us have been told since we were kids that ''dont talk to strangers!''

      And also u cant completely blame finnish people cuz i've realized that alot of finnish people arent 100% finnish! almost everyone is a mix of something! mostly russian or swedish and of course there r a lot more! And almost all the drunk people in finland r teenagers! but believe me that they will calm down when they grow up and realize more about life! Sure there r drunkards in finland too but what counrty hasnt!?

      And im pretty sure that whatever country we would be here talkin' about there WILL ALLWAYS be something bad to say about EVERY country! None country is perfect! And if u couldn't care less about what i wrote, it's fine really cuz i said what i had to!

      oh! and also the reason why we maybe be a little 'confused' i guess about the foreigners is that they r quite a new thing in finland. like my mom told me like a year ago that the first black people here in the middle finland came at the 80's and people were like O_o cuz it was new! but now there's more of them and i am friends with a lot of them and other foreigners and they r mad funny seriously!

      so of course im defendin' my own country yes! but i get also what ur all others tryin' to say too and i get that! but it also matters that in where exactly in finland u r visiting/living or whatever, that how people r. and i'm sure it's the same in other countries too that in some places people dont like as much foreigners then maybe in some other places or whatever.

      but life is life! no matter how much u talk about how u dont like somebody, it wont change, finnish people will be always finnish people and u will always be whatever u r!

      so peace out! i'm about to go to sleep! and also that was only how I SEE this whole thing, people see things differently...

    • Conandom
    • th.thetruth

      Finland sucks so please dont move here. Im moving out in few years because they are planning great laws for the future finland that is going to rape people. Its hard enough for finns to live here let alone a foreigner. You can describe living in finland like dying a very slow death, with aids and cancer while a fat guy rapes you in your anus and another one is choking you in his penis while a latex lady takes a dump on your back.

      • Anonyymi

        Graphic xD

    • th.thetruth

      Although I have to add that finns themself are not bad people. I love the finns. Finns are the best people on eath. Finns rock! They are the most calculative people and when they try to be good at something they usually end up being the best. Finland has the best drunks, doctors and religious lunatics. At least the people here try the best to be what they are. I have lived here for 22 years and I love the finns, even the bald racist ones and the idiots in general ( I love to go friday night out to watch these crazy finns doing their stuff, its so hilarious ). The finnish people are perhaps one of the best people in the world. They are actualy very warm and helpful people. They are very good people also. Its just the actual sheer number of the population and the location of this place that is enough to drive people away.

    • fifi f.
    • utut B.

      Fanny like that poetic one.

    • Finland sucks ass

      Finnish people are pathetic losers who have to put down each others because they suck so much. Every foreigner that has visited finland laughs at them because finns are not only dumb but their girls are all bunch of sluts and men are all idiots, racists or just braindead. The only good finns I have met are the older generation workers but thats it.

    • dave///
    • erim

      What a silly site this is and what a ridicilous question. (Then again I'm silly for commenting!) The ignorance is unbearable! I HATE generalizations and where you are saying Finns are racists and bla bla bla, criticizing us then aren't you being racist and ignorant towards us? How do you think WE feel when you write that we are drunk racists with no feelings? Pah! Ridiculous.

    • MaijaMay

      The Finns are basically forest people, as I call them, not much of cultural good behaviour and good manners, some of them rude, when saying GoodMorning they do not even reply in a same building in a lift !
      They are racist, yes, I repeat they are all racist, one cannot even find an accommodation if you have a foreign name.
      their main interest is drinking, and for women, chasing men for sex.
      Mostly for foreign men.

    • 6.12. economic fest
    • wertyufghju

      finnish people are closed-minded'
      and their kekkoslowakian propaganda is as ridiculous-absurd-silly as functional to them. i laugh about that.

    • NeitoSuomen

      Kylläpä ei mun suomalainen, huono itsetuntoni tätä ketjua lukiessa ainakaan noussut... voi mikä paska kansa me ollaan... :(

      • be.proud.finns

        now you go fuck foreigners thinking that it would raise your self-esteem ...haha suomi tytöt aivan hukassa. Be proud of your country.............. Finland is one of the most advanced countries in terms of human and technological development.

      • Väinämöinen
        be.proud.finns kirjoitti:

        now you go fuck foreigners thinking that it would raise your self-esteem ...haha suomi tytöt aivan hukassa. Be proud of your country.............. Finland is one of the most advanced countries in terms of human and technological development.

        Näin.Mikään maa ei ole täydellinen.Suomalaisten vika on se,että he luulevat että Suomi on huono maa ja mikää vain muu maa on parempi.Suomalaisten pitäisi olla ylpeitä.Meillä on rikas kulttuuri ja olemme hyvinvointimaa.Olemme erillaisia.Kielellisesti ja geenisesti.Ymmärrän kyllä miksi se on vaikeaa olla ylpeä kun ruotsalaiset ja venäläiset ovat hallinneet suomalaisia vuosisatoja ja valehdelleet suomalaisten historiasta.

        Meillä on kaunis luonto.Kaunis raikas talvi ja kuuma kesä.Paljon järviä.Meillä on paljon hyviä bändejä myös.Teimme Nokian.Sanoimme ei Neuvostoliitolle ja puolustimme maatamme.Pieni maa esti suuren Neuvostoliiton.Maksoimme ensimmäiseksi sotavelkamme.Vanha kunnon suomalainen sisu on pitänyt meidät tällä pohjolassa elossa,vahvana.

        Olkaa perkele ylpeitä suomalaiset!

      • Anonyymi
        be.proud.finns kirjoitti:

        now you go fuck foreigners thinking that it would raise your self-esteem ...haha suomi tytöt aivan hukassa. Be proud of your country.............. Finland is one of the most advanced countries in terms of human and technological development.

        🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a bad joke

      • Anonyymi
        be.proud.finns kirjoitti:

        now you go fuck foreigners thinking that it would raise your self-esteem ...haha suomi tytöt aivan hukassa. Be proud of your country.............. Finland is one of the most advanced countries in terms of human and technological development.

        😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 fuck yourself with your stupid lies advanced country? What a bad joke

    • amgedpha

      The amount of negative, self absorbed, unhappy people in this thread makes me sad. Maybe you could take a look in the mirror, and think for a second, why is it, that you see everything as so bleak and miserable? Happiness comes from within. :)

      - A finn

    • peilistä näkee...

      Somewhere higher in this topic i noticed comment: "Otherwise fine, but I think the ubiquitous idea of there being jobs that do not attract Finns is false. I have worked in shitty jobs and there are Finns everywhere doing those jobs" Well, in my opinion, theres lots of people in finland that says they're taking our jobs an so on... but still, lots of those finnish people who keeps saying that, doesn't really work at all, but still they are hanging at sossu and pickin up money, that they drink later... or sooner! Im 19 yr finnish guy, and i know what im talking about, 'cause i know "lots", of those bums...

    • Do your bit=respect

      I think Finns really aren't rasistic but we just hate lazy people whom exploit the goverment and most of those lazy people come from countries where their culture is different, (not so hard work favoring). For example:

      "Romaneilla on aina ollut suuria vaikeuksia työnsaannissa. Yhtenä syynä tähän on ollut romanien tapakulttuuri. Romaninainen ei voi käyttää muuta asua kuin kansallispukuaan, ellei varmisteta, ettei kukaan toinen romani voi nähdä häntä.

      Suomen 10 000 romanista jopa puolen arvellaan olevan työttöminä."

      In english: "The Finnish Romani people have always had great difficulties in obtaining work. One reason for this has been the way of their culture. Romani woman cannot use any other clothe than her national costume or she has to make sure that no other Romani sees her.

      From Finlands 10 000 Romani, half don't work."

      Finnish Somali make relatively 3 times more crimes than Finns.

      And what makes people really mad is that some immigrant communities wont even intend to blend to our culture and demand for, example seperate swimming schedules for men and women at public swimming pools. It doesn't sound very big, but if you think it in our perspective it just looks like that people come here and tell us what to do. And I DO HAVE many foreign friends that study hard and blend excellent to our culture.

      • Anonyymi

        Thanks for the insight

    • A True Fin

      Like really ?

      If we Fins are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo damn bad people think just THINK for a goddamn second r u good at all / ur country

    • Paluumuuttaja X

      At the end of a day, it all boils down to :

      - They have no social manners to speak of
      - they think themselves some sort of Aryans
      - politeness is unknown word for them
      - fobia for foreigners, of all kind
      - humanity 0. A person might be dying on metro station, no one moves a finger (this is a country where everyone carries a mobile phone!)
      - their life goes past, while sorting out rubbish, paper, bottles, sardine tins, tunafish tins, milk cartons....
      - bureaucracy blooms.

      This all in general, ofcourse there are polite people everywhere in the world, but above is Finnish people in a nutshell. You get the picture ?

      I have returned back to my roots, and boy, am I sorry to be here again.

    • wondering2

      so, the conclusion is ; us finns as a nation are from the bottom of the barrel and oh how shitty our little country is...!! :(
      it makes me feel sad and not proud of my country to realise that this is how people from other countries see it....

      let me ask though : why is there so much people coming here anyway? and staying, they're not leaving although they're apparently hovering on verge of suicide ALL THE TIME, because of , because of the way we're treating them. Year after year.
      Why do they want to waste their lives here?

      Something doesn't add up.

      • Ginger84

        hmm... my experiences about foreigners in Helsinki :

        - Romanian beggers on the streets... I have nothing against them, but I wish they would get everything in order in their lives so they wouldn't need to beg.. it gets so cold at the winter :( I've bought them warm food to eat whenever I can and can spare few minutes to get money is no use, because those ladies don't get to keep the money anyway.

        - Dark skinned guys from usually African countries in the clubs, or tram/bus stops etc. ... look, I've seen these guys for decades (I'm 27) and I know what they're after... ; )
        usually asking girls phonenumbers right away, or asking place to stay for a night .. I'm sorry if that makes me cold-hearted bitch but I don't accomodate people I don't know (unless they're in danger and need help) ,and I also don't give my number away just like that, after 2 minutes conversation at tram stop when I'm in a hurry..(I'm in relationship as well, so I'm not interested in anyone in romantical sense right now... I tell that to people hitting on me very politely and friendly...but oddly enough, even that don't usually make them stop.....! ).
        .that way to approach is just all wrong... I don't know about other countries, (because I've never tried to talk to strangers when they're rushing somewhere) but in Finland that is too aggressive way to try when you want to get to know new people. Give people their personal space... please.

        The key to any communication is respect. If the other person's attitude is all along like I own him/her something, and I kind of ' have to' talk to them, that's not gonna lead anywhere. I choose my company among all skin colors and nationalities.. jerkface is a jerkface in every country.

        - English exchange students (4 girls) at my school, who always look bored and somewhat..hostile? I've tried to talk to them and I always smile and say good morning etc. like I naturally do to all of my schoolmates...but there's no response, just blank stare... odd.

        then the positive : )

        my wonderful, incredibly kind, warmhearted pen pals, Twitter/ Facebook friends, my friends' boyfriends/girlfriends, school friends and other friends from all around the world, who I love very dearly... who are similar people to me and who I really want to keep in touch with. I would never dream of not becoming friends with someone I like because that person is from another country or lives in another country..that would be very strange and sort of absurd from my part to do so, right? : )

        Just remember your manners and give people some space (which they valuate high, being finns) and you'll do fine. Be active and connect with some finns through exchange student etc. activities first, then they'll probably host some parties and introduce you to their friends..that's the best and quickest way to get
        bunch of finnish friends.

        Good luck and don't give up - it will be worth it because after making some friends with us locals, we're your friends for life : )
        that's one of our GOOD qualities : )

      • dfgsdfghh
        Ginger84 kirjoitti:

        hmm... my experiences about foreigners in Helsinki :

        - Romanian beggers on the streets... I have nothing against them, but I wish they would get everything in order in their lives so they wouldn't need to beg.. it gets so cold at the winter :( I've bought them warm food to eat whenever I can and can spare few minutes to get money is no use, because those ladies don't get to keep the money anyway.

        - Dark skinned guys from usually African countries in the clubs, or tram/bus stops etc. ... look, I've seen these guys for decades (I'm 27) and I know what they're after... ; )
        usually asking girls phonenumbers right away, or asking place to stay for a night .. I'm sorry if that makes me cold-hearted bitch but I don't accomodate people I don't know (unless they're in danger and need help) ,and I also don't give my number away just like that, after 2 minutes conversation at tram stop when I'm in a hurry..(I'm in relationship as well, so I'm not interested in anyone in romantical sense right now... I tell that to people hitting on me very politely and friendly...but oddly enough, even that don't usually make them stop.....! ).
        .that way to approach is just all wrong... I don't know about other countries, (because I've never tried to talk to strangers when they're rushing somewhere) but in Finland that is too aggressive way to try when you want to get to know new people. Give people their personal space... please.

        The key to any communication is respect. If the other person's attitude is all along like I own him/her something, and I kind of ' have to' talk to them, that's not gonna lead anywhere. I choose my company among all skin colors and nationalities.. jerkface is a jerkface in every country.

        - English exchange students (4 girls) at my school, who always look bored and somewhat..hostile? I've tried to talk to them and I always smile and say good morning etc. like I naturally do to all of my schoolmates...but there's no response, just blank stare... odd.

        then the positive : )

        my wonderful, incredibly kind, warmhearted pen pals, Twitter/ Facebook friends, my friends' boyfriends/girlfriends, school friends and other friends from all around the world, who I love very dearly... who are similar people to me and who I really want to keep in touch with. I would never dream of not becoming friends with someone I like because that person is from another country or lives in another country..that would be very strange and sort of absurd from my part to do so, right? : )

        Just remember your manners and give people some space (which they valuate high, being finns) and you'll do fine. Be active and connect with some finns through exchange student etc. activities first, then they'll probably host some parties and introduce you to their friends..that's the best and quickest way to get
        bunch of finnish friends.

        Good luck and don't give up - it will be worth it because after making some friends with us locals, we're your friends for life : )
        that's one of our GOOD qualities : )

        Beautifully said; couldn't have put it better myself. Everyone has his or her faults, not only us Finns. Maybe we're more aware of our faults than most people are. And that's not such a bad thing, is it?

      • Kerry Berry Wang.
        dfgsdfghh kirjoitti:

        Beautifully said; couldn't have put it better myself. Everyone has his or her faults, not only us Finns. Maybe we're more aware of our faults than most people are. And that's not such a bad thing, is it?

        you gotta be kidding!

        They either pretend they didn't hear or lie to themselves they are great and all is good!
        IF you ask them what they ate for breakfast they will be honest.
        IF you ask them about something more intimate , regarding of something intense or profound they will pretty much always lie cause they are afraid of what others would think about that.
        They don't like others to state their opinion either cause its just too scary for them, and they don't want to worry.

        NOTICE: in Finland is sort of forbidden in media to wash the political or culture dirts...Why do you think you never hear about negative things happening around?? OH tell me WHY????!!!
        Cause your LEADERS know that they need to have you blinded.
        IF MEDIA would share the dirts and some important negative news, or in different words if MEDIA was showing the truth- the people would start thinking more outside of the box, they would strike, panic, they would vote differently , they would consider different things and they would try to change something maybe... and whats the most scary for the gov. -people would use they own brains, they would become socially intelligent and they'd notice all the shit that exist in Finland...NO longer they would think Finland is the best, they would question much more things...

        WE foreign people notice whats happening here...
        cause we aren't naive and we know how to sense lies and corruption.

        Learn something if you don't want to be just some controlled muppets.

    • LOL

      WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ? Finns don't know anything about other cultures ? AMERICANS don't know anything about other cultures :D like seriously, Finland isn't that bad ? " finns are shy and blablablabla " not everyone.. " finns are always drunk " yeah right... :D

    • somebodyyy

      Some things that people have said in this chat are correct. Some Finnish people are addicted to alchohol but not everyone. Seriously, you people should ask a Finnish person to give you good answers, not read the comments on suomi24. I am Finnish and I think Finland is a beautiful place. To the people who have said us being racist and cold people: "what are you then?" I don't mean that in a bad way, I just want to bring up the fact that Finland is a good country. I have all my family there and many good and NICE friends who hate alchohol. Unfortunately, I know a person who is dying of drinking too much alchohol, which is a sad fact. So people, please leave this chat and get better things to do.

    • moivaa

      Asiaa! väinämöinen



    • Just an opinion:)

      Heh...this topic has 192 comments in it and its the most popular topic in international forum´s topics.Makes me laugh:)
      Tell me why this one has generated the most comments here there are dozens of other topics who have around 0-5 comments on average.

      If you want my opinion:

      The country:
      Well its ok.It has a good system and free education and everythings is working quite ok compared to the rest of the world.Human rights are ok here.I would say that the country is a rather good country except it has a very high tax percentage.Climate is totally shit with all honesty.


      People here are quite closed and cold.All of them more or less.Good thing here in a people is that they are usually honest,at least most.
      I guess that all of those qualities that you can see in a people here is becouse Finland has been a very remote country and the population here has not mixed with other nations a lot,so finnish nations genes are quite homogenic which explains why some foreigners feel outsiders here and are unable to understand some things in a finnish culture.Many people here don´t have a good manners when it comes to politeness.I dont mean that all,some finnish people are friendly and polite.I would say that people in other countries are more open and easier to socialize than people here.

      Feel free to comment

    • hyiobt

      honest? they're dishonest, but that's taboo according to your brainwashing kekkoslovakkia propaganda.
      there's politicians corruption every week in finland, but no one is concerned, no one knows.

      • Kerry Wang.

        OMG SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Why only "outsiders" can see that so easily?
        OMG , no wonder people here aren't interested in "making a change" if they won't even notice the country needs one. HAH!

    • jepaaaa

      Me sodittiin neuvostoliittoa vastaan ja lama ja kaikki paskat on käyty mut jotain positiivista pitää löytää kyllä. Kyl sossu mut ainakin elättää toistaiseksi.

    • Back to Finland!

      In many countries people are people-oriented. Us Finns are more task oriented. For me it's the beautiful nature and the wonderful weather (truly) and the four seasons that finally got me so home-sick I'm now returning after many years away. Let's say I'm returning inspite of the people. Or because of a handful of people and the rest are fine as long as they leave me alone.

      In many countries it's impolite not to talk to other people at a bus stop. In Finland it's polite to give other people space and not force oneself on them. I love my space. I have nothing against you foreigners but please let me be a Finn. Don't expect me to be like people from some older cultures that value social intercourse above else. We value our thoughts and feelings. We live in our private world. You're welcome there, to visit, and to make friends, as long as you behave. Let us be, please.

    • a

      I think finnish people are very negative persons. They are quiet and laugh and being happy is somekind of wrong. but when you learn know them better u can learn finns are very honest and fair people and do what promised to do. sry bad england

    • Simpleton

      This topic is full of superficial idiots riding their moral high horses.

      The whole world is going down the drain - all the negative matters, conditions and qualities of Finland & finnish people listed here can be applied to pretty much any country / nation and natives.

      Most fins might seem like either narcissists or having other sociopaths qualities but the truth most likely is that they just don't care anymore.

      No, I'm not a native fin myself.

      • minaminamina

        Dear simpleton. So good that you dropped by to share your wisdom with us sociopaths and narcissists. It feels great to know that real understanding still exist in the world, if not in my country.

    • HR consultant, Espoo

      "How can you be certain that they are actually being discriminated based on their color of the skin? This is a very bold claim without providing any statistical knowledge or any kind of evidence what so ever."

      I don't have statistics to prove this, but I do have a strong everyday life experience of this.

      I work as a HR consultant in a medium-size (over 200 employees) recruitment office. We recruit and hire both working class ("blue collar") and office workers ("white collar") people and my experience is, in both groups foreigners are often based on their foreign name (especially African names like Ali, Mohamed, Muhammed etc, but also Western English names such as James, Mike or Kevin) or black skin colours.

      Some of our customers even ask could we limit this job position to white people and native Finnish people only. Then we have to advice it's illegal to discriminate based on the colour of their skin, religion or nationality.

      Usually the problem is solved by requiring 100% Finnish language skills and by just leaving about applicants with foreign names. This is a very sad reality of my work.

      • expat1

        we know that.thank you for your post.

    • Cool_svenneboy_89

      Hej! Ja e glad svenne som har släktingar i Finland och jag tycker att allt som skrivits på denna sida e BAJS! Mina släktingar e dom mest kärleksfulla personer på jorden. Och alla deras grannar e ju baara fööör härlia asså. Åmen guuh va fel ni har. Ja blir så arg på såna som er som tror att kan berätta för människor som mej om hur mina släktingar och vänner i Finland, som jag dessutom inte ser så ofta, är. Och när jag var och handlade på ett av era K-market, ameh guuuh va trevliga alla var. Den bästa service jag nån gång fått asså. Ni säger att finnar e sura och rasistiska. Ja tycker att det är ni som e rasistiska. Sluta med dethär!! Fattar ni inte att nån kan bli lessen... :(
      Jag tänker nån gång flytta till finland för jag tycker det är ett så vackert land med härliga människor....
      Vi ses. Chao! :D

    • Kerry Wang.

      They mostly are awful.
      The first layer cover is sugar coated, but they're ( perhaps even literally) rotten inside.

      These people won't even smile unless they are hippies or drunk.
      They take a lot of drugs and smoke a looooot, where in the other parts of the World it is considered worst than middle class behaviour.
      Drinking... do I need to mention that most of them comes from broken families and has to be on meds supporting their mental health to the end of their lives?
      Hah, and they are NOT a family oriented at all... Average FInn won't even send a grandma a postcard or kiss her in the cheek... Rarely happens that members of the families are close and actually know each other.

      They pee on the streets.
      Puke on their own shoes in public.
      Piss their pants and are never NEVER ashamed of that.
      Just laugh at that like they were RAD.
      They don't understand sarcasm, when you tell them they are awesome they trully believe it and answear " Finnish is good" "Finish this , FInnish that is the best".

      They surprisingly dwell in the past, bringing up how well Finish Nation did in the war with Russians. They don't know much about general history of Europe that doesn't include the knews that Hitler existed and there was a war called WW2.

      Men don't respect women.
      Women don't respect men.

      RAW TRUTH!
      (BTW. they don't know how to take that and respect that! They are gonna hate hide it under the carpet and pretend there is nothing to worry about.)

      So what that they have in Finland social care and corporate IT power if the country is more ancient than any other and people are sincerely F****UP.

      Isn't that pathetic?

      • dkfftje

        go cut your wang you inbred granny kisser.

    • jeps123346426

      guess what...

      The answer why finns are so racist people that we live in north side of earth. We don't normally have black people here and so we just haven't go use to it.

    • DH

      This discussion... is full of bullshit.
      Both from Finns and foreigners.

      I'm a young Finnish guy, now living in China.
      I'm married to a foreigner, and I study in English (obviously most of my classmates being foreigners)

      Finnish people really love hating THEMSELVES, Finnish people call themselves "incredibly racist, drunkards, and violent criminals."
      If a person even bothers to really look at the facts, they find out this is horrible bullshit.
      Finnish people are far from being racist, the system and the people are very friendly to foreigners, the thing is, a large portion of foreigners say how Finnish people are really rude and unfriendly because if they randomly go talking to a Finnish person, they just stare at them, or feel annoyed/threatened.
      What a fucking bunch of morons!
      If you go pushing pork on a muslims plate, he's bound to get annoyed, even though your friendly neighbourhood Russians would love a piece of pork and some vodka.

      Finnish culture and traditions varies HUGE amounts from other Europeans, NO we don't go talking to strangers, NO you don't touch strangers.
      These are NO-DO in Finland, it doesn't mean we are racist, it means you sir are an indiscreet cunt for not respecting our ways and our values while being in our homeland.
      "Respect different people and different cultures" is what we Finns keep getting told all the time throughout our lives, this also includes the Finnish people and Finnish culture.
      If you shit on the streets like the Chinese do in Finland, that is seen extremely rude, it doesn't make Finnish people racist.

      Racism means negative/hostile generalization of a group of people based on race, religion, origin etc.
      But honestly from not just my view, racism these days means:
      You said or did something negative towards a black person.

      Lots of Finnish people do have critical and/or racistic feelings especially against the black population, which is unfortunately based on FACTS.
      Like a lady said earlier, Finnish people really do goddamn love black on white, I personally love statistics.
      And the facts remain... Out of all violent crimes in Finland, especially rape, massive portion is done by black people.
      (Please do remember the amount of FOREIGNERS, not black people, but foreigners in Finland is barely 3%)
      while according to the police typical Finnish person who beated someone up, or went and stabbed some dude with a knife was really bloody drunk.
      Does being drunk justify it? Of course not.
      But a drunk punching someone in the face for no apparent reason doesn't seem as violent of a person, than a sober person doing the same.
      Alcohol is known to make people quite a bit more stupid.

      I think it's amusing how these "professors" and other silly people say that the rape-statistics are giving a wrong picture of the amount of foreigners, since majority of rapes are done inside family, and thus not reported.... Uhh... Foreigners don't rape their relatives? Only Finnish people do? Aaah... of course, I should have known!

      I've met lots of people from different countries, and the ones who complain Finnish people racist, base it mostly on silly things. The reason I mentioned earlier is a very common one.
      If you do something that is seen odd, or rude in Finland, it doesn't make Finnish people unfriendly, it makes YOU rude. You are the one not giving respect.

      There is nothing wrong trying to create small talk with Finns, but don't expect it to work, since this is NOT normal in Finland and most people probably don't know how to respond to a situation like that, like I said, it's just freaking odd to most.
      The same way I don't expect people here in China to find it funny if I walk around dead drunk with a bottle of vodka in my hand on a Friday night. Or a girl walking in a mini-skirt in a Muslim country is most likely not going to get a lot of friendly looks.

      The truth is, Finns are extremely polite... I've been in a bunch of countries, met a bunch of people who've lived or visited Finland, and the 1 word they always learn first is: "Kiitos"
      And even my wife laughed always, how just buying a soda from Siwa, the discussion between a customer and cashier can have 10 times "Kiitos"
      And nor I or my friends have ever seen any country, where people thank each other more than they do in Finland.

      Finns also happen to value honesty to great amounts, unlike in so many other countries, Finns are not going to cheat you just because they see you're not a local, even when it would be very easy for them to do so.

      Finns are far from perfect, but claiming Finns to be racistic and rude because they don't do things YOUR way, is just proof of your own idiocy.

      • DH

        Also... since I forgot to mention something about the:
        "Stealing our money and our jobs!"

        Well, do you know how many people on the construction business are unemployed in Finland, while estonians and polish are crawling all over the construction yards?
        In most cases it's bullshit, but on certain fields, this unfortunately is the truth.
        My brother works in the construction business, one day his boss called him in, and asked him a question.
        "Why should I keep you, when I could hire 4 Estonians to work for the same price."

        Stealing our money:
        Please do take a look into the employment rates based on origin, African nations shine on their 60% unemployed rates. Do you honestly think the Africans who do work pay anywhere near the amount of taxes it takes to support the rest of them?

        I'm not blaming Africans for this, this is a problem with the immigration system in Finland.
        Finland turns away the educated people, and those who are coming here to work.
        While welcomes Somalians and other superheroes who are unable to even read or write.
        And this unfortunately reflects on all the black people.
        Many black people apply to study in Finland (for example the ones in my class) while they don't actually have interest in studying, but they want to get a job.
        These are some of the people that are sort of on gray area about breaking the law, but they actually want to work... they came here so they can work and live a good decent life... These are the kind of people I want to come to Finland..

        But our government in all it's wisdom apparently thinks Somalians who can't read or write are better workforce to fix our aging population problem, than these hard working people from Asia and Africa who just want a job and work their way to the top.

      • w3lf4re
        DH kirjoitti:

        Also... since I forgot to mention something about the:
        "Stealing our money and our jobs!"

        Well, do you know how many people on the construction business are unemployed in Finland, while estonians and polish are crawling all over the construction yards?
        In most cases it's bullshit, but on certain fields, this unfortunately is the truth.
        My brother works in the construction business, one day his boss called him in, and asked him a question.
        "Why should I keep you, when I could hire 4 Estonians to work for the same price."

        Stealing our money:
        Please do take a look into the employment rates based on origin, African nations shine on their 60% unemployed rates. Do you honestly think the Africans who do work pay anywhere near the amount of taxes it takes to support the rest of them?

        I'm not blaming Africans for this, this is a problem with the immigration system in Finland.
        Finland turns away the educated people, and those who are coming here to work.
        While welcomes Somalians and other superheroes who are unable to even read or write.
        And this unfortunately reflects on all the black people.
        Many black people apply to study in Finland (for example the ones in my class) while they don't actually have interest in studying, but they want to get a job.
        These are some of the people that are sort of on gray area about breaking the law, but they actually want to work... they came here so they can work and live a good decent life... These are the kind of people I want to come to Finland..

        But our government in all it's wisdom apparently thinks Somalians who can't read or write are better workforce to fix our aging population problem, than these hard working people from Asia and Africa who just want a job and work their way to the top.

        I've recently returned to this beautiful country to spend the rest of my life here, I hope. I can say that it's ridiculous to call this a welfare state. Not if we're speaking about welfare of returning Finns, that is. I'm not entitled to unemployment benefits while looking for work, because I did run a business overseas (home seamstress) and Finnish public servants (do they actually 'serve' the public?) consider me wealthy enough to support myself, no matter what my bank balance shows.

        So, if I had been a useless black person with no intention to work I would have been offered financial support straight away. I don't know if I'll be allowed to start my own business here - upfront estimated taxes and unrealistic superannuation payments may make it impossible. And where does a middle aged person find a job? The industry has been driven to China and Estonia and people look for cheap things, not quality things. What will I do? Am I a racist when I regard work hating foreigners unwelcome and Finnish public servants and politicians stupid and selfish?

    • Elias H

      Here's latest news for all the haters:

      I really feel bad for all the finnish people who do not appreciate what you have got. If you did not achieve what you were looking for in life, it surely was not the fault of your magnificent country nor was it the fault of us fellow finns!

      Currently traveling in the country number 45 on my travels (Cambodia) and I could not be more proud of my home country and the great majority of finnish people. And by the way - all the people around the world are the same.. same same, but different.. as Thai people would put it.

      • Be fair

        People who critizied Finland, are not unsuccessful.
        People who can not take Criticism are either narcissist or have other problem.
        I don't care what papers write about Finland. You can judge this country when you live here and experience life in this country.
        About your first and second link, here is another link:
        How this wonderful, best, happiest country has such a high suiside rate??!!
        And about the third link,
        I don't know about reading, but I do know about mathematic! Finns are very bad in math,
        And I have seen many Finns with high academic degree who write a letter full of mistake.
        Health care service is aweful in this country. that's my opinion.

      • Fedup

        You are just a braggart that cannot take criticism.

    • golfinni
    • Aaric

      Oh yeah, and when it comes to the looks of finnish people I think this ranking proves something... Impressive for a country with some 5 million people. Pretty much a size of a single city in the countries ranked higher. And if somebody is trying to separate the genders.. give me a break! I love Finland and finnish people! Just go there and see. Annoying topic!

    • Mexican

      Just passing by, I read some of the first comments and already got the idea of where this was, just a small comment here.

      I'm sure a lot of these posts are made by trolls, so don't feed them!! Finland is a nice country, one of the best in many ways, but its not perfect. As with every country, there are good and bad things. And it is IMO quite strange that in these kind of forums there are always foreigners bitching about many things, and Finns saying the typical "go away if you don't like it". Have you got nothing valuable to say (Finns and foreigners alike)? It would be nice to see some positive things in these forums from time to time, me thinks :)

      So, foreigners, please give Finns another chance, and Finns, please give us foreigners another chance :) There are good and bad people everywhere, don't forget!!

    • Huksu Fan Boy

      Tere is only on peautiful finnish peoples woman and she is the JOhanna Tukiainen also knows as Huksu ans she is the most pretty women in finnland! She has 300 men hoo wanting to mary her ans she moves to sveden yes pecause finish media tell lies tath she is alcoholic violent knife stabber and drinking driver and lier and selling the text viestit from Kanerva to Smile magazine and the social porno in metro-bol!

    • Finland is not bad!

      I'm finnish and I know that Finland isn't perfect, but there is no country, that would be "totally perfect". And for those people who think that Finland is racist and stupid land with ugly people, get a life. I bet 10 euros/dollars/any kind of money, that you've never been on Finland! And if you've been on Finland and you still think it's racist etc. You had a really crappy day. That's it. I don't want to talk with these trolls anymore.

    • Tankahan mikiä?

      "If you live in Helsinki, there are some parts of the city you maybe want to avoid at night, if you are a female walking alone".

    • PerusJannuStadist

      Minä en ole yhtään suomalaisen prototyyppi. Olen 35-vuotias äijä joka koko elämänsä asunut Suomessa. Ylioppilas,AMK-tutkinto, reservin alikersantti sekä en omaa rikosrekisteriä.

      En välitä formuloista.En ole kateellinen. En ryyppäile juurikaan, okei tänään join tasan yhden lasipalatsin terassilla. En ole ujo ja en ole hiljainen. En ole rasisti ja ihan yhtä hyvin käyn syömässä suomalaisessa ravintolassa kuin ulkomaalaisten pizzeriassa.

      Pidän naisista ja tanssimisesta. Tykkään pelata rahapelejä.

      Vaikka olen älykäs ja koulutettu, voi sanoa että en ole lainkaan kiinnostunut politiikasta.Siis yhtään.Kun minulta kysytään mitä tiedät politiikasta, vastaan: Matti Vanhanen sai kai joskus lahjuksena lautoja ja siitä seuranneesta hässäkästä erosi pääministerin virasta.

      Olen intohimoinen penkkiurheilija.Tykkään Suomen maajoukkueen menestyksestä lajissa kuin lajissa, niin siitä kun naisten Ringette joukkue voittaa kanadan finaalissa tai petyn kun jääpallossa ainainen nelonen KAzastan kaataa Suomen pronssiottelussa.

      Jääkiekkoa seuraan vain vähän, mutta fanitan maajoukkuetta.Yhtään pelaajaa en osaa varmuudella nimetä SM-liigasta.

      Olen reilu ja rehellinen.Tosin tuntemattomilel naisille en tarjoa ikinä baarissa mitään, pidän juoman pummijoita baarihuorina. Olen siis pihi.

      Rasisti en ole ollenkaan, aidosti ihan sama mikä ihon väri on. Tosin uskon matematiikkaan ja tilastoihin, ja niiden pohjalta on helppo tehdä johtopäätöksiä.

      Jos kaikki suomessa asuvat olisi mulla edessä Excel -laskenta ohjelmalla. Tilastossa olisi kansalaisuus ja rikosten määrä. Olisi varmaan rasismia käyttää rikosrekisteri aineiston tutkimiseen suodatinta kansallisuuden suhteen. Ja jos minun tyyppiseltä matemaatikolta kysytään onko suhteessa ulkomaalaistaustaisilla henkilöillä enempi rikoksia kuin kantasuomalaisilla......olisin varmaan rasisti jos vastaisin kuten laskelmat osoittaa. Eli itse kysymyskin olisi ehkä rasismia....

      Eli joissakin asioissa totuutta ei saa osoittaa, ajattelee objektiivinen matemaatikko.

      Olen melko avoin muuten, huumeita ja kannabista en oel koskaan kokeillut enkä kannata sen laillistamista.

      Olenko hyvin erilainen suomalainen?

      Tän saa joku kääntää englanniksi vapaasti käänneettynä jos haluaa, haluan tuoda esiin että meitä perinteisiä kymmenien polvien suomalaisia on hyvin erilaisia. Esimerkiksi vaikka ikäni olen asunut pääkaupungissamme, sanon hesalainen mieluummin kuin stadilainen. Miksi ? Ehkä siksi että minä olen minä. =)

      • Anonyymi

        How all of you haters and complainers have even time and energy for this ? Why dont you go to do something more reasonable ?

        To live happy life in finland you need to get as a native, go fishing, hunting, swimming in the lake, collect berries, crosscountry ski in and sleds in winter etc simple life. Please, dont try to bring any sophistcated shit in here and let us live our own life as pleased. Then we dont have a problem. Anyway had to agree most of opinions of Finnish people.


        White middle aged littlebit racist finnish dude from backwoods

    • Rakastan Suomea!

      I think that Finland is one of the nicest placest to live. But i think that i don't belong to Finland.

    • TruthHurtsfinnishthe

      I HATE THE FACT THAT I LIVE IN A POOR EDUCATED COUNTRY, FINS ARE STUPID YES VERY SELF CENTERED AND SELFISH in all way the human mind can comprehend!! Racism, old fashioned yet friggen conservative, i do not have a REAL even one real friend among these stupid cunts! All the loyal ones are either African region or other north africa, turkish, persian, ... AS LONG AS NOT A FIN! even russians are more loyal and i do NOT like the fact that i live and have to raise my son the next generation in this selfdestructed system and too many sheeples.. Call me whatever you want, but this is my opinion after living more than 25 years and yes, I hate everything about them, they made my life misrable and maby you should actually live over 20 years yourself to figure how low selfesteem they have, poor - extremely poor CULTURE yet the one you'd think is your bestie, would fuck you up and live you there and blaming you etc.. SHAME ON THEM and feel sorry for the population. They will talk ONLY when they have drank over 10 bottles or even more but no talk if less. they end up killing themselves, they are dependent on their parents, they are mentally, educationally retireded and they have none knowledge what-so-ever from outside of their country! In other words;

      They are WORST than a redneck American(s)!

      • 23

        Maybe you should return to that piece of shit of a country you're from or then stay wherever the fuck you are. You know, that introverted and judgemental attitude probably has an effect on how people here and elsewhere look at you. If every second of your existence here has been suffering you should indeed fuck off. I talk to people when I'm sober whether the person is a finn or something else. As long as we have a language to understand each other, I'm good. I'd even tell you that you're probably a closet homosexual and should experiment with that hidden desire!

        Btw it's you who's the redneck. Redneck=an uneducated, narrowminded freak who thinks he can judge a nation based on a few shitty experiences he received because he's a fag. Rednecks come in all colours and ethnicites buddy.

        Peace! :D

    • 16 and finnish

      There are as many experiences and opinions as there are people. I prefer to think Finland as a nice country.

    • Khak

      There are good and bad people every where, unfortnately we alway remeber the bads and forget about the goods. Finland do have anti-immigrant sentiment but on other hand it gives all the rights to the people even not yet become citizens. Govt is fully supporting migration whether somebody likes or not. It will take time for Finns to adapt to the new Finland, they will resist (as it happend in USA and other multicultural countries) but in a decade or so they will get used to this and will settle down. This is a transition period and us immigrants have to shown patient towards this anti-immigrant sentimism. The next generation will be far more tolerant and will accept other cultures because they are growing with it. I hope so.

    • Peaceguy!

      Finnish people are awesome and shy and skeptical about the supernatural and spirituality. They think this people need to go to mental hospital cause they dont know how to deal with it. Well fair enough since its not africa but the supernatural does exist and cant be ignored and i feel sori for most of the people in mental hospital. Anyways the only problem here in Finland is this, the tax department is one bigger eater of your hard earned money. Everything you do is tax even helping a neighbour needs to be taxed or gifts given to people is also taxed. You cant inherit anything cause the government tax department will come and eat your money that your parents worked hard for you.. So mostly all the money is owned by the government and they will come and get you if dont do it right.. hmmm i think the tax department needs to be reformed cause i call it stealing and daily robbery. Who ever brought this tax laws is one big robber.. i love Finland and the Finnish people but i pray for justice over the tax department to be reformed.Thank you!

    • mansikka123

      For all people who are interested in the content of this page: if you haven't read things above this you haven't missed anything.

      finnish people are not shy. finnish language is just so slow that they really have to say only important things because talking bullshit takes too much time and energy :D

    • Finnhater

      I think they are very Immature, Narcissistic and strange in every way....
      They are introverted, so it is not easy to know them quickly, but once you get closer to them, you can get the real picture.
      I wished they were just drunken sweatsuit wearing people! They are crazy, selfish, LIARS!! LIARS! and LIARS!, passive aggressive,...
      They live and act like robots.
      They would use earpluge in toilet if they could!

    • a liar liar

      Yes, so right; I wish I could use earpluge in toilet. Unfortunately I have no idea what it is which makes it difficult.

      I'm very immature, true again. Nearly fifty but behave like a young girl, sometimes dancing around in my flat, just for happiness for no particular reason. That's so crazy, I know. I'm so sorry.

      I'm about to cook some dinner, for myself alone, of course. I didn't invite you because I'm so selfish. And I don't have a sweatsuit and I hardly ever drink, but I'll see what I can do to fullfil your wish there.

      I'm delighted that you'd like to get to know me quicker and sorry that my shyness prevents you from doing so. In a way I wonder why you bother staying in Finland at all. We're so strange. So sorry.

    • Finnhater

      Apart from being mature,You are very humble.
      About Shy Finns! Good point! I am glad that you mentioned it.

      Finnish girls/women are very shy indeed! they don't talk much!
      But in pubs and discos after a short chat, they sleep and have sex with a strenger whom they barely know for 20 minutes!! They are very shy!
      And! if you were just a little bit mature, you should have known that many obstacles may prevent some one from leaving this wonderful perfect country.

      • a liar liar

        I sincerely wish those obstacles will soon be lifted for you.

        Kind regards.

      • fgdfgdsfdfg

        If you look for company among prostitutes, that's what happens. I can't say more about that as I've never had anything to do with such people (people who use proistitutes). What do they say when you feign surprise when they ask for their payment?

        And how does one use earpluge in toilet? And why?! My mind boggles.

      • Finnhater
        fgdfgdsfdfg kirjoitti:

        If you look for company among prostitutes, that's what happens. I can't say more about that as I've never had anything to do with such people (people who use proistitutes). What do they say when you feign surprise when they ask for their payment?

        And how does one use earpluge in toilet? And why?! My mind boggles.

        The guys I knew, did not look for prostitiues, and those Finnish young! women were not prostitutes.
        It was clear that I was not talking about prostitues!
        I have much more respect for prostitues than those who are cheap.
        About earpluges!
        It was also clear that I write it as a joke.
        I have seen many Finns that they can not sleep without earpluge, although it is very quiet. Seems many are extra sensitive to noise.
        I have lived in many countries and not a single person sleep with earpluge.

        Earpluge! is not some thing which bothers me! or for Finns to be criticized!!. I mentioned it as a joke and some thing strange about Finns.

        I have seen lots of injustice in Finland, which is not possible to explain in this forum.
        There is other Forum, You can check what people think about Finland.

      • Finnhater
        a liar liar kirjoitti:

        I sincerely wish those obstacles will soon be lifted for you.

        Kind regards.

        Thank you very much. I pray for it all the time.

      • fgsdfgdfsgsdg
        Finnhater kirjoitti:

        The guys I knew, did not look for prostitiues, and those Finnish young! women were not prostitutes.
        It was clear that I was not talking about prostitues!
        I have much more respect for prostitues than those who are cheap.
        About earpluges!
        It was also clear that I write it as a joke.
        I have seen many Finns that they can not sleep without earpluge, although it is very quiet. Seems many are extra sensitive to noise.
        I have lived in many countries and not a single person sleep with earpluge.

        Earpluge! is not some thing which bothers me! or for Finns to be criticized!!. I mentioned it as a joke and some thing strange about Finns.

        I have seen lots of injustice in Finland, which is not possible to explain in this forum.
        There is other Forum, You can check what people think about Finland.

        Wow! You've got lots of hating to do. Get busy; hate, hate, hate. Hope it makes you happy. But perhaps you are a person who prefers to stay unhappy. Maybe you can more easily achieve that in this country of ours?

        Oh, you meant ear plugs? Why didn't you say so? Do you speak any language fluently if not English? What is your Finnish like? Many Finns don't speak foreign languages well, I know. So in fact you have something in common with us there. The negativity is another similarity. Wait a while, soon you'll be assimilated as if you had always been Finnish.

      • a liar liar
        Finnhater kirjoitti:

        Thank you very much. I pray for it all the time.

        Please take back your thanks. I just meant I wished your departure be sooner rather than later - for our sake. Irony is not your thing, is it?

      • Finnhater
        fgsdfgdfsgsdg kirjoitti:

        Wow! You've got lots of hating to do. Get busy; hate, hate, hate. Hope it makes you happy. But perhaps you are a person who prefers to stay unhappy. Maybe you can more easily achieve that in this country of ours?

        Oh, you meant ear plugs? Why didn't you say so? Do you speak any language fluently if not English? What is your Finnish like? Many Finns don't speak foreign languages well, I know. So in fact you have something in common with us there. The negativity is another similarity. Wait a while, soon you'll be assimilated as if you had always been Finnish.
        I don't know if it is earplug or as you said, ear plug?!, The point is, you understand what I mean.
        Does it really matter if I say earplug?
        English is not my native langugae, but I know many Finns with academic degree write a text in Finnish with many mistakes.
        Judge and convict me as you wish.

      • Finnhater
        a liar liar kirjoitti:

        Please take back your thanks. I just meant I wished your departure be sooner rather than later - for our sake. Irony is not your thing, is it?

        OF COURSE!! I understood your sarcastic wish!!! :D
        I gladly take my thank you back! :))
        I just wanted to prove I have positive attitude and I am ready to ignore "Irony" in order to prevent more hatred.
        I am so glad you left this message!

    • Mother from Russia

      Finns are barbarians in things relating to mother and child. I saw on TV as police forcibly took away children from their Russian (and Finnish) mothers after neighbor’s tip-off . Vile people! Do not say that Russian mothers are rude with their children! - This is your national Finnish legend. We have the warmest relations with our moms during the whole our lives. You cannot even understand it. You are moral monsters.

      • Yawwwn

        Well that whole case about Russian children being separated from their Russian mothers is enormously exaggarated and partly a hoax. You Russians should really experiment with several news sources before jumping to such ridiculous conclusions. Racism towards Russians is nearly extinct and does not have any place is authoritative matters, such as custody care. You must understand that in Finland custody care and almost all governmental services are highly trusted and operate efficiently. Probably a different matter in good old Russia where the government has a go at its citizens' human rights and all that western shit you hear about. Finland is Finland and here everybody is treated equally and with respect. Mind your own business, especially when just about everything needs to be fixed in your country.

        Greetings from a country with mostly liberal media.

      • terveisiä Tatjanalta
        Yawwwn kirjoitti:

        Well that whole case about Russian children being separated from their Russian mothers is enormously exaggarated and partly a hoax. You Russians should really experiment with several news sources before jumping to such ridiculous conclusions. Racism towards Russians is nearly extinct and does not have any place is authoritative matters, such as custody care. You must understand that in Finland custody care and almost all governmental services are highly trusted and operate efficiently. Probably a different matter in good old Russia where the government has a go at its citizens' human rights and all that western shit you hear about. Finland is Finland and here everybody is treated equally and with respect. Mind your own business, especially when just about everything needs to be fixed in your country.

        Greetings from a country with mostly liberal media.

        Jee... On tiettyä etua olla ulkomaalainen Suomessa - voi olla varma, että ruuhkassa kuin ruuhkassa ympärilläsi on aina vapaata tilaa. Vaikka istumapaikkoja ei riittänyt kaikille, niin yksi vapaa pöytä, 4 tuolia ja pari metriä tyhjää avaruutta kaikkiin suuntiin ovat sinulle taattuja, täytyy vaan varmistaa, että suomalaiset tietäisi sinun olevan ulkomaalainen. Koska monesti ei koeta edes moikkaamista tarpeellisena, niin toiseen törmätessä hyvin voi vaikka puhaltaa purukumikuplia. Todettu jälleen kerran työkokouksessa. Rasismia? En usko... Pikemmin autismia lievässä muodossa, joka näyttää olevan kansallistauti Suomessa (liikalihavuuden ollessa kakkosena) - suunnaton pelko lähestyä ketään, kehen ei leimauduttu jo lapsena tai ketä ei koeta tuttuna turvallisena... Muut diagnoosin puolesta puhuvat merkit: sosiaalisten kykyjen puutteellisuus, jurous, tunnekylmyys, juuttuminen toimintakaavoihin, kasvojen ilmeettömyys, punastuminen ja sanoissa sotkeutuminen puheenvuoroissa sekä suoran katsekontaktin välttäminen. Lievässä muodossa tapaa ko. tunnusmerkit lähes jokaisessa.

      • Polite reserve
        terveisiä Tatjanalta kirjoitti:

        Jee... On tiettyä etua olla ulkomaalainen Suomessa - voi olla varma, että ruuhkassa kuin ruuhkassa ympärilläsi on aina vapaata tilaa. Vaikka istumapaikkoja ei riittänyt kaikille, niin yksi vapaa pöytä, 4 tuolia ja pari metriä tyhjää avaruutta kaikkiin suuntiin ovat sinulle taattuja, täytyy vaan varmistaa, että suomalaiset tietäisi sinun olevan ulkomaalainen. Koska monesti ei koeta edes moikkaamista tarpeellisena, niin toiseen törmätessä hyvin voi vaikka puhaltaa purukumikuplia. Todettu jälleen kerran työkokouksessa. Rasismia? En usko... Pikemmin autismia lievässä muodossa, joka näyttää olevan kansallistauti Suomessa (liikalihavuuden ollessa kakkosena) - suunnaton pelko lähestyä ketään, kehen ei leimauduttu jo lapsena tai ketä ei koeta tuttuna turvallisena... Muut diagnoosin puolesta puhuvat merkit: sosiaalisten kykyjen puutteellisuus, jurous, tunnekylmyys, juuttuminen toimintakaavoihin, kasvojen ilmeettömyys, punastuminen ja sanoissa sotkeutuminen puheenvuoroissa sekä suoran katsekontaktin välttäminen. Lievässä muodossa tapaa ko. tunnusmerkit lähes jokaisessa.

        Paitsi, etta Suomessa nama ovat kulttuurisia luonteenpiirteita, eivatka valttamatta mitaan oppimisvaikeuksien oireita. Nykyaan kaikkea ollaan patologisoimassa. Ei ujous ole sairaus.
        Ulkomaan elavana pidan suomalaista juroutta ja puhumattomuutta toisinaan helpotuksena. Ei olla heti liiveihin uimassa, eika jauheta tyhjanpaivaista soopaa ajankuluksi.
        Minusta on itseasiassa ihan kohteliasta, etta ei tungeta silmille ensi tapaamisessa.
        Suomalaisia on kuvailtu joskus englannin-kielisella termilla "polite reseve", eli "kohteliasta pidattyvyytta". Hyva niin.
        Maailmassa on ihan tarpeeksi kaikenlaisia huutajia.
        Sitapaitsi, liiviin uiskentelijat ja kaikenmaailman hopottajat voivat vaikuttaa hetkellisesti ystavallisilta, kun suomalaiseen tutustuu, ystavyys kestaa yleensa lapi elaman.
        Kaytostapoja tosin voi kohentaa, - pienta sulavuutta elamiseen, tervehditaan naapureita, sanotaan anteeksi ja kiitos, tuntemattomillekkin voi hymyilla ja kassa jonossa saa jutella jne...

      • 22652314
        Yawwwn kirjoitti:

        Well that whole case about Russian children being separated from their Russian mothers is enormously exaggarated and partly a hoax. You Russians should really experiment with several news sources before jumping to such ridiculous conclusions. Racism towards Russians is nearly extinct and does not have any place is authoritative matters, such as custody care. You must understand that in Finland custody care and almost all governmental services are highly trusted and operate efficiently. Probably a different matter in good old Russia where the government has a go at its citizens' human rights and all that western shit you hear about. Finland is Finland and here everybody is treated equally and with respect. Mind your own business, especially when just about everything needs to be fixed in your country.

        Greetings from a country with mostly liberal media.

        you are wrong by separating russian family's, but believe me blood is not water, that kids will grow up and then i don't want to be near them, for sure. i know finnish parents much more strict with they kids then russians, russians only upset if kids not good at school, they do not ask tjem to do anything around the house only consentrate on school.

        p.s. the tree with out roots die first. I mean the nation.

    • And now...

      And now we are in politics.... and thats shit

    • Amos Bozz

      My favourite subject, coming down from the tree.

    • ...............

      Us Finns truly are... well, a weird people to say the least. As somebody stated above we feel and think very little, going on day by day following our routines and customs whereas never questioning the effectiveness of our political system, values, etc. There is something very essential missing in our mentality and not a day goes by that it doesn't bother me. It seems as if during some part of our history we've completely forgotten the ability to enjoy life and build a strong ego that reveres being oneself to it's fullest extent. We're reserved, rude, inconsiderate, aggressive, insecure, tense, nervous, xenophobic, quiet, shy, and unbelievably profaneous. Majority of Finnish males to my experience support very traditional masculine values such as combat prowess, insensitivity and toughness - showing or talking of one's emotions is considered a definite weakness.

      Then again, can you blame us? We come from a history of being afraid, controlled and torn apart by two nations, Sweden and Russia, to whom both we were a meat shield and not gaining independence until 1917. I suppose this is why we're somehow stuck in the mentality of being (or at least trying to be) fierce, insensitive fighters to whom everything and everyone that is unknown must be approached with caution. It would certainly explain why military service and defense forces are highly respected among Finns whereas civil service is frowned upon, among other things.

      I hope that a time comes when we realize and remember the richness of life and the ability to enjoy it without trying too hard to retain such conservative values as honor and being perceived as masculine. A time when we are no longer afraid of losing our faces or being true to our feelings, a time when we try to look on the lighter side of life and realize that things could be much worse, a time when we finally comprehend that being true to oneself and compassionate to others is the key to enjoying life. Might not happen in a few decades, might not happen in a century, but I hope it will happen some day.

      • finn from turku

        I absolutely agree with you :)

      • Justadude1

        What's so wrong about going on day by day following routines? If someone wants to live a simple life, who are you to tell him otherwise?
        Questioning our political system, YES, that really should be done by everyone. It really is bullshit. But writing stuff here, really won't make a difference. What will? I don't know, but I hope you, or somebody else who is smart, will tell me. And it bothers me too, my fellow Finn.
        Some can enjoy life. I do. Expect unfortunately I can not feel joy. I kind of lack the emotion. I have some mental and psycholocical issues, to which I can't do anything about. But I still enjoy life, as do most of my friends. I just love chilling with them, drinking couple of beers and just talking some random stuff. It's nice.
        We're reserved, some are rude, some are not, some are inconsiderate, I've never seen an agressive Finn, insecure yes I've seen, tense applies to some, nervous no I haven't seen, xenophobic yes, but that's part of our culture, who are you to say it's wrong? Quiet yes, shy yes, and I don't know what profaneous means.
        What's wrong with supporting masculine values? In my opinion, it's good. Who the fuck likes feminine men D:
        Yes, it's bad that we can't show emotions as it's considered weak.. But you'll just have to find a close friend to whom you can open to.


        Although I agree our lifes could be slightly richer, that there is still a lot of things we can enjoy here, that people from other countries might not be able to enjoy.
        I think it's a good thing we're trying to appear honorable and masculine, since that is what we are. That's how it is, and that's the way it should be.
        Rest is pretty good. Greetings!

    • karhu in the fridge

      Whereas the threshold to get in contact with a finn and to get to know one may be high, I´m guessing it´s because a lot of Finnish people are subtle by nature and have a complex way of thinking. We may appear cold on the outside but once the feeling of tension is overcome, we are really nice and considerate people.

    • just saying

      You know what? You can't just go around and say that Finns are like this, Americans are like that and Italians are like this. We are all individuals, where you live doesn't define what kind of person you are. No matter where you go you'll find both rude and very friendly people.

      And seriously? Finnish people are drunk all the time? That's kind of stereotyping, isn't it? And we are ugly? I'd say everyone's beautiful in their own way but since this is the internet obviously that won't do, so instead I'll just say we're just as ugly as the rest of the world. You can't say a population is uglier or prettier than another, as I said before; we are all individuals. And we're not that different from anyone else on this planet.

      • nallepuheja kaikki

        Osaan viittä kieltä, mutta heittelen nyt suomeksi, että opitte sitä vaikeata suomea. Tämä oli huvittava tämä Tatjanan kommentti autismista. Olen nimittäin itse alkanut epäillä että kärsimme autismista.

        (Mutta istun kyllä bussissa ulkomaalaiseen viereen, enkä siis mitenkään pelkää ulkomaalaisia. )

        Olemme oikeastaan aika söpöjä tässä erikoisuudessamme, ja jos saan sanoa, pohjimmiltamme maailman kiltein kansa.

    • mun mielestä

      ne jotka puhuu suomalaisista kielteisesti niin voi lähteä takaisin sinne mistä on tullut. olen itse kiintiöpakolaisena otettu Suomeen sota-alueelta, ja annettu turvapaikan minulle. mutta jos ne kielteisesti Suomesta ja suomalaisista puhuvat ovat Suomen ulkopuolella niin pysykööt myös siellä. ne on varmaan niitä pohjasakkia kotimaassaan, tekevät rikoksia ja sitten puhuvat paskaa tästä maasta ja kansasta. ihmiset ovat kateellisia suomalaisille kun täällä ainakaan sitä sotaa ole, ja koska täällä on turvallista. kannattaa ensin opetella suomea ja lukea tästä yhteiskunnasta ennen kuin puhuu paskaa. Suomessa on alle viisi ja puoli miljoona asukasta, aika pieni kansa mutta vahva. suomalaisista sanotaan juoppoja, ainakin kommenteista näki ku englanniksi oli kirjoitettu. suomalaisilla on osaamista ja sitä on vaikka muille maillekin jakaa. ja kyllä sitä osaamista ja koulutussysteemiäkin on tarjottu muille. suomalaiset tekee työnsä kunnialla. muissa maissa niinkuin noitten maassa jotka puhuvat kielteisesti ja sanovat suom. juopoiksi, heidän kansasta on yli 10 milj. juoppoa, 5 milj. narkkaria, 5 milj. on vankiloissa ja loput tulee tänne neuvomaan miten pitää olla. dont teach your father how to fuc. if some body dont understand this which i wrote in finnish, you go to school, finnish school or google kääntäjä..........

    • goinggoinggone

      I think Finnish people have separated themselves in too camps: rasists and sheeps. Other ones can't accept that world is changing and people move around and live in different countries nowadays, others (most) are too tolerant towards authority figures and offenders and will always turn they other cheek no matter how many times they get exploited.

      And yes, this screams low self-esteem. Finnish just don't know how to protect and support themselves in an adult, human and civilized way, with respect; respect towards others and themselves. Therefore it's very hard to get any respect from anyone else either.

      I do not understand most of the ways and habits Finnish have. Ways of doing things are just so...unproductive. Stupid, if I may say. Outdated and stupid.

      People here are too stubborn and/or gullible to understand their own best. On one hand, they don't listen or care about other's options, on the other, they let everything slide and blindly trust anyone, especially those who have any kind of authority (in their opinion, it doesn't have to be true tho).

      It's kind of difficult place to live and I don't see much progress happening in the near future. I'm planning to move out.

      • Finnish dude

        World is changing but that doesn't necessarily mean that Finland should change. I like the most part of it the way they are.
        The tolerance towards authority is true. That should really change.

        Yes, many people how low self-esteem here. But talking about it won't change a thing. If you're a smart person, maybe you can think of a way to change it? Instead of focusing your energy to find bad qualities in Finland.
        Finns do have respect towards others. Towards themselves, I'm not so sure.

        If you would say what you mean by our habits, I could comment it. I don't see how our ways of doing things are unproductive? Stupid might some be, as is the case in every single country on this planet.

        Stubborn we mostly are, but gullible? I don't think so. Finns don't believe in anything you tell them. We do listen to other's opinions, we just don't follow the advices we get. That's a shame, yes. Finns DO NOT trust anyone, if anyone at all. Authorities suck, and most finns hate every single authority.

        It's in some perspective a hard place to live in, but I'm glad as hell I was born and raised here. I love Finland. Hail Finland!
        If you really feel that Finland is a bad place and has nothing to offer you, then you Should move away. Good luck!

      • wellnonamesorry
        Finnish dude kirjoitti:

        World is changing but that doesn't necessarily mean that Finland should change. I like the most part of it the way they are.
        The tolerance towards authority is true. That should really change.

        Yes, many people how low self-esteem here. But talking about it won't change a thing. If you're a smart person, maybe you can think of a way to change it? Instead of focusing your energy to find bad qualities in Finland.
        Finns do have respect towards others. Towards themselves, I'm not so sure.

        If you would say what you mean by our habits, I could comment it. I don't see how our ways of doing things are unproductive? Stupid might some be, as is the case in every single country on this planet.

        Stubborn we mostly are, but gullible? I don't think so. Finns don't believe in anything you tell them. We do listen to other's opinions, we just don't follow the advices we get. That's a shame, yes. Finns DO NOT trust anyone, if anyone at all. Authorities suck, and most finns hate every single authority.

        It's in some perspective a hard place to live in, but I'm glad as hell I was born and raised here. I love Finland. Hail Finland!
        If you really feel that Finland is a bad place and has nothing to offer you, then you Should move away. Good luck!

        i like to move away, but have no way to go... unfortunatly for me ;-(

        you sound like a nazi.

    • AnoNo

      they are not ugly at all ! actually you are here racist and rude !! if you say these ugly, you're blind kiinnostuskiikarit.png

      you do not know how to have beautiful girls in Finland, näätte a couple of photos online and give the Finns bad reputation! it is really rude. Finland does not have quite as friendly as some other countries, as it now is in Finnish culture.but can be found there too many friendly and nice people.Finland have a really good school system. And the summer nights are so beautiful and romantic.

    • nimimerkki16

      finis ppl, who are those?

      all those racists alcoholics?

      the same nation as others.
      average portrait:
      nothing special, too much ambitions, little result. high percent of alcoholics from teenage.
      too much self estimate and hate towards others, lot of agression, speak louder when drunk.

      economic problems make them even harder and harder.

      finnish became "made in china".
      estonians became new trend of cheaper and hard working work force.

    • esther5

      Finnish men are very weak, for that they need to drink a lot of vodka, wine and beer, to be able to face the real world. They dont even dare to talk in public without having to drink tons of alcohol and smoking 20 ciragettes.
      They are fake, and they want you to follow the rules that tehy have, but they dont follow the rules and they do what they want. Finnish men are the worst. Forget them

    • herpderp

      Look in the mirror pal, maybe the problem is there.

      • dave23

        of course they are weak animals! it is true

    • gonb

      Finns are parasites. They suck russian money, their country is still economically alive because of russia, and at the same time they shit on russians in all newspapers and hate russians. I would block a
      ll economic contacts with finland if I were putin and saw how this country collapse.

      Why to support parasite, destroy them.

      • juu eipä

        Ja sitten tällä sivullako ei sallita rasismia, tuo hyypiö on oikein rasistien kantaisä. Ha ha mikä munaton pelle.

      • wake up

        wow propaganda has actually worked in russia.

      • Anonyymi

        Suck russians money??:D HAHAHAA XD this is prob real russian, i havent seen this before. I myself have some russian blood, i´m from east-finland and all i can say to you is..f**k off:)

    • ShameOnU!!!

      Finnish people are BORING!!! No one speaks proper English! I've never heard anything more disgusting than a Finn talking English! YUCK.

      • Anonyymi

        I´m sure your mother, who was an ape, speaks better english? Bet you are indian ;)

      • Anonyymi
        Anonyymi kirjoitti:

        I´m sure your mother, who was an ape, speaks better english? Bet you are indian ;)

        And finns have apina and retarded face too

    • boredasfuck

      im finnish and i really think use finnish people are a little retarded. forget the social system aka communism in disguise. i lived in texas and india and i was the slowest person there always. if you say anything some what deep to a finnish person they take it as offence. they think you are trying to trick them or something, they are fucking insane. they will live a empty life because they wount listen to anybody. i hate even talking about finland, its so boring, almost yawning already.

    • Foreign Finnish

      Why does everyone have to say bad things about Finns? Look in the mirrors because we're not perfect, and neither are you!
      I am a girl from Finland. I'm in high school, and still not the smartest person in this country. But the Finns I've learned to know are awesome, though in my former school there was a lot of bullying. But they were kids between ages 13 and 15 or 16. And where I live there's not that much foreigners. I don't really even know someone who speaks Swedish as their first language!
      But I actually find Finnish people pretty polite. Those rude kids in my old school always thank the bus driver after getting off. I like to be polite to bus drivers, salesmen at the grocery stores. There are rude people everywhere. Not only in Finland. And when I'm outside, I don't always say hello my neighbors, but when I hear them say "Hi" I answer and hope I didn't talk with too low voice.
      I was in France last year and I can tell that they are really cold. Colder than Finns. They refused to talk English. Thankly I speak a basics of French and could always say "Bonjour" and "Merci", because that's all you need when you buy something in the stores.
      I could say a lot of bad things about the other countries, but I won't. Even if I don't like them that much. Especially Sweden is a country I don't like that much, though I like to visit Stockholm every now and then. But I love the spirit of competition between Finland and Sweden, when it's time for Ice Hockey World Championship. I could find many bad things from USA but I can also find good sides. I really want to visit USA and many other countries.
      And please, don't judge Finns of being so rude and unpolite, because if you've befriended Finns and found them unloyal, it's your bad luck. I've met some two-faced morons, but mostly my friends are nice.
      And not everyone drinks in Finland. That pisses me off the most. "Every guy in Finland are always drunk." That's not true, there are lot people who drink only sometimes. If you only see the bad sides of some people or country, you are retarded and stupid.
      And if you have bad experiences from living in Finland, that's a bad thing. Because I hate some things in this country.
      And for the racism. NOT EVERYONE IS RACISTS IN THIS COUNTRY! I do have some doubts of refugees coming from Somalia etc. But I don't hate them at all. I think - and so do many other Finns, I'm sure - that they're welcome here. But we have high taxes and if someones just chilling out here, not working, it's just a waste of time coming here. Because the people paying the taxes are paying for them living here, and that is the thing that pisses us off. Not only the skin color.
      And what comes for homosexuals, I can say that my Dad usually says "Why the need to show that on TV?" when he sees a gay scene on television. But he does have gay friends and don't hate them.
      And lastly I want to say that maybe for example Americans are less racistic of foreigners because there's more foreigners living there. In Finland we just came to the time when the foreigners start to come here for real, and it's still pretty new.
      Sorry if my English sucks or some sentences are wrong built. I did my best. And I know it's like some kind of lecture but we Finns do appreciate positive comments and we are actually pretty friendly. Just shy and reserved. It's our culture.
      I really hope the foreigners see that the Finnish people can be polite and loyal friends, because most of them are. Don't judge everyone from one experience, that's just wrong and I've learned that!
      And lastly I want to say that I only wrote my thoughts down and don't even know anymore what I said in this. But I hope it makes sense. :DD

      And I'll tell you again that I am a Finn, not that confident and very shy, but I see myself pretty friendly and caring, since I love kids and respect and love my parents. (And for that I can tell you that from what I've seen, Finns are more respectful to their parents than Britts. Pure fact! But I still think British people are awesome, and I love British accent, it's just so nice :DD

      AND WE ARE NOT STUPID OR RETARDED. Please just don't leave stupid critic, also try to see the good sides!!

      • Foreign Finnish

        Sorry for the mistakes in there. I just noticed :D When I write very fast there can be spelling mistakes etc.

        At the end I meant criticism, not critic :D

    • Choke of coke

      You`d probably like to teach our land to sing in perfect harmony.

    • bassoon

      Queer, isn't it, that the queries start at fairies; nil was ditto acknowledged happening hilariously aftsided the dink, seminal wardens lining up for troubling ointments judiciously spawned from smog-ridden theatricalities; nevertheless emerging upon their quintessential irreducability of hay; the weathered commodity of kinky plains and conscient reefmen, as the aforementioned, nudging latecomers partaking wood in lack of pinstriped mansion-laden barrel accomodities. O! Such lining in commercial happenings was all too seldom abolished as it did now – the rampant longtrampers of that neglected queue; that gathering of willowed haunthurlers about to smeather such uprising as in that year of bows. Who could have marshalled that meandering zest-filled jumble of agreeing naysayers? For their salt is worth, not in the littlest unlike venomous hoarders, such repressions uncapable of pestering an elk let alone an aunt; gimmicking their bunniest fraternity talk at peers. Antlers, indeed, are the refined laymarks specimenting in-laws more than those hooved browsers. Electrical fences would not have kept them apart, powered by the ínky milkiness of drowled hanging clouds, mammalism in utter degrees, yet conducted firmly but stalwartly to the moistened silt, so indifferently succulent but forebodingly effervescent, damping that pseudo-mechanic irrigant until its apparently pinewashed twin took over; yet another proof of the perils of tar.
      All in good discourse, though, considering the masses that pay their ultimate quarters just to visit Ragnhild before laying land in anticipation of foreverness. Land is scarce, channeling that copiously observed still animously propagated turf of parliamentary ashdwellers never properly elected after being self-appointed. Who would not, in face of such opportunity, hedge their pinnings and run, or walk as gentlemen or jeopardized finickers? Best to let sleeping loads dry, not make waves as the liquids are scarce (ridiculous thought, even) and satisfy for the time being in their offsprung branched palates. So take heed and inact over warped crossers of those lost dawns, because at the turbulent times of rewound watchmen, that position is immaculate for even the grayest subsidiaries!

      • bassoon

        oh yeah and I am Finnish.

    • Hakan31

      Here is a Turkish point of view
      Yes, Finland is nice and cold and it's people are much better than most of the Europeans.
      There are few facts that I hate but I don't blame and call all them racist. There are morons and good people in my own country as well.
      -The kebab stamp:
      Wrong. I'm in IT field and studied for years to work my way to one of the major game studios located in espoo. I have never touched a kebab in finland.

      -Hairy monkey:
      I don't call you bald pig, so stop it.

      -F off from my country, wtf are you doing here?
      Sure, I'd leave your country if your people would leave my country.

      -You muslim,
      Wrong, I'm an atheist

      -You f* Camels
      We don't have camels

      -Look, this is your type of music (mentioning indian music)
      Actually rock has arrived at 60's to my country while you were listening tango like stuff. We have more metal and rock bands, we host several festivals such as Rock'n'coke and invite bands such as manower, metallica... Yet, I listen to classical music.

      -You are 3rd world citizen
      No, but we have classes and nearly 80 million population. You can find bugattis, ferraris passing every 5 minutes e.g. in Istanbul. That would happen in every ten years in Finland.

      Still, I don't call you racist what so ever. There are dumbasses in every nation with non functional reasoning skills.

      Have nice week Finland.

      • Hakan31

        Forgot to write that, as my personal experience, I love the Finns most in ENTIRE Europe. I just ignore the morons as I would ignore our morons back in Turkey. I totally disagree with the majority of anti-Finnish crap going on in this forum.
        You can even sit down with a rightwing supporter and discuss politics at same table (make sure you both are not drinking to death though :) )

        About being drunk, are guys serious? How about the Russians, Britts, Estonians and several others that I forgot to mention?

        My experience might be different than other type of immigrants and asylum seekers because I wasn't forced to flee my country. We have somewhat semiworking democracy back home and Finns visit, study and mostly live in my country. Maybe we have sort of mutual respect.

        But if you are a refugee, just ask this question to yourself; could finns go to your country and freely walk at your streets and express personal opinions; specially practice christianity?

        To all forwigners here, please be fair and make your math before experessing your opinion (tasting freedom) in the country you live in. Pay your respects for this country providing you safety and freedom of speech.

      • jfhsfhkg
        Hakan31 kirjoitti:

        Forgot to write that, as my personal experience, I love the Finns most in ENTIRE Europe. I just ignore the morons as I would ignore our morons back in Turkey. I totally disagree with the majority of anti-Finnish crap going on in this forum.
        You can even sit down with a rightwing supporter and discuss politics at same table (make sure you both are not drinking to death though :) )

        About being drunk, are guys serious? How about the Russians, Britts, Estonians and several others that I forgot to mention?

        My experience might be different than other type of immigrants and asylum seekers because I wasn't forced to flee my country. We have somewhat semiworking democracy back home and Finns visit, study and mostly live in my country. Maybe we have sort of mutual respect.

        But if you are a refugee, just ask this question to yourself; could finns go to your country and freely walk at your streets and express personal opinions; specially practice christianity?

        To all forwigners here, please be fair and make your math before experessing your opinion (tasting freedom) in the country you live in. Pay your respects for this country providing you safety and freedom of speech.

        OT: perhaps you´re right, maybe there is some kind of connection between Turks and Finns. I grew up in the ghettos in Stockholm, Sweden, and had mostly Turkish friends. Even today, 30 years later, I find it particularly easy communicating also with people born here from Turkish parents. That special something appears to be inhereditary :-)
        It´s funny, isn´t it?

        I haven´t visited Turkey yet, unfortunately, but some day I will :-)

    • tomi7

      finns are cave people
      finns are slave
      finns are USELESS

      • MissionInTEC

        Those cavemens keep Your ass warm and feed thousands of lazy immigrants in Finland. Greasy young men scratch their balls in refugee centers when Finns do hard work because they must pay all that.

      • Anonyymi
        MissionInTEC kirjoitti:

        Those cavemens keep Your ass warm and feed thousands of lazy immigrants in Finland. Greasy young men scratch their balls in refugee centers when Finns do hard work because they must pay all that.

        Ja sama touhu jatkuu, mehän elätetään nykyään koko saakelin lähi-itä. Sitten aukoovat turpaansa täällä, jotkut ryysyläisintialaisetkin bostailevat kuinka ovat niin kunkkuja ja parempia kun suo-suomalaiset. Sotketaan ne suohon;)

      • Anonyymi
        MissionInTEC kirjoitti:

        Those cavemens keep Your ass warm and feed thousands of lazy immigrants in Finland. Greasy young men scratch their balls in refugee centers when Finns do hard work because they must pay all that.

        Lazy your ass

    • finnish woman

      So interesting to read these comments. I have noticed that finns aren't that good at face-to-face conversations to defend their opinions and values. But often they do it very well, in a objective and non-aggressive way when reading comments online. I'm still pretty sure Nokia got so popular in Finland because of text messages :P

    • 1370

      I am struggling with the myth of Finnish honesty. I found Finnish people very dishonest, untrustworthy and extremely moody. In my experience, they show when there is a benefit and they turn their back where is there is no benefit. Do I take them as friend? No because I can't trust them.

      • Anonyymi

        That is true

    • dave23

      They are extremely materialistic! They wi) sell you for 10€so never trust Finns because they are the most cold-blooded and heartless people on planet earth. They don't see other people in their shoes but only their profit concerns .
      Death for finland Finnish people!!!!

      • turhaatuosonta

        aika paska trolli. mitä tällä yritetään voi jokainen tykönään miettiä. ei tälle palstalle kukaan ulkomaalaistaustainen tule mitään kirjoittelemaan. miten he tänne yleensä löytäisivät ja miksi.

      • Inpacenau

        Nyt suomeksi eli mina olen ulkomaalainen ja loysin tanne. Peace!

    • Ericmeme

      Without any doubt, the most horrible, fake, two faced, disgusting people I have ever met!
      And I am an open minded person.
      If you like to meet a bunch of inbreds visit Finland. If not stay AWAY...

    • 344444444444444

      Finland is shit and USA is fat, stupid shit all the way!

    • donotmakemelaugh

      honesty??? high moral??? excuse me but that is not in finland, people with a lack of common sense noisy neighbors who does not respect, people who make noises day and night, single mothers, lot of drunk people, who cheat, who does not want to work ...because oh yes you have kela who gives you money every month no? lets continue using and abusing from government.... you are just lazy and pathetic people

    • outofhereasap

      Finland is a failure. all éducation and healthcare is bullshit. You have corruption in gov politics take you for a ride. You never express yourself nor défend ur rights. Liés, all liés. Never Come here.

      The most envious, and stupid simpletons i've ever met in my life. Not to mention ugly.

      No real culture here. Everything is copied. Danny a finnish singer was made after johnny hallyday. Maammelaulu is estonian they copy swedes in everything and hate russians.

      Sad sick, depressing place to b in. As if you were thrown into an insane asylum with a bunch of mute apes.

      No joie de vivre. No warmth no happiness. Only petty people talking bad behind ur back.

      Peasants. I pity you.

      Most horrible close minded idiots who envy everything you have.truly disgusting.

      Living here is a slow death. Conscious suicide.

      • Anonyymi

        Oh yeah, Finland is totally copied..never mind being slaves for centuries for 2 mastercountries, never mind being almost totally isolated from others, never mind wars and rebuilding this f u cking country without any help from, supporting and housing prob millions of fake refugees and shit alike who got absolutely no connection to Finland or our history. And what do you know about Finnish culture, you stupid corn chewer..

    • khareiem

      When the human traffickers promise you, that if you go with them to Europe and Finland, You will get there soon permit of residence, job and own home, they lie.
      It is not possible. After a year, there are still thousands of migrants waiting to return place of depature. They are not granted any things mentioned above.

    • Verysadimho

      Finns in their quiet reserve are quite explosive and dangerous when crossed. Or when drunk. Alcohol is a big problem. They are agressive.

      The kill behind closed doors and dont care much for relatives not even small children.

      Most terrible brats ive met in this country.

      They look like pigs. Perunanena. Short legs..

      Thank god i live in latin america. In a poor country yet people are happy there and care about each other! :-)

      Not like in this hellhole.

      • Anonyymi

        You are calling us perunanenä and pigs when your people are short, hairy usually very flat and wide nose and sunken face--not to mention stubby body, women having fat asses, literally. No wonder plastic surgery is so rampant in your countries;)
        I would never ever enter in latin america. It represents everything what is nasty and untrustworthy. Macho culture...doing work is rather slow there and your "hot temperament" can cost lives. Plate breaking for minor trifles isnt our thing lol.

    • Anotherregretfulstudent

      Louud drunk people everywhere. Girls are butt ugly and fat :(

      Never come to finland.

    • finnsareuseless

      I lived in finland ten years and I am from Italy. Recently I went back to my country. Finnish people are bunch of stupid, retarded, idiot, useless, alcoholic, ugly, fat people. They are depressed, lazy and racist. Russia is much better than finland. Fuck finland

      • Fuckofffinland

        May i ask why you suffered ten years over there? Were you married to a finn?

      • Anonyymi

        Nice russian troll;) Sure real russian luuurve italians haha

    • Shitfinn

      They often come off as superficially nice. Like americans theyr all like 'oh sweet..hello...i like you sweethart..i really do' fake fake faaaake. Then they go plot behind ur back out of jealousy coz finns are extremely jealous lot.

      Two faced assholes.

    • ofwhotes

      Women here definately the worst bitches in the world. No manners alittle compliment and legs are spread.

    • Fuckingfinns

      Fuck finland mand the finnish people. Next time i'm going to russia and estonia. They are so much better anyway!!

      Finss are mean, ugly, bad-mannered idiots and often dead jealous.

    • Honestopinion

      You want my #insert nick?

      Well weather/climate honestly sucks. Some sunny days sometimes dont make up all the rain and darkness.
      Too expensive, food, accomodation, everything is more expensive here than in my country. Thank god for lidl.
      Weird tax on alcohol. Lots of drunk people.state makes money on alkoholivero.
      Education is free and easy, dont need to sweat much to be ph.d.

      Healthcare sucks, doctors dont really listen to their patients. If they dont figure out your correct diagnosis, they send you to see a psychiatrist.

      Finnish girls are reather loose, so pussy is not a problem. They arent beautiful tho.

      Lots of social problems, drug users, drunks, whores(or rather just cheap).
      Lots of bulluing at schools. Lots of racism.

      Hard to get a job as a foreginer.

      Dont have any friends here except for students (mainly foreing).

      One plus is that many understand english or at least try to.

      Kekkonen was a soviet spy and yet he is idolized here. Lol.

      They think that they are the best and that they live in paradise.

      Brainwash is strong here but this is a former soviet block country so here you go..

      Journalists are mainly corrupt and so are politicians.
      And if this message gets censored then you just prove my point.

    • Foreingperspective

      Finnish woman:loose, cheap, chrismas tree or completely laisser-aller, butch, no manners.

      Finnish man: no self-confidence, usually a matrass, very violent and verbally abusive. Often drunk.

    • Blacksister


      Finland is pure shit. Bullshit all the way. Nothing to do with the paradise-on-earth they so advertise!

      Cold climate, people are rude and strange, jealous and mean. Expensive, depressing.

      Inbred tribe. Too many fucking alcoholics.

      Truly a strange place to b in.

    • longtimenosun

      Sad place to be... very dark ( already dark like midnight at 4pm ). If you live in apartment building its look like box with horrible WC ( no bathtub ) not even shower box in WC only shower curtain...low standards of living. Rent is overpriced, electricity and water is expensive. Real estate balloon. Good quality food is hard to found and expensive, if you don't eat a lot of pasta with beef like substance call makaronilatikko ( now i know why everyone get fat in the winter )))
      ...young Finnish people with brain do anything to found job or place of studding outside of Finland to move out. Then they return after a few years to visit old relatives and realized they can not live in Finland anymore. Its remind a bit USSR in Brezhnev/Gorbachev time ( economy stagnation and start of reviling of corruption )...
      well, if you don't born in Finland its now easy to adopt here,even Russian people who are neoubours and have similar weather conditions ( also drink ) have hard time here.
      If you don't drink or do not wanna sit naked in sauna you will be not part of the 'club' and if you not part of 'club' you nobody here. You are invisible...

      • Anonyymi

        trollollol trollaus on kivaa eh comrade?;)

      • Anonyymi
        Anonyymi kirjoitti:

        trollollol trollaus on kivaa eh comrade?;)

        Mikä trolli? Tää jätkä puhuu vain fax. Suomi on kyllä paska paikka asua. Tämä takia ei kukaan tykkää teidä lol

      • Anonyymi
        Anonyymi kirjoitti:

        trollollol trollaus on kivaa eh comrade?;)

        You are the stupid brainless troll here..apina

    • Finn2tietheknot

      Woah! I've read through a few of the comments and find them to be very harsh.
      Very emotive-laced language often tells of hidden issues, problems or anxieties.
      I personally have experienced a few anxieties and frustrations here in Finland.

      But the one thing I try to remember is that I chose to be here, I wasn't forced.
      I came here to Finland seeking opportunity, to grow in a relationship.
      I also wanted to extend my work experience and be employed.

      Unfortunately, I have experienced some bumps and barriers in the road.
      These can create frustrations that lead to anger, and ungrateful feelings.
      So, I too, can relate to some thoughts that wish to pin a blame outside myself.

      But at least I have come to recognize it is all just frustrations.
      And, yes, I had frustrations in my form er country before Finland.
      So I am trying to own up to what has made me unhappy at times.
      Taking account of it, I realize these are all emotions, more so than real things.

      These mainly revolve around economic and employment frustrations.
      And deeply a part of these is a language frustration.
      If you cannot effectively master the language, it creates anxiety in itself.

      So, nobody is trying to make me not learn Finnish. I take responsibility for that.
      Nobody is back-stabbing me and preventing me from employment.
      It is part of the same experience immigrants had in my native country.
      Everywhere you go, you have to start over and adapt.

      Nothing falls in your lap. You have to make it happen everyday.
      And when you do experience frustration, you have to make your mind your ally.
      Or else your thinking can quickly erode into overly critical, unappreciative thoughts.

      I have had to deal with that, and rebound from that.

      Now, as far as people here go, I have met genuinely nice Finns for the most part.
      Even when I haven't yet mastered then national language, this has been the case.
      I truly appreciate the things as they are, knowing they can be as they are, and me, too.
      Finns are no different in that regard than other places in the world. People are people.
      Every where you go, there are trees, dirt and buildings. But you are still the same.

      I have also met other immigrants, and it is true we can complain too much at times.
      I think it starts out as ways to commiserate with each other. It's basically small talk.
      I've heard criticisms before, but truthfully they are overblown from stress as immigrants.
      But I think we really just want to feel included, find work, and some enjoyments.
      We don't really mean to be pissy, hyper-critical or paranoid types. We're just stressed.

      I would suggest everybody who has fallen into a funk in their thinking take stock of things.
      If you are unhappy, why is that? You'll probably realize economics and employment as reasons.
      These are factors no matter where you go. So, if you're compounding it with bad attitude...

      I am still struggling here for things I wish for, revolving around employment.
      This one things keeps me from achieving a lot of things that are important to me.
      But the economy is improving. My mastery of the Finnish language is improving.
      I chose to be here. I must accept that some things are challenges, and not closed doors.

      I don't know if I will make it here in Finland, but plenty of people here have given me the chance.
      And for that I want to be remembered as grateful. I don't want to complain any more.
      Maybe I will as a result improve my outlook, and manifest the things I wish for.

      Best wishes for all~!

    • oogabooga

      Most of these comments are just Mediterranean people complaining about Finland not being culturally similar to the Mediterranean countries.
      I guess not being able to bribe cops really annoys them :D

      • Nuno

        No believe to God, cold, stupid like lambs and FEMINISM. I am from Evora Portugal. Can I writin in my leanguage?

        Quem diz família diz lar; quem diz lar diz atmosfera moral e economia própria – economia mista de consumo e de produção. O trabalho da mulher fora do lar desagrega este, separa os membros da família, torna-os estranhos uns aos outros. Desaparece a vida em comum, sofre a obra educativa das crianças, diminui o número destas; e com o mau ou impossível funcionamento da economia doméstica, no arranjo da casa, no preparo da alimentação e do vestuário, verifica-se uma perda importante, raro materialmente compensada pelo salário recebido. Por vezes perde-se de vista a importância dos factores morais no rendimento do trabalho. O excesso da mecânica que aproveita o braço leva a desinteressar-se da disposição interior. Em todo o caso continua exacto ainda hoje, na maior parte da produção, que a alegria, a boa disposição, a felicidade de viver, constituem energias que elevam a qualidade e a quantidade do trabalho produzido. A família é a mais pura fonte dos factores morais da produção.

      • Anonyymi

        Ohhh another jealous and stupid finn

      • Anonyymi

        Are you Nostradamus? What a fucking, stupid, retarded comentarios, ah well it is true you are Finn

    • Nuno

      Finland..Not history, no gothique, no culture, PEOPLE ARE VERY MATERIALISTIC. NO SPIRITUALITY..No wine-culture..and all good is forbidden. Smoking forbbiden every were..I dont like. and ALL IS VERY VERY EXPENSIVE. THIS COUNTRY IS BORING.

      • Germps

        Smoking is a good thing? Are u from where lol ? :D

    • Feministactivist

      The negative comments have lots of truth. I been living here for about 5 y, and still cant get a friends, even girls are weird.
      Iam good looking guy, but as foreign its hard to read their signals whatsoever.
      If u just say hi, u get weird angry looks. That also happens when i walk in the street and if i had good day, i have smile on my face, couse of that people also give strange looks.
      Women have strang manners, they talk lots of finnish bad words and behave like some guys tooo.
      Iam from Estonia, people think that our culture is very close to the finnish one, wich is not.
      I cant even write, it makes me sick...i am here , couse i have kids and i want to be close to them, otherwise i would move out...
      Country is nice..but people have 2 faces as many commenters mentioned...

      • Making friends here is hard even for a finn. Its always been issue here in finland, own small circles and no friendly vibe at all..

      • Germps
        peppupupu kirjoitti:

        Making friends here is hard even for a finn. Its always been issue here in finland, own small circles and no friendly vibe at all..

        Lets make friends? I give my contacts for you, a link: Privnote, that consist my facebook, whatsapp?

    • Nuno71

      cold country and cold people..very hard to get job, peope unpolite...lonnelinness, womens brainwashed of feminism. not catholic country..nothing old. no gothic no barocco, nothing..poor country. I am from Portugal.

      • Anonyymi

        So, why do you think you will find barocco, or majestic gothic styles in VERY small country which been under slavery almost all it´s existence? Most finns were VERY poor and lived in huts and can you tourists etc be so damn dumb you don´t know even basics about Finlands history? Where the hell you have got an idea that this would be some big flashy european country or america??

      • Anonyymi
        Anonyymi kirjoitti:

        So, why do you think you will find barocco, or majestic gothic styles in VERY small country which been under slavery almost all it´s existence? Most finns were VERY poor and lived in huts and can you tourists etc be so damn dumb you don´t know even basics about Finlands history? Where the hell you have got an idea that this would be some big flashy european country or america??

        And you finns are dumb too about europe and many other places

      • Anonyymi
        Anonyymi kirjoitti:

        So, why do you think you will find barocco, or majestic gothic styles in VERY small country which been under slavery almost all it´s existence? Most finns were VERY poor and lived in huts and can you tourists etc be so damn dumb you don´t know even basics about Finlands history? Where the hell you have got an idea that this would be some big flashy european country or america??

        Flashy this? Nooo this is shitty not flashy

    • Germps

      How do you guys meet women here lol? They are toooo suspicious, iam self confident enough to go to talk women straight without being drunk or jerk, in fact i dont drink alcohol at all!
      But there is something about the women , some strange wall...yes its possible to find a drunk women from bar for 1 night, not my thing. Iam Estonian guy, iam not bad looking, but still struggle to find female company..i feel so lonely in times, as someone mentioned the loneliness and find some communication with people, indeed its hard...
      Dunno, any hints? Maybe its my nationality that plays role here...I know one thing, when i went to estonia in chistmas time 2018 with ship, and suddenly finnish women come and say Hi to me, or many them flirt randomly, and in Estonia they come and want to find companies from bars lol, when iam myself in finland, this doesnt happen. Is there some social fears for women towards other peoples judgements ? lol

    • Per-kel

      Hooray and up he raises early in the morning :)

      • Yeah, no women in finland..

    • Anonyymi

      I am from Finland and I hate my culture. And when I say this, you don't need to take it all the time so damn personally, ok? Ot every one is "bad" or "good" in any country, but in general Finnish people are quite narrow-minded. Rasism is very normal and accepted. It's just a fact. Judging others is a big part of the "spirit" in Finland. Never thinking good about others. Never trusting others. I have had countless friends who just change their mind about me suddenly and especially my Tibetan husband,even though he's been so kind to them. Getting real and lifelong friends is hard in Finland. Thinking that we have the best education... What kind of a education do we have if we can't use it in real life? If we know so little about the world and judge so much others? What kind of an education is that? You mean because you learn thing from books?! What about experience? THAT I call real education. How to respect others. That's rare in Finland. And then the high taxes on top that... The high prices... Salary poor, basic salary is same like in countries where prices are half of that in Finland...! I've had enough. If you do good for others you usually don't get anything positive back in longterm. Maybe in the beginning but then that judging comes again in some point. Finland is only good for technology, but not for art, frendliness, happiness, music, food... Nothing. Just coldness. Just try to see this Finnish people and only then you can change yourself to become more happy, more friendly and more warm-hearted.

    • Anonyymi

      How all of you haters and complainers have even time and energy for this ? Why dont you go to do something more reasonable ?

      To live happy life in finland you need to get as a native, go fishing, hunting, swimming in the lake, collect berries, crosscountry ski in and sleds in winter etc simple life. Please, dont try to bring any sophistcated shit in here and let us live our own life as pleased. Then we dont have a problem. Anyway had to agree most of opinions of Finnish people.


      White middle aged littlebit racist finnish dude from backwoods

      • Anonyymi

        Simple shitty luolaihminen yeppp

    • Anonyymi

      At least my VItuu doesn’t smell like stall Iz Mercer

    • Anonyymi

      Gossip, oh they love it. Even it is not true. They are jeaulous of everything. Especially when the have apartment abroad, they are mean to eachothers and want everything go as in Finland. If they see someone hurt forex. at the street, they mostly just pass you. Never trust no Finn nor anyone else.

    • Anonyymi

      Yeah, Finland really is a lousy country,
      it is tiresome, wearing you down,
      you'll feel like shit after awhile.
      These people too are extream imitators,
      they got NY caps, Cali shirts etc.,
      but they love to bash the U.S.,
      not all of them but many.
      These people are someways stupid too,
      they know a lot of geography and basic stuff
      but are hick type, left behind in human development
      and they can't stand the fact that no country is interested in Finland and most people out there in real World
      don't know anything about Fin.
      Damn, I wish I could drop this shit place for good!
      I used to like people in general,
      but in this shitty Fin I have become somewhat
      allergic to people?!

      Avoid shitty Fin

    • Anonyymi

      finnish people are close minded and like to judge other people.
      Brainless swamp people in other words.

      • Anonyymi

        Who you are calling a swamp people you donkey shite? At least these "swamp" people built welfare country after wars and made mobile phones trendy. You sandbeggars think your "education" is so damn high, im not sure how you even end up here i mean, what the hell do you even do in nordic countries??

      • Anonyymi
        Anonyymi kirjoitti:

        Who you are calling a swamp people you donkey shite? At least these "swamp" people built welfare country after wars and made mobile phones trendy. You sandbeggars think your "education" is so damn high, im not sure how you even end up here i mean, what the hell do you even do in nordic countries??

        Actually triggered LULW

      • Anonyymi
        Anonyymi kirjoitti:

        Who you are calling a swamp people you donkey shite? At least these "swamp" people built welfare country after wars and made mobile phones trendy. You sandbeggars think your "education" is so damn high, im not sure how you even end up here i mean, what the hell do you even do in nordic countries??

        They do not have to give you explanations about what they are doing with their lives, do your stupid apina brain understand that?

    • Anonyymi

      Holy s**t!
      God bless that I have not met these haters.
      I hope that they have gone home already.
      Finland rules! Se have this thing called "reilu meininki" hahahahhahaaa....

      • Anonyymi

        Trolleja ne on suurin osa, ja vieläpä suomalaisia:)

      • Anonyymi

        What a big bullshit you do not even believe yourself

    • Anonyymi

      Yeah, this Finland sure ain't a country to live,
      pathetic weak government, tiresome people.
      I wish I could get outta here but not likely anytime soon.
      History of Finland explains a lot,
      finlandization is what Finland is about.
      Sad ass country!

      • Anonyymi

        Ehm..i think our country history is far longer than start of finlandization days lol. Maybe you foreigns should ask about finlands history from real finns instead of assuming your own:)

    • Anonyymi

      Who are all these funny but pathetic moaners?? They can´t be adults, because they would be working here and concentrating on that..many are crying they just popped in here and can´t get out. They are most likely some mixed family kids or students.
      If you don´t like to study here(for free) you can always quit and leave;)

      • Anonyymi

        If you like being slave to your country then go ahead. But saying "studying here is fore free" is fucking bullshit. You need to get a loan for your books and for your food too. Government will only help you housing and nothing else. That's very pathetic of you when the house and food are overpriced and there is lots of low income jobs. But hey, enjoy being slave to your country :)

      • Anonyymi kirjoitti:

        If you like being slave to your country then go ahead. But saying "studying here is fore free" is fucking bullshit. You need to get a loan for your books and for your food too. Government will only help you housing and nothing else. That's very pathetic of you when the house and food are overpriced and there is lots of low income jobs. But hey, enjoy being slave to your country :)

        Wow, yeah kind of true. But you can still study or find to make more money, be smart. Iam sure you find the way, its expensive if people drink and smoke or use drugs. Life gets expensive that way.

      • Anonyymi

        Moaners because we say things as they are? Poor envious Finn

    • Anonyymi

      Highly untrustworthy people,
      just like the government (Read history)
      People are the gov. And the other way around.
      There are some good people too but
      unusually high number of two-faced people,
      very difficult to trust anyone.
      This country is not a Western type country
      in a true sense of the word West,
      there's a song out there with lyrics:
      West Is the Best!
      So, there u go?!

      • Anonyymi

        Are you surprised Finland isn´t like "west"? Check that damn map lol.

    • It takes time to get to know Fins. It can be pain taking process, it depends also where you from and how they accept you, if you are from Spain, Italy i think at least females will love it. But i agree its very hard and time consuming to get to know people. Iam Estonian, and i can say it takes lots years to find some people you gonna fit with.
      I remember first, when i moved here, i felt really lonely for years, and i started to blame myself that its about me, and they dont like me. My self esteem went really 0. I had depressive mood. But time passed by i got used to this culture and i think i become more one of them lol

      • Anonyymi

        Hey, we finns and estonians are like brothers really and there are people who appreciate your folk. Some finns are jerks of prob know our history and marks what it left on finns and their psyche. Some are still licking swedish butt and only swedes are worshipped here haha. I call that bs..don´t give up, after all these world wide panics are over i´m sure you encounter more relaxed finns:)

      • Anonyymi kirjoitti:

        Hey, we finns and estonians are like brothers really and there are people who appreciate your folk. Some finns are jerks of prob know our history and marks what it left on finns and their psyche. Some are still licking swedish butt and only swedes are worshipped here haha. I call that bs..don´t give up, after all these world wide panics are over i´m sure you encounter more relaxed finns:)

        Thank you for your kindness.. I just dont hang out anymore that much, so i dont worry anymore about finding company, i feel more content with myself, but sometimes could nice to meet new people man or female both would do it:)

    • Anonyymi

      Shitty place to live in. Low income jobs (such slavery). Housing and food are overpriced. Lots of people here who work are depressed as they cannot save money and not have fun with it. Shitty government too. But what do I think about Finnish people? They are waste of oxygen. They should end themselves NOW!

      • But you live still in Finland right ;)

      • Anonyymi
        Germps112 kirjoitti:

        But you live still in Finland right ;)

        Well everyone can live and do whatever they want with their lives and is not your fucking problem

    • Anonyymi

      Bad country to live!
      Mentally weak people, not all but too many!
      Real bad road conditions for a city in Helsinki.
      Insecure government, existing in fear for decades,
      damage done.
      Stay away from here!

      • Anonyymi

        Paska nama. Vitu nama!

    • Anonyymi

      To begin with Finnish are great cooks; they can make bread that will make you cry! They make a meat pie that will end up being a favorite dish once tasted. They build 90% of all cruise ships and if you've ever been on a cruise ship it's very impressive. They're not only beautiful they are also very strong and built to absolute perfection. Their country is stunning and extremely clean; it's people are warm and friendly. Their big past time is going to sauna; the big or small steam baths they've built for relaxation and known to really get you clean. My mothers family hails from Finland and they are very gregarious people. Once you befriend one of them, you have a friend for life! Tough people too. Sisu! They're the only country that has paid their war debt, and their language is one --if not thee most difficult to speak in the world. Long live Finland! Kittos!

      • Bread and meat pies, are you kidding right?. You really are delusional man.

      • Anonyymi

        What a stupid retarded comment, take an airplane out of your stupid fabulous country, see something diferent hah

    • Anonyymi

      Your comment is offensive and ugly. Finns are a strong, and kind people. They speak one of the most difficult languages in the world; and would never insult a people like you have here. Vittu Nama would be your name in Finnish. Wear it proudly.

      • Anonyymi

        Kind? That is a joke, they like to speak a lit of bullshit, love gossip, and they are fake, close minded and racist

    • Anonyymi

      yes, they are racists, they believe that only their horrible and depressing country is the best, when it is not, they believe they are the best, they believe that what they do is the best, that their way of doing it is the best, they have a disproportionate ego , they think they are superior, and they believe that foreign things are shit and only theirs is worth it, I have met many rude people here, without manners, who do not even say good morning, who have never left this country but they dare to criticize other countries and feel superior, they believe that foreigners come to take advantage of their "welfare state" they are pathetic, drunk, racist people, with little empathy, without knowing how to have normal communication with other people, Finland surprises the ignorant that idealizes, but when you get to know them you realize how bitter, frustrated, envious, and negative people they are

    • Anonyymi

      The comment above is so correct.
      It all really is about like that.
      I wish it was not because I live here,
      I live here because I have failed myself,
      not sure why but I guess I'm not good enough?
      On top of that there are reasons why I cannot leave,
      I feel quite bad here but it could be even worse?
      Once upon a time I felt great and had a great life,
      I was lucky back then to be living away from Fin.
      Well, ya all have a great weekend if u can?!

    • Anonyymi

      Ala-arvoiset tiet, aiheuttaneet vahinkoa autolleni,
      teiden korjaus surkeaa laatua kuin pula-aikana,
      korvauksen saaminen kuin olisi Virossa.
      Kalliit verot ja kaikenlaiset maksut kuin Norjassa!
      Oppipoika valtio jolle helppo valehdella EU:ssa,
      jotta saisi mahdollisimman paljon rahaa pois Suomesta!
      Jotenkin vaan tuntuu kuin olisi kohta jossain
      Euroopan kaatopaikalla mihin ei Saksalaiset,
      Ranskalaiset, Hollantilaiset ym kunnollisista
      Euroopan maista kotoisin olevat halua ollenkaan,
      vaan ja ainoastaan maista joista halutaan pois
      minne vaan!
      Suomi oli ennen ihan ok maa -70, -80 luvuilla,

      • Anonyymi

        Mitä tarkoitat kunnollisista Euroopan maista?

    • Anonyymi

      Sheepish, loathsome, envious bunch of people who managed to elevate a propensity for stubbornness and inability to change own mind to a level of national virtue: sisu!

      Strange mix of misplaced pride and a huge inferiority complex, the result of which is the racist xenophobic attitude mentioned above.

      That said, there are gems to be found here, especially amongst the women kind. I have no idea why that is, probably because women are naturally more social and not as prejudiced.

    • Anonyymi

      They are lazy as hell at work, then they dare to complaint about " mammus" i mean refugees and foreigners, they are coming here to live from kela, social benefits and bla bla, i know many finns with NO WILL to work but it is easy to blame foreigners, also they do not want to hire foreigners because they are racist, so tell me jow the hell a foreigner can survive if NO ONE wants to give them a job??

    • Anonyymi

      mediocre country, of mediocre people with mediocre and poor mentality, excessively dependent on the state, and complain about foreigners when the Finns are the first conformist parasites dependent on the kela

    • Anonyymi


    • Anonyymi

      I have kind of become somewhat allergic to people
      after few too many years in Finland,
      I wish I had never ended up here,
      now it's very difficult for me to leave, unfortunately so.
      The World is changing and I think something
      really bad may end up happening to Finland?
      I don't wish anything bad for Finland
      but I think many signs are pointing in that direction
      and a lot of it is the fault of Finland herself.
      It's too much to list here,
      Finland has made serious mistakes geopolitically speaking and has also played from both sides of fence,
      so to speak, and may end up paying for that in the end.
      I hope everything will be ok for everyone but
      I don't think so, me included.
      I wish I could leave this place for good and
      get my life back just the way I had it before
      I came here.

    • Anonyymi

      all of finland is a failure, the system of integration with foreigners is a failure because they are racist and put qualified foreigners to do shitty jobs, cleaning bathrooms, etc... i went to university, i come from a rich family, with a lot of money and properties i have studied several languages, excuse me but i am not going to work as a cleaner.

      • Anonyymi

        If you’re coming from a rich family why are you staying in Finland?. I am not Finnish myself but I am European and you sound like an arrogant prick to me. I suspect you’re not European and you might find difficult to find anyone in Europe who would ever please your arrogant ass.

      • Anonyymi

        No, I am not a Finn.

    • Anonyymi

      This country has many Soviet type governmental
      programs and ways of doing things,
      one must have his/her car inspected every year,
      now it can be a private company but few years ago
      it had to be a government owned station that did
      the inspection.
      They used to have TV spies/inspectors who would
      sneak behind people's private homes and listen
      secreatly behind door if the TV was on and no
      TV yearly fee was not paid up JUST TO WATCH TV!
      Nowdays this fee is being taken in everyone's taxes
      even those who do not have a TV!
      Alcohol can only be purchased from a government
      owned alko stores, low alc beer can be bought
      at private stores but even that used to be only at
      government stores!
      Very few immigrants here come from any Western countries and it is not surprising,
      the atmosphere is kinda like in Eastern Europe.
      They talk a lot about how great they have it
      and how stupid other countries are but
      everything here was invented elsewhere like
      cars, airplanes, computers, lightbulbs,
      electricity, TV, radio, trains, traffic lights,
      microwaves, stoves, refrigerators, freezers,
      telephones, cell phones, internet, lottos,
      Bluetooth, remote control, clocks, watches,
      Just an insecure government in fear of future
      and very two-faced people without history!

    Ketjusta on poistettu 39 sääntöjenvastaista viestiä.

    Luetuimmat keskustelut

    1. Saako kaunis ihminen parempaa kohtelua?

      Onko kauniin ihmisen elämä "helpompaa" kuin tavallisen näköisen ihmisen? Olen kuullut väittämän, että kaunis ihminen saa
    2. En rehellisesti usko et oisit

      Sekuntiakaan oikeasti mua kaivannut. Tai edes miettinyt miten mulla menee. Jotenkin todennäköisesti hyödyt tästäkin jos
    3. Ei ole kyllä mennyt

      Kovin hyvin kun alussa pieni sekoaminen hänestä 😏
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    5. Näin sinusta taas unta!

      Unessa olin pakahtuneesti rakastunut sinuun. Olimme vanhassa talossa jossa oli yläkerran huoneissa pyöreät ikkunat. Pöly
    6. Nainen, olet jotenkin lumoava

      Katselen kauneuttasi kuin kuuta, sen loistoa pimeässä. Sen kaunis valo on kaunista sekä herkkää ja lumoavaa. Olet naisel
    7. Olet muutenkin tyhmä

      Ja käyttäydyt epäasiallisesti siinä työssäsi.
    8. Se sinun kaipauksen kohde

      Ei todellakaan käy täällä höppänä mies.
    9. En muuttaisi sinusta mitään

      Ensin olit etäinen ja yritin pysyä tutkan alapuolella. Mutta ei silmiltäsi jää mitään huomaamatta, kuten minulla ei kuul
    10. Et katso sitä

      Niinkuin minua. Ehkä se luo toivetta